DB Multiverse
Fanart creation by thebritwriter
Author: thebritwriter (See his 1 others fanarts)
From country: EN
Posted on: 2025-01-25
This was done last year, sometime after his passing.
Now I was asked if i wanted to contribute for the tribute page here on this site (page 2312) but declined as I couldn't get one done in time, and to be honest never crossed my mind since.
I changed my mind on that when the tribute displays were just getting well, not a tribute.A fan art of vegeta going ssj and words 'in memory of akira' for heading or bulma and goku driving in a car close up with another deviantart title 'in tribute to toriyama'
And you get the idea, very loose homage contributions (and this is not forgetting about A.I art as well)
So I decided to make this, it can't go on page 2312 but that's fine.
So I have a collection of his work making up his name while homaging his leave in a similir way to Akira (the film) because I figured why not, Akira loved motorbikes and cars and that film is known for that. All the while showing an acceptance that it is time to move on.