DB Multiverse
Member page of ChrisOfChaos

John-no-arms was saying:
I think the last panel is not a flash back anymore - as Goten-Kun said, flashbacks have round corners.
The last pannel is 10 years later!
I wonder if at any moment in these 10 years the Z warriors stopped believing that the Sayians would eventually arrive and stopped training. If not, if they kept preparing, they would be very, very strong by now (at least for humans). The big disadvantage here, as far as I understand, is that their reference of strength is a 1200 power level Raditz, and it is impossible that in 10 years the sayians didn't get loads and loads of zenkais! Not to mention that Vegeta was already 15 times stronger than this "referential Raditz". Maybe he didn't get as many zenkais due to being stronger, but his power was alreadybbeyond legendary by classic DB standards (stronger than Demon King Picollo, who was considered "god-level strong" by the earthlings - what I mean is: imagine their shock when they face Vegeta, considering that Raditz was already unbelievably strong from their point of view!)
The last pannel is 10 years later!
I wonder if at any moment in these 10 years the Z warriors stopped believing that the Sayians would eventually arrive and stopped training. If not, if they kept preparing, they would be very, very strong by now (at least for humans). The big disadvantage here, as far as I understand, is that their reference of strength is a 1200 power level Raditz, and it is impossible that in 10 years the sayians didn't get loads and loads of zenkais! Not to mention that Vegeta was already 15 times stronger than this "referential Raditz". Maybe he didn't get as many zenkais due to being stronger, but his power was alreadybbeyond legendary by classic DB standards (stronger than Demon King Picollo, who was considered "god-level strong" by the earthlings - what I mean is: imagine their shock when they face Vegeta, considering that Raditz was already unbelievably strong from their point of view!)
Actually it would make sense if the Saiyans didn't get much stronger. We don't get a great idea of how strong their opponents are, but I think it's safe to assume they usually are too weak to bring them to near death, otherwise at least one of them probably would have been killed off by now. No near death fights = no zenkai. I can't imagine they train much either, if they usually outclass their opponents there would be no need. 1 Replie(s)
Michelrpg was saying:
Is that... Master Roshi as a cyborg? The left one? Beard, bald?
It's this universe's Mr. Clean, just evil and with a beard.
So either the Z fighters are still alive, or Gero converted them into cyborgs (assuming he eventually found a way to control them).
Saigo no Son page 31
MUI was saying:
Why is XXI just not sending Goku to another dimension like he did to Vegito?
Agreed, even if he broke out that would take at least one second, which would equal around six minutes in the other dimension.
Also those saying Goku doesn't have an obvious weakness...he does. He's merciful. He lets his guard down too much when the opponent shows signs of possible redemption, and he even gave Frieza energy so he'd have a chance to escape Namek. So if XXI could convince Goku that he has noble goals for winning, might be able to pull a fast one on him. 2 Replie(s)
ap2007 was saying:
Small dragon likely limited power
His size isn't really an indicator of that, he's a magic dragon, could be deliberately manifesting smaller because he's indoors. We know he has some limits like not being able to grant Buu level magic, but we don't know how powerful he is compared to Shenron or Porunga. 2 Replie(s)
ap2007 was saying:
Because broly was alive and was apart of buu with buu dying from broly basically broly will get the free revive
Buu didn't get revived because he was already dead when Gogeta killed him, so he ceased to exist and can't be brought back.
Rey Vegeta was saying:
Unless Gohan been brainwashed, he will protect his old friends. Nobody knows if Piccolo and Goku were revived. 10 years is a long time. I would like to see Yamcha or Tien kicking the crap out of Raditz
I mean, the title is "The Last Son" for a reason. 1 Replie(s)
Poor thing, she's as disappointed as everyone who expected the story to continue.
The alien Harley Quinn is a nice touch.
DB Multiverse page 2457
The alien Harley Quinn is a nice touch.
Gohan did so well he finished early and had time to cut his hair.
Saigo no Son page 24
DestroyerOfVegetards was saying:
Do they call him Gohan, or give him a Saiyan name?
Kakarot II? Kakarot Jr.?
Kakarot II? Kakarot Jr.?
I wouldn't be surprised if they just called him "brat" for the last ten years.
Oh no, he enjoys being evil. I was hoping he was just going along with it. Or is that Nappa talking?
