DB Multiverse
News: New avatars: Movies and Soldiers
Un pirat inferior. Un pirat ca tine crede ca poate sa recruteze un marinar de elita...?
Cand noi navigatorii venim pe lume, puterea noastra este masurata imediat...
Asa sunt trimisi marinarii slabi pe lacuri si rauri unde nu este greu sa navighezi...
Cu alte cuvinte, esti un marinar de apa dulce!
Din cauza asta am devenit prieten cu Paul Pescarul! I-am luat palaria.
Pana si eu pot depasi nivelul de elita prin munca grea si efort.
31 Octombrie
New avatars: Movies and Soldiers
54 new avatars are available!Soldiers of Frost Demons, and DBZ movies characters!
Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
It's been drawn and written by BK-81.
Note: Vegeta 18 saying to be twice stronger than Vegeta 13 is only an assumption from him. No "canon" power indication is given here.