DB Multiverse

Member page of   ZenBuu

Colorist/Mod/Translator for DBM.

If you want to help our coloring project, message me on discord. [Zen Buu #4075] :-)

Link to my DeviantArt:


Link to my twitch account, where I livestream sometimes:

ZenBuu is part of the DBMultiverse team.
  • Is a comment moderator.
  • Translates in German
  • Works on fanfic dbm
  • Works on fanfic hanasia
  • Works on fanfic u14
  • Works on fanfic u14b
  • Works on fanfic u16
  • Works on fanfic u19
  • Works on fanfic u4
  • For more information, go to the authors page.

ZenBuu 17ч, 40мин
Andy was saying:
I honestly never thought of XXI having a dragonball. I assumed that stone is a crystal that he uses to oberve the battle outside.

XXI is probably the evil itself, but he is also a coward as he wouldn't rely on hin own comptence, but rather cheating through the tournament.

Even if so, who is he talking to then the whole time in his apartment, asking for the quickest way to beat his opponents (page 993, page 2110)? Is it just coincidence, that the being in the shadows he's talking to in his apartment, is shaped like a dragon (like I already showed in my previous comments)?

Also this is written in the novel about XXI, I thought it's pretty interesting and kinda fitting to what you said:

Oh yes, the Elder Kaioshin knew the being called XXI. He, or it, was a being, terrible and monstrous, that threatened all life in the universe—even death itself! XXI was a being so vile, anywhere it passed it completely superseded any concepts of good and evil—in its wake was left no chaos, no unhappiness, but rather...nothing at all. Neither was there matter nor spirit, nor any hope whatsoever...

And I wouldn't necessarily call XXI cheating his way through the tournament. It's kind of funny tbh, most readers always want characters to act super smart in DB, which is exactly what XXI does, and when someone actually does it, they complain it's cheating. ^^

You might call it unfair or not sportsman's like (just like Vegetto thinks all magicians are unfair lol), yet he acts very intelligent to ensure he doesn't show too much of his power, while still getting a safe win. Gast is the first one to break that cycle and even now he made sure that no one else from the outside could observe what he does with Gast at the moment. And XXI has never broken any rules so far. He always prepared for his fights, which is not forbidden.

But I agree on your point that he is a coward. That's also mentioned somewhere in the novel, though I didn't found that part on the fly right now. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2441
ZenBuu 1 ден 1 , 17ч
MUI was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: MUI was saying: Nope, XXI doesnt have dragonballs with him.
Are you sure about that? Page 1516 clearly shows him holding a Dragon Ball in his hand, that got turned to stone.

Also, the first panel on page 2110 clearly shows the shape of a dragon. I'll put this in a spoiler tag, just to be sure:

Yeah look at this page: https://www.dragonball-multiverse.com/en/page-956.html

Why wanting a wish if he has always a dragon that can grant wishes? XXI clearly want to win the tournament to get his wish.

I'm obviously aware of this page... ^^

Yet, you still dismiss the fact that he has indeed a Dragon Ball in his hand, while being in his own apartment.
And the dragon shaped being in the smoke. All of this clearly points to XXI having his own, different set of DBs.
The logical explanation would be, that his dragons powers are limited compared to Porunga's. That's why he needs to win the tournament at all cost to get a wish (he even says wishes by the way, not only a single wish!).

My theory is still that he wants to get his hands on the multiversal travel technology from the Vargas somehow, leading to the vision with Piccolo, where he says the whole multiverse is in danger (page 418). 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2441
ZenBuu 1 ден 1 , 18ч
MUI was saying:
Nope, XXI doesnt have dragonballs with him.

Are you sure about that? Page 1516 clearly shows him holding a Dragon Ball in his hand, that got turned to stone.

Also, the first panel on page 2110 clearly shows the shape of a dragon. I'll put this in a spoiler tag, just to be sure:

3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2441
ZenBuu 2 дни, 12ч
SandPirate was saying:
Amazing color composition in the pole!!! The red is vivid and the Bright is well placed!!! Congrats on the job well done!

On behalf of Homola Gábor:

Thank you, glad you like it! :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 279
ZenBuu 11 януари
Kongming5 was saying:
also just wondering there is another dragonball multiverse branch i am reading involving king piccolos universe and cooler blew up gokus pod one, and right now earthlings have most of the ginyu force down, is one of the guys here making it? Im liking it as im liking this, i just like knowing who the artists are, im very slow to find out things

I think you're talking about this comic by Chewys here, right? "An earth without Goku".

This comic is not DBM canon, it's fanmade. Though it's partially similar to what Salagir's vision about U3 and U9 is.

Monster was saying:
It is DBM cannon. It's just not part of the 20 universes in the tournament. First couple pages made it clear there are billions of universes.

No it's not canon to DBM. Why do you think Chewys' comic is not here on this website? It clearly mentions that this story is revolving around Universe 3 and Universe 9. The text on the link I posted even says its non official DBM canon lol

And we already had some real specials of these universes here on the DBM website, for example where Coola kills Frieza. 3 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 9
ZenBuu 10 януари
happywarrior99 was saying:
On this page a saiyan was show blowing a hole in the wall, and he is also show watching Physalis and Yamoshi.

Kongming5 was saying: Before he could get some. She died right in his arms, horror movie death, im calling itUnless it turns out that Physalis is stronger than the average low class saiyan. So far every female saiyan show on each of the webcomics show on this website seemed to be stronger than Gine was when Goku was born, thus I hope that Physalis is not the exception to this.

obserwator was saying: What happened? :D whats that fur(?) at bottom of page? :DThe "fur" show at the bottom of this page is the back of the head of a saiyan (the same one who blew a hole on the wall on the 6th panel of this page) who is watching Yamoshi and Physalis.

On the 6th panel of this page we were show a ki blast blew a hole on the wall, Yamoshi notices/realizes it and asks Physalis to get calm for a moment but she is not listening. At bottom of the 8th panel of this page we are show the head of a saiyan who is watching Yamoshi and Physalis, then Yamoshi notices/realizes it and says "Again?!".

So they have a stalker? ;p

Seriously, what are you talking about?

That's clearly Physalis' clothes she is taking off...
Yamoshi Story page 52
ZenBuu 10 януари
Mr. McCoy was saying:
I'm gonna make a guess. It's Garlic Jr. after spending years in the Dead Zone.

MVoigt was saying:
Watch XXI be Garlic Jr.

Interesting that you guys posted basically the same comment, at the same time. ^^

But XXI should be millions of years old, since Old Kai knows him. So no Garlic Jr. since he never was born. Look at this minicomic for example.

Shabby was saying:
Do you get to read ahead? Obviously you won't spoil anything

Since I'm not only a moderator and colorist for DBM, but also a translator too, which is what many people here don't seem to realise... I think the answer to your question should be clear.
Obviously I won't spoiler anything here. But can I not comment on the page like everyone else? I didn't even said anything remotely to a spoiler.

>But also, XXI probably isn't very strong, which is why he used Janemba

XXI is strong enough to fully disintegrate a piece of Zen Buu (page 993). That's not an easy feat to pull off. 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2440
ZenBuu 10 януари
XXI thinks he is in Naruto now lol

But yeah... GO Gast! Beat his smoking ass! 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2440
ZenBuu 10 януари
Bird Mountain was saying:
But what you're doing is filling in the gaps for the author. We all do it for works with which we are invested. And in DBZA Zarbon's voice, "Not that there is anything wrong with that." But, it is really no response to those who point out the characterization inconsistency. I suspect that you would be a good author, but as commentors, we can only work with what we have. Speculation about what the author could but hasn't done is just as valuable as speculation about what year the one after the next extinction level meteor will hit Earth. Sure, maybe it could happen, but until it materializes into something tangible with more than speculation, it is at best of little value.

Insert transition to a general comment here not really at anyone.

If you use a character from previously existing source material with which you can expect your audience is familiar without any in-story (meaning in your derivative work, derivative not in pejorative sense but that your work or parts of your work are dependent on the existence of other works) characterization, the audience can only rely on their knowledge of the character from previously existing work. If the author relies on changes to source material in a derived work in order for their story to make narrative and logical sense, (s)he must inform the audience of these changes in the story or it will confuse the audience. The audience in general will want to know these differences as soon as possible to avoid confusion setting in and to better and more easily understand the plot. If you delay, you get arguments like isn't Janemba a little bit stronger than his only appearance.

Now, it could be that we are premature, and the author intends to inform the audience of Janemba's increased power levels as compared to the original material. Or, it could be that the author intend his comment on this page to suffice. I would submit that the comment in the comments page is not a great plan.

I am of the opinion that the writing style suggests an "and this happens and this happens" style, which some works I enjoy do use too. This style suggests to me that we are going to have to just roll with it. We should turn off our analytical machines and our attention to story details, and do or do not enjoy the spectacle. Coherence with source materials or even internal consistency is not something at which even Toriyama—sensei was particularly strong.

Well, I actually agree with everything you said, especially with the part about explaining any changes in the comment section, which should be shown in the comic itself, to avoid further confusion. You make some really good points!

Sometimes I do tend to overanalyze things too here and there, but this story is probably really one of those, where you maybe shouldn't do that. For me personally, that's mostly because of Broly. Especially DBM Broly. I just don't like how extremely broken he is and he has like zero character. The only pleasant surprise was actually U3 Broly. But that's just my opinion. I'm sure there are a lot of people who still like this Broly, and that's totally fine of course.

