DB Multiverse

Member page of   YellNinja1600

YellNinja1600 1日, 2時間
PrimeFighter was saying:
Well I'm gonna say take more time to write this out, take the criticism, and develop your art more. Good luck.

That’s kind of a mean thing to say his art has been fine it isn’t like he’s been in charge of doing main story

To point a sword at someone’s else is your sword sharper ? Is your art better ? Stop hating 3 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 75
YellNinja1600 1日, 16時間
Nice art and genius attack this move is actually canon to the PlayStation budokai games

Though it does make the question if Bulma can create planetary level attacks with machines be believable if Gero can create Star level androids from humans.
DB Multiverse page 2468
YellNinja1600 2日, 15時間
And the battle with earth begins but not just physically but this will be a mentally battle for Gohan too

The best bet is for the earthlings to have used the time chamber. They might be weaker than king Kai training goku but it should still make them stronger than the orignal 1 year training they had in Saiyan saga. Even if a few times higher.

They might attempt to suppress and hide their level when the saiyan arrive to hide from scouters
Saigo no Son page 36
YellNinja1600 14 3月
Hopefully someone is going to take advantage of this moment when this android is wrapped in gum to shoot a energy attack since it can’t absorb with it trying to get gum off it it

Nice team work guys let’s keep the ball moving I need a XL energy attack with a small fry asap
DB Multiverse page 2467
YellNinja1600 13 3月
Very great story and sad like the titanic. You know the ending but the means and routes to the middle and end is still a great story to tell. Everything was tried to stop this from happening but in the end there was a universe where broly prevailed. I hope this answers the questions for the day 1 readers who kept up with the series since beginning and always wondered how broly got stuck in ice.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 74
YellNinja1600 13 3月
I’m glad Krillin took down a android this places him already above frieza lower forms in power scale
I always thought it was stupid for the kienzan rule of not being able to kill someone 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2466
YellNinja1600 11 3月
Notice tien says can’t waste time. I think this is a clue that they will enter the time chamber there are already 4 of them. Krillin goes in with Yamcha. Tien goes in with Chiatzou. They will probably not be able to withstand the time chamber but they have each other to train with inside so it should be more helpful training with someone than vs alone.

If time chamber made goku surpass the androids 17, 16, and cell second form which is a big gap between each then this training should boost the z warriors a few tiers above themselves. Maybe Krillin gets the same boost he got from guru when he goes into and leaves the chamber here going in with a power lv of 177 and leaving out with 11,000. 2 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 34
YellNinja1600 10 3月
The sad ending of universe 20. I always thought Broly was frozen due to wandering space so long. But to be frozen inanimated due to being responsible for a universe destruction is crazy work. So when he was sent back to universe 20 is he just turned to ice again since there is nothing in the reality of universe 20 anymore neither life and death. 3 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 73
YellNinja1600 9 3月
Roshi is right the best thing is to prepare and be patient surely the saiyans might come back one day to finish off earth to sell it because raditz told the earthlings the saiyans sell planets.

Who are we all kidding Mr Popo coming out of no where to ask them to train with time chamber makes all the sense in world and their best way to increase their powers beyond the saiyans.
Saigo no Son page 33
YellNinja1600 7 3月
Kaio Ken Videl looks fantastic. I think cold final form is strong as 17 or 16. So this form is maybe as strong as Trunks super saiyan when he first appeared ? 2 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 303
YellNinja1600 7 3月
Magnificent panels. A lot of time and art is being put into this chapter it seems. So this is what Gast Universe “Z Warriors” looks like. I wonder where Gast and Thorn are. Possibly waiting for a way to take them all out at once or possibly going to confront Gero directly after Krillin and co have the other androids distracted. I could count at least 20 cyborgs if not more. This will be like resurrection of F z fighters fighting the frieza force.

