DB Multiverse

DBM Universe 4: [Zen] Buu

Written by Arctika

Adapted by npberryhill, Virgilio212 & ZenBuu

Proofread by Salagir

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[Chapter Cover]
Part 3, Chapter 8.

Chapter 8

Translated by Virgilio212 & proofread by ZenBuu

Heroism and charity

In a large building, built on a huge asteroid that drifts silently in a calm and infinite universe, many people sleep, comforted by the peaceful silence of a welcome artificial night.

Located in the middle of a long, dark hallway. A door. A large “4” engraved on it. The room behind it should be empty. However, its temporary tenant, supposedly encased in a ball of magic, wanders in the form of a small floating head that plays around in the massive structure.

But why then, when the bird responsible for this space found that there was no problem or presence behind this door, why are we now interested in this place, while we are in the middle of the story of a great epic of the last twenty years of our protagonist?

The door opens. In this apartment there is a fireplace, a bright flame that projects tempting shadows onto the walls, plunging the place into an atmosphere of semi-darkness. In front of the fireplace, a rug. Then, an armchair.

In the chair, surprisingly, a tall, pink-skinned individual sat comfortably with one leg crossed over the other. A long crest, half-moon glasses, a woolen shawl draped casually over his shoulders, a pipe releasing smoke emissions of all shapes into the air. The individual raised an eyebrow and turned his head toward the door. And began to speak.

— "Ah! Is that you? What an amazing visitor! Anyway, how should I say this… I brought you here in an elegant way, with refined and skillful writing. Anyway, it must seem very strange to you. I will fix that…"

The individual smiled as he raised his left arm loosely and snapped his fingers.


"Aaah! That's much better! Welcome back to my perspective, ladies and gentlemen!"

As you can see, yes, we are currently in the evening after the second round of the tournament. Yes, the Vargas checked to see if the apartment was empty. And yes, I am inside it. This place is more than comfortable, as it is decorated in a rustic and cozy style.

So here I am with you, my editor in hand, a book resting on my knees. Now is not the time to reveal to you the writing and transcription methods I have learned on my galactic odyssey. So we will stick with the good old method.

As you have read, the first real chapter of my story ends with an interesting perspective. In this anecdote of this exciting adventure, I have just discovered the enormous benefits of absorption. At the end of this introduction, after absorbing this pretentious and talented character of the galactic clarinet, I contemplate the skies of this world that, twenty years later, was reduced to ashes by one of my many experiments. But that is another story. You are probably wondering what will happen to all these inhabitants fleeing from what seems to be, and I admit it was, a passing euphoria.

Since this chapter begins with a slight ellipse of a few months, and I miss the idea of ​​going back in detail, let's just say that I had an adrenaline rush and met no less than thirty-three aliens. Mostly scientists. I realized that some were true leaders in their fields, recognized in several systems. This world was actually one of the centers of the nervous system of the galaxy I was in. I won't bother you with stories of the north, south, west, east or the fifth cardinal point that Earthlings don't know. I'll let the Kaiohs explain it to you. In any case, many systems and an infinity of micro-galaxies form these large parts divided and managed by low-ranking deities. And I was at the intersection of two of them.

Remember how I looked at the technological buildings of this first planet. It was the awakening of my scientific curiosity even in my childhood. My mind was still cluttered with combative thoughts, and my newfound passion for art occupied only, let's say, a third of my priorities.

But my evolution is only in its early stages. The universe has so much to offer, to show. It is so vast, full of mysteries and wonders of all kinds. And so many talents in great numbers, unexplored or misused by their holders…

This little chapter prologue is starting to get long. So I'll leave room for the narration of my next adventure. I'll give you the context in a few words: planet, emotions, heroes, devil. Happy reading!

Three months later.

At the top of an enormous mountain covered in purple crystals, whose peaks almost touched the sky, on the edge of the dark, icy space, empty of the precious oxygen vital to many living beings, the movements of an individual thirsting for curiosity could be distinguished among the crystal formations.

Any being with a weak constitution or an organism not adapted to this high-pressure, freezing environment would have succumbed in seconds. But this was just an unimportant detail to Buu, who had already spent three hours digging galleries in the mountain wall to extract the minerals, without hesitating to walk outside despite the strong winds and the fleeting lightning that crossed the crimson sky.

