![Universes 12, 14, 15 - The Future Majin attack - Capítulo 32, Páxina 715 [DBM PAGE IMAGE]](/image.php?idp=1000715&lg=ga_ES&ext=png&pw=66e8d22294d1bbf4ec5b63404be78686)
Que! Tiña un corazón puro, e por iso non o puiden facer o meu escravo... e agora mente!!
Dabra! Recibiches xa o teu castigo?
Si... Deille a miña enerxía ó casulo...
Vai golpear ese home ata que toda a súa enerxía sexa absorbida pola nave!
Si, mestre.
Se tratas de convertelo en rocha outra vez, dobrareiche o castigo!
The full original story was written in fanfic, but may not be available in your language.
Babidi was very unhappy that Dabra almost compromised the energy stealing by trying to turn gohan into a statue. They know this energy is scarce, and, to compensate, Dabra had to give a big part of his power. Of course, the whole point for us authors, is to make Dabra less strong, or else he'd beat Gohan to a pulp very easily.