1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 23
Once again we get a reminder about how tall Gast is.
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2453
obserwator was saying:
Well it don't look like he just forgot previous life and move on.
Looks like this is right after he was kidnapped, eo that's only natural.
Bottom left panel of Bra is pretty funny, regardless of what you think of her.
DB Multiverse page 2451
I could see Trunks making this mistake too since he didn't know what Frieza looked like and odds are no one told him about the great ape form.
Super Dragon Bros Z page 118
kingworld was saying:
Uhhh these kinds of comments confuse me so much...
Those are clearly the Dragon Balls that XXI was already shown using and holding in their hand. Yes, they turn to stone, we already saw that. No, XXI is obviously not the dragon, given that XXI was shown to speak TO the dragon, and here is wondering how longer it will take for the balls to reactivate, so that they can ask to the dragon how to easily defeat Goku, so that they are done "with this (tournament)".
I'd like to ask a genuine question, hoping it doesn't sound offensive: you people writing these comments, did you read the previous chapters of Multiverse? Did you just forget we saw XXI holding a petrified Ball and speaking to the dragon? Did you not understand what is drawn or written on this page?
Those are clearly the Dragon Balls that XXI was already shown using and holding in their hand. Yes, they turn to stone, we already saw that. No, XXI is obviously not the dragon, given that XXI was shown to speak TO the dragon, and here is wondering how longer it will take for the balls to reactivate, so that they can ask to the dragon how to easily defeat Goku, so that they are done "with this (tournament)".
I'd like to ask a genuine question, hoping it doesn't sound offensive: you people writing these comments, did you read the previous chapters of Multiverse? Did you just forget we saw XXI holding a petrified Ball and speaking to the dragon? Did you not understand what is drawn or written on this page?
I'd like to ask a genuine question, too: Do you realize that a lot of what you're referring to happened years ago, and there are probably people reading that are new and haven't read previous chapters? Do you expect people to remember everything that happened in a comic that's almost at 2500 pages? Acting like it's some kind of criminal offense for commenters to not be living DBM encyclopedias is a bit much, don't you think? 1 Replie(s)
I feel bad for Gohan, but imagine what Goku is going through watching what's happened to his only son. I wonder if he'll contact Gohan from Other World and help him plan an escape?
This really brings up an interesting question. If Gohan was conditioned to become an evil killer, is he still "evil" for his crimes? Is it evil to kill if you know the only alternative is being killed? Really gets you thinking.
Saigo no Son page 17
This really brings up an interesting question. If Gohan was conditioned to become an evil killer, is he still "evil" for his crimes? Is it evil to kill if you know the only alternative is being killed? Really gets you thinking.
This could be interesting. If Old Kai told Bra and the others that XXI feeds on energy, she could offer him her own to stave off his hunger. Pretty much the only chip she has to bargain with. But XXI probably wouldn't keep his word anyway.
Poor Heliots...things really aren't looking good for them.
DB Multiverse page 2449
Poor Heliots...things really aren't looking good for them.
Since there's really nothing Bra could offer him he couldn't just wish for, this seems to be a case of her assuming he has some degree of morality. Seems odd, the U16 and U18 competitors are usually pretty good at spotting evil, even if they haven't actually seen XXI do anything that bad.
DB Multiverse page 2448
If it's been 30 seconds, shouldn't both fighters be disqualified for being out of sight?
Edit: I just looked back and the conversation between Gast and XXI looked like 30 seconds of talking to me. Maybe the Vargas were just too shocked to start the countdown? Wouldn't be the first time they failed to follow their own rules.
DB Multiverse page 2445
Edit: I just looked back and the conversation between Gast and XXI looked like 30 seconds of talking to me. Maybe the Vargas were just too shocked to start the countdown? Wouldn't be the first time they failed to follow their own rules.
ZenBuu was saying:
Holy shit and the mask from XXI falls. What an awesome page that shows some interesting stuff.
First and most important... so that technique that Gast used to depower Vegetto, doesn't work on XXI, because the latter isn't a living being, that can die? Like what the hell is this thing then?! Or is Gast using the Majin Punisher here?
First and most important... so that technique that Gast used to depower Vegetto, doesn't work on XXI, because the latter isn't a living being, that can die? Like what the hell is this thing then?! Or is Gast using the Majin Punisher here?