Ever since the Djinn had been absorbing scientists on his journey over the past few months, he had been obsessed with the smallest mysteries of nature. From the flora and fauna of a world to the makeup of its atmosphere, he wanted to understand the essence of things, their effects, their characteristics. Just as he analyzed an opponent's movements to better understand his way of fighting and defeating him, he wanted to grasp the nature of everything he found fascinating, in order to take advantage of it in his quest for perfection. And so, this goal inevitably implied another: to accumulate as much knowledge as possible. To be the greatest encyclopedia in the universe, in a way. And so, the smallest element became a source of knowledge, and a resource stored in his memory.

The image he had conjured up in his own mind worked well: a huge bookshelf shaped like a tall tower, the top of which could not be seen, infinitely high. This space was immensely large, but it was so empty. With each discovery Buu made, his mind seemed to grow larger and larger as a result. He was excited by the magnitude of this task, which finally challenged his long eternal life without struggle. It was another form of confrontation, and he relished it.

This euphoria was combined with his new scientific guests. He did not understand this phenomenon, but the emotions of the people he absorbed had a greater or lesser impact on himself and his way of thinking. About this last point, Buu was not worried, because although the morality of good-hearted people was present, he easily enjoyed a good planetary carnage whenever he wanted. But pity, curiosity and enthusiasm were feelings that grew in strength. Thus, his scientific interest was boosted by guests like Bulma. That is why he came to rest on this world, the peak of which was more than visible from space and radiated that scarlet hue.

On the side of the absorbed ones, Buu had formed a special room to contain them. Impervious to any outside intrusion, the cocoons solidified by energy reinforcements, nothing could deprive him of those he had acquired. However, he did not understand the workings of his own organism. The more people he assimilated, the more his intellect and faculties grew. But eventually, he would probably no longer have the space to contain his prey. However, his body seemed to adapt and store the victims on its own. Buu was beginning to wonder if he would be able to absorb the population of the entire universe. He had no intention of doing so, but it was an interesting thought.

Momentarily lost in thought, Buu pulled out a purple crystal that was brighter than the others, embedded in the solid walls of the cave. A certain energy seemed to emanate from this fascinating mineral. Suddenly, the mountain began to shake violently. In doubt, Buu extended his perception to the planet as a whole, and understood that it was the entire continent that was experiencing this phenomenon. He easily understood that it was this stone that he had just taken out that was causing these violent tremors. Could it be the heart of the mountain? How was this possible? What was the connection between an energy crystal and this mountain range, which seemed to be suffering from this scientific theft? Perhaps the ore needed to be put back in its place?

Curious and excited, Buu promptly returned the object to its original location, and the tremors gradually subsided. The Djinn was fascinated. The crystal had properties that were substantially linked to its environment. It was strange, a phenomenon unknown to all these scientists inside him. And Buu was motivated to understand this mystery of science and nature.

For a week, the Djinn remained on this planet, studying the crystals that made up the interior of the mountain and adorned its immense slopes. The planet itself offered nothing more. All life was impossible in this hostile environment. The mountain represented almost a third of the planet's surface, and the intense cold spread across all the frozen and deserted lands. Buu quickly made the connection between the energy displayed by the crystal he had found and the state of the celestial body's environment. He could not say how long this stone had been controlling this energy, or where it had come from, or why it had had such consequences. And even less why it had found itself embedded like a heart of ice in the bowels of this immense mountain.

Buu had some difficulty speculating and analyzing, as countless assumptions plagued his mind, all inspired by the various scientists in his body. Each one made him think of a different theory, of experiments to do, of warnings about the manipulation of this strange force in the universe. And he was tired of having to constantly sift through his thoughts. He wanted to be in control, but he could not maintain absolute control over the influence of his "guests". In the end, the greatest mystery of science and witchcraft was his psyche and his organism. It was his absorption. It was him.

“This crystal must be destroyed!”

"You have to dig it and see what it looks like inside!"

"If we remove it, the planet will die, it will explode!"

"It is an important source of energy for advanced civilizations!"

"He can…-"

— "That’s… ENOUGH!" Buu exploded in a scream of fury and madness.

He deployed his energy as he stood in the various tunnels he had dug. In a powerful shockwave, the side of the mountain he was standing on exploded with a bang, revealing a large crater that exposed the interior of the natural edifice to the rest of the universe. Violent lightning surrounded the body of the Djinn who was clutching his head, wracked with furious spasms. — "Shut up, you idiots! It's your knowledge I need, not your suggestions! You're just tools, so be mindless vegetables, you bunch of useless people!"

