DB Multiverse

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Shabby 36min, 49s
Ellie estava dizendo:
we already know from the official story that gogeta is MUCH stronger than lolvegito.

There's nothing in either canon that says either is stronger. Super introduces dumb weaknesses that make Dance better, but not necessarily stronger or weaker.

JustSaiyan estava dizendo:
Could somebody please explain what the "other universes of Universe 20" means???

Are the main mods even involved in this side hustle?

So, every universe where fought Broly as Mega Buu (the DBM story, not this) started as the same universe (universe 20). In most, Salagir says. It deviated there to "two paths", Universe "21" where Broly died, and 20, where Broly survived.

It's the same thing now. They started this fight and the fight could have gone several ways. Consider those universes like 20, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3...

In this one, Broly wins, in another, Broly one shots Vegeta and wins without a Gogeta, in another, Vegeta is killed and Gohan and Goku fuse. In another, they start the fight fused. (These are all examples)

Tldr: It should say "deviations from universe 20"
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 75
Shabby 1 dia, 5h

I'm okay with the ice change. It's not perfect but it's no big deal. It's better than tearing at the immaterial fabric of space.

Some people have an issue with the art, which I understand.

The bigger issue is just characters making impossibly wrong choices, Plan B, which they'd devised before the fight, was infinitely better than Plan A.

There's no universe where the Z Fighters make these choices.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 75
Shabby 2 dias, 18h
John-no-arms estava dizendo:
Gohan/Nasu is probably the 2nd strongest of the group by now. I wonder how close (or how far) he is from Vegeta!

Probably close enough that one of his adolescent rages can last long enough to beat Vegeta down, before the humans help finish him off.

I hope that's where the story is going.
Saigo no Son page 36
Shabby 2 dias, 23h
RIP, New Trunks 1 Resposta(s)
The inexorable distortion page 19
Shabby 14 Março
It's a shame that the human universes are always up against indomitable threats, it's so nice to get to see og characters get the spotlight.
DB Multiverse page 2467
Shabby 14 Março
Aside from the last two, you're retrofitting to the initial introductions of each transformation. Goku got SS2 the same way he got SS3. Vegeta has gotten all of his transformations out of jealousy.
The inexorable distortion page 18
Shabby 14 Março
jonathan_vik estava dizendo:
What the heck can the bonus chapter even be about? Everyone is dead!

Gonna be honest, I could absolutely enjoy five pages of Brolycicle floating through space.

Each panel, the ice just gets bigger and bigger. 2 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 74
Shabby 13 Março
@Zen Kuu, Good points about U18/16 taking the Broly fight immediately serious.

Vegito understood that nobody there stood a chance, so he immediately saved Goku by distracting Broly.

I miss Hero Vegito

— --

People talk about mirroring all the time, and I get it.

Mirroring is a great tool for outlines. It can also work if you're going to obstruct part of the character behind someone else.

You can also mirror and then edit the result, which a lot of artists do. It's even useful to start from there if you're not naturally good at consistent proportions

Saiyan armor is symmetrical, but a saiyan body is only symmetrical in shape, it shouldn't be a perfect mirror on the page.

Buu's clothing is symmetrical but you'd never draw it symmetrical on him (wrinkles and all). It would stand out like a sore thumb 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 74
Shabby 13 Março
mAc Chaos estava dizendo:
A childhood dream... man, DBM has been around for a long time now huh.

16 years.

Holy Crap, Lois.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 74
Shabby 13 Março
thebritwriter estava dizendo:
Wait that was the first chapter? Bit of a let down given it was 90% recap but we’ll see how this goes moving forward.

It did fine. It established the contrast between where DBS left Future Trunks (happily ever after, besides the infinite trauma) with where this fanmanga is starting (infinite rage and infinite trauma).

But no dual wield :( 1 Resposta(s)
The inexorable distortion page 18
Shabby 13 Março
I'll just leave some advice.

If this were your own story, with your own characters, you can make characters make poor choices, and people won't be so bothered. Although, if your characters have a super tool, like fusion, and don't use it ASAP, it will still get criticized when it comes up later.

Sidenote, this is why DBM Broly is so criticized in a story that is otherwise well liked. He's not a deviation, or an evolution, he's a boring overhaul, worse than the movie's creation.

But we know who this crew is, we know all the power and strategy available to them, and they approached the fight with no strategy. The year they had changed nothing at all, except for SS3 Vegeta.

If you're excluding great strategy, or including bad strategy (Raditz and Nappa), people will react
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 74
Shabby 12 Março
hetap estava dizendo:
So, I think this confirms that the lie Thorn was talking about was that Gero did not kill Gohan. He turned him into an android. Before people thought the lie was that they were able to kill a cyborg, but Krillin confirms here that he did indeed kill one (somehow lol, guessing Kienzan).

That's been obvious, it's by far the best way to add weight to this story

And Gobot would be the only thing that Gast might have (emotional) trouble against. And Gobot might keep his rage mechanic.

Or they were already forced to kill him, being the one they killed.
DB Multiverse page 2466
Shabby 12 Março
Krillin estava dizendo:
Catch me if you can.