I think all of them are just going to Bide time for Gast and Thorn to confront Gero. And Thorn might have to distract another cyborg while Gast runs off to gero like bleach does fights where multiple things are happening at once. Which also kind of fills cluttered.
DB Multiverse page 2464
YellNinja1600 7 3月
If Krillin or Tien taught Videl Kaio Ken instead of learning it directly from King Kai. Then it makes me wonder why Goku wasn’t as generous enough to teach Kaio Ken to any of his friends. He’s at least a good teacher to teach Gohan how to use Super Saiyan.
DBMultiverse Colors page 302
YellNinja1600 7 3月
SpanishSebas was saying:
YellNinja1600 was saying: Turtle island is well drawn this feel like genuine dragonball art in early beginning of Z.

I wonder what the remaining z warriors can do to prepare themselves ? Unlike universe 9 in Dbm a universe with no Goku, those guys like Krillin and Tien died and trained under King Kai learning Kaio Ken like Goku which greatly impacted their future as they continued to train their base form. And they were all wished back to life with Earth Dragonballs. So this version the remaining z warriors have no real other option but to enter time chamber to gain a big power up. And possibly learning Mafuba.

In the original timeline, the earthlings managed to go from 200 to 1500-1800 in less than a year training under Kami/Popo.

This time, they have 10-11 years before the saiyans arrive. If they keep training for the entire time, even if they don't use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, they should at least be able to destroy Raditz and give Nappa and Gohan a good battle, if not outright kill them.

Sadly, that's as far as they go. They can't touch Vegeta. And all of this is asuming the saiyans don't get the chance to turn into Oozarus. If they did, it's game over for everyone.

PD: Sure, they could use the Mafuba to imprison Vegeta. But that would only delay their fates. Once the saiyan squad gets missing, Freeza will go to Earth. And there's no way in hell they are winning against that.

But who’s to say the saiyan power would remain stagnant while the z fighters increase. And tien and yamcha had training under king kai and Krillin had his power unlocked. So they would still need a lot to even catch up to just vegeta. King kai told goku training in other world would be worth dozens of training in real life. So I don’t think even with ten years would the z warriors compensate enough to catch up. And why do you say “without using time chamber” they are definitely not going to get to that level without it 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 32
YellNinja1600 6 3月
Turtle island is well drawn this feel like genuine dragonball art in early beginning of Z.

I wonder what the remaining z warriors can do to prepare themselves ? Unlike universe 9 in Dbm a universe with no Goku, those guys like Krillin and Tien died and trained under King Kai learning Kaio Ken like Goku which greatly impacted their future as they continued to train their base form. And they were all wished back to life with Earth Dragonballs. So this version the remaining z warriors have no real other option but to enter time chamber to gain a big power up. And possibly learning Mafuba. 2 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 32
YellNinja1600 6 3月
What a twisted ending. Everyone dies again despite being wished back to life just moments prior. Kind of feels like universe 12 how they were so close to bringing everyone back with the namek dragonballs but frieza surface swiped the planet and killed everybody on Namek except Nail. But later kills Goku and Ginyu kills Nail too. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 72
YellNinja1600 5 3月
Cool we get to see the epilogue of what happened in Gast universe. His, the universe 9 heroes, and the universe 13 saiyans have been by far the most interesting stories to the reader. Gast pretty much went from traveling space killing cooler traveling again and killing Cold. He’s had a space odyssey and now his journey now brings the giant to Earth just like the Nameks in the Z timeline.

It’s going to be a little disappointing that Gast will not have a real challenge since these Androids should all be weaker than Androids 17 and 18 since they are all absorption models like 19. So a bunch of android 19 level fighters can be physically put down by Gast. I wish I could say Gero has a ace in the hole to give Gast a challenge but I truly think 17 and 18 are the ace in the hole unless he some how managed to fix android 16 programming but even then no androids are even half as strong as Gast at this point of story even a decade or more before the Dbm tournament starts. Gast should be super saiyan level 2 level even back then if not higher just for defeating King Cold final form who’s said to be around 17 or 16 level. And Gast stomped cold easily. So if Gast if Vegito needs level 2 to beat Gast then Gast should be around super saiyan 1 vegito level in Dbm and years before that in this saga he should at least be super saiyan 2-3 level.
DB Multiverse page 2463
YellNinja1600 4 3月
This story isn’t a part of the Dbm story realities like Gast universe so Gero doesn’t have to have invaded and probably didn’t bother to make Cyborgs if his enemy Goku and Piccolo died at beginning of Z and stayed dead.