Though one thing that actually bothered me most, was that Cell got killed immediately off screen, before we even saw the start of the fight. Especially since Cell is one of my favorite characters. Not that it would've made a huge difference later on, but I wanted to see him fight a little bit at least. 2 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 56
ZenBuu 10 януари
beeruz was saying:
How is this comic not canon?Is it not a continuation of universe 20 where broly killed the universe.

Well yes, it is indeed a continuation of U20, after Broly tanked the black hole... but Salagir hasn't deemed this comic as canon to DBM. This is just Sayazur's vision of what could've happened between that last double U20 special and the DBM tournament and how Broly ended up being encased in the block of ice, how the Vargas found him.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 56
ZenBuu 9 януари
Damian Qualshy was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Who says Janemba needs to be at the exact same powerlevel as he was in fusion reborn? This movie isn't canon to DBM, or let's say it never really happened like that in all the other universes. Where XXI got Janemba from, is still a mystery. Anyway... not to mention this story here isn't canon to DBM either.

So there is some leeway here to make Janemba stronger than in fusion reborn. Timeline wise, this here is also 13 years after the Buu Saga, which could've been enough time to accumulate more evil souls for the machine to gather, thus making this Janemba here stronger in the process.

earth1superman was saying: Everyone in the universe is dead at this point. This Janemba was made with a lot more evil than any other iteration to ever be seen.
Not everyone is dead yet in this universe. At least Namek still exists for example. Broly didn't had enough time to destroy the whole universe in just one year.

But yeah, you basically think the same as me! :)

No it wouldn't let "more souls accumulate" because the reason why Janemba was born in the first place is machine OVERLOAD. Meaning it has a LIMIT. You can make the argument about the power of those souls alone, but since all of them are just clouds and no bodies (so pretty weak) means this Janemba should be on the same level as movie Janemba. Doesn't even matter, because Broly should absolutely decimate him with that previous blast, and even this hit alone should send him into the Shadow Realm.

I chuckled when I saw Broly just change focus onto the demon, completely forgetting about Gogeta, so that's a point. Doesn't fix that Janemba is here and is that much durable and yada yada, but it's still funny.

Then I would like to hear your explanation, why Janemba just appeared now and not 13 years earlier, like in fusion reborn? Broly killed a lot of people in the meantime including everyone on earth... so going by this logic, this Janemba can definitely be stronger than the one we know.

And again... Since this isn't canon to DBM, things can be changed. Same like Salagir changed Coola's revenge or the first 2 Broly movies to fit into the continuity. Which clearly seems to be the case here, otherwise Janemba would've already appeared earlier during the Buu Saga. That "limit" you are talking about, can also be higher for all we know.

Additionally, the other users here make some good arguments too. 3 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 56
ZenBuu 9 януари
VegetaJr was saying:
Theoretisch wäre es ja auch möglich das "Janemba" schreit das er aufgibt und schon wäre XII raus. Das würde auch zum Star Wars Cover passen, schließlich war es dort ja der zum guten bekehrte Vader der den Imperator besiegt hat

Fehlt nur noch, dass sie XXI zusammen in den Reaktorkern vom Todesstern werfen! :D
DB Multiverse page 2439
ZenBuu 9 януари
earth1superman was saying:
When is Gast going to pull out the light saber he was using on the cover

Shortly before Gast throws XXI down the reactor shaft of the death star. Wait...
DB Multiverse page 2439
ZenBuu 9 януари
Who says Janemba needs to be at the exact same powerlevel as he was in fusion reborn? This movie isn't canon to DBM, or let's say it never really happened like that in all the other universes. Where XXI got Janemba from, is still a mystery. Anyway... not to mention this story here isn't canon to DBM either.

So there is some leeway here to make Janemba stronger than in fusion reborn. Timeline wise, this here is also 13 years after the Buu Saga, which could've been enough time to accumulate more evil souls for the machine to gather, thus making this Janemba here stronger in the process.

earth1superman was saying:
Everyone in the universe is dead at this point. This Janemba was made with a lot more evil than any other iteration to ever be seen.

Not everyone is dead yet in this universe. At least Namek still exists for example. Broly didn't had enough time to destroy the whole universe in just one year.

But yeah, you basically think the same as me! :) 4 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 56
ZenBuu 9 януари
DisplayMyNameOhBoy was saying:
I think you could opted for a page spread rather than two panels of characters parroting confirmation sentences to the reader that "Yes, they can't see or sense anything"

I mean, it's obvious they can't see anything. But it isn't obvious they also can't sense anything. I think this is an interesting piece of info. Goku is taking mental notes.
DB Multiverse page 2439
ZenBuu 8 януари
zero logic was saying:
He could TP out of there and then use his immobilize magic move

Will that even work on someone like XXI?

Meng_Shu was saying:
Gast, use defog!

Okay, that was pretty funny, not gonna lie! XD

On a side note... I really think we've seen these guys here a little bit too much by now (Bruce and Zarya).

I would really wish to see other cameos in the audience again. Almost feels like the whole audience only consists of those 2 guys by now. They get more screen time than some other, more important characters. And that bothers me a bit to be honest. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2439
ZenBuu 8 януари
So since XXI apparently has consumed his whole universe for... only Kami knows how long... What if XXI is actually blind?

I had this theory for quite some time now, based of his "fight" against #18. He said: "Lucky I was keeping the button pressed..." (page 1125)

Maybe XXI can only lock onto auras, and cyborgs don't have auras to lock on. Why else would XXI say that? So if XXI wins this fight and faces Goku in the finale, Goku would have a huge advantage against XXI with his new NSSJ form, since it also doesn't leak Ki. That is, if Goku enters the ring transformed...

Any thoughts? :) 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2439
ZenBuu 8 януари
uiui was saying:
Und jetzt spaltet XXI Gast in all seine originalen Individuen.

Ich hatte diese Theorie ja auch schon ewig vor diesem Kampf. Aber warum hat er das dann nicht sofort am Beginn des Kampfes gemacht?

Allerdings sollte man Gast nicht unterschätzen... als er Hatchiyack erledigt hat, war er ähnlich zugerichtet wie hier. ;P
DB Multiverse page 2439
ZenBuu 8 януари
Damn, XXI really seems menacing here...

Also interesting how his speech bubble is shaped. I wonder how his voice sounds like.

Is it just me, or does XXI's silhouette look a little bit like semi perfect Cell in the last panel? 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2439
ZenBuu 8 януари
Saiyanoob was saying:
This was always one of the weirdest matches. The real Sun Wukong dog walks the entire Dragonball verse, but here Tien just no-sells him with no difficulty. Wukong clones have full power while Tiens split his power, and that's not even getting into how he only loses to gods and even becomes one himself.

Well, as far as I know, Sun Wukong only ever lost to Buddha and Tien kind of resembles Buddha. Wukong is even scared of Tien after the fight, and outright says he reminds him of Buddha.

Link to the page

But yeah, generally you are correct of course. Going by this logic, Wukong should've probably won the tournament. So this fight is obviously not meant to be taken so seriously.

Mhhh... now it makes me wonder how Sun Wukong vs Arale would go...?
DBMultiverse Colors page 276
ZenBuu 8 януари
Falls sich jemand wundert, "Le Nauge" ist kein Schreibfehler. Denn Leute schreiben seinen Namen in den Kommentaren öfters falsch, und die Italiener halten ihn wohl auch für nen Mädel. ^^

Und hier die Referenz; Seite 1336.
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 186
ZenBuu 8 януари
coolschweiz was saying:
Hoffe mal Janemba greift Broly an und nicht Buu

Die Reihenfolge der Panels zeigt deutlich, dass Janemba Buu angreift.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 55
ZenBuu 8 януари
Infernape2244 was saying:
PurpleAqua sagte: Viele konzentrieren sich bei Bardocks Visionen auf Vegetto aber ich bin noch sehr gespannt in wie fern die Goku und Cell Jr. Szene eine Rolle spielen wird oder das angeblich Piccolo, Bra und Vegeta am Leben hält mit seinem Willen. Da kommt noch so einiges auf uns zu :)
Bei Piccolo könnte ich mir eine Fusion mit Gast vorstellen. Wie soll er sonst mächtig genug dafür sein.

In der Vision steht Piccolo aber neben Vegeta und Son Bra, die beide ziemlich klein sind (page 732). Und Gast ist absolut riesig im Vergleich (page 2095). Will damit sagen, dass bei einer hypothetischen Fusion der beiden Piccolo's mit Gast, die entstandene Fusion mindestens genauso groß sein sollte, wie Gast, wenn nicht noch größer.

Und bin nur ich es, der verwundert viel mehr darüber verwundert ist, warum Piccolo dort seinen Turban nicht trägt, aber sein Cape? Das ist sicher nicht zufällig so gezeichnet worden...

Bezüglich der Vision mit Cell Jr.
Ich bin mir sehr sicher, der Junior mit dem Goku sich anfreundet (page 419), ist der Junior den Cell vor seinem Turnierkampf mit Gast ersetzt hat (page 482) und später dann bei der Majin Rebellion im Apartment zurückgelassen hat, um irgendwelche Schwächlinge zu bekämpfen (page 1519). Der hat ihn ja dann auch so traurig angeguckt. xD
DB Multiverse page 2438
ZenBuu 8 януари
Yes was saying:
Is this basically a what if Raditz turns good? If it is a story about just Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta it would not really go on for long.

