Goccu i seguitò ma 6 ghjorni dopu...
Ghjunghjerà à l'ora ? Gohan si facia digià rimarcà salvendu un zitellu...
Dodoria credia d'avelli tombu ma scapponu.
U zitellu Nameccu si chjamava Dendè.
Si fidò à i Terriani.
Suspettosu, Freeza volse vede i cadaveri
Grrr... Mi tocca à nutà
...dunque ùn fermanu chè 2 Palle di u Dragone in manu à i Namecchi
Ci tocca à priveneli. Vò à u paese duve emu intesu e forze, quallà.
devu andà à vede l'Anzianu Maiò ! Ghjè luntanu da quì.
cun tè !
Ùn ci poi andà solu.
In DBZ at this time, our heroes get out of the cave and feel that Vegeta is killing a village. They decide to keep a low profile, but here Kulilin decides to visit this Namek village. Dende still wants to see the Grand Elder. For a change, it's Gohan who accompany him.
In DBZ , the trip to the Grand Elder is made by foot, taking several days, so that Vegeta won't find them. Here, they can fly at full speed, because Freeza's men don't have scouters.
In addition, Dodoria is not killed by Vegeta.