This story is pretty amazing so far I imagine some talk No jutsu speeches from Krillin to try and get into Gohan head. But even if he listens what good would that do. Vegeta is surely stronger and would kill him for betrayal. I don’t think Gohan is stronger than Vegeta nor ever learned to conceal his power like z fighters do. To be honest Vegeta should at least be strong as his namek self while fighting the ginyu force. And Gohan might be the second strongest and might surpass vegeta with his rage amps but again Gohan has no one around him to go into a rage about as his dad is dead unless he sees chichi that could
Be the only thing to save earth. As Gohan wouldn’t know Krillin or the others as much.
Saigo no Son page 31
YellNinja1600 3 3月
I hope enough time has passed since fusion dance again. Or maybe they can teleport to goku and Vegeta to give them earrings for a permanent fusion like Vegito but before the Kai’s can do this broly final power up destroys the rift and thus everything is destroyed
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 71
YellNinja1600 1 3月
His chance at redemption has come I’m expecting a lot of talk No jutsu from z fighters to Gohan telling him this isn’t who he is
Saigo no Son page 30
YellNinja1600 28 2月
Awesome cover but I don’t remember a great ape appearing in this chapter 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 299
YellNinja1600 20 2月
I doubt they ever got to planet Namek they probably only trained for years to get stronger. I would say The planet is most likely taken under attack by the Androids similar to Gast story. But this Gohan is still a teenager and Gero probably hasnt taken over entire earth yet. But Tien and Yamcha should still be alive since they were never killed by Saibamen and Nappa in this timeline. I’m expecting a saiyan invasion but all of the z fighters would be able to sense Gohan energy. So they won’t wait for full moon night they would confront Gohan and the saiyans immediately. Instead of saiyans going to them the z warriors (Krillin, tien, yamcha) would bravely go to them. Though I doubt they would grow stronger than them with no King Kai training. Unless they trained in the time chamber. But even then that wouldn’t amount to a power strong enough to fight the Saiyans in Ape forms if Vegeta throws a power ball in sky to act as a moon. The earthlings are doomed either way. Gohan will have to choose and fast when he gets there.
Saigo no Son page 26
YellNinja1600 18 2月
But can’t Gogeta just ask king yemma to resurrect them surely he can repair deleted souls
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 67
YellNinja1600 13 2月
True ^ but remember this is a universe and story where Broly is still alive. So he has to somehow win in all of this. I’m glad the entire story so far has been very suspenseful to say the least.

Broly taking control of Buu makes sense. I remember Gohan saying Buu could get corrupted if he absorbed too many vilians. And absorbing Broly would definitely change his personality. Maybe Buu will be forced to dodge this attack then Broly bursts out of Buu body. I know it’s never been seen before this Broly has been the Le Crop of powerful villians. I’m not sure even XXI would win. XXL beat Vegito with magic and teleportation to another dimension not by actual power. We know XXI is above Gast but I think Gast is only Super Saiyan 1 or 2 Vegito level not 3. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 66
YellNinja1600 7 2月
For Vegito to miss another big feast he must be headed to where XXI is. Surely this will be an interrogation special since Vegito acts as a police of the universe in his own universe. He might weary of how he became so powerful and who he really is.
DB Multiverse page 2452
YellNinja1600 30 1月
Whose this is awesome. It looks like some
Years have passed Gohan looks incredibly taller like Android Saga height. But he also looks regretful as he is ashamed of his actions. 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 17
YellNinja1600 24 1月
Amazing panel goten kun

Just as I thought Gast would be in bad shape. But this also gives Goku insight to be weary of XXI black smoke.

I’m expecting a special chapter soon 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2446
YellNinja1600 23 1月
goten-kun was saying:
YellNinja1600 was saying:

Mr polo did teleport with Bulma to kami spaceship so he had to have known its coordinates or been there before in past. So a trip to Namek seems very likely.