Still betting on corrupted ancient wish granting dragon created by the Kais myself. Magic constructs aren't alive nor do they have souls.
Gonna add my two cents to XXI's identity, I think he's an ancient dragon who granted wishes (maybe created by the oldest Kais) but got corrupted at some point and was sealed away. Thus legends of him turned into mythology on Earth and Namek that inspired the creation of their respective dragons. This would explain why he never appears in other universes, he's still sealed away. Would also explain why he's old enough for Elder Kai to recognize him even though he's been sealed in the Z Sword.
DB Multiverse page 2442
Mind if I ask how much of Dragon Ball this comic covers? Is it just the Frieza/Frowser arc?
1 Replie(s)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 112
I can't imagine the hell a kind and sweet person like Gohan is going to go through if Raditz kidnaps him and forces him to commit genocides.
This could go the other route if Gohan runs for it and Raditz kills everyone and sells the planet. Almost like a future Trunks situation
Saigo no Son page 8
This could go the other route if Gohan runs for it and Raditz kills everyone and sells the planet. Almost like a future Trunks situation
ZenBuu was saying:
That is also incorrect lol
Videl should be 16 here (born in age 756), even though I also think she looks a bit younger here than that. She was 18 at the start of the Buu Saga (age 774) and this story is placed 2 years before that (age 772).
That is also incorrect lol
Videl should be 16 here (born in age 756), even though I also think she looks a bit younger here than that. She was 18 at the start of the Buu Saga (age 774) and this story is placed 2 years before that (age 772).
It's not too difficult to wrap your head around when you remember a lot of DBZ characters don't look their age (like Chiaotzu, Bulma's mom, etc.)
Shabby was saying:
brolyfanboyxx999 was saying: Keep in mind at this point Gast has defeated A16 level opponent final form King Cold so these weaker cyborgs are not a threat to him. The absorption only stunned him as long as their hands were on his body.
That is absolutely just speculation all around.
Plus, we have no idea how powerful these androids are.
They were taking his power. He was growing weaker as they were growing stronger.
For him to come up with a powerful punch like that is non-sensible. Plus, it robs a rare moment from Krillin.
Had he come into this with a flying kick, punch, or Kienzan, it's reasonable that it could do a lot of damage.
That is absolutely just speculation all around.
Plus, we have no idea how powerful these androids are.
They were taking his power. He was growing weaker as they were growing stronger.
For him to come up with a powerful punch like that is non-sensible. Plus, it robs a rare moment from Krillin.
Had he come into this with a flying kick, punch, or Kienzan, it's reasonable that it could do a lot of damage.
Piccolo explained this pretty well: the Androids can absorb energy but don't know how to channel it through their bodies as effectively as skilled fighters do. And we don't know how much energy they drained. Not to mention 29 was clearly caught off guard.
Shadow the Hedgehog was saying:
Broly here is curbstomping SSJ3 Gogeta but when he arrived at the tournament he got smacked by SSJ1 Vegetto?
Also, Gogeta is dead AND currently in the other world, so he shouldn't be feeling the exhaustion of SSJ3 so early on.
Is Salagir writing this? I know he has some hiccups every now and then but it never got this bad. I can take Chibi Bra more seriously than this.
Also, Gogeta is dead AND currently in the other world, so he shouldn't be feeling the exhaustion of SSJ3 so early on.
Is Salagir writing this? I know he has some hiccups every now and then but it never got this bad. I can take Chibi Bra more seriously than this.
Please explain how getting punched twice and not having a scratch in a fight that has probably gone on for 30 seconds is getting "curbstomped". Meanwhile I'll grab popcorn. 1 Replie(s)
Funny how these highly advanced Androids never seem to realize they're outmatched before it's too late. Also I wonder if some version of Android 21 will make an appearance? She's from FighterZ but Gero clearly had a partner since he had a son in canon, and it's reasonable to think he would have made an Android in her likeness eventually.
4 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2421
goten-kun was saying:
That's it, Namekseijin Densetsu is finished!
Started in 2014 and finished initially in 2016, concluding part 2 of the story, I decided to resume this story years later to conclude Piccolo's story.
Having made the manga 321Y in the meantime, I decided to make this third part a sequel, both to Namekseijin Densetsu, but also to 321Y by involving Tambo, a character that I really like.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story, even if I am far from having a high level of drawing. I put all my heart into this story.
