DB Multiverse

18 September

Yamoshi update!

[img]Yamoshi new schedule!
★It will now release on Tuesday and Saturday!

This page 20 was just changed!
★ If you see the old page (only one panel with one character on it), use Ctrl+F5 to reload the real page!
★ Your comments on the page have been moved to the page where it will really happen! You'll see them in a week!

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4 August

New avatars: Majin!

[img][img]70 new avatars are available!

Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!

Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.

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25 June

New comic: Broly Final War!

[img][img]This one-shot by Sayazur, Malpha, and other helpers, will start on Monday the 1st, and will release at two pages per week!

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15 May

New Fanmanga: ★ Yamoshi Story ★

[img][img]Starting saturday, a new comic starts on DBMultiverse.
Yamoshi Story
by Thibault Deboom!

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6 May

New avatars: the Frost Demons!

[img][img]92 new avatars are available!

Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!

Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.

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15 April

Next chapters!

[img][img]On sunday 21, starts a special on mirai universe, by WaZaKun, who did Minicomic 116.

Then, we'll follow with the main story, on a kinda special chapter too, by Ambroise, who did chapter 94!

Then, again the main story, by Asura!

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8 March

Rest in peace, Toriyama-sensei

[img][img]Akira Toriyama passed away. Our work would be nothing without him, and we will continue to try to honor him through our pages. "Writing manga is fun," as you used to say, but today is a sad day. Thank you and rest in peace, Master.

This Sunday, DBM's page will be replaced by a tribute.

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5 February

New avatars: the Earthlings!

[img][img]79 new avatars are available!

Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!

Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.

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30 January

Three minicomics and back to the main story!

[img][img]On Wednesday 7th, we continue and finish the series about U3 Saiyans, drawing by SirDan!

After, Asura and Veguito are back on the main story, and... he is born, the U15 child!

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8 January

New comic: Super Dragon Bros Z!

[img][img]Some of you may already know it. Written by Salagir and drawn by Berrizo a few years ago, this will now be all re-readable for free here on DBM!

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8 December 2023

New Facebook account

[img]Last try :)
You can now follow us on our new account

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15 November 2023

Three minicomics and a special on Bojack!

[img][img]On december 1st, starts a series of 3 minicomics about Saiyans daily life in universe 3.

After this, a special chapter on Bojack by TôMaBYou!

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10 June 2019

Narratio prima pergitur!


A. d. XIII Kal Iulias, die Mercurii, capitulum LXX e DBM incipit.

Etiam pictum ab Asura, a Veguito adiuvato!

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16 May 2019


Diebus Solis Mercuriique proximis, II paginae erunt minicomic.
Pictae a Vaan !

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15 April 2019

Speciale de universo IX !

TANDEM ALIQUANDO! Universum Terrestrum, universum IX !
(particulas quoque universi III tangit)
A. d. VI Kalendas Maias, die Veneris, incipit.

Capitulum speciale confusissimum in DBM vobis praebemus. Operam hui capitulo dederunt, in ordine:
— neogen10, II paginas deinde deserui.
— Bruno Moens, III paginas deinde deserui.
— PoF, IV paginas deinde deserui.
(tunc mihi dixi: spatio XX pictorum, perfectum erit!)
— JanembasCandyHell, IV paginas primas.
— Juan Nasser, multas paginas.
— Veguito, multas paginas, atque involocrum coloravit.
— Alo Im Jay, unam coloratam.
et evidenter Salagir, qui plurimas partes multorum capitulorum correxit ac composuit ut capitulum hoc hac forma eveniret.
Loic Solaris et Stef84 ad fabulam novam interfuerunt.

Ut pergatur, sine cura sitis, adest Veguito qui multas, multas pagina faciet!

Omnia iudicia irreverentia in quemvis istorum auctorum eradentur.

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6 January 2019

Speciale de universo IV!


Ex a. d. X Kal Februarias, die Mercurii, capitulum ab dsp27 de universo omnipotentis Bui ex universo IV.

Haec narratio ostendet quomodo pellicula Tapionis acta sit in hoc universo!

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15 November 2018

Impetus Babidis pergitur!


A. d. VII Kal Decembres, rursus pergitur!

Capitulum pictum ab Asura, a Veguito adiuvato.

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13 July 2018

Speciale de univero III!


Dié Mercurií duplex capitulum incipit, pictum á BK-81, dé úniversó III, ubí Bardaccus oraculís suís usus est ad Frízam vincendum!

Continuátio est primí duplicis capituli de Bardaccó.

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30 May 2018

Consilia futura


Gratias omnibus artificibus qui partecipes fuerunt istius anniversari ad decimum annum celebrandum!
Gratias cunctae manui quoque interpretum, emendatorum, moderatorum, exportatorum et omnium qui adiuverunt ad DBM!
Aspicite quaeso pagina artificum ut eos videatis et situs eorum!