A deafening noise was heard behind him, immediately suppressing all inner thoughts and interrupting his fury. He felt himself falling sharply to the ground, while standing on a hill. How could he fall from stable ground that was only inclined? He quickly flew several hundred meters, to the edge of the atmosphere. Startled, he turned to see the immense mountain he was facing. Literally. From its height of hundreds of kilometers, a face carved in stone looked down at him, two enormous eyes with irises as cold as death, filled with rage. On what seemed to be a shoulder, the huge open wound that Buu had just inflicted. The mountain had given way to an enormous giant, illuminated by the purple crystals that radiated, as if driven by a new energy.

The giant let out loud, unintelligible growls in a low voice that Buu didn't understand. But he didn't need to look for a translation: this huge golem was asleep, and he had seriously injured it.

Buu unintentionally made an expression of regret, which quickly disappeared. Then again, he had ripped out the heart of a living being on several occasions for these experiments and felt guilty at the thought.


Regret? Guilt?

Since when did he care about such pathetic feelings?

The giant raised his gigantic arm to chest level and struck a violent blow towards the Djinn. The latter quickly lost all sense of remorse and surrounded himself with an intense purple aura. With all his strength, he countered the golem's attack fist by fist, whose arm crumbled on both sides from the force of the impact. Enraged, the colossus began to glow with an intense purple light, which wandered through the cracks in the rocks that made up its body. Buu was fascinated and amazed. This stone being could use energy and focus it on a specific point!

As the golem opened its mouth to launch a powerful energy beam, Buu clasped his hands together and also concentrated his Ki between his palms, exclaiming as he swung his arms forward:


The two attacks collided and stared at each other for a few seconds, before Buu's blast completely enveloped the monster's and engulfed its mouth. Soon, Buu's powerful blast penetrated every part of its body, cracking and annihilating every crystal within it. Its heart was no exception. The giant was shaken by violent spasms and began to collapse in on itself, its limbs dislocating. Buu felt a strong aura as it imploded, and understood the danger he was in. Quickly stretching out his arm, he grabbed a shard of inert crystal before evacuating into space.

Having put some distance between himself and the planet, Buu saw the latter explode in the distance. The wave of energy was so violent that it enveloped a large part of the system, disintegrating any celestial body that was within its reach. The giant's heart discharged all its power in a considerable conflagration. The Djinn was still shocked by what just happened. Everything had happened very, very quickly.

For you too, right, my dear readers? Is it confusing? Is it too fast? Is it not very detailed? It's like that because you were there too, hahaha... Here you are like me, in the middle of it all, no jokes. You may not be seeing it, but I'm winking at you.

Buu approached a few moments later, examining the wreckage of the planet that drifted through space. There was no trace of a living purple crystal. Only fragmented rocks that attested to the presence of a previous world. He looked at the inert piece of crystal he held in his hand, disgusted. Seeing the level of energy released by the giant during his beam, he believed that he could deliver a fair duel of equal waves, a true challenge to his omnipotence. Not only had he outdone himself, but he had also destroyed a formidable object of study.

What was even worse in his eyes, is that he felt restless. And this time, without a doubt: he felt bad for having destroyed this giant and this world.

However, he had no problem murdering aliens in cold blood on a large scale.

To swallow various populations in the form of sweets.

To dismember a soldier in front of his son, a few weeks earlier.

So why was he feeling remorse for this giant?

He quickly realized that it wasn't just him. Maybe it was just a trigger. He had spent the entire week listening to those distant voices whispering helpful ideas and thoughts. And the influence of the Earthlings was growing stronger and stronger. The kindness of Son Goku and his friends was penetrating every fiber of his body, and now he felt sad thinking about all those cold-blooded murders.

Buu instantly slapped himself hard, sending his head flying several dozen meters into space.

As his floating head returned to his body as if nothing had happened, he was thinking seriously. It wasn't just about the absorption. On Earth, his old man had befriended him when he was a child. And it was a sincere connection with the Earthling named Satan. Even though he evolved, he had never been able to harm him. When he decided to destroy the Earth after acquiring Son Gohan, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to launch the final attack. If Son Goku had fused with the champion, he would undoubtedly be able to overcome this blockage.