With these last pages, we arrive very far in the future of Dragon Ball. About 600 years separate us from the end of Dragon Ball, I wanted to show with this ending that even if the danger is always present (whether it's Bracaa or something else), Piccolo will always make sure to be able to defend the planet Namek, from his hands or from those of his successors.
After 561 pages, this fan-manga is coming to an end and I'm quite happy to have been able to share it with you.
Early 2025 will see the beginning of my new fan-manga. I hope you'll like it!
Thank you all for taking the time to read my pages and talk about it with me here or elsewhere, thank you to Salagir for allowing me to share it on the DBM website.
See you soon for new adventures, long live Dragon Ball!
Started in 2014 and finished initially in 2016, concluding part 2 of the story, I decided to resume this story years later to conclude Piccolo's story.
Having made the manga 321Y in the meantime, I decided to make this third part a sequel, both to Namekseijin Densetsu, but also to 321Y by involving Tambo, a character that I really like.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story, even if I am far from having a high level of drawing. I put all my heart into this story.
With these last pages, we arrive very far in the future of Dragon Ball. About 600 years separate us from the end of Dragon Ball, I wanted to show with this ending that even if the danger is always present (whether it's Bracaa or something else), Piccolo will always make sure to be able to defend the planet Namek, from his hands or from those of his successors.
After 561 pages, this fan-manga is coming to an end and I'm quite happy to have been able to share it with you.
Early 2025 will see the beginning of my new fan-manga. I hope you'll like it!
Thank you all for taking the time to read my pages and talk about it with me here or elsewhere, thank you to Salagir for allowing me to share it on the DBM website.
See you soon for new adventures, long live Dragon Ball!
It's been fun, and I've really enjoyed your take on the history of Namek. Looking forward to seeing what you do next!
Teleported_Bread was saying:
Yo those are high numbers. Did Gero create an Android/Cyborg army?
His Cyborgs (17/18) wouldn't obey him so he made future Androids (19) completely mechanical. Guessing these two weren't created from humans.
You're Name was saying:
Fusion in Level 3.
Yes. How many seconds do you think the fusion will last?
Yes. How many seconds do you think the fusion will last?
SSJ3 doesn't consume energy as fast for the dead.
Von Durmark was saying:
Oh, look. EXACTLY WHAT I SAID HE WOULD DO. Piccolo acting out of character for the sake of allowing this piece of shit to ruin things a second time.
Tune in for part two of Piccolo fumbling like an idiot!
Tune in for part two of Piccolo fumbling like an idiot!
I hate to break this to you, but how the author writes their characters is at their discretion. It's amusing that you claim to know what's in character for a version of Piccolo that is 300 years older than his canon counterpart. I've lived a tenth of that time and I feel like a different person than when I was younger. As for Piccolo's "mistakes", I agree some things like revealing too much about the dragon balls still existing wasn't a bright moment, but Piccolo won this battle, so clearly the author's portrayed of him worked.
I think there's still a chance Cell could appear, if Gero couldn't collect as much DNA it would be less data for his computer to sift through to create Cell and thus not take as long. So maybe a Cell with a slightly different design.
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2416
He's very excited for his comeback where he will get curbstomped by SSJ4 descendant of Tambo.
1 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 558
"How about we set him free?"
"Really, you mean it?
"Nah just bring back Goku."
"Aw man..."
Super Dragon Bros Z page 93
"Really, you mean it?
"Nah just bring back Goku."
"Aw man..."
ZenBuu was saying:
Says the guy who was a fatass himself just some seconds ago. :D
So what do we call this Buu? Unlike Ultra Buu or Z Buu, how we called him in the last U20 special, this one has King Cold, Raditz, Bojack AND Uub on top, though he is missing Goku and Vegeta, which is a huge boost. I'd wager he's probably equal to Broly now, definitely not stronger.
So what do we call this Buu? Unlike Ultra Buu or Z Buu, how we called him in the last U20 special, this one has King Cold, Raditz, Bojack AND Uub on top, though he is missing Goku and Vegeta, which is a huge boost. I'd wager he's probably equal to Broly now, definitely not stronger.
Final Buu seems fitting, since we already know this will fail.
This is also the first manga we've seen on DBM that has a version of Buu with Uub absorbed, so he's finally "complete". 1 Replie(s)
DrewSaga was saying:
Gast was cornered though. XXI forced Gast's hand to where Gast had to give it his all against Janemba or he would have already lost.
