A message for the right-thinking who will say that this strip is racist: that's just humor, parody of the clichés in comics and cartoons of years ago.
Before you post to say it's offensive, ask yourself if you feel personally insulted. Si you don't, don't say anything. People who feel badly targeted can speak for themselves.
Any post containing racism or anything looking a little tendentious will be deleted without warning.
Ostatnie zmiany na stronie DBM:
— Komentarze: Przy przyciskach "odpowiedz" i "edytuj wiadomość", kliknięcie przewija do formularza;
— Komentarze: przycisk "Spoiler"nie działał na stronach profilu, naprawione.
— Niedawno została dodana obsługa gestu przewijania (swipe) do zmiany stron. Teraz to poprawnie działa tylko wtedy, gdy strona jest faktycznie widoczna.
Before you post to say it's offensive, ask yourself if you feel personally insulted. Si you don't, don't say anything. People who feel badly targeted can speak for themselves.
Any post containing racism or anything looking a little tendentious will be deleted without warning.
Cartoons and added ideas of the 3 pages by Piratesourcil (his blog, french).