DB Multiverse
Daca ati
tintit bine Broly nu se va intoarce.
Soarele e mult mai puternic decat noi
tintit bine Broly nu se va intoarce.
Soarele e mult mai puternic decat noi
Intradevar,in universurile 4,16,18..
A nimerit in soare,s-a transformat inapoi instantaneu si a murit.
Dar in 20..
...viata lui Broly a avut putin noroc
Sequel of this universe is this way.
1 zi, 15h
Update of the site!
Update of the day on DBM website:— Comments: On "Reply to" and "Edit this message", the button now changes and sends you to the form.
— Comments: "Spoiler" button wasn't working on the profile page, now it does.
— Swipe was added to change of page recently. Now it's working only when the comic page is actually showing.
Nici Toeï nu au incercat sa le deseneze. Dar echipa DBM nu se teme de nimic!
Acesta este sfarsitul celui de-al doilea capitol special despre Broly, data viitoare revenim cu povestea principala!