DB Multiverse

News: New avatars: Nameks!

Supreme Com­man­der Gero, I'm back from where #28 and #31 stopped emit­ting.
The enemy came from space!
This is an alien in­va­sion!
Since I rebuilt the Red Ribbon and con­que­red Earth, the world is my re­spon­si­bi­li­ty. I’ll protect us from this threat.
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To the Com­man­der of the Red Ribbon.
My name is Gast Carcolh and I speak with the au­tho­ri­ty of the council of Icarion and the power to destroy your army.

The current si­tua­tion of Earth is cur­ren­tly a dic­ta­to­rial state taken by force without the consent of the people nor a serious context de­man­ding it.

We kindly ask you to remove the op­pres­sing power and let de­mo­cra­tic elec­tions take place. Also your per­so­nal militia is a threat to the public. You must do­wn­gra­de the abi­li­ties of the cyborgs you’re created and let them live a normal life.
After you pea­ce­ful­ly resign from power, I will gua­ran­tee your se­cu­ri­ty and a fair trial.

We all work here for the greater good, like I know you do.

Please answer with a date and place to conduct first ne­go­tia­tions. If you don’t answer or answer ne­ga­ti­ve­ly, we’ll be forced to take action.

Yours fai­th­ful­ly,

All live in peace.
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Tra 2 dì, 22 ore
20 January

New avatars: Nameks!

[img][img]69 new avatars are available!

Piccolo-san, Piccolo-san, dai dai dai dai dai !
Piccolo, Piccolo Daimao, Gast Carcolh!

Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!

Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.

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