Znači... ti
Ne mogu se boriti s tobom, Ô, nositelju smrti i uništenja.
Možeš me ubiti.
Oh, i oću.
Ali me možda prije toga želiš saslušati.
Preživljavanje tvog naroda ovisi o tome.
Pff... Umri.
Neki životi i sudbine se mogu promjeniti sa jednim jedinim događajem. U svemiru 18 i većini drugih, Bardock je ubio ovog čovjeka i nije mario za to. Nekoliko dana kasnije, Dodoria je napao njegovu jedinicu, i jedini preživjeli je otišao na Vegetu, samo da bude osobno ubijen od strane Frieze dok je planet bio uništavam.
Ali u svemiru 3, Bardock je odlučio saslušati ga. Samo...samo da zna.
Vidio sam ti budućnost... i jednako je mračna kao i naša
Svi čete umrijeti, Vaš planet će biti uništen.
Some random dude can give you the awesome power to read the future by touching you in the back? What the hell?
This is a HUGE power and shouldn't happen so easily! Why didn't the guys in this planet see the future, and fled, then??
Anyway. In DBM-canon, it's the power only one Kanassian guy has, one particular guy, who summons Baddack to him.
Also, did you see that in the movie, in fact, the visions of Baddack are absolutely of NO USE to him? No really, rewrite the film, without the vision. You see, no difference whatsoever ! Baddack is back to his planet because of Toma telling Freeza's plan. The visions have nothing to do with his decisions and actions.
So that's my point of view : in universe 18 (DBZ) : Baddack didn't have the visions and the film happened the same, minus the visions.
In universe 3, the only one with the visions, things will happen differently.