In the next page, Krillin will be named, and he will be named Kulilin. Why is that?
Because it's this way Toriyama wrote it in the manga, on his cap when he arrives on Namek.
I must admit, that he wrote it also with "r" too, when he appears at the 3rd tournament. I take the other version because we see it more and it's the most recent.
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Gogeta Jr
DB Multiverse
页码 2474
15 New Fanarts:
11 二月
New comic on DBMultiverse!
What happens to Trunks in Dragon Ball Super, after the Black Gokû saga?
Because it's this way Toriyama wrote it in the manga, on his cap when he arrives on Namek.
I must admit, that he wrote it also with "r" too, when he appears at the 3rd tournament. I take the other version because we see it more and it's the most recent.
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