While this comic here is not canon to DBM, even though so far it could still perfectly fit as a what if outside of the 20 universes we've seen at the tournament, universe 13 is still a thing... just with Kakarotto. So I wonder why you think that a story about Raditz, Nappa and Vegeta couldn't last for long? Can you please explain why you think so in more detail? 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 7
ZenBuu 8 януари
DaburaKing was saying:
Die NSFW Fans werden sich darüber schon freuen (wann kommt der nächste Kampf endlich? :D)

In ein paar Seiten. :)
Yamoshi Story page 52
ZenBuu 8 януари
Gogetto was saying:
Rivers of blood? Maybe a little elden ring ref? Anyways love zen buu such an interesting character who benefits from these more in depth stories

Not really. ^^

This chapter was already released 5 years ago in french. :D

Elden Ring came out in 2022. 1 Replie(s)
Fanfic u4, chapter 9
ZenBuu 7 януари
Tamamo-no-Bae was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Damn, Physalis getting horny lol

Looking back at the Hanasia novelisation, it kind of surprises me that she (or let's say those ancient Saiyans) actually wears underwear. :D the rest of their clothes looks rather primitive.

Well the Sadala ones were supposedly more advanced and less barbaric

Fair point you raise here. It seems like they also have space travel technology here, which the Saiyans later only got from the frost demon empire, if I'm not mistaken. Or was it from the Tsufurujin? Please correct me if I'm wrong, since I'm not really up to date with any recent retcons that were made regarding the Saiyans past. 2 Replie(s)
Yamoshi Story page 52
ZenBuu 7 януари
SevenPuppet was saying:
ZenBuu was saying:
I've also read the whole original comic on mangadraft already... but this version here is much more improved, not only the drawings look better, but also the dialogue was changed a bit.

I have a very loose understanding of French, but I'm gonna go binge this whole comic now. Thanks for the tip. :)

You're welcome, have a fun read! :)
Yamoshi Story page 51
ZenBuu 6 януари
Infernape2244 was saying:
An die Mods mir ist aufgefallen dass bei dem 321Y Comic wenn man die letzte Seite aufrufen möchte ein Fehler auftritt. Da steht die Seite könne nicht gefunden werden, aber wenn man auf die einzelnen Seiten geht und diese dann anklickt geht es wiederum. Ich weiß nicht ob das nur bei mir so ist oder ob andere das Problem auch haben.

Ich weiss schon darüber Bescheid. Goten-Kun hat versehentlich eine Seite zuviel hochgeladen, die gar nicht existiert. Wir müssten Salagir fragen, ob er das fixen kann. Mehr kann ich da leider auch nicht tun.

Hoerrinho was saying:
Weil du nicht mitdenkst.

Der Titel des Kapitels deutet auf das Ende des Turniers hin. So schnell kann eigentlich nur das Finale goku vs Gast sein, weil goku aufgibt für den Wunsch von Gast (während ich das schreibe merke ich wie absurd es ist dass goku aufgeben sollte)

Dementsprechend müsste Gast gewinnen.
So oder so wird er nicht direkt zum Kapitel Start k.o. Gehen.

Warscheinlich ist der Titel aber einfach nur irre führend

Kleiner Spoiler; oder auch nicht, da Salagir das bereits im englischen Bereich bestätigt hat:

Die Vargas verleihen diverse Preise an verschiedene Teilnehmer vor dem Finale. Das Turnier endet noch nicht in diesem Kapitel.

Am Rande... Du gehst also davon aus, dass Gast gegen XXI gewinnt? Es wird auf jede Fall nochmal sehr spannend! ;D
DB Multiverse page 2438
ZenBuu 6 януари
PrimeFighter was saying:
Im not gonna say anything more on the matter.

Because you have no more arguments and probably haven't even read my whole comment in it's entirety. You ignore most of the points I make and only pick out of it what you want to. You can't even point out what exactly was rude in my first comment on this page.

>I'm gonna be circling the same point you're missing

I don't miss any points here. I understand you clear as day. It's just that you choose to ignore the valid points I make.

>if the mods are also telling a fellow mod to talk like an ass

I do wonder who is the one being rude now? Again, when did I insult you? Why do YOU insult me now? Trust me, I've been way too friendly here. Other mods would've banned everyone left and right already, just for disagreeing. At least I'm someone who lets people argue with me, which I actually shouldn't be doing.

>And u should apologize to goten-kun

Again, YOU started this with your first comment being vague and made this way bigger than it has to be! YOU said, "they really need to fix that". Why not immediately say where the issue lies? Why throw something like that into the room, later claiming it wasn't meant to be taken serious, when it clearly bothers and stops you from commenting on the website? And then suddenly shifting the blame to me, because you "fear" my responses. Really funny.

>In fact, his response was exactly how u should speak. Polite, addresses confusion, no sob and bashing how others comment

Ask yourself why my comment towards you was slightly different than the one to Damian. I explained it several times already. If you would've been more clear from the beginning, my response would've been different.

But apparently you are right. Seems like further discussions with you seem to end in a circle, because YOU don't want to understand what I'm trying to tell you here the whole time.

That's why I'll also end this discussion here. It unnecessarily went on for way too long. 2 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 6
ZenBuu 6 януари
Geez. I'm sorry this has to happen here under your new comics comments section, Goten-Kun...

PrimeFighter was saying:
I said something so vague and insignificant but to you, you felt to need to sob a wall.

There lies the problem. Next time please just be clear about what exactly you are talking about, instead of purposely being vague. Because that is no constructive criticism, that helps anybody. You can't just leave a comment like this, and not expect an answer.

>The way u keep replying a wall like u do often I see often from you specifically makes me not wanna comment cuz I gotta worry this ZenBuu mod gonna do whats he's doing rn

Sure, act like I'm the bad guy here and ignore all the other stuff I said, when I deep down was literally just trying to help solving the problem.

>Sorry if you had trouble with the logins. We will look into it. Can you describe what's happening on your end of things?

That's basically what I said. Worded a bit differently, I admit, but essentially the same meaning. Please tell me what part exactly of my initial comment was rude to you? Did I insult you or something? No, I didn't. Should I put Smileys at the end of each sentence, to let you know how I mean it?

>a better way to say things than a wall. Keep proving my point.

What wall are you keep talking about here? My first comment was pretty short. Seriously, what are you talking about? And even if it was long. Am I not allowed to write long comments? Yes, now my comments keep getting longer and longer, but only because you were the root of this whole discussion. I just reply to you. If you were clear from the beginning, I would just said, "sure, we try to fix that" and this whole conversation wouldn't have happened. That's like if I say "Man this page really sucks, they need to make it better" while refusing to say what exactly needs to be done better. It's somewhat provoking answers.

All this only happened, because you were initially being vague in your first comment, instead of immediately saying where exactly the problem with the mobile login is. I will still talk about this with Salagir now. No problem, you can thank me later. :)

WongTing was saying:
Actually it's exactly his job to give feedback, if you don't like it what the hell are you doing being a moderator on a site?

Before YOU jump to conclusions so quick and attack me from the side, maybe reread the whole conversation again. Admittedly, I might've phrased the feedback part a little bit unclear. PrimeFighter said, and I'll quote: "Second, it's not my job to give you any feedback at all."

To which I basically said: "if you leave such a comment, then also give real (constructive) feedback to it, what you said doesn't help at all in solving the issue". You totally got it the wrong way it seems.

>Calling something janky isn't being rude. Frankly, you are being rude and instead of apologizing you double downed on it.

I never said that about his comment. I don't know where you are getting this from right now. I was generalizing about other comments, that was a whole other topic. I was the one being accused of being rude here. Which I definitely wasn't. That looks different, trust me. I don't see the need to apologize here for anything I said, when I was just trying to help. And I won't sugarcoat my comments anymore, many people (mainly other moderators) told me to be less friendly and more harsh over the years. But sure, take your narrative of me...

>Go to your happy place or whatever helps you relax you're on edge more then usual, Zen.

"More then usual" That's an... interesting choice of words, for someone who just made an account a day ago. You act like you know me for many years..... :)
Also thanks for your "concern" about me, but I guess I can decide myself on what I spend my free time on. 2 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 6
ZenBuu 6 януари
JetMalakai was saying:
Kazuki was saying: XXI is attacking the kid cause he can, it doesn't disqualify because according to the tournament rules, the kid is basically part of him and his abilities.
Attacking the kid just baits the hero (Gast) into protecting him, making Gast even easier to kill.
Something that could be cool and a little unexpected would be if Goku and others jump in too to save the kid.
If that were to happen Goku would be disqualified and XXI would win the tournament, turning the whole thing into the worst case scenario.
This story needs more of the good old "things get worse before they get better" treatment.

You might be right. I was expecting Goku to win but for it to be rendered moot by something XXI does. He clearly doesn't care about the dragon balls anyway. I think its pretty obvious he's out to destroy 19 other realities or countless other realities if he can, its just a question of how he's going to do it.