Narrator: They could.
DB Multiverse page 2466
Shabby 12 Março
Teleported_Bread estava dizendo:
I've seen much worse. At least Rage's existence is salvageable.

I don't think it is. An SS2 tier fighter Gohaning himself to above Vegito is just ludicrous
The inexorable distortion page 17
Shabby 11 Março
DrowsyBean estava dizendo:
ssjrage gonna get whooped if this version of goku black already has ssj rose

Good, worst thing ever. 1 Resposta(s)
The inexorable distortion page 17
Shabby 11 Março
We love your stories goten_kun

I'm hopeful that Gohan (and maybe Nappa) turn on the Saiyans and become the protectors of Earth and have a long happy ending.

Besides U16/18, Gohan never ever gets a good life. 1 Resposta(s)
Saigo no Son page 34
Shabby 11 Março
Super Gojita 3 estava dizendo:
so...the gang made things worse by doing something?

never mind the idea of just letting brolly burn through his life force with lssj, they had like what...10-15 years of mayhem?

just let him run his course and then use porunge and moori who are sitting in otherworld alive and waiting for brolly to die, they summon porunga when he is dead and just reset everything with the exception of brolly

even if brolly breaks the ice barrier that way, he already did so in this example.

I'm not a fan of the outcome or how anyone is portrayed, and I don't care what sal did with u20

Of course, the characters probably didn't know about Broly's lifespan.

The biggest problem, as I've always said, is that Broly defeated a character far more powerful than any of them, MegaBuu v1, and their Plan A was just to jump him all together. Plan B was incomparably better.

They also know that Broly defeated a Black Hole lol.

Plan C, unseen, was the best. Buu absorb Gogeta as well. And Janemba when he shows up. By golly, I bet he'd be almost as powerful as fatigued Vegito (lol)

And these characters aren't stupid. They're identical to Z fighters, except that Broly missed the sun. We can tell, since Uub and Buu are there.

Team power never works in Dragonball directly. It always has to be combined in one person. (Fusion, Spirit Bomb, Broly Movie)

A team did beat a worn-down Vegeta.

Vegeta helped vs cell, but Cell was struggling v Gohan, Vegeta offered a distraction.

In Father/Son Kamehameha, it was more morale boosting. Goku didn't actually contribute to it. 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 73
Shabby 10 Março
Mustard estava dizendo:

I know about that. That's still before this.

The two stories are essentially the same basic thing. They tell the last events of U20 before the tournament. Both are an all-out battle in which they lose.

So yes, DBM DID do their version of this story.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 73
Shabby 10 Março
Mustard estava dizendo:
Yeah, this is the problem with trying to write a story where the ending is already decided. I assume this is why there's not a DBM canon version of this story.

There literally is. https://w...&chapter=80

In it, the characters are ambushed and put together the best possible plan they can in the moment.

Also, lots of prequel stories tell a story where the basic ending is already known, like the Star Wars prequels. They aren't perfect, sure, but there's a great thread in there about the tragedy of it all. 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 73
Shabby 10 Março
Teleported_Bread estava dizendo:
There's no way Broly would survive even that.
But this makes me wanna see the original story even more. The author mentioned his belief that it will never come to light. I hope the community would band together to collab and help him instead, if that were really the case.

I know he said it, but I think it's a myth. No one made him tell the story this way. Maybe DBM objected to some planned plot point (I doubt it), but it still doesn't explain the disjointed plot events.

I think Uub had one line, Bojack too (who cares), Janemba was a distraction. Raditz and Nappa got more screentime than almost everyone, but the final three fighters.

It genuinely feels like, much like Chibi Son Bra, each page was mostly just what he felt like drawing next, which is part of why we never saw Gogeta and Buu attacking together.

It's a sad thing, the chance at Buunemba could have been cool. This always could have branched to a sub-branch of U20. 2 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 73
Shabby 9 Março
Hector Fenwick estava dizendo:
Third panel: "I have no energy FOR YOU to steal," not "I have no energy to steal."

People correct the translation all the time, but this one was fine. This line, like it is, is entirely in Mr. Satan's character to play himself down.


I'm having some trouble feeling any tension in this story, Gast can and will decimate everything they can throw at him, nobody else stands a chance.

This Cell might be, but shouldn't be, as strong as Super Perfect Cell, but even that is nothing against an SS3 tier fighter

The only thing I'm waiting for is the reveal of the lie, and expecting a Gohan reveal--which are probably related.

Inb4 Cell is built on Gohan
DB Multiverse page 2465
Shabby 8 Março
gaunter o dimm estava dizendo:
I dont know if you guys have eyes or what, but Broly going back to base would naturally have reset his power to below Super Saiyan 1 Vegito once again.

Of the myriad problems this story has, dropping Broly to base solves that problem.

You're saying that the LSSJ meter would be reset? So like, this Broly would be about as weak as the Broly in his first movie, when he first went LSSJ?

Is there lore on that? 2 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 72
Shabby 7 Março
Harsh, it's barely even begun.