I honestly wonder if he did give it his all. He's chosen to hold back in every fight he's been in so far, either for the challenge or to play fair.
ZGrssd was saying:
What exactly was he supposed to do differently?
Janemba was there and could not be ignored.
XXI had a teleportation shield (or Janemba was defending him).
What is your plan? And how does it not end with you being beaten up by Janemba?
What exactly was he supposed to do differently?
Janemba was there and could not be ignored.
XXI had a teleportation shield (or Janemba was defending him).
What is your plan? And how does it not end with you being beaten up by Janemba?
Well for one thing, Gast knows IT so he should have been able to penetrate that shield and surprise attack XXI at any time. Not to mention he chose not to attack instantly at the start of the fight despite knowing XXI is a magic user and was likely about to cast a spell. That could have stopped Janemba from being summoned in the first place, and while it's not necessarily "honorable", Gast can see like pretty much everyone else that XXI has ill intentions and he shouldn't be worrying about playing fair. Maybe I'm being too hard on him, but given he's almost singlehandedly stopped every major threat in his own universe, you'd think he would be a near master strategist by now. 2 Replie(s)
Yeah, if Gast wore himself down and didn't account for the fact that XXI is his true opponent, the combined intelligence and experience of a planet of Nameks isn't saying much.
2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2414
When did Gast see Vegetto perform this technique? I only remember him using it twice, when Buu was in outer space and when Buu killed Gast and went on his rampage.
DB Multiverse page 2411
So Porunga's either gonna be Jafar or Will Smith genie. (if that part was made after the Aladdin remake)
1 Replie(s)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 90
Salagir was saying:
This one i can spoile: i actually totally removed the link between the two. They are different persons.
This one i can spoile: i actually totally removed the link between the two. They are different persons.
So that's the only one I was completely wrong about? I must have been onto something with the other three.
Some predictions:
— Bros Goku's Kaioken will be him eating a mushroom and buffing out.
— Piccoshi's fusion with Nail will just be him eating him.
— Kami will turn out to be a Yoshi wearing a disguise.
— Bros Goku's SSJ will be his fire flower form. 1 Replie(s)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 88
— Bros Goku's Kaioken will be him eating a mushroom and buffing out.
— Piccoshi's fusion with Nail will just be him eating him.
— Kami will turn out to be a Yoshi wearing a disguise.
— Bros Goku's SSJ will be his fire flower form. 1 Replie(s)
Damian Qualshy was saying:
This is a story I'm trying to enjoy, with different visions, styles and thought processes from the original. I'm just picky, so if I don't like when something isn't right with the canon lore (and even goes against it instead of above it), I comment on it.
I'm also trying to not be particularly negative, which my comment history does not support, but I am still invested in work that shows up on this site. All of it.
I'm also trying to not be particularly negative, which my comment history does not support, but I am still invested in work that shows up on this site. All of it.
Honestly though, the "lore" of DragonBall isn't some text carved in stone. It changed constantly at the whims of the writers. So why can't fancomics do the same? 1 Replie(s)
Kind of makes sense. So his regeneration is limited to keeping him alive. Are there more chapters planned or will this be the last one?
Namekseijin Densetsu page 545
Didn't Braaca regenerate from the three on one attack he took earlier? If his immortality is regenerative in nature, shouldn't he simply regenerate from this too?
1 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 544
I wonder if this Janemba is weaker because he's being controlled by XXI?
DB Multiverse page 2399
Ah, so maybe that's why they didn't fuse into Gogeta. With that level of power the time limit would probably be too low.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 27
I mean, it is a sweet scene, but Buu and Goku barely knew each other, right? They've spent maybe five minutes total talking before. I know Goku has an effect on people, though.
2 Replie(s)
321Y page 333
ZenBuu was saying:
U13 Vegetto would be even more unhinged than Kakaditz. Immortal and totally crazy.
U13 Vegetto would be even more unhinged than Kakaditz. Immortal and totally crazy.
Much worse off than you'd think considering he would probably hate himself and be unable to commit suicide or unfuse.
One possible option is giant form. Gast probably wouldn't gain a significant strength boost, but it would be harder for Janemba to portal away bigger energy blasts, and it would take more effort to slice Gast into pieces. The only downside is it would make dodging impossible for Gast, but could be a last resort option.