XXI clearly wants the Dragon Balls for a wish (page 956). 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2438
ZenBuu 6 януари
PrimeFighter was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: PrimeFighter was saying: Breh i should've started commenting years ago here but I couldn't get the login to work on mobile. It's so janky. They need to fix that tbh
What exactly is "so janky" about that?? Please elaborate!
I had some discussions with Salagir about this a while ago already and he made some fixes that definitely improved login on mobile. At least I only received positive feedback. Personally I don't even think it was that bad before either, I never had problems to login on my phone. But ok...
So what exactly needs more improvement? This is also a funny thing, I read comments like this sometimes and always people just complain about it, but do not give actual advice on how to make it better. When we don't know where the "problem" lies, we can't really improve and "fix" it, right?

Damian Qualshy was saying: I dunno, I'm using DBM only on mobile but it became easier to use lately except for zooming in on pages.
I talked with Salagir about that twice too, and he improved it twice. For me it's working perfectly now. It's not as sensitive anymore as it was before, zooming doesn't accidentally switch pages anymore and it also only switches pages, when you are actually looking at the page itself, not when you scroll down to the comment section.

First off, wasn't that big of a deal but since ur honestly been pretty rude now and every time I read ur comments these days, you have to enter each time u fill one of the boxes (type enter type enter) or it won't register what you typed.

Second, it's not my job to give you any feedback at all. I don't understand what YOUR deal is to feel the need to tweak out every time something someone comments triggers you this bad. Again, you are set at a higher standard than us, and you seriously need to get your act together. I'm sure it's very detracting to other commenter's, too to have to worry if ur gonna outburst like this. Politely stop

Ok, this is getting very off topic here now, but if you insist for an answer to this, here you go:

It's not your job to give feedback, when you leave such a comment (calling it "so janky", what response do you expect?) and want that things get better regarding the mobile login? Make that make sense. I wasn't even being rude, that looks way different. I always try to take feedback from the community here and there and I've talked many times to Salagir about stuff like that, so he tries to improve parts of the website over the time... but you don't notice that, because that usually happens in the background.

I do so much stuff for DBM in the background that nobody even notices, that I don't even want to get any credit for... Like I already said in the past, I'm still allowed to voice my opinion here like every other user does. Sometimes I don't like what other people comment, people who are actually rude and insult others, and I have a right to comment on that too, if I want. Again, at the end of the day, I'm also just a normal fan of DBM. I don't see myself being on some sort of "higher standard", like you put it. And I never get insulting or anything like that. Unlike other people who insult ME nearly every day here. Some people just really hate if you talk back to them. That's a fact. Hell, I even had people sending me several death threats on a daily basis.

And in your case, I was even offering the solution to fix the problem, if you just tell me what exactly needs to be worked on, because you were just vague in your first comment...

If you leave such comments, without any explanation why you think so, you should expect a fitting answer to your comment. 2 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 6
ZenBuu 5 януари
Stevethebarbarian was saying:
Your sense of timing is a bit off, Vegeta. In fact, it’s only been 555 days.

He was obviously skipping the special chapters. ;P
DBMultiverse Colors page 276
ZenBuu 5 януари
عمار was saying:
Let's go, XXI! End him!!!

Don't listen to this guy here!

Gast, show us what you've got!!!
You were in a similar condition when you finished off Hatchiyack! You can do it! :D
DB Multiverse page 2438
ZenBuu 5 януари
Winson was saying:
BUT again no nips are visible in any of those pages.

So that's the core issue here? Some visible pokies through her clothes? Maybe Bra just feels cold? XD

So if they weren't visible, it would be totally fine, yes? Or would it be fine if Bra is 18? Then you should not read Super Dragon Bros. You see visible nipples through the clothes on nearly every page where Bulma or Mrs. Papa shows up. NOBODY complains there for some reason... weird, huh? :p


Personally, I have zero issues with that. On the contrary. :D 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 5 януари
Winson was saying:
And I don't remember any such 50 panels, or even 5 were there was more visible than what is on this cover.

Seems like you've clearly read a different Majin arc then I have. I've spend many, many hours coloring most of those pages. I think I know what I'm talking about. Maybe go reread it again... ;)

Winson was saying:
Was that cover really drawn by Asura? It's not posted anywhere

First; this is not a cover.

Second; don't you recognize Asura's style?

Third; do you think I made that up lol? You even see his signature at the bottom...

Yes, it is a drawing by Asura. It's not posted anywhere? A quick Google search would answer that question very fast for you. But I'll be so nice and link it here for you, since you seem to doubt me... ;)

I bet you guys would probably get a total meltdown when you see this drawing from Asura here... XD 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 5 януари
PGV 2 was saying:
ZenBuu ha detto: Page 251. Mary Sue ha perso la sua battaglia nella prima pagina, eppure non ti sei lamentato del fatto che l'attenzione dell'intero capitolo non fosse su Mary Sue. ^^

Quindi, dov'è il problema qui? Inoltre, un altro esempio sarebbe la copertina originale, che mostrava Goku con una chitarra, Pan che cantava e Piccolo alla batteria. Quando è successo questo nel capitolo? ;P

Quello che sto dicendo è che le copertine non mostrano sempre cosa succede nel capitolo. Inoltre, leggi il mio primo commento nella sezione inglese dove spiego più in dettaglio perché abbiamo scelto questa copertina!

Un po' di camomilla non ti farebbe male XD
Relax, se per una piccola critica te la prendi così, non oso pensare qualora arrivassero le vere critiche come reagiresti...
Bastava rimandarmi al tuo commento e per me la questione si risolveva lì e chiedevo pure scusa visti i problemi avuti dietro le quinte (ed anzi peccato perché quella Cover sarebbe stata fantastica per me *_*), non c'era bisogno di inalberarsi per una sciocchezza simile...
Anche perché la Cover con Mary Sue ha a che fare con il Capitolo a cui appartiene (dato che quella Cover è un incoronazione dei Mary Sue/Gary Stu di Multiverse e metà Capitolo è dedicato a Bu 4 che è un Gary Stu), mentre le Cover della storia principale non hanno mai avuto a che fare con i contenuti del Capitolo (anzi tutt'altro visto che sono sempre citazioni alla cultura pop), quindi boh XD
Ripeto: relax, che qui non vi sta mangiando nessuno e, soprattutto, tutti quanti apprezziamo il vostro lavoro ;)

Ok, dove esattamente ero arrabbiato o turbato? Sarebbe molto diverso. Mi dispiace se il messaggio è stato recepito nel modo sbagliato. ^^

Stavo solo rispondendo alle tue critiche. Ma grazie comunque per il tuo contributo. :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 5 януари
PrimeFighter was saying:
Breh i should've started commenting years ago here but I couldn't get the login to work on mobile. It's so janky. They need to fix that tbh

What exactly is "so janky" about that?? Please elaborate!
I had some discussions with Salagir about this a while ago already and he made some fixes that definitely improved login on mobile. At least I only received positive feedback. Personally I don't even think it was that bad before either, I never had problems to login on my phone. But ok...
So what exactly needs more improvement? This is also a funny thing, I read comments like this sometimes and always people just complain about it, but do not give actual advice on how to make it better. When we don't know where the "problem" lies, we can't really improve and "fix" it, right?

Damian Qualshy was saying:
I dunno, I'm using DBM only on mobile but it became easier to use lately except for zooming in on pages.

I talked with Salagir about that twice too, and he improved it twice. For me it's working perfectly now. It's not as sensitive anymore as it was before, zooming doesn't accidentally switch pages anymore and it also only switches pages, when you are actually looking at the page itself, not when you scroll down to the comment section. 2 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 6
ZenBuu 5 януари
kingworld was saying:
WongTing was saying: ZenBuu was saying: SOME FANSERVICE! :O

Some may feel like this is a bit out of place and I won't blame them. But hey, back in the Majin rebellion arc, we had Bra almost without a Bra. ^^
So I don't think this here is too bad. Even if her top was hanging on like 2 only threads at the end, it's probably more durable than the steel door from Gero's lab or Katchin.

Jokes aside, yes, this is an old drawing from Homola Gábor. We had a bit time pressure out of lack from artists who draw a cover for free. So if someone wants to volunteer, here is your chance! Write me here and I'll contact you per e-mail. Or you can write me on discord, just go to the official DBM Server. We can really need some help, since we have enough to do with coloring. We have many ideas for extra pages too!

Why did we pick this specific old drawing? Simply because it still kinda fits with the focus on Son Bra in this chapter where she fights Zangya and lacks control over her anger. Obviously she won't get injured like that in the fight. The alternative would've been some drawing of Zangya from Asura. But since the focus is clearly on Bra, we decided to use this. So I wonder if some of you would've preferred that? :)

The original idea for this cover was this:

Sun Wukong (DBM) and Kid Goku meditating on their Nyoi-bōs on Mount Paozu at sunset.

Yet, this is still a nice drawing from Gábor. :)

Isn't she 16 yo? This is creepy and wrong on all levels.

"ALL levels" is such an overexaggeration that it is so annoying to the point it hurts.
There's without a doubt at least one level where it's not "wrong", i.e. the biological one, given how from that perspective the best age would be teenagerhood, no later than 20 or something like that.
Also, again, that's the picture of a warrior with thorn clothes.
Wasn't Uub even less dressed after his battle vs Goku? And he's about 16 too. Yet I don't recall a single complaint about that.

I totally agree with your comments, well said! Just one thing I want to correct. Uub is 20 at the DBM tournament (by now he should even be 21, since he is already a year in that pocket dimension where Buu left him).