Popo knows where is Kami's ship but he doesn't know it's a space ship. He doesn't know anything about Namek.

He can speak namekian though and taught the language to Bulma not saying he knows much about race but he knows what Kami taught him. And might have been to that place before to visit ship with Kami in past. Goten Kun could easily write popo thinking it was the ship he came from and teach Bulma namekian language to pilot the lost ark similar to like in original only this time it’s Bulma, Krillin, tien, and Yamcha. 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 14
YellNinja1600 23 1月
I imagine Gohan will be trained and have to fight Saibamen to unleash his battle power to help kill aliens on planets for Frieza. Since raditz doesn’t know about the dragonballs there’s no reason to come back to earth even if he is oblivious to fact the balls are only regular stones after he killed Piccolo.

Mr Popo did teleport with Bulma to kami spaceship so he had to have known its coordinates or been there before in past. So a trip to Namek seems very likely. And without interference since Frieza isn’t triggered by the myth of the dragonballs by Vegeta going to earth.

Actually it should take Raditz and Gohan 1 year to get to where Vegeta and Nappa are.

If they use Kami spaceship they can travel to namek in less time than it takes raditz year trip to where vegeta is.

Goku, Piccolo, and Kami travel to snakeway and cross it for King Kai training. Since I don’t think Kami can linger around the check-in station for months. Goku and Piccolo learn Kaio Ken together but only Goku learns spirit bomb. Actually goku would be maybe even 2x stronger than he normally would in Vegeta fight due to having a training opponent in higher gravity and piccolo would virtually be his equal or close since they were both in the 400s power levels. So piccolo and goku should each be around 16,000 if they train as long as goku did first time. But if they train a a year and the month it took namek spaceship to get to namek they would be even stronger than piccolo when he came to namek after his original training with king Kai. I would say each of them would be in the 100k range. And this piccolo fusing with nail would be stronger than frieza third form but still weaker than his final form. 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 14
YellNinja1600 22 1月
It would be insane if when the smoke clears Gast is badly injured and barely standing waiting to collapse. How will goten kun demonstrate this next panel page is mysterious but so far he’s done an amazing job.

I assume we are getting another special chapter right after this fight just seems like normal tradition to have one every tournament match in between so far lately.
DB Multiverse page 2445
YellNinja1600 20 1月
If IKL absorbs Gast this will be a serious problem since everyone doesn’t know how to deal with Gast already. I wonder if Salgir will allow this to happen. Boosting his stats to absorb Gast who should at least be SSJ2 Vegito level would easily put IKL over lv 3 since IKL is superior to Gast so higher than a 1+1 = 2 scenario. But it’s so sad that Gast is going to suffer from side character battle formula he is only the demonstration before the main hero fights said character. We witnessed it many times in shonen where a side character gets washed only for main hero to handle the rest with him having superior power and having knowledge from the previous fighter who failed.
DB Multiverse page 2444
YellNinja1600 13 1月
Great shading here

Gast is in trouble if he doesn’t keep his eyes on those ninja stars because if he gets sliced he can’t afford to spend time regenerating in a trap which works in IKL favor advantage.
DB Multiverse page 2441
YellNinja1600 11 1月
This is some incredible shading and I’m liking the design for that arm. Maybe a reptilian dragon type of monster like ozotto from the dragonball Japanese game. But flying ninja stars is pretty insane the artist must’ve been reading / watching Naruto or something lol. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2440
YellNinja1600 8 1月
I know this is impossible but he looks like Cell Max with the eyes and unclear body shape