Die Veneris, erit minicomic singulare, et die Solis, narratio princeps pergetur!

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24 April 2018

Reditur ad nárrátiónem príncipem!


Ante diem IV Nónás Máiás, nárrátió prínceps pergétur, délíneáta Asurá auxilió Veguití!

Continuámus cum tribus páginís in quáque septimána! Dié Mercurií, Veneris et Sólis.

Praeterea, Máió tránseúnte, DBM decimum annum explébit !!
Ad celebrándum, opera singuláris édétur! Breve intervallum igitur erit in hóc capituló.

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21 March 2018

Capitulum speciale, perfectio narrationis Cyberorganismorum!


Pridie Nonas Apriles, pergitur et perficitur narratio specialis prioris. Gratias ad WhySoGurin qui opus excellente fecit spatio brevissimi temporis!

Aliae imagines eius

Pellicula eius de imagine involucri effecta

[Edit] Redimus ad tres paginae in quaque septimana! Die Mercurii, Veneris, Solis.

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27 January 2018

Explicatio perfecta principiorum Multiversi

Quomodo universa parallela funguntur?

Ecce explicatio cum descriptionibus, ut rationem universorum DBM melius intellegere possitis.

Minime necessarium est ad narrationem sequendam :)

(Suppeditatum Francice et Anglice tantum)

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8 December 2017

Conversio Latina de DBM perfecta est!

Pridie Kalendas Ianuarias, die Solis, tandem aliquando dicam, postrema capitula LIX et LX Latine edentur!
Anno novo ineunte, paginae novae edi incipient certis temporibus sicut apud ceteras partes huius situs!

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19 November 2017

Editio novorum capitulorum

Kalendis Decembribus, die Veneris, capitula LV, LVI, LVII et LVIII Latine edentur!

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8 November 2017

Editio novorum capitulorum

A. d. XVII Kalendas Decembres, die Mercurii, capitula LI, LII, LIII et LIV Latine edentur!

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15 October 2017

Editio novorum capitulorum

Kalendis novembribus, die Mercurii, capitula XLVII, XLVIII, XLIX et L Latine edentur!

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1 October 2017

Editio novorum capitulorum

Idibus Octobribus, die Solis, non unum, non duo, non tria, sed QUATTUOR capitula (id est XLIII, XLIV, XLV et XLVI) Latine edentur!

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8 September 2017

Editio novorum capitulorum

Kalendis Octobribus, die Solis, capitula XLI et XLII Latine edentur.

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2 September 2017

Editio novi capituli

A. d. VI Idus Septembres, die Veneris, capitulum XL Latine edetur.

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30 August 2017

Editio novi capituli

Kalendis Septembribus, die Veneris, capitulum XXXIX Latine edetur.

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21 August 2017

Editio novi capituli

A. d. X Kalendas Septembres, die Mercurii, capitulum XXXVIII Latine edetur.

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4 August 2017

Editio novi capituli

A. d. VIII Idus Augustas, die Solis, capitulum XXXVII Latine edetur.

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23 May 2017

Editio novi capituli

A. d. V Kalendas Iunias, die Solis, capitulum XXXVI Latine edetur.

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18 December 2016

Editio novi capituli

A. d. XII Kalendas Ianuarias, die Mercurii, capitulum XXXV Latine edetur.

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27 November 2016

Editio novi capituli

Tandem aliquando pridie Kalendas Decembres, die Mercurii, capitulum XXXIV Latine edetur.

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8 September 2016

Ubi sunt novae paginae?

Salvete omnes!
Ut molti vestrum sine dubio animadverterunt, anno MMXVI transeunte, paene nullae paginae Latine editae sunt.
Qua re? Quia multa et ingentissima negotia totum tempus nostrum ceperunt in praeteritis mensibus et nobis erat nulla occasio relicta ad paginas novas faciendas. Cum finis negotiorum proxima sit, speramus, Octobre transeunte (aut forsitan Novembre), editionem paginarum novarum rursus incepturam esse consuetudine anteriore.

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10 March 2016

Editio novorum capitulorum

A. d. III Idus Martias, die Solis, capitula XXXII et XXXIII Latine edentur.

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2 January 2016

Nullum capitulum novum edetur Decembre et Ianuario

Multis negotiis imminentibus, nullum capitulum edetur Decembre et Ianuario.
Sed editio rursus incipiet Februario cum pluribus capitulis!

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24 November 2015

Editio novorum capitulorum

A.d. III Kalendas Dicempbres, die Soli, capitula XXX et XXXI Latine edentur.

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2 October 2015

Editio novorum capitulorum

Nonis Octobribus, die Mercurii, capitula XXVII, XXVIII et XIX Latine edentur!

