Što! Bio je čistog srca zbog toga, Nisam ga mogao pretvoriti u svoga roba... a sada laže!!
Dabra! Jesi li si primio svoju kaznu?
Da... Dao sam svoju energiju čahuri...
Idi i istuci ovog čovjeka dok sva njegova energija nije upijena u brod!
Da, gospodaru.
Ako ga pokušaš opet skameniti, Dobit ćeš duplu kaznu!
The full original story was written in fanfic, but may not be available in your language.
Babidi was very unhappy that Dabra almost compromised the energy stealing by trying to turn gohan into a statue. They know this energy is scarce, and, to compensate, Dabra had to give a big part of his power. Of course, the whole point for us authors, is to make Dabra less strong, or else he'd beat Gohan to a pulp very easily.