DB Multiverse
Universes' listing
U 1
U 2
U 3
U 4
U 5
U 6
U 7
U 8
U 9
U 10
U 11
U 12
U 13
U 14
U 15
U 16
U 17
U 18
U 19
U 20
Click on a universe to see its data.
Warning, this section contain spoilers about recent pages!
Universe 1: Organizers
Living in peace until they discovered multiverse travel and created this tournament in "Universe 0".
- South Kaioshin
- Great Kaioshin
- East, West, North Kaioshin
- Vargas & Nameks (organizers)
Their story:
-5,000,000: Killed Bididi before he made Buu.-242: Killed previous Legendary Saiyan.
712: Killed Freeza, Cold & Coola.
737: Killed Broly.
Until now: Nothing special... (Chapter to read)
Universe 2: Imagination
Universe with no logic and containing people from other worlds.
- Mary Sue
- Sun Wukong
- Arale from Dr Slump
- Nekomajin from Nekomajin Z
- Beelzebub from Sand Lands
- Akira Toriyama
- Other Toriyama designs and creations
Their story:
It's magical. No logic in this universe.Universe 3: Tapion/Baddack/Raichi
The story of this one seems complicated.
One big change enabled several others.
- Tapion
- Raichi
- Baddack
- King Piccolo
- None
Their story:
Until 737: see official DBM timeline737: Baddack gets his visions Read that here
After: Saiyans terrorize the universe.
After: Raichi kills Saiyans.
780: Raichi meets Tapion. Read the special chapter
Universe 4: Hyper Buu
Majin Buu vanquished our heros and absorbed them.
He absorbed anyone in his universe with a power he thought worth absorbing.
He absorbed anyone in his universe with a power he thought worth absorbing.
- Buu
- None
Universe 5: XXI
Unknown for now.
- None
Their story:
Unknown.Universe 6: Bojack
Bojack's team defeated Gohan and pillaged the universe since then.
A bunch of girls whose origin is unknown is here too.
A bunch of girls whose origin is unknown is here too.
- Bojack
- Bujin
- Zangya
- Kat
- Syd
- Jet
- Mai
Their story:
Until 767: see official DBM timeline767: see Bojack different ending.
767 to now: Lot's of loot and good life.
Universe 7: Gast Carcolh the super Namek
When Freeza attacked their planet for the Dragon Balls,
the Nameks decided to fuse all together.
The resulting Namek killed Freeza and had many adventures...
- Gast Carcolh
- None
Their story:
Until 762: see official DBM timeline762: read the special chapter.
762 after: read the special chapter.
After: Special Chapters (not done yet)
Universe 8: Freeza
A changing element made the battle on Namek take an ugly turn.
Our heroes perished and Freeza's familly is still rocking here.
- King Cold
- Coola
- Freeza
- Sauza, Reacum
- Butta, Jeece
- Freeza's henchmen
Their story:
Until 762: see official DBM timeline762: read this double special chapter
Then this other double.
Universe 9: Earthlings
It seems filled with really powerful humans.
- Kulilin
- Yamcha
- Tenshinan
- Videl
- (a different) Trunks
- Bulma
- Others...
Their story:
Unknown.Universe 10: Saiyans & Nameks
Nothing important happened here; it's like universe 1.
Freeza was killed early. The Saiyans stayed home.
- King Vegeta
- Baddack
- Mahissu
- Romanesco
- Nail
- Cargot
- Caracoru
- Lumaca
- Many Saiyans
- Many Nameks
Their story:
See universe 1, minus multiverse-travel.Universe 11: Babidi
Babidi successfully released Buu, and obviously, our heroes couldn't stop it.
- Majin Buu
- Dabra
- Babidi
Their story:
Until: 767: see official DBM timeline767: Attack of the cyborgs without Cell, part 1 and part 2
768 and then: Unknown.
Universe 12: Trunks
Who we know as "future Trunks".
The same we saw in the manga killing the cyborgs and Cell in his own time.
- Trunks
- #16
- None
Their story:
Until 764: see official DBM timeline764 to 785: See fanfic Twin Pain and parts of One Way
774: ...among it is this special chapter
785: See TV Special about Trunks
785 to 788: Trunks lives in peace
788: Trunks kills Cell.
788 to now: see special chapter.
Universe 13: Super Saiyans
Kakarotto never became a good boy and he killed all humans.
The Saiyan group then defeated Freeza and had many other adventures.
- Vegeta
- Nappa
- Kakarotto
- Raditz
- None
Their story:
Until 738: see official DBM timeline751: Kakarotto meets Kulilin
761: Raditz gets Kakarotto, then then train
762: Attack of Helior
After: Specials Chapters (not done yet).
Universe 14: Cyborgs
Killed in universe 17, Trunks never came back to his time, leaving the infamous cyborgs free.
- #17
- #18
- None
Their story:
Until 764: see official DBM timeline764 to 785: See fanfic Twin Pain
785: See TV Special about Trunks
785 to now: See fanfic One Way
Universe 15: I'K'L
As all the strong fighters in this universe disapeared, I'K'L's mother went on to give birth to the ultimate warrior.
- I'K'L
- I'K'L's mother
Their story:
Unknown.Universe 16: Vegetto
Vegetto never separated.
- Vegetto
- Gotenks
- Son Bra
- Pan
- Piccolo
- Son Gohan
- Videl
- Trunks
- Son Goten
Their story:
Until 774: see official DBM timeline774: see the special chapter.
774-783: See fanfic and this special Chapter
784: Son Bra turns SSJ1
After: later...
Universe 17: Cell
Perfect Cell won against SSJ2 Gohan.
- Cell
- Cell Junior
- None
Universe 18: DBZ
Our DB/DBZ we know, 10 years later.
- Vegeta
- Son Gokû
- Gotenks
- Uub
- Pan
- Piccolo
- Son Gohan
- Videl
- Trunks
- Son Goten
- Bra
Universe 19: Heloïts
In most universes, planet Helior was never attacked,
as Freeza's empire was destroyed by other people.
In this one, they were attacked, fought back and won.
- Tidar
- Xeniloum
- Eleim
- Phipsil
- Naurb
- Magsuns
- Loopwhirl
- Nedwook
Universe 20: Broly
Broly was lucky enough to survive his second encounter with our heroes...
and won the third.
He then went on a rampage at the universe's level.
- Broly
- None
Their story:
Until 786: see official DBM timeline786: Special Chapter
786 to now: Destruction then frozen.
More about Broly
DBMultiverse offical DBZ timeline
This is U18 with our changes, how we integrated the films, etc.
-5,000,000: War against Majin Buu-425: Creation of Hildegard (See here).
-242: Previous Legendary Saiyan goes berserk. (See fanfic Hanasia)
499: Bojack's gang is created. See the special chapter.
507: Bojack's gang is stopped by the Kaiohs.
731: Birth of Raditz and Vegeta.
737: Birth of Gokû/Kakarotto and Broly. End of Planet Vegeta. See Baddack rewrite, p. 426-441
749 to 767: see manga
764: see Coola rewrite
767: see Broly rewrite & Bojack film
767 to 774: see manga
774: see Broly 2nd rewrite
774 to 784: see manga