DB Multiverse
Egun 1, Ordu 18
Update of the site!
Update of the day on DBM website:— Comments: On "Reply to" and "Edit this message", the button now changes and sends you to the form.
— Comments: "Spoiler" button wasn't working on the profile page, now it does.
— Swipe was added to change of page recently. Now it's working only when the comic page is actually showing.
Bai, ori da, izan ere, Bejeta, "Bejeta" da, eta ez animazioko ataletan ikusi dugun Bejeta erregea.
jakina, Trunksek bere aita ezagutzen duela bizarra badu ere.Alua deituko zion Trunksek bere aitari? Bai, egingo zuen.