But now he was wondering. He realized that he enjoyed spending quality time among the living beings of the universe. Carnage was no longer his reason for living. For existing. For having fun.

He had in mind those moments of peace that Earthlings had experienced throughout their lives. Son Goku and his family near a lake, enjoying a beautiful picnic. Bulma giving her son Trunks a high-tech birthday present. Piccolo tenderly stroking the hair of his sleepy student, exhausted from his training, isolated in the desert, while the Namekian discovered affection and left behind the deep loneliness that had tormented him since birth…

It was another dimension that Buu emerged in. One of peace, of serenity.

A desire for protection, for benevolence. For compassion.

Buu pressed his head against the rest of his body and put his index finger on his chin in a thoughtful gesture. An asteroid hit him, but he didn't even notice.

He was born to be an evil, murderous creature. He lived in this state of mind for millennia. Even without a brain, he loved it. And he had no problem saying that he enjoyed a good genocide every now and then.

But this new aspect of his life intrigued him, bothered him. He felt that the life of a good Samaritan had many excellent sides. Was this due to his absorptions? To his observations during his pilgrimage on Earth? Wasn't he becoming more...human?

Earth… He loved this world more than he cared to admit. When his thoughts turned to it, he had fleeting images of Chi-Chi cooking him a nice meal. Of the dog he played with. Of the blue sky that gave him back a peaceful image of life. A sickening contrast to his lust for blood and battle.

He had such high regard for this blue planet that in the last three months, after having trained himself in multiple artistic works, he had sent the earthlings a musical symphony and a majestic painting of himself, to remind them of their good memories. He did not know why he had done this. It had brought him nothing except some satisfaction…and discomfort.

He wanted to understand this altruism that was born in him, which was so strange to him.

He had to get to the bottom of this.

Over the next few days, Buu visited several worlds, looking for one that was densely populated and, if possible, in a rather bad situation. He quickly found a world covered mostly by violent sandstorms. The number of life signatures he detected was significant, and there was no doubt that something needed to be done.

A month.

This is the deadline Buu gave himself to come to the rescue of these people.

The goal was simple: to be as helpful and charitable as possible.

Protect this world like Son Goku and his friends would do.

Finally understanding the value of what these brave warriors hold so dear, to the point of fighting and sacrificing themselves to prevent it from triumphing.

Was he wrong from the start?

Buu looked at the world in front of him for a few seconds, silent and confused, then decided to land suddenly.

He walked toward what appeared to be a city partially buried in incandescent sands. Many of the dwellings, some sort of stone huts, were buried beneath the countless reddish grains. The air around them was acrid and hot. The sky was barely visible, obscured by a sort of atmosphere corrupted by sand currents that made it opaque.

Around him, on a wide street that led in the distance towards a large walled citadel, Buu saw many hooded aliens parading around without a care in the world. They were coughing heavily, hiding their faces with their hoods and looking like they were suffering from their surroundings. Buu frowned thoughtfully. These individuals hardly seemed adapted to life on this world. It was not a viable environment, as the state of the planet was clearly having a negative effect on these aliens. So it was a painful and recent situation. What had happened?

He felt a shock behind him, in his left leg. He turned around and saw a green-faced child with big, watery eyes standing on the ground. Obviously, he had not seen the Djinn and bumped into him. The child was startled to see this stranger standing right in front of him. The latter remained silent and saw a kind of container in the arms of this little alien.

A few meters ahead, noises were heard and the inhabitants screamed as they pushed to the side. Three individuals appeared. From Vegeta's memories, Buu quickly concluded that these men were former soldiers of Frieza's troops, with their armor, helmets and detectors. They wore a mask that seemed to protect them from the irritating air.

—"I'll teach you a lesson for stealing what belongs to Pear, you worm! You'll be an example!"

He pointed his weapon at the child who covered his eyes in terror. He heard a sound of attack and believed that his death had come. But two seconds later, he heard the thud of a body falling. Shocked, he removed his hands to see the corpse of this arrogant soldier on the ground, under the gaze of his astonished comrades. Behind him, the stranger reached out his arm and pierced the soldier's chest.

—"…Before you treat others like maggots with your measly power, take a look at yourself. Attacking the weak with weapons, you are nothing but worms", Buu said angrily.