However... whoever thinks this is "creepy" or "wrong on ALL levels" (which is definitely a huge overexaggeration) clearly hasn't read the Majin rebellion arc from DBM. I could whip out probably 50 panels from Son Bra, from various revealing angles, with muss less clothing than she has here on this cover... where you can see way more from her breasts, than this little underboob here. I would even call that a little bit hypocritical if I'm being honest. Bra is a female. Females have breasts. Clothes get torn during an intense fight. That's normal. It's even a wonder her top wasn't destroyed completely. Hell, some people in the French comment section even said this cover here is considered as "pornography". Like seriously... Wtf?

I could definitely understand complaints if we picked, let's say... this here as a cover (YES, this was drawn by Asura!!!):


Additionally I think it's kind of telling, that only one person responded to the part of my comment, where I outright ask for some help to draw new covers/extra pages. Isn't the english community pretty huge? I wonder why only one person here is willing to help and actually contribute to DBM? I'm very sure there are many artists lingering around here. Instead we had to address the big elephant in the room, huh...? Interesting. ;D 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 5 януари
Teleported_Bread was saying:
happywarrior99 was saying: jon was saying: next page prediction:

and then, yamoshi was evilYamoshi was on that island close enough to Kanba's body/presence/aura/ki for several pages, thus I think that there is a chance that Yamoshi may have gotten infected too unless Yamoshi is immune to getting infected.

Yamoshi saiying "the last moments" on this page implies that he believes that he is doomed to getting infected or doomed to getting killed by Kanba or both.

kingworld was saying: happywarrior99 was saying: jon was saying: next page prediction:

and then, yamoshi was evilYamoshi was on that island close enough to Kanba's body/presence/aura/ki for several pages, thus I think that there is a chance that Yamoshi may have gotten infected too unless Yamoshi is immune to getting infected.

Yamoshi saiying "the last moments" on this page implies that he believes that he is doomed to getting infected or doomed to getting killed by Kanba or both.
Or that, you know, a war is going to begin and thus no-one's survival or happiness is guaranteed, even less so than usual.
I already know what's gonna happen. This story is older than you guys think.

Good for you, I guess?! ;P

I've also read the whole original comic on mangadraft already... but this version here is much more improved, not only the drawings look better, but also the dialogue was changed a bit. 1 Replie(s)
Yamoshi Story page 51
ZenBuu 5 януари
Medar was saying:
ZenBuu disait : Joel disait : @Xman34 :
C'est interdit en France de faire de la pornographie sur mineurs. Merci ceci dit de nous expliquer que la culture japonaise est différente.

Alors tu peux être tolérant, mais de là à devenir agressif envers ceux qui sont ennuyés comme s'ils étaient bizarres...
Comment cette couverture est-elle considérée comme de la pornographie ??? Sérieusement...
Nous avons vu beaucoup plus de pages de Son Bra avec moins de vêtements, quand elle était une Majin...

Veuillez lire mon premier commentaire dans la section des commentaires en anglais, pour plus de détails sur les raisons pour lesquelles nous avons choisi cette couverture exacte.

Ca par contre c'est un truc qui me sciera toujours : on est sur un site créé et hébergé en France, tu es toi même francophone MAIS non la communication importante (pourquoi cette couverture + appel à volontaires pour des artistes) sera fait uniquement en anglais et quand la question traitée dès le début dans le comm anglais se pose finalement aussi en français (des gens qui se plaignent du fan service) on renvoie vers la version anglaise...

Sincèrement, je comprend l'idée de "l'anglais c'est la langue la plus internationale" mais... pourquoi ne pas faire le comm' ici aussi en français qui est ta langue maternelle ? Ca coûtait quoi de plus ? xD et ça aurait préshoot la polémique ici aussi du coup x)

En plus pour le côté appel à volontaire, y a aussi des artistes francophones qui lisent DBM en français :p

Bref, jolie couv' (c'est pas comme si on avait pas largement plus de fan service sur Bra dans DBM en effet tu le soulignes bien) mais ça m'a juste agacé ENCORE ce refus de communiquer en français sur un site purement francophone de base xD

Je dois clarifier quelque chose ici, je suppose. Le français n'est définitivement pas ma langue maternelle ! Je suis en fait d'Allemagne, mon français n'est vraiment pas si bon, j'utilise principalement le traducteur de Google pour communiquer ici.

Mais ok, voici mon commentaire traduit:


Certains peuvent penser que c'est un peu déplacé et je ne les blâmerai pas. Mais bon, à l'époque de la rébellion de Majin, nous avions Bra presque sans soutien-gorge. ^^
Je ne pense donc pas que ce soit si mal ici. Même si son haut ne tenait qu'à 2 fils au bout, il est probablement plus durable que la porte en acier du laboratoire de Gero ou de Katchin.

Blagues à part, oui, c'est un vieux dessin d'Homola Gábor. Nous avons eu un peu de pression temporelle par manque d'artistes qui dessinent une couverture gratuitement. Donc si quelqu'un veut se porter volontaire, voici votre chance ! Écrivez-moi ici et je vous contacterai par e-mail. Ou vous pouvez m'écrire sur Discord, allez simplement sur le serveur officiel DBM. Nous pouvons vraiment avoir besoin d'aide, car nous avons assez à faire avec le coloriage. Nous avons aussi beaucoup d'idées pour des pages supplémentaires !

Pourquoi avons-nous choisi ce vieux dessin en particulier ? Tout simplement parce qu'il correspond toujours un peu à l'accent mis sur Son Bra dans ce chapitre où elle combat Zangya et manque de contrôle sur sa colère. Évidemment, elle ne sera pas blessée comme ça dans le combat. L'alternative aurait été un dessin de Zangya d'Asura. Mais comme l'accent est clairement mis sur Bra, nous avons décidé d'utiliser cela. Je me demande donc si certains d'entre vous auraient préféré cela ? :)

L'idée originale de cette couverture était la suivante:

Sun Wukong (DBM) et Kid Goku méditant sur leurs Nyoi-bōs sur le mont Paozu au coucher du soleil.

Pourtant, c'est toujours un joli dessin de Gábor. :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 4 януари
Joel was saying:
@Xman34 :
C'est interdit en France de faire de la pornographie sur mineurs. Merci ceci dit de nous expliquer que la culture japonaise est différente.

Alors tu peux être tolérant, mais de là à devenir agressif envers ceux qui sont ennuyés comme s'ils étaient bizarres...

Comment cette couverture est-elle considérée comme de la pornographie ??? Sérieusement...
Nous avons vu beaucoup plus de pages de Son Bra avec moins de vêtements, quand elle était une Majin...

Veuillez lire mon premier commentaire dans la section des commentaires en anglais, pour plus de détails sur les raisons pour lesquelles nous avons choisi cette couverture exacte. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 4 януари
PGV 2 was saying:
ZenBuu ha detto: Questo capitolo non si concentra su Son Bra?

Nì, Bra è una delle tre trame del Capitolo, dato che ci sono anche Tenshinhan vs Sun Wukong ed Eleim vs C-16...
Ma in ogni caso, fare una Cover a tema sarebbe stato meglio per me...

Page 251. Mary Sue ha perso la sua battaglia nella prima pagina, eppure non ti sei lamentato del fatto che l'attenzione dell'intero capitolo non fosse su Mary Sue. ^^

Quindi, dov'è il problema qui? Inoltre, un altro esempio sarebbe la copertina originale, che mostrava Goku con una chitarra, Pan che cantava e Piccolo alla batteria. Quando è successo questo nel capitolo? ;P

Quello che sto dicendo è che le copertine non mostrano sempre cosa succede nel capitolo. Inoltre, leggi il mio primo commento nella sezione inglese dove spiego più in dettaglio perché abbiamo scelto questa copertina! 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 4 януари
God damn, that ass... Physalis wird horny lol

Wenn ich mir den Novel von Hanasia noch einmal anschaue, überrascht es mich irgendwie ein wenig, dass sie (oder sagen wir diese uralten Saiyajins) tatsächlich Unterwäsche trägt. :D

Der Rest ihrer Kleidung sieht halt eher primitiv aus.
Yamoshi Story page 52
ZenBuu 4 януари
Damn, Physalis getting horny lol

Looking back at the Hanasia novelisation, it kind of surprises me that she (or let's say those ancient Saiyans) actually wears underwear. :D the rest of their clothes looks rather primitive. 1 Replie(s)
Yamoshi Story page 52
ZenBuu 4 януари
ZidaneTribal was saying:
Äh, ich wollte wissen, wie es mit Gast im Spezialkapitel weitergeht.

Wird sich jetzt hier ernsthaft über ein Hauptkapitel beschwert!? XD

Wie bereits erwähnt, kommt nach diesem Kapitel hier die Fortsetzung zu U7...
DB Multiverse page 2437
ZenBuu 4 януари
Drasknes44376 was saying:
Mustard was saying: Ew. Isn't she like 16?

I’m pretty you’re overthinking it. (Like the people who criticize Batman from the Arkham and his wealth.) We haven’t necessarily heard her age. Plus, this is a few years after Dragon Ball ended. So we can she assume around 18.

That's not correct, Bra is definitely 16 years old, she was born in age 778, 4 years after the Buu Saga and 16 years before the DBM tournament (age 794).

We could maybe be generous and stretch it a little bit by saying she trained more in the HTC, other than being in there with Pan and Gohan (where they didn't even close the door).