I'm all for it, if it goes somewhere interesting, gives F/T some closure, and maybe a happy life.
The inexorable distortion page 15
Shabby 6 Março
SuperSaiyan4Vegetto estava dizendo:
...Look there are things about this story that I didn't like, I'll grant you but this is not "Plot-convenient". Gogeta didn't win...

It isn't plot convenient. Plot convenient usually involves plot armor or a deus ex machina.

But their strongest fighter didn't show up til two or three decent strength fighters were already obliterated. They waited forty pages, maybe fifty, to apply any actual strategy. Once they used strategy, Vegito and Buu would each be absent or motionless for several pages.

When you're moving at FTL speeds, a half hour lasts forever. A comic can get two panels from a half hour, or a hundred pages. Look how long five minutes last on Namek.

If you want the fight without a strategy, start it with an ambush. Broly breaks into Other world and one-shots Gohan or Vegeta, or maybe Goku. That would have been cool, we could have seen a new fusion.

If you want to avoid fusion, say that two dead fighters can't fuse. For absorption, there are a few ways to not have Buu here.

If you want to start a planned fight, then they should have been fused and absorbed before Kai transported Broly.

All Broly is, is a big number. He's infinity. So you have to be creative and smart if you want to take him down, and maybe use characters with magic like Mafuba or Dabura's spit.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 72
Shabby 6 Março
So, presumably, this causes a cataclysmic destruction of everything in existence

Broly survives it. And people thought surviving the supermassive black hole was absurd (it was)

I held out hope that this would be like U20.001 where they eked out a surprise win.

Instead, they picked a fight without a strategy against an enemy they were terrified of.

At least their willful ignorance didn't pay off, that would actually be worse

goddawnho estava dizendo:
I don’t think the fanboys expecting Gogeta in Dragon Ball M realize how badly he’d get destroyed by Vegito, lol. At this point, it’s pretty much obvious that Gogeta won’t even appear in the main story because the power gap is just too big.

This Gogeta was based on a fusion of Goku and Vegeta with like 11 more years to train, the last year being very serious.

In DBM, the same is true, and that Goku/Vegeta have SS0, and both the component fighters are alive, since Vegito seems affected by a dead Vegeta.

Gogeta in DBM should decimate Vegito, on speed alone.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 72
Shabby 3 Março
Damian Qualshy estava dizendo:
...Broly was definitely absorbed.

Fair, sorry
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 71
Shabby 3 Março
Yeah, Buu absorbing Broly made no sense towards weakening him.

Buu bunding Broly (like a rope) might have had some value.

jonathan_vik estava dizendo:
Wow. I didn't think anything would surpass the black hole feat, I was wrong. It seems Broly can survive complete disintegration too. And won't of Gogeta seen him if he hadn't been completely destroyed?

It's questionable how absorbed Broly was. It seems like Buu was barely more than a layer of goo over Broly. They didn't want to absorb him, because he'd truly be the dominant force and absolutely unstoppable. 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 71
Shabby 2 Março
kaybag estava dizendo:
Make time turn back and make goku and vegeta actually kiss!

A more powerful fusion than even Vegito!

GoRootYT estava dizendo:
zero logic was saying: This makes no sense. Goku "has no apparent weaknesses" but Vegito did????

Well, Vegito weaknesses is that he is to cocky. He underestimated the opponent, and lost. Goku wont give him a chance now.

Goku, canonically, or here, would fail to that too. He's cocky enough to never take a fight seriously
DB Multiverse page 2462
Shabby 27 Fevereiro
Teleported_Bread estava dizendo:
Jblaze94 was saying: This comic is a fever dream, why didn't ss3 Gogeta just beat Broly when he had the chance?? Instead Janemba shows up for 2 seconds and Gogeta sat by and did nothing.
Usually the answer is 'because he didn't have a chance'. As flawed as this comic is, there really are instances I feel warrant an answer, like that of mine.

Double-dead horse, but they had plenty of chances and time.

There are things writers need to do if they want to avoid obvious solutions.

Instead of "Let's not fuse," you can say that neither/either fusion doesn't work if both people are dead.

Same for absorption, or just make Buu not be here at all.

If you really want them to abandon any plan, use an ambush. Broly tore a dimensional hole open, or punched through the Ice Barrier. In his ambush, have him double-kill Gohan or something. Rip off Bardock's Vegito vision lol
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 70
Shabby 27 Fevereiro
it's a reasonable question. Every other character in the last two pages is decently drawn, but Kai is "phoned in" both times.

Heck, Porunga, the most difficult of these characters to draw, looks great. 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 70
Shabby 27 Fevereiro
Quickly, tell Pan, and she can rage like her father and fry some broccoli.

Why is Supreme Kai drawn so badly? Every body else is drawn fine, but same as last page, Kai looks awful 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 70
Shabby 26 Fevereiro
Terra estava dizendo:
ShadowMokujin was saying: They do act like a married couple

And Goku is the top in the relationship

I think vegeta would never be a bottom for that. His pride is too high :D

Just call it a power-bottom, he'll do it.