All the inhabitants looked at him in astonishment. Who was this foreigner who had just saved one of his own and stood up against the oppressor?

—"Ba… bastard!" one of the survivors exclaimed, firing an energy blast at Buu.

The latter sneered and opened his mouth wide to swallow the attack. As he swallowed it, the weapon's energy evaporated from the openings in his skull in the form of smoke. The attacker cowered in terror as Buu moved in front of him in a split second, landing a powerful kick on his chin. The infantryman's body flew several dozen meters into the air, while Buu immediately grabbed the last survivor's, fear-distorted, face.

—"Hehehe…", Buu whispered, savoring the moment. "So, shall we go after the children? Are you so weak that you need to attack innocent and defenseless people to feel strong? You're just as ridiculous as your former master!"

—"Wh… Do you know Fr…-" the soldier began before being interrupted by a violent blow to the abdomen that pulverized his entire organism and cut off all his vital functions, so strong was the blow.

—"Of course! Who do you think took care of him?" Buu said jokingly.

Anyway... I'm distorting things a bit here. But this is very relevant, when you think about it. You know, after all, there's a Goku and a Trunks in me. If we compare them to their future versions, it's the opposite: the Goku of the future killed his future Frieza and the Trunks of the future killed the Frieza of the present. My Goku and Trunks didn't kill either of them. It's a funny anecdote. No one in this time period killed Frieza. So you can also give me the credit for it.

Buu dropped the executioner's carcass unceremoniously, a look of disgust on his face. He then turned to the incredulous child and knelt down, watching him as he said reassuringly:

—"Are you okay, kid? Nothing broken? They didn't hurt you?"

—"I… I…" the child stammered, torn between gratitude, astonishment and panic.

He was interrupted by the villagers who gathered around Buu. They all thanked him and congratulated him for his intervention.

—"Calm down, calm down." Buu said, raising his hands. "It was nothing. I hate those who abuse their power to hurt others." he added hypocritically.

Well… was that really hypocrisy? I was there to find out…

“What’s going on on this planet?” he said, narrowing his eyes.

A villager explained to him that since the disappearance of Frieza and his family, deserters from his army, numbering about forty, had settled in this once flourishing world and used force to seize all its riches. Gradually, they impoverished and dried up the entire planet, taking over almost all of the natural resources such as water and minerals, turning the surface of this world into a vast, arid desert. They further mistreated the people, using brutality and fear to ensure their obedience, and behaved like true tyrannical princes.

Buu was confused upon hearing this story. On one hand, he royally didn't care. There was no challenge, no thrill of a possible fight. Just weak people oppressing other weak people. This planet was only good enough to be destroyed.

And yet… As he looked at the child’s teary eyes and the villagers’ anguished faces, he couldn’t help but feel pity, sympathy. They looked so fragile, so needy, so… desperate…

The idea of ​​abandoning them seemed tempting, but despicable. Vegeta would not have deigned to intervene to help them, but Son Goku and the others would have attacked the citadel to free them from the yoke of the tyrants. He himself remembered his long existence under despicable sorcerers, his deep sense of abandonment and the promise of redemption offered by Satan.

He was so keen to understand empathy and other human feelings that he refrained from reading the villagers' thoughts, listening to their voices, analyzing the slightest vibration, changes in tone, visual and bodily tics. Understanding the signs of negative feelings of fear, anguish and hopelessness. From this simple exchange with grateful aliens, Buu realized he was learning a lot.

He was beginning to understand the vastness of the details that made up social interactions, driven by various emotions. It was a new macrocosm opening up to him. Never ceasing. And this time, it was not an absorbable talent. He would have to draw conclusions on his own. And he was delighted to face it.

After talking to the villagers, Buu spoke.

—"I understand." he said loudly and in a soothing tone. "What you are going through is unfair and cruel. But do not be afraid, I will help you. I will give you back this world that was taken from you and you will be able to live in peace again. In the meantime, hide in your homes. I will correct these insolent abortions, they will be locked away."

He knelt down next to the little alien again, and extended the crest above him. For a split second, the child was overcome with anguish, before being surrounded by a purple aura. All the pain, scars, and bad feelings he could feel just dissipated. He smiled as he looked at his healed body. He felt alive and breathing again.

—"There you go, you must be feeling better now." Buu added affectionately.