DB Multiverse page 2394
Monster was saying:
Bra realizing she goofed is a nice touch
She didn't though. Gast had a better chance of beating XXI than her. 2 Replie(s)
My best guess as to why Goku hasn't shown up yet is he's getting a Spirit Bomb ready somewhere.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 23
GLaDOS getting chills somewhere in the multiverse.
DB Multiverse page 2392
First Frieza is killed by a Super Saiyan, now he's about to be erased from existence by a Legendary Super Saiyan. You can't really blame him for attempting to genocide them at this point.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 22
Idiot, you just told him that you reviving from his spit was a one off smh...no offense to the author.
Namekseijin Densetsu page 531
Poor guy is about to have his brain turned into sushi.
Namekseijin Densetsu page 529
Anyone else hear Captain Ginyu's voice when reading Braaca's dialogue?
Namekseijin Densetsu page 528
Chad is very happy the magic that saved him from dying minutes ago is so inferior.
DB Multiverse page 2387
If Janemba is canon to DBM at least that means there's no reason Gogeta can't be.
2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2385
happywarrior99 was saying:
Only U16 Vegetto was told about what I'K'L did. How does Uuv know what happened during that time stop caused by U15 I'K'L? Is Uuv immune to time stop hax? Is Uuv a cyborg?
They're working closely with Namekians who all have superhuman hearing. So it's pretty likely word spread to them fast.
You'll need it...desperately.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 16
MrPerson0 was saying:
Wasn't Vegito split into two? Surprised that Vegito as able to survive, and that Namekian healing was enough to bring his body back. Guess they just had to reattach some parts?
Remember, it's Gast. He's fused with every healer on Namek.
Pizzachu was saying:
Shenron can't grant the same wish twice so he might not be able to make Piccolo young again.
Shenron can't grant the same wish twice so he might not be able to make Piccolo young again.
It wouldn't technically be the same wish since King Piccolo has reincarnated since then.
JetMalakai was saying:
Considering what this was, it didn't need an entire chapter. It would have been better as 4-5 pages.
Hasn't it been stated repeatedly that these chapters give the artists time to draw the main pages? Do you think the artists draw those overnight?
I mean, killing all humans in exchange for saving all universes from a multiverse-devouring monster is a pretty reasonable bargain.
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2373
Why not just the head? They could bury him somewhere on some barren planet and forget about him.
1 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 509
So much for the people who thought this was really happening.
2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2367
I doubt the fusion will be half-immortal. That was probably some of the dumbest DBS writing of our generation. By the same logic, Vegetto should only be able to reach "half-SSJ3". Pretty sure the writers will ignore it.
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2362
Seems like a fusion is incoming but it probably won't happen for a while. Also why are people surprised Raditz isn't Vegeta level? Remember that there is nothing special about Goku or Raditz's genetics, they're actually weaker than average Saiyans. Goku is strong because he trained hard his whole life.
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2361
Got to give these two credit for managing to have a romantic life after they've been attacked repeatedly, almost been absorbed and died at least once.
DB Multiverse page 2356
It's nice to know the dude trying to kill his son for existing has some standards.
321Y page 291
Well there goes the Chad Namekian tricking Bracca theory.
1 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 494
I wonder if this will help Yenma make up his mind?
2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2353
I'm predicting either Donkey Kong Gohan or she grows massive like what the giant shroom does in the Mario games.
If he's the same age as Piccolo Jr. then he's only four years older than her.
Super Dragon Bros Z page 45
DrewSaga was saying:
"Calm down, I eat children, I don't go out with them."
I don't think that's better...
I don't think that's better...
If he's the same age as Piccolo Jr. then he's only four years older than her.
I still don't really get this guy's reasoning for trying to kill Tambo. Why would having a son hurt his political career? Does he just not want a kid distracting him from ruling the world?
Either way, any panel where scumbag dad suffers is a joy to see. 2 Replie(s)
321Y page 280
Either way, any panel where scumbag dad suffers is a joy to see. 2 Replie(s)
Those clouds can report the child abuse.
1 Replie(s)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 44
Wasn't Broly's hair blue in DBZ because he was wearing a limiter?
1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 179
Salagir was saying:
No. Not at all. All the other z-fighters made one fight, maybe several over a few days, and died. The end.
For several years...
