Minus minusque valens in dies facta es. Energia infinita... ea nusquam est.
Energia nostra deminuitur tempore transeunte, sicut magis magisque debiles facti sumus.
Sed animadvertere non potes.
Nisi corpus tuum restituitur, annis maxime decem ne ambulare quidem poteris!
Auxilium meum igitur etiam nunc non vis?
Quid amisi?
Iamsa est cyberorga-nismus!
Some fans speculated that Gero saw Trunks kill Freeza, and seeing that much power, decided to make his cyborgs stronger. It's wrong because Gero didn't know about SSJ when Goku transformed in front of him. So he didn't see the fight against Freeza.
This page gives my personal explanation. In fact, the cyborgs are weaker in the future, because they are 20 years older and are worn-out.
This explanation is DBM canon, but nothing supports it (nor contradict it) in any good DB source.