The villagers were amazed at such a feat and such generosity from a stranger who was unconcerned about their plight. They had heard of him before and believed that he had ended the despotic reign of the one they called Frieza years before. He was truly a miraculous being, literally fallen from the heavens, who had come here to offer them their long-awaited liberation.

The child looked up with joy and tears at Buu, who was shaken by the memory of the little Earthling, as if he had seen him again. This parallel was powerful and he felt conflicting emotions.

—"Thank you, thank you!" cried the child, hugging him, moved by so much kindness.

—"You're welcome." actually, Buu replied uncertainly. "Tell me, what were you doing with that container?"

—"Ah… ah yes!!" the little alien cried, hugging the container. "This is… this is for my mother, she's not well at all! She needs this water, she'll die if she doesn't drink it!"

A very desperate situation. Perfect.

—"Dehydrated, huh?" Buu smiled. Even here in his home, water is essential for survival. So similar from one world to another…

He snatched the container from the boy's hands and stood up, saying:

—"Take my hand."

The little alien didn't understand right away, and hesitantly grabbed the Djinn's outstretched hand. Immediately, Buu flew away, causing the little alien to scream in panic, while the villagers turned into small black dots below them, their screams fading with distance.

—"Where do you live?" Buu asked the alien hanging on him.

—Oh…there! "The house at the end of the village, with the… dead tree next to it." his passenger replied in a tearful tone.

Without wasting a minute, Buu headed to the house and entered without warning. He saw a ragged alien lying on the floor, panting. In a split second, Buu probed her condition, and it was indeed a case of force majeure: she would soon die without water.

The child ran towards him, on his heels, and opened the gourd, bringing it to her mouth. Concerned, Buu also used his magic to halo his patient. Gradually, the alien regained color and her breathing became more regular. She suddenly opened her eyes, looking lost. The child ran into her arms.

—"Mommy!" he cried out in joy and relief.

—"Wh… what happened?" she stammered incomprehensibly.

She saw Buu who had moved away a little. He had taken the opportunity to heal her with his magic, as he doubted that a simple water skin would be enough to put her back on her feet. He needed maximum recognition, and to do so, he needed to become known as a miracle worker. The child and her mother would proclaim his speeches around him, and he would gain enormous prestige and respect from it.

Being a hero. The idea wasn't so bad anymore...

To be loved, adored, admired. Appreciated…

—"Well..." he said, smiling happily. "It's done. Your mother will be used as a lucky charm. Now I'll take care of those cowards who are lurking in their holes."

Using Kibitoshin's teleportation, he disappeared before the astonished eyes of the family he had just rescued. With the image of the citadel and its location in mind, he appeared right in the heart of the structure, in the center of a large, luxurious hall in which the former soldiers of Freeza were luxuriating. At the back of the room were four chairs occupied by individuals wearing ornate armor. No doubt, those who called themselves "leaders."

Everyone froze when they saw him standing among them. Buu looked around quickly. Sure enough, they were all there. The count was good; he didn't sense an equivalent power on the rest of the planet. These merry braggarts, laughing and shamelessly feeding on the population's precious resources, were going to pay with their lives for their debauchery and lust.

—"What…? An intruder!" exclaimed one of the four leaders, the one called Pear, who was the largest of the soldiers, holding tightly onto his armor.

Slow and unresponsive, the warriors struggled to get up. So slow that Buu moved at high speed around them, so that it seemed like there were hundreds of Buus in the room. The foot soldiers trembled as they turned their agitated gazes around them, shooting in confusion. Some of Buu's images disappeared, but the Djinn had fun patting them on the back or tripping them.

“What the hell is this? Who the hell is this guy?” said another leader, a man named Konutko, who saw his detector go crazy.

Buu stopped, holding a soldier in the air by the neck, his legs trembling. He narrowed his eyes, which lit up with a terrifying red glow, making all the soldiers tremble. He licked his lips, saying in a soft voice that reminded the soldier of a terrible time:

—"Let's see, let's see... This depravity is unacceptable... Were you really soldiers in such an illustrious army?"

As he said these last words, Buu transfigured his face to literally resemble Frieza's. He was capable of this; he had already assumed the face of an earthling top model for fun, when he was freed. And the memories of the saiyans were very accurate in reproducing this tyrant from their nightmares. The leaders knelt, their eyes terrified and tearful.