So powerful, Geetz.
DB Multiverse page 2460
Shabby 26 Fevereiro
Asturios estava dizendo:
A part of me wants for Broly just to be so powerful he just ignores afterlife and soul related established laws. I mean, he's been ignoring basic biology, physics, thermodynamics from the moment DBM started. I wouldn't be surprised if he could just time travel just because he's so powerful he is stronger than time itself.

Salagir is lurking these comments, til he finds yours, and then vigorously scribbling notes.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 69
Shabby 26 Fevereiro
color really accentuates this page! Colorless looked q little like pajama pants lol
DBMultiverse Colors page 298
Shabby 25 Fevereiro
Poor Gohan, never gets a happy life.

I'm counting on you goten_kun
Saigo no Son page 28
Shabby 24 Fevereiro
All the art on the page looks fine, except Supreme Kai. Someone else must have drawn him.

I still don't understand the point of Janemba at all. He didn't do anything at all, and the author confirmed in the first reply that he is destroyed.

jonathan_vik estava dizendo:
Mr. Satan gets wish back to life, really? It'd be funnier if, of everyone in the universe, he had never died through sheer stupid luck.

No, no no, he's just excited to see everyone else back. (I love this)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 69
Shabby 21 Fevereiro
iron leaf estava dizendo:
I'm a bit surprised that people have already forgotten that XXI is waiting for 'his' Dragonballs to be ready to summon his dragon.

Eh, they could have come up with any reason, like a meal, ending fights for the day, since it's unfair to allow one fighter to be rested while the other just came out of a fight.

Awards are cute, but it's disappointing to see more awards day after day.

Maybe the audience awards are gonna pick on us lol 3 Resposta(s)
DB Multiverse page 2458
Shabby 20 Fevereiro
Uzurper estava dizendo:
Does anyone else still hold a grudge about how they ended the Goku Black Ark?

It was the silliest power-scaling jump.

The power scaling made much of the arc unenjoyable.

Plus, they should have just use Future Goku's body from Heaven. Would have been so dark and awesome to see Frieza-tier Z fighters fight someone on at least Majin Buu's level.
The inexorable distortion page 9
Shabby 20 Fevereiro
Teleported_Bread estava dizendo:
solwitar was saying: Zoom out Goku kind of looks like he's smiling.
That's a fold from his lips frowning.

Uzurper was saying: This universe sucks for Goku and Vegeta especially. It was awful enough that they failed to save their friends and family as well as earth the first time, but now they lost them again permanently I feel really sorry for them. I wouldn't blame them if they didn't want to exist anymore either.
Makes me wonder how the original story was supposed to go.

Mustard was saying: If that killed Buuly, then it could have killed Broly. This is stupid.
It's possible the Stardust Breaker was precise enough that the evil warriors Buu absorbed perished but not the ones who had no evil, including Buu himself.
Also yeah, it could have killed Broly. Is Broly dying not the problem you're referring to?

They're saying that if it killed Buuly, who would be some degree stronger than Broly, then it should have killed Broly.

It's, so far, a dark ending, and that's cool, it just played story-gymnastics to get here

And frankly, it never made sense that "this wasn't the original story, and was rushed,"

If DBM made him change it, surely they would have given ample time to do so.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 68
Shabby 14 Fevereiro
Silly question... Should this be considered canon, or filler? Because Vegito did walk off towards the apartments just before this started. 1 Resposta(s)
DB Multiverse page 2455
Shabby 14 Fevereiro
oooo, Maybe this is why Vegeta snaps. He tried his hardest against invasion #2

this is a joke :) 1 Resposta(s)
DB Multiverse page 2455
Shabby 11 Fevereiro
It's not canon to multiverse, but some side-comics canonize it, or parts of it, for their own fun.
The inexorable distortion page 1
Shabby 6 Fevereiro
good news, Gogeta healed between pages 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 64
Shabby 5 Fevereiro
Zen Kuu estava dizendo:
I really hope XXI doesn’t “control” Vegetto—he has been humiliated enough. If he does go on a rampage, I hope it’s because he has been building up anger from the constant humiliation by magicians and the fact that nobody sees him as highly as he thought they would. He has been looked down on, and his ego can’t take it anymore.

Because if the reason he goes on a rampage is XXI controlling him, then all these years of building up his anger and being humiliated by Buu, Gast, I’K’L, and XXI would have been for nothing.

While that is a terrible reason, that's been the implication all along.

Character assassination for a switcheroo. Neither is a good choice.
DB Multiverse page 2451
Shabby 3 Fevereiro
okay, absorbing Broly is definitely the worst idea.

If it works, you're super invincible and evil.

If it doesn't work, you're very likely destroyed.

Absorb Gogeta. For multiple reasons (his power, his safety.

Using Buu to bind Broly could be good, or cover his fists to soften the blows
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 63
Shabby 31 Janeiro
seeing calm Bra next to Colors' 287 where Bra is raging is a cool contrast.

Happy accident

DB Multiverse page 2449
Shabby 30 Janeiro
the thing is, it doesn't matter how long they stay fused because we have no idea how long they've been fused.

It could be four minutes, it could be 29:30.

Other than specifically telling us, there's no way to infer that. Even like the sky changing doesn't accurately show time.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 62
Shabby 28 Janeiro
Kanyon estava dizendo:
The armor idea is pretty cool. Something different than just absorbing him, and spitting him back up again later.

