Tu nori tapti baltaodžiu?
Ah ah, nevisai...
psh, psh, psh...
Ko jis prašo?
Whaw! Mes visi tapome juodaodžiais!
Gerai, mano plaukai liko juodi, Aš visdar tikras Sajanas.
Šūdas, žmonės maišys mane su Ponu Popu...
Žiūrėkit, Buu nepasikeitė!
Tai taip!
Šios kvailos galios ant manęs neveikia!
Before you post to say it's offensive, ask yourself if you feel personally insulted. Si you don't, don't say anything. People who feel badly targeted can speak for themselves.
Any post containing racism or anything looking a little tendentious will be deleted without warning.
Cartoons and added ideas of the 3 pages by Piratesourcil (his blog, french).