Hilezkorra zara Dragoi bolei esker...
Namektar bat zegoen zure planetan baina hil zen...
Horregatik bola horiek ez dute ezertarako balio!
Madarikatua! Kami hura bezala zara!
Nam… Namektarra?!
Jauna, gure gonbidatuak harrapakin garrantzitsuak dira Freezerrentzako. Erabilgarriak izateari utzi badiote, eman behar izango genizkioke.
Gogoratzen dizut Freezerrek gure sistemari serioz erasotzea erabakitzen balu, ez genukeela ezta aukerarik txikienena ere izango...
Hum… Freezer…
Ondo dago, ez ditzazue hil oraindik.
Vegeta: 18K
(This is what he was at the same period in the manga)
Nappa: 8K
(On Earth, he isn’t afraid of 5K Gokû, but at 8K, he panics (Over nine thousand meme, it’s actually eight))
Raditz: was 1.2K
(When fetched Kakarotto, as much as a Saibeiman)
Raditz: 5K now
(After training with Kakarotto)
Kakarotto: 8K
(After training with Raditz)
Slug’s men power have been decided at random, based on Elite level.
Angila: 20K
Medamatcha: 15K
Wings / Dorobado: 10K
Zeeun: 10K
(the one who dies at the start of the movie)
Lord Slug: 100K
(He is a very strong namek warrior, from before the cataclysm, at the end of his life. He is of course not a threat to Freeza)
Oozaru form
Power level x 2. Yes, not x 10. DBM canon is x2.