No. Not at all. All the other z-fighters made one fight, maybe several over a few days, and died. The end.
For several years...
Fair enough, but Trunks at the same age went through far worse and didn't throw his hands up and say it's pointless to keep fighting. I mean even Goku would be ashamed of how he's acting. He may not be a fighter, but he's seen enough fighting to understand there is always hope.
Not to mention there are still dragon balls in this timeline, if Bulma could build a time machine I don't see why a spaceship that could track the dragon balls to New Namek would be a stretch. For him to act like it's hopeless and he should just give up and let innocent people die is a dick move.
I don't fault you, I understand this chapter is meant to convey a hopeless situation. I don't like Gohan, the writing is fine. 1 Replie(s)
I noticed some people are interpreting my comment as an issue with the writing, let me clarify: the writing is great as usual. I think Salagir and his artists/writers are doing an excellent job. It's this Gohan and his attitude I don't like. As in, the character, not the way he's written. And I doubt the intention was for him to be likable.
DB Multiverse page 2342
Salagir was saying:
What are you saying, ChrisOfChaos? For several years, he was beat up and the people he tried to save, killed in front of his eyes. What are you thinking?
What are you saying, ChrisOfChaos? For several years, he was beat up and the people he tried to save, killed in front of his eyes. What are you thinking?
That basically every other Z Fighter in this timeline as far as we know went through the same thing and didn't decide it was pointless to try to save lives. 3 Replie(s)
Okay it's official, this Gohan is a worthless piece of s**t.
4 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2342
SeanPaul2389 was saying:
Ya know, if Tambo is stronger than demon guy then he could actually just pin him to the ground and ask Supreme Kai to conjure some Kichin rope (he was able to conjure a block of Kichin so it is something he can do) they tie him up, Tambo keeps an eye on him to keep him from doing anything crazy and everyone else wipes out Demon Guy's army. Then they can plan all they want what to do with him, like maybe finding someone who knows how to do the Mafuba, or making a new set of balls and wishing away his immortality in a number of months or a year. Of course, if demon guy is strong enough to fight Tambo then that plan wouldn't work but it's funny to think that immortality alone doesn't guarantee you victory.
Toss him in the HTC and blow up the door, problem solved. 1 Replie(s)
Cool to see Future Goku, the canon pretty much ignores him.
DB Multiverse page 2340
WukongTheMighty was saying:
Oh please, it is a waste of time because Yamcha isn't actually an important character here.
At all.
The only reason all of this happened was because a cheque that was written years and years ago needed to be cashed in. (Yamcha's boast). But at the end of the day, what did Yamcha do? Nothing interesting or new. He did as follows...
— Dodge some attacks.
— Use Wolf Fang Fist.
— Use Spirit Ball.
— Fight ends.
This would be like if we had a fight for goku that started with him dodging some attacks, pivoted into him using Meteor Combination, and then he finished with a Kamehameha.
It's not... exactly interesting or new. Yamcha just did the two "Yamcha things" and then the fight instantly wrapped up.
And it wasn't like there wasn't opportunity for him to show off something new. But no, it was the barest of minimums and now Yamcha has signed his cheque of relevancy forevermore.
I get that the fight can't go on forever because we're limited by release, but couldn't we have seen something actually new? Or maybe an upgrade on what he normally uses? It's been decades of training and honing his skills for him! 27 years of extra training from when the human Yamcha basically retired, and all Android Yamcha can do is the same stuff but vaguely more powerful?!
Oh please, it is a waste of time because Yamcha isn't actually an important character here.
At all.
The only reason all of this happened was because a cheque that was written years and years ago needed to be cashed in. (Yamcha's boast). But at the end of the day, what did Yamcha do? Nothing interesting or new. He did as follows...
— Dodge some attacks.
— Use Wolf Fang Fist.
— Use Spirit Ball.
— Fight ends.
This would be like if we had a fight for goku that started with him dodging some attacks, pivoted into him using Meteor Combination, and then he finished with a Kamehameha.
It's not... exactly interesting or new. Yamcha just did the two "Yamcha things" and then the fight instantly wrapped up.
And it wasn't like there wasn't opportunity for him to show off something new. But no, it was the barest of minimums and now Yamcha has signed his cheque of relevancy forevermore.