Absorbing is still better from a story angle. The armor is only as strong as Buu is. Absorbed, they'd both gain the strength of the other.

And there's no reason to spit him out until the fight is over.

Even once he defuses, they can better protect him, and Buu would still have the strength of the individuals.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 61
Shabby 27 Janeiro
I admire the adaptation of using Buu as armor, but absorption would be better, for all of them, especially when Gogeta defuses.

So the next step should have been Gogeta saying "Finish it, Buu", and pink goo covers the rest of him.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 61
Shabby 26 Janeiro
Osha estava dizendo:
I guess the carpet matches the drapes, in a way.

The tile matches the paneling.

Gast is so ridiculously hax lol.

— --

He probably did absorb some of Gast's power. He probably needs to digest it.
DB Multiverse page 2447
Shabby 24 Janeiro
I wish we had a closeup
DB Multiverse page 2446
Shabby 23 Janeiro
the ice we skate is gettin pretty thin... 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 60
Shabby 22 Janeiro
I love that the multiverse ending bad guy feels compelled to follow a rule. 1 Resposta(s)
DB Multiverse page 2445
Shabby 20 Janeiro
Teleported_Bread estava dizendo:
jbame was saying: hard to tell what's happening to who here... Broly released a shockwave, seems Janemba is dead (what exactly was the point of him showing up?), and Gogeta is covered in Buu's goo?
If characters like Cell are any indication, sometimes characters in that view shot just get engulfed in the ki attack before them, and don't always die from it and get obliterated. As for the goo, I think that's Gohan or Vegeta in Buu. I think Broly erupted his ki and it stirred him awake, which is... actually a pretty intimidating idea.

Vegeta isn't in Buu. 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 59
Shabby 19 Janeiro
Forfeit should have been the last word on the page, but greattt page.

There can't be a Goku vs XXI. Goku has no chance, nobody but Zen would, and I doubt he'd win, even with his moderator powers.

Uub exists, but he can't legitimately be as strong as Zen who, again, would struggle against XXI.

— --

XXI must not be immune to the Birds' machine, and unable to interfere with it like Zen. Otherwise, there's no reason he didn't act much sooner, at least by the time Zen was sent home.
DB Multiverse page 2444
Shabby 18 Janeiro
Majin Wasabi estava dizendo:
For those asking why he had to use tricks to win if he’s that strong… well, the answer is simple: to maintain the element of surprise. If he had shown what he was capable of from the start, maybe Gast, Vegetto, or Zen Buu could have thought of a way to counter or defeat him. He’s up against the smartest and strongest opponents out there.

Perhaps this, but also just story.

If Superman punched everyone as hard as he can, there'd rarely be a story to tell.
DB Multiverse page 2443
Shabby 18 Janeiro
Not only that, but Buu has essentially auto refill on stamina. You either take him out in one shot or he comes back.

The attack that can destroy Buu may have a more lasting effect on his stamina, but it doesn't seem that way.

He took on every fighter in the tournament without breaking a sweat.

Sure, that's Zen Buu, but Z-era Buu shrugged off lots of heavy attacks.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 58
Shabby 17 Janeiro
ap2007 estava dizendo:
Goku is basically screwed if Gast loses

Goku is screwed if Gast wins. He has no chance against either of them.
DB Multiverse page 2443
Shabby 17 Janeiro
LongTime55 estava dizendo:
But the real main point.
This chapter is called Awards Ceremony..
Just a little theory what if this fight is a draw? No one can see XXI or Gast, or sense them. 30 seconds go by, and click-aboom. No contest, meaning Goku wins..
An what if this makes it too where Big Veg finally crashes out.

I hope not.

The best reason for Vegito to snap was everyone turning on him after Bra. No other reason presented is remotely justified.

To have him be a crybaby over losing many rounds ago is complete character destruction.

With bra, he's right. She'll be the most powerful person in the universe. Gotenks and Gohan can't stop her now, they'll never stop her if she turns as an adult.

So, he overcomes Gast, punches Bra, Gohan attacks, and Vegito knocks him the heck out, maybe breaks his neck.

— --

Maybe XXI majinizes him, the magic boost from Gast enabling him to do so, but that isn't him snapping, that's just him losing.
DB Multiverse page 2442
Shabby 16 Janeiro
okay, "Vegito, can you hear me?" was cute.

So this is an extension of canon-U20. They acknowledged they did the absorption last time.

Buu absorbing Gogeta was expected here, but both fighters fused and then Buu disappeared for a dozen pages.

Gogeta should be able to defeat Broly, but it's Broly, you want to give it your everything.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 58
Shabby 15 Janeiro
SS3 IT-elbow to the neck, anyone?
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 57
Shabby 13 Janeiro
It's crazy how characters just disappear from the action.

Gogeta should, at least, be charging one ginormous attack.

