Olim mihi filius nomine Cacarotto erat... sed mortuus est.
Oooo... viso vultu tuo, certe es tu!
He... quid?
Tu me idiotam appellavi-
sti, puer?
Ohe, conquiesce, senex. In universo meo tu solum princeps es Saeianorum. Ubi est pater tuus?
Ignorare malo quid in universo tuo factum sit... Pater meus, superior rex Vegeta, ille est.
Estne uxor tua quoque prope nos? Imaginem amborum capere possumne?
We all know Saiyans keep their youth for a loooong time. Lets say they become senile in a few years after that,
Goku and Vegeta are today 55 and 61 years old! (Approx. Note that Goku spent 1+7 years dead and 1 year in The Room of Spirit and Time, so physically he is 48 years old, and Vegeta is physically 63! (bam! :p) ).
Now lets guess the ages of Baddack and the old king (there are certainly sources for that, but I don't care).
Let's say Baddack had Raditz at 20, and Kakarotto at 22. That's believable.
Let's say old King Vegeta had Vegeta at 40. It's believable too, as Saiyans this age are still young.
In DBM, the previous King Vegeta is 101, and Baddack 77. It's a 24 years difference.
Goku's age: 12 (age he told on 1st tournament) + 3 + 3 (time between tournaments) + 5 (time between DB and DBZ) + 1 (dead) + 1 (on Yardrat) + 3 (train for cyborgs) + 7 (dead) + 20 (Uub's age).
Vegeta's age: 6 years older than Goku.