DB Multiverse
Egun 1, Ordu 9
Update of the site!
Update of the day on DBM website:— Comments: On "Reply to" and "Edit this message", the button now changes and sends you to the form.
— Comments: "Spoiler" button wasn't working on the profile page, now it does.
— Swipe was added to change of page recently. Now it's working only when the comic page is actually showing.
RMR Fanfiken idazlea da,DBMen bezala,hainbat borroka asmatu zituen,hala nola, Begeta A-17ren kontra,Janemba Buuren kontra,Son Goku A16ren kontra...
Frantseza jakinez gero,bere lana irakur dezakezue hemen:
Versus : Buffet de combats dragon ball à lire au choix [fr]