Dupa vindecare, Gokû s-a alaturat lor dar a intarziat cu 6 zile
Va ajunge la timp?Gohan deja a fost observat salvand viata unui copil namekian...
Abia au scapat de Dodoria,care credea ca i-a ucis.
Micutul namekian era numit Dende. S-a bazat pe pamanteni.
Suspicios, Frieza e cerut sa vada cadavrele!
Grrr... Ar merge o scufundare!
...deci mai sunt doar doua grupuri de namekieni care inca isi au globurile
Trebuie sa-i averitzam. Voi merge in satul unde i-am simtit pe ceilalt. E chiar acolo
Trebuie sa-l vad pe Batranul Intelept. E departe de aici, dar trebuie
Vin cu tine!Nu poti merge singur!
In DBZ at this time, our heroes get out of the cave and feel that Vegeta is killing a village. They decide to keep a low profile, but here Kulilin decides to visit this Namek village. Dende still wants to see the Grand Elder. For a change, it's Gohan who accompany him.
In DBZ , the trip to the Grand Elder is made by foot, taking several days, so that Vegeta won't find them. Here, they can fly at full speed, because Freeza's men don't have scouters.
In addition, Dodoria is not killed by Vegeta.