I get that the fight can't go on forever because we're limited by release, but couldn't we have seen something actually new? Or maybe an upgrade on what he normally uses? It's been decades of training and honing his skills for him! 27 years of extra training from when the human Yamcha basically retired, and all Android Yamcha can do is the same stuff but vaguely more powerful?!
Allow me to correct you.
— We found out more about Yamcha's past and that he was brainwashed and used as an assassin by Dr. Gero.
— We saw the conclusion of Yamcha trying to redeem the Androids. (he seems to have finally given up on them)
— We learned a major secret about XXI and his plans.
Personally I found it to be a pretty healthy dose of character development and am looking forward to the next special on Yamcha's universe. 1 Replie(s)
Kinda special chapter, you say? Could Uub's romcom finally be getting a sequel?
DB Multiverse page 2327
Zefarg was saying:
Rando was saying: "The shock"?
I bet he's preparing Master Roshi's move here, The Thunder Shock Surprise. Or could it be the Final Flash
Seems more like Roshi's technique, but I don't think it is that either... Cause how would he know it ? Roshi sure as hell ain't teaching anybody rn
I bet he's preparing Master Roshi's move here, The Thunder Shock Surprise. Or could it be the Final Flash
Seems more like Roshi's technique, but I don't think it is that either... Cause how would he know it ? Roshi sure as hell ain't teaching anybody rn
I wouldn't be so sure about that, he had already far surpassed a normal human's lifespan in DBZ. There's really no reason he couldn't be alive by the time of this manga. 1 Replie(s)
I think a pretty safe assumption here is that anyone with an unnatural energy is considered an "artificial being" by the technique. As an example, 17 and 18's energy can't be sensed, but Cell's can be. So maybe if I'K'L can't sense a person's energy, he can't use the technique on them?
Also lol at the comments arguing about I'K'L's gender when he was confirmed to be male a few pages ago. Femboys are a thing people. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2310
Also lol at the comments arguing about I'K'L's gender when he was confirmed to be male a few pages ago. Femboys are a thing people. 1 Replie(s)
I would think Yamcha and the serial killer twins wouldn't be immune to the technique since they're clearly still living beings on some level, Yamcha and 18 even have kids. I guess we'll find out next page.
This would be a good time for Uub to show up. It'd be interesting to see his reaction to everyone being frozen and a new android character on a killing spree.
DB Multiverse page 2308
This would be a good time for Uub to show up. It'd be interesting to see his reaction to everyone being frozen and a new android character on a killing spree.
I like how DBZ characters equate being immortal to being unstoppable. Immortality isn't gonna stop you from being beaten to a bloody pulp and tossed into a black hole/alternate dimension/some other form of imprisonment. Things are gonna get really fun when Piccolo takes off those weighted clothes.
1 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 444
Father of the year award goes to...
Also tip for the author, "very good" would make more sense contextually for English readers. 1 Replie(s)
321Y page 240
Also tip for the author, "very good" would make more sense contextually for English readers. 1 Replie(s)
It's not all bad, sounds like Tambo is about to get a job offer.
321Y page 208
Shabby was saying:
Piccolo gotta be up to something
Don't rush him, he's feeling a little stiff right now. 1 Replie(s)
zero logic was saying:
Everyone thinking is easy to do lol
Even though this is fanfic, Vegetto is very wildly written. Like, might as well call him differently, is always waaay out of character. But if that gives the writers "creative freedom" whatever
Even though this is fanfic, Vegetto is very wildly written. Like, might as well call him differently, is always waaay out of character. But if that gives the writers "creative freedom" whatever
You're comparing the DBZ Vegito who existed for maybe 30 minutes and only had to worry about fighting to a Vegito who has spent decades with almost no one near his level of power to spar with, has to reign in a daughter who has gone into multiple psychotic episodes, and is currently descending into madness from starvation. They aren't supposed to be identical at this point because DBM Vegito has dealt with shit DBZ Vegito never had experience.
Also I think the writer's "creative freedom" is just fine given it's led to over 2000 pages and multiple readers, you included. 2 Replie(s)
Females was saying:
I get that he is older now, but I wonder how strong he is compared to his youth. I assume maybe around semi perfect cell strength if he kept training?
My money is on SSJ level at best, old age tends to cause a significant drop in power level that no training can eliminate. Either way demon guy is done for, if not through power Piccolo will win through strategy.
He's the weakest in the group, gotta have something going for him.