Anyway great panel as always win or lose more lore and secrets are dropping on IKL true power and form
DB Multiverse page 2439
YellNinja1600 5 1月
This reminds me of sparkling zero story what ifs where early in game goku doesn’t die against raditz and instead he moves from blast before hit. And trains Gohan with Piccolo. They end up losing because goku never learns Kaio Ken. 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 6
YellNinja1600 2 1月
I’m kind of glad janemba does show up to stop the universe from being destroyed in a clash between gogeta and broly. But what if this janemba is the same one under IKL control ? It would explain why this janemba is much stronger than the movie version we are used to which would only require above super saiyan 3 in buu saga to beat. Maybe janemba is much stronger due to the time of everything with it being YEARS later and due to the accumulation of evil spirits over the years. Like a cooking pot the longer on the stove the deeper the hotter the broil and juices will be. This could have been one of IKL plots. Perhaps with his wizard stuff he has soul manipulation like a bleach character or something. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 54
YellNinja1600 25 12月
Merry Christmas everyone. Since this cell doesn’t have cold or frieza dna he should look totally different and more human. But I can say he probably will still have a tail since he has to be able to absorb and eat the androids for power. If this cell ends up becoming complete he should still be above the level of second form cell but not as strong as full power in cell games cell.” Before he blew himself up. I’m very interested in seeing the power progress of Gast who might be experiencing his own android-cell games arc pretty soon. Where he beats weaker androids then stronger ones and then finally cell.
DB Multiverse page 2433
YellNinja1600 20 12月
Thorn is naturally a pacifist so I understand he doesn’t want to start a war since his race are aliens known for peace and knowledge. However he should remember the androids attacking him and Gast without any sorts of provoking and Gast should stop his mistrust dead in its heels. Gast would be more trusting to the earthlings than Thorn. The earthlings are just strange to Thorn. But I wonder if it was android 19 they killed or a weaker model. We also don’t know Giran from dragonball power he could’ve still continued to train a lot of years had passed since early dragonball days I would highly doubt giran is still weaker than roshi. And this Krillin should be the strongest out of them and much stronger than his cell games lv self since this Krillin had to hide and train in discreet. Not having a relaxing life you have no choice but to continue to push passed your limits. Krillin was still able to kick one of the androids and move it. I would reckon Krillin is at least stronger than namek goku before he used super saiyan. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2431
YellNinja1600 18 12月
What a dark future. Gohan being killed so young makes sense. The androids specifically Gero knows where Goku house is. Gohan wouldn’t even be able to detect them to flee if he wanted. I imagine Krillin and Roshi abandoned the turtle island in response to Gohan death and the androids attacking a city surely causing a stir in the media news. Maybe tien and Yamaha are also dead with Krillin being the last survivor.

I do however wonder if Gast will just make a huge ki blast and blow them up or is he going to just speed blitz and physically punch and kick them to death ? Regardless “dozens” of androids is a lot that means there is more than 24.
DB Multiverse page 2430
YellNinja1600 13 12月
Wow the art here is outstanding especially the scene where gast hand plows through the android chest from
Behind. Very strategical in using namekian abilities, indeed Gast is a seasoned warrior with years of experience by now.

There’s still a lot of pages to go for this special arc to finish if we count the traditional counting of page chapters Cell should appear since a lot of time has passed. But another question is would Bulma still try to invent a Time Machine ? Even without trunks existence would she still try to change the past ?
DB Multiverse page 2428
YellNinja1600 12 12月
Sayazur was saying:
Why can't Gogeta ssj3 manage to one-shot Broly, even though the latter is weaker than during the tournament?
In fact, by default, Gogeta is weaker than Vegetto (the manga clearly states that potara fusion is more effective and powerful than classic fusion).
What's more, Vegetto has had several years to improve and stand up to a much stronger Broly in ssj2. Gogeta has only a short time and less power (especially as Gokû and Vegeta have already tired themselves out).