— --

Broly's infinite growth means he wouldn't be destroyed by his own attack, but it doesn't mean he wouldn't be hurt.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 57
Shabby 12 Janeiro
Gast can still win. XXI isn't invulnerable like this, or this barrier isn't quite impenetrable, otherwise XXI wouldn't have needed to weaken him first.
DB Multiverse page 2441
Shabby 12 Janeiro
Justanotherturtle estava dizendo:
. It is heavily implied that raw power, rather than magic, was used by XXI to destroy Buu, otherwise Buu wouldn't have made that comment.

"What power(!)" doesn't necessarily mean strength, like.. it just doesn't. I can't prove that it definitely means magic either, but magic is XXI's main method so far.

@Evil Shenron topic

I hope so. Execution wasn't great, but corrupted dragonballs was among the best ideas for a story. Their wishes did get a little selfish. 1 Resposta(s)
DB Multiverse page 2440
Shabby 10 Janeiro
ZenBuu estava dizendo:

Though one thing that actually bothered me most, was that Cell got killed immediately off screen, before we even saw the start of the fight. Especially since Cell is one of my favorite characters. Not that it would've made a huge difference later on, but I wanted to see him fight a little bit at least.

Cell has cunning and charisma. Everyone loves him :). Plus, he's intelligent enough that he's more than just a brute, even though he succumbed to to rage against Gohan.

It would have been cool to give him a spotlight. He could be made stronger, through Zenkai, and then see him take over Buu.

Gogeta turns around, horrified, to see a Cell-shaped Buu, and declares he'll deal with it later.

Or see him absorb Buu. He probably could. Fat Buu, hax aside, didn't seem much stronger than Cell--SS2 Vegeta would have defeated him, except for his hax.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 56
Shabby 10 Janeiro
ZenBuu estava dizendo:
Obviously I won't spoiler anything here. But can I not comment on the page like everyone else? I didn't even said anything remotely to a spoiler.

>But also, XXI probably isn't very strong, which is why he used Janemba

XXI is strong enough to fully disintegrate a piece of Zen Buu (page 993). That's not an easy feat to pull off.

Of course you can comment :). I was just asking.

I forget that you're a translator. Being a mod and a colorist on Colors doesn't really necessitate being able to read ahead on DBM. I just always figured you could.

Your comment was just convincing enough that I had to ask :)

Also, XXI is a formidable magic user, no doubt, but that has little to do with strength. Him being able to destroy a piece of Buu isn't a shock :)

It wouldn't even be a shock if Babidi could. 1 Resposta(s)
DB Multiverse page 2440
Shabby 10 Janeiro
True form or not, this thing looks Namekian, a little.

Wonderfully hard to tell!

mulled_piss estava dizendo:
(sorry, I'll bring up power level) if an exhausted Gast can block his punch like that, he must not be very strong

Meh, that's always been Dragonball. Their weakened state is relative to their max state, which is how, weakened, they tank blows that would have ended them an arc ago.

It's almost like they always have the resilience of their max state.

But also, XXI probably isn't very strong, which is why he used Janemba

ZenBuu estava dizendo:
XXI thinks he is in Naruto now lol

But yeah... GO Gast! Beat his smoking ass!

Do you get to read ahead? Obviously you won't spoil anything 1 Resposta(s)
DB Multiverse page 2440
Shabby 10 Janeiro
le nuage estava dizendo:
Yes, and I called my vargas "le nauge" because I often see my name mispelled in the comment sections :D
(and the italians think I'm a girl, so...)

Why do the Italians think you're a girl?
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 186
Shabby 10 Janeiro
fried pickles, anyone?
Saigo no Son page 8
Shabby 10 Janeiro
Oh, lol. The comma. The comma changed everything.

DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 56
Shabby 10 Janeiro
BangBang estava dizendo:
"We"? I don't remember seeing you fighting, Buu.

Yes, we don't know. In universe, most the characters probably do know exactly how strong Gast is in battle and how strong he is when going all out.

All we can do is go off reactions to Gast, and by Gast. 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 56
Shabby 9 Janeiro
Sayazur estava dizendo:
The machine exploded due to the impact between Broly and Gogeta. Not because of saturation.

The villains that Broly killed again had their souls destroyed; they didn't go into the machine, so they weren't added to Janemba.

This Janemba is just as powerful as the one seen at the tournament.

Unfortunately, there's no indication of how strong that is, because we don't know how strong Gast is.

Realistically, on a strength level alone, Gast would probably have easily defeated Janemba. It's all his hax abilities, and immunity to Gast's magic, that made him formidable.

There's no indication that Gast, strength-wise, is far past Buu tier.

All we know about his strength for certain is that he knew he couldn't defeat Bra, and Bra (in the Janemba fight), was surprised Gast wasn't stronger.

lol, Raditz armor broke
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 56
Shabby 8 Janeiro
عمار estava dizendo:
PrimeFighter was saying: Man that's just sad. Enjoy Raditz cuz in just about every other continuity, you're a loser
This is just how fans prototype him. Goku and Piccolo were inferior to him. If it wasn't for Gohan and his stupidity, he would have one easily. And I don't think he will treat this win as big accomplishment at all.

It makes think how strong Raditz will be if Toriyama let him live.

That doesn't work. If Gohan's rage wasn't an element, something else would have happened.