—"Sir… Sir, how… Please forgive us…Spare us…"

Under the guise of Frieza, Buu hardened his gaze so that the warriors collapsed as they retreated in fear.

—"Wretched worms! You will suffer the most terrible pain before you die like the insects you are!"

Buu really enjoyed imitating the Frost Demon in his cruelty, his swearing, his behavior. He was already reveling in the punishment he would inflict on those idiots. He had more joy and enthusiasm for it, than showing off like a good samaritan. Was it due to his evil nature?

Buu regained his normal expression and concluded sweetly:

—"By the way, I'm a million times stronger than Frieza. I was once known as Majin Buu, but… you can call me “Buu” in hell. And that's for the people you oppressed. My respects to King Enma!"

While the soldiers barely grasped the meaning of these words, all of them had their hearts pierced in an instant. Buu used Frieza's old favorite technique, the extended finger, and deployed a beam of energy so thin that it was invisible to those who couldn't keep up with its speed. With a little addition of his own: a huge electrical wave penetrated their bodies upon impact, causing pain that would accompany them for a moment into the afterlife. When the gap in power was so great and the shock so violent, the soul and spirit could be traumatized. Even Enma couldn't do something like that. And Buu had no mercy for this trash. Within seconds, they all collapsed to the ground, the life having left their bodies.

—"Well, well!" Buu exclaimed, as he clapped his hands together.

He unfurled his crest and turned all the corpses into chocolate, swallowing them all at once, chewing hard. The delicious taste of fresh blood quenched his thirst for murder and carnage that he had struggled to suppress. In order to act like a helpful and friendly person for an entire month, he had to restrain his urges. Now that they were sated and he had killed three birds with one stone, he was ready to begin his new case study.

Be a good person.

Understand the effect his absorbs had on him.

Assess the scope of your influence, to what extent.

If only there was something he could do about it.

How your own body works.

Over the next few weeks, the people of this silted world resumed a life of peace and serenity. The criminals who had enslaved them were now a thing of the past, and they could once again go out without fear of attack. They owed their salvation to this mysterious stranger with a pink body, whose name they had learned, just as strange: Buu. If some had been suspicious of him in the early days, they quickly learned to respect and appreciate him. Usually, when one tyrant was overthrown, a new, even worse one took his place.

But this time it was different. Buu never used his strength against a single villager. On the contrary, every day he visited the sick and the weak and used his incredible powers to heal them or alleviate their pain. Unfortunately, for people in their late years, he could not rejuvenate them or prolong their lives. However, all the pathologies and consequences of the degradation of the planet, in its morphology, its atmosphere and its calamitous conditions on the surface, were cured without any problem.

Buu knew no disease. His body was perfect. And he could heal any wound, even fatal ones, as well as dangerous bacteria and diseases. His only limit was the resurrection of others. As long as there was a fiber of life in a body, he could bring it back to a healthy individual. It was a truly appreciable power, worthy of a savior god.

By liberating the citadel, Buu allowed the inhabitants to recover their goods and resources. Hundreds of large barrels of water, as well as plenty of food and medicine. Although they were now unnecessary, with Buu's presence. However, the latter had made it clear to them that he would be leaving in a month, for reasons he did not explain. He, however, promised all his help to ensure a better life for them and a future full of hope.

The child Buu protected spent a lot of time with the Djinn. His grateful mother prepared quality meals that Buu devoured without any remorse, not forgetting to thank his family for their generosity. He had fixed their house that was gradually falling down, and they could not find words to express their gratitude to him.

Buu was quickly faced with the greatest problem facing people and the world. The lands were becoming arid, the planet was dying, sucked out of the depths of the soil, of all its water tables and other liquids. The desert was gaining ground and sandstorms became more frequent and more violent. Buu took advantage of this dramatic situation to combine his scientific knowledge with his magical abilities.

Using the intellectual resources brought by Bulma, who was without a doubt the greatest genius sealed in his body, he fought for those four entire weeks against the expanse of sands for the magical creation of devices intended for the rehydration of the soil, for the transformation of the sand into water. His magic was not only used to transform living things into sweets. He could do anything. He realized that his potential had no limits.

At the end of the month…

Buu was at an old alien's house, moments before he left, outside of the village. He was about to say goodbye to the people he had helped for days on end, but he wanted it to be done ceremoniously.