I don’t think the fatigue factor applies. A fusion should always be a refreshed fusion of the two.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 48
YellNinja1600 12 12月
Gas need an academy globe award for this level of acting. I’m glad he’s much stronger had me worried there for a second Sal. Krillin is pulling a Kid Gohan kicks dr gero moment. But man did Krillin get there pretty fast or what ? They must have not been far a part
DB Multiverse page 2427
YellNinja1600 8 12月
Looks like our little thorn has grown up and become a fighter capable of moving faster than many Dbz sagas cannot tract. Another amazing page of art I enjoy the shading and design of Thorn as a teenager I presume he is ? His race is very intelligent if not the smartest in the universe. Pretty much treated as the library of space. Thorn being able to outsmart this android who has no data on him is pretty cool. But not just in intelligence but in power and speed as well ? It shows that Thorn has indeed been training under Gast these last 8-9 years. I wonder how strong Thorn would be with a master like Gast he would possibly be the strongest ever from his race and able to fight a frost demon himself. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2426
YellNinja1600 7 12月
Again powerscaling is off. There are no absorption models that are stronger than android 16, 17, and 18. It’s even implied Gero decided to make 19 because the androids were too powerful when he relied on pure source and infinite energy. These androids do not have infinite power and must rely on absorbing. Gas should at the very least be around cell second form or perfect cell lv. It’s like saying gast would be weaker than kami piccolo at this point of the year when Gast received a major head start of already being android 16 lv at the fusion during namek arc. Makes no sense for his power to be lesser than it was years ago. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2425
YellNinja1600 6 12月
Great artwork.
I really don’t understand the power scaling here tho. Gast himself killed King Cold who is supposed to be around Android 17 and 18 level stated by Piccolo. So it makes no sense for him to struggle with these androids who should be weaker than 17 and 18 due to them being absorption models. He killed Cold 6 years before this special so it makes no sense for his power to still be stagnant if Dbm tournament is to go by he should be experincing a steady increase in every every couple of years, so by now Gast should be Cell Games or early Buu SSJ2 Goku lv. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2424
YellNinja1600 25 11月
No one should be able to oppose Gas power at this point unless it’s Cell. In Gas flashback a little time after he fused when he faced Cold Gas was sweating some what when he faced King Cold final form death ball and that form is held in regard to Androids 16 power lv. So I reckon Gas is in that gap between cell second form and final perfect cell after fusion but contiued to train and boost his power to beyond SSJ1 Vegito / Gohan Buu levels 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2420
YellNinja1600 22 11月
If there’s up to a number 31 then Gero has made at least 11 androids since 19 and himself as 20 but this would probably take years so he must’ve killed the z fighters and made the additional androids after 19 and himself, later. But android 17 and 18 should still exist in this timeline and still show signs of disobedience unless Gero shut them down early.
DB Multiverse page 2419
YellNinja1600 20 11月
Ironic this is the year of 772. This is same year of Majin Buu Saga. So Gero has ruled over Earth for 7 years and now you know who is about to come to the planet and look for energy for Majin Buu. Gas is about to experience his own Android Saga and Majin Buu Saga back to back. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2417
YellNinja1600 1 11月
Flirting with 18 while his wife bulma is in attendance is crazy work 2 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 248
YellNinja1600 27 9月
I don’t think the Namek fusion is a set number of x10. It probably works by power levels from 100k to 1 million for Piccolo on Namek with fusion. But I doubt piccolo got 10 x more powerful after fusing with Kami since he certainly was strong enough to at least fight Android Dr Gero. Who scales above 19 who was taking multiple blows from SSJ Goku sick and SSJ Vegeta. We have already seen that androids are not immune to physical attacks example Imperfect Cell beats 17 to a bloody mess more so in the anime but in manga too I think. So 19 should at least be comparable to low tier SSJ’s. 2 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 536
YellNinja1600 6 9月
He can make himself intangible like Janemba as well it seems or perhaps this is a magic spell ? I figured this would be a big Magic battle but how will Gas deal with Magic and H2H fighting ? It’s time for him to pull out some secret technique he learned during the years of spending time with the most smartest alien race to surface.
DB Multiverse page 2388
YellNinja1600 5 9月
Marvelous art panels. I’m intrigued that Janemba is stated to not be alive. I guess he is a conglomeration of evil souls. So therefore he himself is a soul entity. But we know in the db verse that even souls can be exterminated stated in Majin Buu Saga when Goku told Vegeta if he died when he was already a ghost in battle he can’t be revived again nor will he go to other world but will cease to exist altogether. So shouldn’t the same principle apply ? Unless we are using the headcanon that Gogeta galaxy duster attack cleansed Janemba soul and a soul cleanser attack is needed to beat Janemba. It would make sense that Gas have a ability for that since he has trained mentally under the smartest race in universe in his universe.
DB Multiverse page 2387
YellNinja1600 2 9月
If this was movies scaling Janemba would be chowder lunch. This clearly written with a retcon power. Salagir version must be strong as Vegito, Broly, and Zen Buu. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2386
YellNinja1600 31 8月
Been waiting for this for ten years. And IKL identity is Janemba ? Or Janemba works with him ? Idk it just seems kinda illogical for Janemba to be a threat to any of the high tiers in DBM. Janemba was stronger than super saiyan 3 Goku not strong as a fusion between two super saiyans. He should be no stronger than Super Buu absorption Variations.
But maybe Salagir retcon his power.
DB Multiverse page 2385
YellNinja1600 29 8月
So the true nature of IKL finally reveals himself. I’ve waited 10+ years for this.