But yeah, I do agree with the other comments about Bulma being the same age at the start of DB. And you could see her fully naked there in some panels. This here isn't even close to that. Heck, you could see much more revealing panels from Bra in the Majin rebellion. Go reread it, if you don't believe me. Even the "Main cover" (where she faces Cell, both Gohans, both Piccolos, Buu and the Ultras) for DBM colors shows more from her than this here. Although I can understand some concerns about it, I think it's also kind of a double standard to complain about this here. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 4 януари
Brolunite was saying:
Je comprends de skip le chapitre de Cell vu qu'il était déjà en couleur, mais vous pensez pas que quelqu'un dans le futur qui voudrait commencer à lire DBM choisirait la version couleur pour seulement switcher à l'originale une fois au bout des colos? et du coup il aurait carrément loupé le chapitre de Cell sans le savoir?

Nous avons dit dès le début que nous n'inclurions pas de chapitres spéciaux pour diverses raisons. Mais laissez-moi répéter.

Tout d'abord: certains sont déjà colorés et dans un style différent du nôtre. Pourquoi les inclurions-nous ici ?

Deuxièmement: les chapitres spéciaux ne sont pas vraiment nécessaires pour comprendre toute « l'histoire principale ». Ce ne sont que des informations de fond supplémentaires. Et si les gens veulent vraiment les lire (plus de contenu), ils peuvent toujours le faire sur le site Web.

Troisièmement: inclure des spéciaux allongerait encore la sortie de l'ensemble de plus de 5 ans.

Quatrième et dernier point: nous ne voulions tout simplement pas colorier certains des spéciaux. C'est aussi simple que ça ! :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 4 януари
Deypel was saying:
El estilo de dibujo es... ¡terrible!

Que lindo de tu parte...
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 4 януари
Pryomnicom was saying:
Yhaj was saying: Best fan fiction ever. Cell, Buu, Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Gast, Bra, Vegitto and so much more. Honestly knocked this story out of the park. Well done and thank you for the entertainment over the years. In my opinion it's almost flawless :)

Id like to second this opinion, love every bit of DBM though I think we got a few more years before it wraps.

As far as I know, Salagir still has plans for the next 10 years... :)
DB Multiverse page 2437
ZenBuu 4 януари
Regulator was saying:
Très jolie.

Mais est-ce une bonne idée de montrer un bout de sein et des tétons qui pointent alors qu'elle est mineure ?

Eh bien... Bulma avait le même âge au début de DB. ^^

Au passage ; Son Bra a presque perdu son... soutien-gorge... dans la rébellion Majin. :D Je dis juste... 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 4 януари
PGV 2 was saying:
Hanno usato una Fan Art di Bra 16 che già circolava come Cover...
Peccato, speravo in una Cover che rimanda al contenuto del Capitolo come accaduto per gli altri Capitoli...

Questo capitolo non si concentra su Son Bra? 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 3 януари
Goku JR is okay was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: SOME FANSERVICE! :O

Some may feel like this is a bit out of place and I won't blame them. But hey, back in the Majin rebellion arc, we had Bra almost without a Bra. ^^
So I don't think this here is too bad. Even if her top was hanging on like 2 only threads at the end, it's probably more durable than the steel door from Gero's lab or Katchin.

Jokes aside, yes, this is an old drawing from Homola Gábor. We had a bit time pressure out of lack from artists who draw a cover for free. So if someone wants to volunteer, here is your chance! Write me here and I'll contact you per e-mail. Or you can write me on discord, just go to the official DBM Server. We can really need some help, since we have enough to do with coloring. We have many ideas for extra pages too!

Why did we pick this specific old drawing? Simply because it still kinda fits with the focus on Son Bra in this chapter where she fights Zangya and lacks control over her anger. Obviously she won't get injured like that in the fight. The alternative would've been some drawing of Zangya from Asura. But since the focus is clearly on Bra, we decided to use this. So I wonder if some of you would've preferred that? :)

The original idea for this cover was this:

Sun Wukong (DBM) and Kid Goku meditating on their Nyoi-bōs on Mount Paozu at sunset.

Yet, this is still a nice drawing from Gábor. :)

Hey I can volunteer to draw art covers. I mostly do classic akira toriyama style artworks and illustrations like dragon quest but iv done a few dragonball works.

Awesome! I wrote you a mail. :) 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 3 януари
Saso was saying:
I actually like this as a cover, and sure enough, the clothing in DB in general has always been indestructible, would be cool if someone could help you guys to redraw it so the coloring fits the rest of the pages, but again, it's a nice cover focusing on Bra.

Why would we need to recolor this? Moreso, why would we need to find someone to do this? We could've done that ourself. :)
We need people who actually DRAW new covers for us...
And the covers we made so far always have a different coloring style than the "normal" pages in the chapter:
Page 1, page 20, page 45, page 69, page 94, page 119, page 152, page 179, page 203, page 227 and page 251. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 2 януари
Super Namek Piccolo was saying:
Ich verstehe nicht warum in diesem Universum Janemba so spät aufgetaucht ist. Er müsste direkt nach dem Tod von Majin Vegeta auftauchen

XXI hat Janemba auch gegen Gast "beschworen". Und Goku's Reaktion darauf lässt vermuten, dass er nie gegen Janemba gekämpft hat, sprich der Film Fusion Reborn ist nicht wirklich DBM Canon.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 54
ZenBuu 2 януари
XXI be like: "Don't worry bro, I'm just eating you alive, it won't hurt at all..." :D 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2441
ZenBuu 2 януари
Bubbles was saying:
iron leaf was saying: Kururun was saying: ...Videl is not 10 years old.
Correct, she is actually 14.

While she does look a little small, she was fairly short too during Buu saga.

That is also incorrect lol

Videl should be 16 here (born in age 756), even though I also think she looks a bit younger here than that. She was 18 at the start of the Buu Saga (age 774) and this story is placed 2 years before that (age 772). 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2436
ZenBuu 1 януари
SuperSaiyan4Vegetto was saying:
The note on the bottom says they'll start the main story again? I have to admit, that's a welcome surprise, I imagine we'll get to see the conclusion to XXI vs. Gast.

Yes, no news this time, so hopefully everyone sees that note. Next page will be the start of the next main chapter!

This special was nice, I'm hyped to see the sequel to this chapter. :D
DB Multiverse page 2436
ZenBuu 1 януари
TabletopJunk was saying:
The translation in this page is particularly rough. Might benefit from a once over.

And why don't you give examples of what exactly needs improvement? 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 274
ZenBuu 1 януари
Frohes Neues an alle! :)
DB Multiverse page 2435
ZenBuu 1 януари
coolschweiz was saying:
Wird in diesem Manga nur Gohans Geschichte erzähl (aus seiner Sicht) oder was kann man unter Letzte Son vor stellen

Lass dich überraschen. :)
Saigo no Son page 4
ZenBuu 29 декември
Oh no! U19 Gohan lost! He even did the Yamcha pose, probably to honor his father. :D
DBMultiverse Colors page 273
ZenBuu 29 декември
瘦布欧 was saying:
Is that #18 or #28 which Thorn just discharged?

Of course it is #28.
DB Multiverse page 2435
ZenBuu 29 декември
obserwator was saying:
On page 45 yamoshi's text is also in italics..

I noticed that too while translating. Seemed kind of random to me honestly.
Yamoshi Story page 49
ZenBuu 29 декември
Infernape2244 was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: debu sagte: ZenBuu sagte:
Das wird wohl (laut Salagir) später noch erklärt. Aber nicht mehr in diesem Special. Diese ganze Story um U7, bzw. Gast und Thorn auf der Erde, hat anscheinend 4 Parts. Dies hier ist der Erste. :)

Die kommen jetzt aber nicht alle hintereinander, oder?
Ich mein das Special ist nicht schlecht, aber irgendwann mal wieder Main-Story wäre auch schön.
Neee, keine Sorge... 2 Seiten kommen noch, dann geht's back zur Main Story! :)
An sich cool, aber ich hoffe die anderen 3 Parts kommen dann bald. Finde Gast sein Universum ist eins der besten des Comics mit U9.

Dazu habe ich leider keine genaueren Infos. Ich kann dir allerdings grob sagen, was momentan noch in Arbeit ist, bzw. als nächstes kommen könnte.

Ich weiß von 2 U3 Specials, eins davon habe ich von Anfang an mit verfolgt, die werden auch wieder Überlänge haben, mit so circa 40 Seiten. Quasi der zweite Teil, wo die Saiyajins erneut die Erde/Piccolo Daimao angreifen und dann den Zerfall des Saiyajin Imperiums durch Raichi's Geister Armee.

DSP27 arbeitet wohl an einem U13 Special über Kid Kakarott. Dann arbeitet Ouv an einem Future Trunks Special, sowie die Namek Saga von U13.

Dann der zweite Flashback Teil von Uub mit Fake Anju in der Pocket Dimension, von HocBo.

Dann sehe ich noch etwas über "Die Namekianer" von Piccolo76. Aber keine Ahnung, worum es da genau gehen soll. Goten-Kun soll wohl auch an seiner Canon DBM Version von Namekseijin arbeiten.