Raditz lost for the same reason Vegeta and Nappa did: Saiyan cockiness.

But really, every villain except maybe Buu, lost for that reason. It is the Shonen way.

Had they just landed and handled business, they would have won.
Saigo no Son page 7
Shabby 8 Janeiro

Everyone's strategy has been far more casual about this than they would have been. Buuhan2 would not have stayed out of the fight.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 55
Shabby 8 Janeiro
XXI's face looks bulky, like a namekians's (or cell/cold/etc. toriyama really liked that style)
DB Multiverse page 2439
Shabby 7 Janeiro
Pablo estava dizendo:
Hope they gonna show some more, this break felt good and it's actually a good fight starting easy and developing over time
Get him Gast, but only Heroes in the tournament would be boring, we need some disturbing XII magic too

I'd rather see Gast win. He's more interesting than XXI because he's more developed.

But Goku can't rightly defeat either of them.
DB Multiverse page 2438
Shabby 7 Janeiro
I wonder if Buu can just copy Janemba's abilities?

If so, Janemba would never ever be able to defeat any remotely intelligent Buu.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 55
Shabby 6 Janeiro
Gogetto estava dizendo:
If Buu absorbs janemba would he have too much evil inside him to side with the good guys?

Not likely. Goku SS3 was about equal to Janemba and Goku was weaker than Gohan, from 15 years ago.

Janemba has no business being stronger than anybody here.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 55
Shabby 5 Janeiro
Being able to heal yourself to an extent makes sense. You're cut, you're not necessarily out of ki.

I hope this page is called Last Gast for Air
DB Multiverse page 2438
Shabby 30 Dezembro
Teleported_Bread estava dizendo:

Shabby was saying: We haven't even seen Buu, besides inner-Cold(Cooler?) in 14 pages. It's really odd he's not in this shot.

What was the point of him merging just to stand there?
Yeah I noticed that. The author himself said this isn't the original version of the story, so maybe this is rushed for some reason?

It's hard to argue that it's rushed while adding wildcard characters. I think we've seen as many panels of Janemba as we have Buuditz
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 53
Shabby 30 Dezembro
We haven't even seen Buu, besides inner-Cold(Cooler?) in 14 pages. It's really odd he's not in this shot.

What was the point of him merging just to stand there? 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 53
Shabby 29 Dezembro
Damian Qualshy estava dizendo:
Why do they always have to make Krillin default to his Z look, just let the man keep the hair and new outfit pleeaseee

Yes, this Krillin looks much better than the canon-hair look from late Z.
DB Multiverse page 2435
Shabby 28 Dezembro
handling the lie off screen is so anti-climactic.

As I said above, you could have had Thorn privately remarking to Gast that they're lying, and then the readers and the survivors learn together when Thorn eventually confronts them, or something forces him to say something. 1 Resposta(s)
DB Multiverse page 2434
Shabby 27 Dezembro
I mean, a stranger directly called her a liar. That needed to be dealt with directly.

Forget the magic, the robots, the shape shifters, interstellar travel, this is what makes it unbelievable.

Joking, but yeah, the lie should have been dealt with, or not made public.

If you want to hold off, Gast and Thorn should have talked about the lie privately.
DB Multiverse page 2434
Shabby 26 Dezembro
SuperSaiyan4Vegetto estava dizendo:
So I'm guessing, Gogeta will need to divert some of his power to defeat Janemba, then he'll de-fuse and otherwise we can assume Gogeta would have defeated Broly.

Realistically, Janemba has no chance against this Buu. Honestly, he probably couldn't defeat Fat Buu (stalemate)

SS3 Goku kept up, this Buu is at leasttt 3x as strong, (Buu, Gotenks, Gohan, plus all the rest, and 15 years of evolution)

Janemba doesn't need Gogeta's attention. 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 52
Shabby 26 Dezembro
Kongming5 estava dizendo:
watch out for evil trees

The Happening (2008)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 52
Shabby 25 Dezembro
is he just low on parts, or?

DB Multiverse page 2433
Shabby 24 Dezembro
Damian Qualshy estava dizendo:
Janemba is quite clearly Buuhan level. Or at least Buutenks.

The biggest indicator of this is that he was conceived in the same era. He has to be a challenge for the Z-Fighters at that level, like how Bojack was somewhere near Perfect Cell.

And if he's near Buuhan, he's stronger than MG.

Trouble with EoZ Mystic Gohan is that it's unclear if he can ever get stronger. It seems that DBM Gohans didn't. U16's wouldn't have felt a need, and U18 seemed dead-even with him.

And DBM never showed a variant of adult Gohan that isn't essentially U18, besides Mirai.

The fact that they were dead-even alone implies they never grew in strength.

— -

Also, Goku was no match for Janemba, in the same way that SS2 Majin Vegeta was no match for Fat Buu. They were similar strength, but Buu used his tools like infinite stamina, impossible regeneration, etc.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 51
Shabby 24 Dezembro
ZenBuu estava dizendo:
Does this count? ;D

It has to, lol. It's about all Gohan gets :P
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 51
Shabby 23 Dezembro
I was joking a little. :)

It's just that no alternate universe is ever kind to Gohan.