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11 September 2015

Editio novorum capitulorum

A. d. XVI Kalendas Octobres, die Mercurii, capitula XXIV, XXV et XXVI Latine edentur!

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25 August 2015

Editio novorum capitulorum

A. d. V Kalendas Septembres, die Veneris, capitula XXII et XXIII Latine edentur!

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30 July 2015

Editio novorum capitulorum

Pridie Kalendas Augustas, die Veneris, capitula XX et XXI Latine edentur!

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8 June 2015

Editio novorum capitulorum

A. d. XVIII Kalendas Iulias, die Solis, capitula XVIII et XIX Latine edentur!

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7 May 2015

Alterum Minicomic atque editio novorum capitulorum

[img][img]Idibus Maiis, die Veneris, alterum Minicomic edetur!

Totum tempus speratus non invenimus, attamen aliquid legendum erit :)

Ac preterea eadem die capitula XVI et XVII Latine edentur!

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26 April 2015

Capitulum consuetum + Minicomics

[img][img]Alium capitulum cum Asura venturum est! At preterea, die Mercurii, Minicomic edetur!

Alium Minicomic edetur in spatio aliquarum septimanarum.
Bona lectura fruimini!

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11 April 2015

Editio novi capituli / New chapter release

Pridie Idus Apriles, die Solis, capitula XIV et XV Latine edentur!

Sunday the 12th, chapters 14 and 15 will be released in Latin language!

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31 March 2015

No new chapters this month

Due to some issueus in our private life, no new chapters will be released in Latin this month.
See you back in April with two new chapters!

Sorry for the delay

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26 February 2015

Spécial Majin Buu

[img][img]Die Mercurii, capitulum de Buu ex universo IV incepturus est!

Pictum ab Eiki et aliquae paginae coloratae ab Homola Gábor! (tegumen denuo a Faye !)

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23 February 2015

Editio novi capituli / New chapter release

A. d. III Kalendas Martias, die Veneris, capitulum XIII Latine edetur!

Friday the 27th, chapter 13 will be released in Latin language!

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23 January 2015

Editio novorum capitulorum / New chapters release

A. d. VIII Kalendas Februarias, die Solis, capitula XI et XII Latine edentur!

Sunday the 25th, chapters 11 and 12 will be released in Latin language!

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30 December 2014

Inter secundam et tertiam partes


Die Solis, continuatio pricipis narrationis inceptura est.
De inquieta nocte et prima pugna.

Tres paginae omnibus septem dierum temporibus, sine minicomics.
Pictae ab Asura.

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25 December 2014

Paginae DBM alta definitione ad depositionem!

Fruimini bono die Christi Natale , ecce vobis donum!

Haec est selectio paginarum DBM H.D. data ut vobis possitis colorare, per ridiculum retorquere ac facere quidquid velitis.

(nexus perpetuus in "Additamenta")

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14 December 2014

Editio novorum capitulorum / New chapters release

A. d. XVI Kalendas Ianuarias, die Mercurii, capitula VIII, IX et X Latine edentur!

Wednesday the 17th, chapters 8,9 and 10 will be released in Latin language!

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7 December 2014

Minicomics du lundi !


Usque ad finem capituli specialis, omne die Lunae minicomic vicem paginae edetur.

Iucunde legite.

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5 November 2014

Speciale de Bojacke

[img][img]A. d. IX Kalendas Decembres, capitulum speciale a Juliensk pictum incepturum est!

Id de tempore praeterito creationeque manus Bojackis narraturum!

Quattuor paginae omnibus septem dierum temporibus edentur!

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29 October 2014

Editio novorum capitulorum / New chapters release

[img][img]A. d. IV Nonas Novembres, die Solis, capitula V, VI et VII edentur!

Sunday the 2nd, chapters 5, 6 and 7 will be released in Latin language!

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28 September 2014

Editio novorum capitulorum / New chapters release

[img][img]Kalendis Octobribus, die Mercurii, capitula III et IV Latine edentur!

Wednesday the 1st, chapters 3 and 4 will be released in Latin language!

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17 September 2014

Welcome to the Latin version of DBM!



We gladly announce to you the opening of this new version of DBM.
Here you'll find all Manga pages (and some others pages of the site as well) translated into Latin, the ancient language of Rome.
Every month we will release two chapters of DBM fully translated into Latin (but some times we could even release more than two!).

In order to facilitate our moderation, comments on Manga will be accepted only if written in Latin, English or (only if really necessary) Italian.

To read some notes abuot our translating choices, go to the Bonus section (ADDITAMENTA) and click on NOMINA PERSONARUM.

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17 September 2014

Continuatio certaminis

[img][img]A. d. VIII Kal. Oct., diem Mercurii, continuatio certaminis!
Denuo depicta ab Asura!

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