Und zum Schluss: Special über XXI, von Suisei (hat einen Teil von Cell vs Vegeta gezeichnet). 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2434
ZenBuu 28 декември
debu was saying:
ZenBuu sagte:
Das wird wohl (laut Salagir) später noch erklärt. Aber nicht mehr in diesem Special. Diese ganze Story um U7, bzw. Gast und Thorn auf der Erde, hat anscheinend 4 Parts. Dies hier ist der Erste. :)

Die kommen jetzt aber nicht alle hintereinander, oder?
Ich mein das Special ist nicht schlecht, aber irgendwann mal wieder Main-Story wäre auch schön.

Neee, keine Sorge... 2 Seiten kommen noch, dann geht's back zur Main Story! :) 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2434
ZenBuu 28 декември
This chapter was definitely... different. And a deep dive into Buu's psyche. Very brutal and total madness unfolds.

Was a good read! :)
Fanfic u4, chapter 9
ZenBuu 28 декември
EternalZenkai was saying:
Und was war nun die Lüge?

Das wird wohl (laut Salagir) später noch erklärt. Aber nicht mehr in diesem Special. Diese ganze Story um U7, bzw. Gast und Thorn auf der Erde, hat anscheinend 4 Parts. Dies hier ist der Erste. :) 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2434
ZenBuu 28 декември
Kururun was saying:
Other than that, feel free to skim through my post history

Guess what I did? I can see all your comments, even deleted ones. I've also read all your French comments and there is a good reason "Optilux" gave you a second warning, telling you to calm down a bit. Don't try to twist the facts. ;)

You have been rude to others here in the past and you kind of start to be rude again. If you do not notice that yourself anymore, then it's your problem. I'm not going to further discuss this with you now here (rule #1). Just know, that there won't be another warning if you keep this going. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2434
ZenBuu 28 декември
Kururun was saying:
Is... Is this a media literacy problem? Do I have to start sounding like a pretentious asshat to tackle the issue here?

Ehh...no? On the contrary, I would prefer if you do not act kind of condescending here, like you are definitely doing lately (again). You already have 2 official warnings, by two different moderators... just saiyan.

MultiKoopa was saying:
something I'm confused about

"The entire re­la­tion­ship between you and Gast is a few hours sharing your stories."

What about Piccolo, who's a part of Gast?

Piccolo is part of Gast? Ok, that's new to me. Where did you take that from? Please show me a page that proves this point. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2434
ZenBuu 24 декември
Frohe Weihnachten an Alle! Geniesst die Zeit mit der Familie! :) 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2432
ZenBuu 24 декември
MUI was saying:

To give energy to Buu the majinized one needs to damage his opponent. Dabura is fodder to Gast, he is not gonna do any damage.

I'm obviously aware of that. But how much of a difference does Vegeta there? And you said "which strong fighters are left in the universe to release Buu besides Vegeta and Gast?", Dabura is a strong fighter. At least the strongest left I can think of.

We don't even know how to scale Gast here in this special yet. 10 years ago he struggled with Cold, so he obviously got a lot more stronger over the time. This here is 2 years before the Buu Saga. Depending on how this arc with Cell plays out, Gast might be very well only on Dabura's level or just a bit stronger. Pretty sure he wasn't strong enough to outright kill Buu, that's how he came up with the sealing technique he contained Zen Buu with at the tournament.

Also, Merry Christmas to everyone! :)
DB Multiverse page 2432
ZenBuu 24 декември
MUI was saying:
Salagir was saying: 瘦布欧 was saying: They are "Androids", why they have to talk to each other verbally thru mouth instead of communicating electronically. And Gero had to read his mail from a computer screen
In short: because DBZ is Space-Opera, not Science-Fiction.

MUI was saying: Vegeta likely wont be seen until he is majinized by Babadi.
Several of you seem very sure that Vegeta will be majinized, and I wonder why. Did someone say something I don't know about ?

kkk was saying: I don't recall Gast being a representative of the council of Icarion
Things happen between specials. For example, in page 2418 i show that Gast and Thorn visited many places and obviously got in troubles many times.
And anyway... how could Gero check ? ;p

Well about the Vegeta part: Its just a theory I really like. You need very powerful energy to release Buu, and since Gast most likely will kill the cyborgs and Cell, which strong fighters are left in the universe to release Buu besides Vegeta and Gast? Vegeta didn’t redeem in this universe so even more reason for him to be majinezed, challenge Gast in his SSJ2 and voila: Buu is released.

Atleast I hope you make this true Salagr :p

While I also think Vegeta will get majinized somehow, there is still Dabura. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2432
ZenBuu 24 декември
ssss was saying:
What if the plot twist of this fan manga is this is happening after Broly was sent back to his universe from the tournament

Page 2 clearly says otherwise. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 51
ZenBuu 24 декември
kari was saying:
Ich muss schon sagen Yamoshi ist schon ein Feigling, wenn ich er währe hätte ich geguckt was dass ist vor allem wenn ich Cumber auf meiner Seite noch hätte. Ich meine ihn hat dass auch nicht interessiert dass er bei Cumber gegangen ist aber bei ein (womöglich) zweiten Cumber hat er Jz schiss.

Oh Boy.... wart mal ab. xD
Yamoshi Story page 47
ZenBuu 24 декември
LSSJ4_Broly was saying:
was ZenBuu there last time i checked...?

I'm everywhere :D
DBMultiverse Colors page 7
ZenBuu 24 декември
Shabby was saying:
I was joking a little. :)

It's just that no alternate universe is ever kind to Gohan.

Other than a truly valiant showing in the Bra fight, he's a side character. In every other universe, he had a miserable life, and is usually dead.

One single universe where he got serious and stayed serious would be cool. Trained, learned other techniques, etc etc.

Does this count? ;D 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 51
ZenBuu 22 декември
"Drohne senden, um Absender zu töten" finde ich dann doch recht amüsant. :D
DB Multiverse page 2432
ZenBuu 22 декември
Der Besserwisser was saying:
"Revanche" wäre hier vielleicht besser als "Rache" ^^

Das ist das Einzige, was dir an der Seite auffällt? Machst deinem Namen alle Ehre. ;P

Aber gut, wir werden es ändern..... 1 Replie(s)
321Y page 369
ZenBuu 21 декември
Zorbeltof was saying:
Ist nicht so das die Androiden noch eben gerade versucht haben sie zu töten.

Immerhin sind Gast und Thorn ja auch außerirdische Eindringlinge auf der Erde. Ist schon verständlich, dass er diplomatisch bleiben will.
DB Multiverse page 2431
ZenBuu 21 декември
I think everything has been said from both sides now. So please let this rest finally (hopefully) and focus on the actual page, if not on this page anymore, then please on the next page. Thank you.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 50
ZenBuu 20 декември

Some may feel like this is a bit out of place and I won't blame them. But hey, back in the Majin rebellion arc, we had Bra almost without a Bra. ^^
So I don't think this here is too bad. Even if her top was hanging on like 2 only threads at the end, it's probably more durable than the steel door from Gero's lab or Katchin.

Jokes aside, yes, this is an old drawing from Homola Gábor. We had a bit time pressure out of lack from artists who draw a cover for free. So if someone wants to volunteer, here is your chance! Write me here and I'll contact you per e-mail. Or you can write me on discord, just go to the official DBM Server. We can really need some help, since we have enough to do with coloring. We have many ideas for extra pages too!

Why did we pick this specific old drawing? Simply because it still kinda fits with the focus on Son Bra in this chapter where she fights Zangya and lacks control over her anger. Obviously she won't get injured like that in the fight. The alternative would've been some drawing of Zangya from Asura. But since the focus is clearly on Bra, we decided to use this. So I wonder if some of you would've preferred that? :)

The original idea for this cover was this:

Sun Wukong (DBM) and Kid Goku meditating on their Nyoi-bōs on Mount Paozu at sunset.

Yet, this is still a nice drawing from Gábor. :) 5 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 275
ZenBuu 20 декември
happywarrior99 was saying:
I think that it is suspicious that U7 Bulma and U7 Krillin saw U7 Gohan getting killed but somehow they (U7 Bulma and U7 Krillin) somehow survived to tell the tale to U7 Gast, unless U7 Bulma and U7 Krillin chose to abandon U7 Gohan or U7 Gohan is missing/was kidnapped.

Why do you always put the universe numbers in your comments? And why so many times in one comment? I'm pretty sure everyone knows which Gohan or Bulma you are talking about. Like U7 Gast is even more funny :D
how many other Gast are in the other universes? (At the tournament)
DB Multiverse page 2430
ZenBuu 19 декември
Majin Wasabi was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: "If you don't like it, don't read it" is true though. Why "suffer" through something that you clearly do not enjoy? It doesn't make any sense to me. That sounds even unhealthy af.

What do you even mean? I read it and watch ir because it only takes one clic, and DBM is one lf my favorite mangas, so I want to read everything related to it, thats why we read it. I also want to give my grain of opinion on something I find not so good so maybe next time can be better. I’m confident Sayazur can do a better job, and I hope he takes at least some opinions. Because if he is going to be a regular on the website I would love to continue reading all of the things that are publish.

I mean what I said. What exactly is so hard to understand about that? Do I really need to explain this any further? :D

At least you left a respectful comment. The way you said it, sounds at least like you like this story to some degree. So you probably don't fall under this category.

Though another thing: please do not double post (Rule #9), you can edit your comments if you want to add something. You even edited the first comment, so please don't tell me you couldn't. Thank you.

