DB Multiverse
20 January
New avatars: Nameks!
69 new avatars are available!Piccolo-san, Piccolo-san, dai dai dai dai dai !
Piccolo, Piccolo Daimao, Gast Carcolh!
Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
RMR el ze un scritor de fanfic che, come in DBM, el ga imajinà tanti conbatimenti da sonjo, come Vejeta contra C17, Janenba contra Buu, Goku contra C16…
Te poi łèzar tuti i só conbatimenti in franseze cuà:
Versus : Buffet de combats dragon ball à lire au choix [fr]