DB Multiverse

The Saiyan di­sa­ppea­red, and it’s con­fir­med that the Frost Demons are dead.
This aura... this power... is it for the Le­gen­da­ry Saiyan alone? I won’t accept it!
You see? It worked per­fec­tly.
And when Broly will come back, he’ll kill us all in his fury.
Not as long as he is en­ter­tain­ed with battles. I’ve seen it. We’re ok... for a few years.
And since then, the uni­ver­se was in chaos. The Saiyans con­ti­nu­ed their deadly conqu­ers. And the Le­gen­da­ry ran free, alone, un­ma­na­ged.
So­me­ti­mes tho­u­san­ds of people died.
So­me­ti­mes a planet was ravaged. That was the Le­gen­da­ry Saiyan having fun.
Year 754, on planet Vegeta.
Today is my day.
Today I fight against Queen Hanasia. I’m sure to win, I’ll be king!
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11 Februarie

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[img][img]What happens to Trunks in Dragon Ball Super, after the Black Gokû saga?

★ The inexorable distortion ★

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