Unfortunately, the old man was at the end of his life. He wouldn't be around for long. Buu was hesitant about what to do next. Kill him and ease his suffering? Let him waste away? Turn him into candy so his death could be used for something?

Blinded, the alien turned to him anyway and smiled sadly.

—"I feel that you're tormented, stranger." he said in a weak voice. "I know that death is coming for me. This is the fate of all…"

“Not mine,” Buu scoffed to himself.

—"…but you don’t need to worry. I’ve had a full life. I’ve seen a lot, I’ve learned a lot, I’ve had a wonderful family. I can rest in peace…"

Buu shuddered at his words. He had almost forgotten to make useful absorptions. However, this world had nothing to offer. But this alien had a long life experience. Comprehension, knowledge. Always full of interesting things. Furthermore, Buu wanted at least one sample of each species, to develop his bestiary of the species in the universe, as well as their characteristics.

—"I have a proposition for you, wise elder." Buu replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I can offer you eternal life. If you agree to let yourself be absorbed, you will live on through me, and your knowledge will never be lost. What do you say?"

—"What you say is incredible." said the old alien, a drop of sweat on his forehead, sensing the danger. "However, I prefer to extinguish myself in peace, to find myself in the other world. Thank you for your offer, but I prefer to accept my fate."

“What a pity.” Buu scoffed, momentarily forgetting his altruism to return to his pure selfishness. “But although I have been kind to all of you, I never intended to deprive myself of small pleasures and stray from my goal. You are the best subject to assimilate, you have no choice. Welcome to my home!”

Before the old man could reply, he muffled his scream, engulfing him in a wave of pink jelly that quickly absorbed him. That was it. Buu felt his knowledge growing. The alien was not dead, but asleep for all eternity, his consciousness merging with the Djinn's cells to evaporate and disappear.

Satisfied, Buu left the house towards the village's central square a few kilometers away, where everyone was waiting impatiently for him.

With Buu's efforts, the village was once again green and prosperous. The climate had regained some stability, and many trees and other signs of vegetation were beginning to grow everywhere. A large lake bordered the western exterior of the village, and the citadel looked like a natural gem. The desert had receded, the sandstorms had disappeared, and the sky was a purple color that he could not make out when he arrived. The planet was entering a new golden age.

Buu approached the people who let out screams of excitement upon seeing him, but also tearful sobs. He had helped them so much, they who had been through pure hell. They owed him their lives and much more.

—"You don't need to worry about the old hermit outside the village anymore. His life is over, I have taken care of his remains." the Djinn informed them with a falsely sad look. "Now it's time for me to return to space, others need me."

—"W…w… will we see you again, Mr. Buu?" said the young alien he had protected, hugged by his mother.

—"Maybe our paths will cross again." said Buu, surprising himself by smiling naturally… and sincerely.

—"Thank you for everything, you are always welcome!" a villager exclaimed.

—"You will never be forgotten!" said the child's mother, wiping away a tear.

Buu gave a final wave of farewell before taking off into the sky, greeted by the weeping crowd. As he exited the atmosphere, Buu stopped and turned, silently observing the planet

He slowly reached out his hand and formed a Kikoha in his palm, ready to pulverize this world. He wanted to see. He wanted to know.

A second passed. Then two. Then ten. Then a full minute before Buu dispelled his energy ball. He stared at his hand, puzzled.

He couldn't destroy this planet.

The memory of those four weeks was firmly anchored in him.

As on Earth, he was filled with deep feelings that made him no longer want to destroy something he cared about.

He felt lost.

He was sure he loved destruction and carnage. But he loved helping these people. Protecting them. He discovered new aspects of his personality with each experience.

But what was this personality? The only one that always suited him was the desire for violence, the thirst for combat. Before absorbing the earthlings, he would have reduced the planet to ashes without any qualms.

The moods… is this the weakness, that clings to him? Caused by his prey?

He clenched his fist in anger. The influence of his prisoners was beginning to take a heavy toll on the system.

But he couldn't help, but be grateful to them.

Without them, he would never appreciate life and what it had to offer.

Buu was in doubt.

He would have to produce a contradictory experience to continue studying his emotions and the influence of his absorbs.

He smiles, wondering how he would react to a carnage of savagery beyond imagination, pure sadism, brutal violence.

He was very happy to realize that he was already liking the idea.

It was time, to become a pure warrior again.

DB Multiverse
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