DB Multiverse
13h , 39mn
Novos avatares: Nameks!
69 novos avatares estão disponíveis!Piccolo-san, Piccolo-san, dai dai dai dai dai!
Piccolo, Piccolo Daimao, Gast Carcolh!
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Colorido e reunido por HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu e Ammar.
Vegeta: 18K
(This is what he was at the same period in the manga)
Nappa: 8K
(On Earth, he isn’t afraid of 5K Gokû, but at 8K, he panics (Over nine thousand meme, it’s actually eight))
Raditz: was 1.2K
(When fetched Kakarotto, as much as a Saibeiman)
Raditz: 5K now
(After training with Kakarotto)
Kakarotto: 8K
(After training with Raditz)
Slug’s men power have been decided at random, based on Elite level.
Angila: 20K
Medamatcha: 15K
Wings / Dorobado: 10K
Zeeun: 10K
(the one who dies at the start of the movie)
Lord Slug: 100K
(He is a very strong namek warrior, from before the cataclysm, at the end of his life. He is of course not a threat to Freeza)
Oozaru form
Power level x 2. Yes, not x 10. DBM canon is x2.