Other than a truly valiant showing in the Bra fight, he's a side character. In every other universe, he had a miserable life, and is usually dead.

One single universe where he got serious and stayed serious would be cool. Trained, learned other techniques, etc etc. 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 51
Shabby 23 Dezembro
I missed something I guess, where's the clue that Cell is coming? 1 Resposta(s)
DB Multiverse page 2432
Shabby 23 Dezembro
brolyhater estava dizendo:
Shabby was saying: Can't imagine Janemba's purpose here other than keeping Buu busy.

If Buu absorbs him, he probably is powerful enough to overtake Gohan's dominance and corrupt Buu. That fighter would be trouble for Gogeta

They told Buu to make sure Gohan was the dominant personality, but by power alone, Gohan should be. But Janemba is probably stronger.

Janemba is NOT stronger than Gohan lmao

even adding Janemba to Buu should be zero problem for Gogeta

SS3 Goku wasn't enough, Gogeta was. That puts Janemba in the same murky range as EoZ Gohan. It's impossible to say who is stronger at that point in canon, and DBM hates Gohan lol, so there's nothing but the movie to go by (I know it isn't canon.)

We don't know how Gast, pure strength, stacks up against Gohan, although Gast is smarter about his fights. 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 51
Shabby 23 Dezembro
Can't imagine Janemba's purpose here other than keeping Buu busy.

If Buu absorbs him, he probably is powerful enough to overtake Gohan's dominance and corrupt Buu. That fighter would be trouble for Gogeta

They told Buu to make sure Gohan was the dominant personality, but by power alone, Gohan should be. But Janemba is probably stronger. 1 Resposta(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 51
Shabby 22 Dezembro
you did amazing at your own spin on it. You didn't copy his art, or his layout, but you copied the mood.

The eyes on Shadow-Janemba feel a bit off but the rest is perfect to me.

I guess I would get rid of the eyes, and apply some definitely to Janemba. A shadowy figure rather than a silhouette, or he's broken a hole in the window and his hand and color-sword are sticking through.

But all that is just a difference of opinion on presentation, your choices were great. 1 Resposta(s)
Fanart #3763
Shabby 22 Dezembro
lmaooo... Feels too real
DB Multiverse page 2432
Shabby 22 Dezembro
one of these two things is a lie
— - the androids killed Gohan
— - they killed an android

It just seems like they were left with no choice but to kill an android Gohan.

If Gast reads Krillin's mind, he'd understand.

Only question is how Krill-dog overcame the power boost Godroid would have gotten.

Maybe Goku was still alive to do it, but unlikely. Forget a heart virus, a broken heart would kill Goku.
DB Multiverse page 2431
Shabby 20 Dezembro
You could just ask him to write a more consistent story.

There's a reason Blancoverse, Goten-kun's stuff, etc received less criticism: They told a consistent story. They didn't immediately dismiss any criticism as just wrong which Saya has been doing ever since Goku waited for two deaths before showing up "The release schedule just makes it look that way"
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 50
Shabby 20 Dezembro
zero logic estava dizendo:
Shabby was saying: What proof does Thorn need? They showed up, and got attacked. It was Krillin that saved these guys.

Plus, Gast can just read Krillin's mind and know the truth.

It's possible they killed a cyborg. Without the experience on Namek and Krillin getting his potential awakened, he's probably under 10k.

Androids may be very weak as well.

This scene is missing Mister Popo :)

— ---

What if the cyborg they killed was Gohan!?!?

You know, the whole point about bringing power levels to DBZ was to show how useless they were. It's funny that almost 40 years later, people are using them for comparisons lol

Forgetting the numbers of power levels, the franchise heavily depends on the concept. Wits haven't won a battle in canon in a long time.

The stronger fighter always wins.
DB Multiverse page 2431
Shabby 20 Dezembro
What proof does Thorn need? They showed up, and got attacked. It was Krillin that saved these guys.

Plus, Gast can just read Krillin's mind and know the truth.

It's possible they killed a cyborg. Without the experience on Namek and Krillin getting his potential awakened, he's probably under 10k.

Androids may be very weak as well.

This scene is missing Mister Popo :)

— ---

What if the cyborg they killed was Gohan!?!? 2 Resposta(s)
DB Multiverse page 2431
Shabby 20 Dezembro
Sayazur estava dizendo:
AHHHH I made a huge beginner's mistake!!!
The next pages are in European reading order (left to right).
Sorry, these are pages added later on, I’ll try to fix that as soon as possible ^^’.

Also, I noticed there's still whining in the comments above.
For your information: I no longer read people who complain. Nothing constructive comes out of it, and it's mostly spoiled individuals who think their vision of things takes precedence over everything else, at the expense of basic decency.

Thank you to the pleasant people in the comments, and thanks to Zen Buu for his work on moderation.
As for the others, go ahead and complain, reply to me if you want — I won’t read it. Go ahead, the story will remain the same, nothing will be changed or adapted for you, and we’ll just look at you with disdain as you wallow in your mess while crying.

Tremendously professional comment, matching the consistent quality of your art and storytelling.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 50
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