Vrei sa devii alb?
Ah ah,deloc...
Defapt, psh, psh, psh...
Ce-si doreste?
Whaw! Am devenit toti negrii!
E ok, parul mi'a ramas negru, Inca sunt un Saiyan adevarat.
Firar,oamenii ma vor confunda cu Mr Popo...
Uite,Buu nu s'a schimbat!
puterile acestea supernaturale si ridicole nu merg pe mine!
Before you post to say it's offensive, ask yourself if you feel personally insulted. Si you don't, don't say anything. People who feel badly targeted can speak for themselves.
Any post containing racism or anything looking a little tendentious will be deleted without warning.
Cartoons and added ideas of the 3 pages by Piratesourcil (his blog, french).