Teleported_Bread was saying:
Regardless the actual quality of the story, people here need to chill

Yes, that's exactly the core of what I'm trying to say here the whole time.....
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 50
ZenBuu 19 декември
Damian Qualshy was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Damian Qualshy was saying: Ah, Salagir the Demon Devil.

If they're gonna pull out Janemba now as the reason for failure I swear to god...
Now I'm interested. What exactly would happen then? Since you are swearing to god... I think that's kinda excessive tbh, but okaaay. Does Sayazur owe you anything? Because you seem to take this a bit too personal.

Why do you guys still take this comic so super seriously? It's just a fun story Sayazur wanted to create, even if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Working with the premise that is DBM Broly, because he is just such a broken OP guy, was in my opinion still not a good decision as we can see here everyday in the comments, but to each their own I guess. If Sayazur had fun creating it, why not? But the funniest part is, this isn't even canon to DBM. So even less reason to get upset over a fans work from DBM, that doesn't change the overall story at all.

Last but not least. If you guys dislike this comic and Sayazur's decisions that much, I really do have to wonder why you keep returning here, is it just to complain? If I dislike something that much, I'm not bothering with it anymore. That's honestly some weird behaviour in my opinion. And please don't tell me you started reading it, so now you have to finish it for some reason. Or that you hope it will get better in the end. You can always make the decision to not read this comic here. Nobody forces you.

"An expression". That's what my comment was. Very simple thing.
What even is your problem? Am I taking a dump on the comic? Am I harassing someone? I don't think I do? so could you get off my back as if I'm the hater #1 here?

"don't like it don't watch it" is such a stupid argument anyway.

I clearly said several times what my problem here is. Sorry, but if you can't read my comments properly, then it's not my fault. And nice try, you have been rude to other people in the comments. You realise I can see all your comments? Also deleted ones? Maybe you forgot I'm a moderator. Also I was only referring to you in the first paragraph. You said that stuff about being the #1 hater first, not me. And I also do have the right to voice my opinion. Or am I not allowed to do that anymore, just because I do not agree with the tone some people have here? Again, you don't see all comments. I do. And I doubt you sit here 24/7 to refresh the page so you can see every single comment before it gets deleted. And if you do, you have a serious problem.

Geez, I do feel like a broken record at this point. I explained it so many times it's not even funny anymore and people try to twist my words or purposely ignore things I say like "You can criticise all you want, but it's not exactly what you say, it's how you say it." Some people here really try to cover up subtly insulting Sayazur, hell someone even openly said it's ok, or rather he should expect to get bullied for this "bullshit comic". People visit external websites to shit on his work. You really have to get out of your way for that. That's ok for you? Really?? If I don't reply to someone specifically, I talk to the vast majority here. If you feel attacked by that, then maybe you should ask yourself why that is.

"If you don't like it, don't read it" is true though. Why "suffer" through something that you clearly do not enjoy? It doesn't make any sense to me. That sounds even unhealthy af.

And to end this now. Even if it's only a few people, some do seem to enjoy it. So please stop generalizing that everyone has to hate what's going on here. I personally even said I'm not really a fan of it, but that gets funnily ignored. And I've read the full story already... just saiyan. ;) 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 50
ZenBuu 19 декември
Damian Qualshy was saying:
Ah, Salagir the Demon Devil.

If they're gonna pull out Janemba now as the reason for failure I swear to god...

Now I'm interested. What exactly would happen then? Since you are swearing to god... I think that's kinda excessive tbh, but okaaay. Does Sayazur owe you anything? Because you seem to take this a bit too personal.

Why do you guys still take this comic so super seriously? It's just a fun story Sayazur wanted to create, even if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Working with the premise that is DBM Broly, because he is just such a broken OP guy, was in my opinion still not a good decision as we can see here everyday in the comments, but to each their own I guess. If Sayazur had fun creating it, why not? But the funniest part is, this isn't even canon to DBM. So even less reason to get upset over a fans work from DBM, that doesn't change the overall story at all.

Last but not least. If you guys dislike this comic and Sayazur's decisions that much, I really do have to wonder why you keep returning here, is it just to complain? If I dislike something that much, I'm not bothering with it anymore. That's honestly some weird behaviour in my opinion. And please don't tell me you started reading it, so now you have to finish it for some reason. Or that you hope it will get better in the end. You can always make the decision to not read this comic here. Nobody forces you. 5 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 50
ZenBuu 18 декември
I love this comic, every page cracks me up. xD
Super Dragon Bros Z page 104
ZenBuu 18 декември
I'll say this one last time now. You guys need to seriously calm down a bit. You always have the option to not read this comic here. Nobody forces you to "suffer" through something that you don't enjoy.

Please discuss respectfully here, but do not get insulting. Thank you.

Zen Kuu was saying:
Broly had to win, I understand that. I think we all do. A better way to handle it would have been for Gogeta to actually dominate Broly at first in Ssj2, completely humiliating him, while Buu restrained Broly or at least contributed in some way. Then, just as Gogeta already humiliating broly enough for killing everyone, and knowing broly will eventually grow stronger, change to Ssj3 and as he was about to deliver a full charged decisive attack, he could have defused, similar to how Vegito did against Zamasu. At that moment, Broly, realizing he was seconds away from death, could have unleashed a massive explosion—something like Vegeta’s self-destruction against Majin Buu—trying to take everyone out with him. That explosion could shatter the barrier, kill Mega Buu, Goku, and Vegeta, leaving Broly as the sole survivor, leaving him unconscious and frozen in the vacuum of space, floating aimlessly.

This way, Broly still wins, but the other characters can still shine. It’s also in character for them to want to humiliate Broly while they’re in SSJ2, because they know they still have SSJ3 to finish him off, like Vegito did.


You have an interesting username, I genuinely wonder how you came up with it? ;) 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 49
ZenBuu 12 декември
Shabby was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Shabby was saying: seems a little wild, he was so drained he could barely move, but had enough power to deal real blow to someone who just stole his power?
That was obviously sandbagging from Gast. Isn't it clear already he always holds back? :)

I think you're being cheeky, because it makes no sense to let them get more and more powerful, especially when his squire is potentially in danger.

Then please explain to me, why Gast let's himself getting beat up by Piccolo Daimao in the tournament (on purpose!), when his wish is so important to him? Why does he hold back all the time? He even planned to hold back against Son Bra... He wants a challenge, even if the stakes are high. His own words, not mine.

Not to mention he killed Cold in his original form, 10 years ago, who should be around #16 level. He has to be much stronger than that by now and I doubt these androids are stronger than #16. And then there is still Piccolo who just brushed Gero's absorption off like it was nothing. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2427
ZenBuu 11 декември
Shabby was saying:
seems a little wild, he was so drained he could barely move, but had enough power to deal real blow to someone who just stole his power?

That was obviously sandbagging from Gast. Isn't it clear already he always holds back? :) 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2427
ZenBuu 2 декември
Somit beginnt Buu's wahres Abenteuer! Im neuen Jahr starten wir durch! :)
Fanfic u4, chapter 6
ZenBuu 26 ноември
Goten True Sayian was saying:
Love how both Gogeta and Gotenks are in Ssj 3 and Color Pages On the Preview

Totally not a coincidence, huh? ^^
DBMultiverse Colors page 258
ZenBuu 20 ноември
SSJ Storm was saying:
On a previous page someone mentioned Vegeta went Super Saiyan vs the Ginyu Squad in this universe but I don't remember that and couldn't find the chapter. Was it in the novelization? If not, what chapter was it?

It was chapter 41, page 935 to be precise. :)
DB Multiverse page 2418
ZenBuu 20 ноември
YellNinja1600 was saying:
Ironic this is the year of 772. This is same year of Majin Buu Saga. So Gero has ruled over Earth for 7 years and now you know who is about to come to the planet and look for energy for Majin Buu. Gas is about to experience his own Android Saga and Majin Buu Saga back to back.

It's 2 years before the Buu Saga. (Age 774)
DB Multiverse page 2417
ZenBuu 18 ноември
Geile Death Note Referenz ^^
Super Dragon Bros Z page 95
ZenBuu 18 ноември
GOHEEZY was saying:
瘦布欧 was saying: If Gohan survive the Androids attack in this universe, he should be attending the tournament along with Gast in hope of winning the right to use Dragonballs, sadly he is not.

Yamcha is dead in his infamous dead scene, and Vegeta is not living on earth, so we won't see any version of Trunk that we know.

Maybe we get to see Yagirobe or Master Roshi as story-telling-NPC.
Possibly but Gohan might not have the motivation to be a fighter, especially after losing his family and friends. I do hope we get to see my guy Gohan

Since this isn't the first time you're doing this... Please do not double post (Rule #9)! You can edit your comment for some time after you send it, no need to post another one right after you left the first.
DB Multiverse page 2417
ZenBuu 16 ноември
Guys... DB Daima is off topic here!
DB Multiverse page 2416
ZenBuu 15 ноември
Gast was saying:
Woher kennt man denn Thorn?
Mir sagt der Charakter nichts.

Page 932 & page 933 zum Beispiel. ^^

Fun fact: dieses Special passiert 10 Jahre nach dem letzten U7 Special, sowohl in-universe, als auch irl. :D 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2416
ZenBuu 15 ноември
MajinPower was saying:
Guys if 10 years have passed from the Namek Saga and the new 19 and 20 arrived…all the Z fighters are so dead.
A very grim welcome awaits

Funny enough the last Gast special was also 10 years ago! ^^ 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2416
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