Elder Kai is going to warn everyone about IKL. But this will be a magic battle and I feel Gas has edge.

Namek Magic should be peak in the verse as ancient beings with hundreds to thousands of years worth of culture, magic, and legend. They created the Dragonballs, and have secrets recorded in the Book of Namek of it is truly canon. Or if Salagir decides to adapt
DB Multiverse page 2384
YellNinja1600 29 8月
Always thought Namek healing was superior to Senzu Beans.
DBMultiverse Colors page 220
YellNinja1600 26 8月
Gohan and Vegeta don’t fail us hold out till Goku comes at least
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 17
YellNinja1600 26 8月
Cool Naruto feature in the last panel
DBMultiverse Colors page 219
YellNinja1600 25 8月
The plot continues

Gas has to have the highest peak of Magic I don’t think there’s anything in XXI arsenal that Gas shouldn’t be able to counter since he has already trained under the most smartest aliens in the universe in his own timeline where he killed King Cold.

This will be magical fight since I don’t think XXL will be a physical threat outside of reflection attacks or maybe black goo spells.
DB Multiverse page 2383
YellNinja1600 11 8月
Wow what incredible art !

Reminds me of a marvel or dc comic book artist bravo !

Back on track as much as I love the brotherly duo I feel Raditz time is up. Slow walking bad guy only spells disaster. Kakarot is delusional even if they both were super saiyan 2 level they stand no chance. It’s like ssj2 Vegeta Vs kid Buu. And Vegeta only lasted because he was already dead. Now compare that with Raditz and Kakarot. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2377
YellNinja1600 10 8月
They are screwed we forget Vegeta hasn’t been in ssj3 that long at all. And he is smart enough to notice the energy consumption time limit he already experienced before when losing to Raichi. Raditz is morning toast and Kakarot will become Vegeta slave.
DB Multiverse page 2376
YellNinja1600 8 8月
They are screwed once Vegeta gets back. But once he is teleported he should be pretty injured enough for the duo to take him down. Who don’t seem to have taken damage. Working together they will be enough to finish Vegeta off.
DB Multiverse page 2375
YellNinja1600 24 7月
This isn’t a vision this is real why would it be a vision if it was this long

Sadly I feel Kakaditz will be teleported before he can fight xxi
DB Multiverse page 2369
YellNinja1600 17 7月
Looks like Vegito will have a tall glass of Kakaditz after he’s done healing. Kakaditz is definitely out of control I assumed he would be more willing to reason since he is part Raditz. Who I thought was turning over a new coat to become casual with his arms crossed as he watched the battles. Elder Kai has doomed us all. What a bad move giving Raditz potara earrings. But after a battle of Vegito owning him he will be sent back to his universe. Such a pity that he’s just a waste and Is assuming the whole “movie bad guy” role. Ya know thought he could’ve been a nice asset to the story and help against XXi.But two full bloody saiyans that never redeemed themselves in their universe I guess would just make the fusion more evil than Raditz since Kakarot is full evil. And I feel Raditz might be 90% evil. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2366
YellNinja1600 14 7月
Welp looks like I called it on the Kakaditz name.

Very well done panel art, storytelling, everything is 10/10.

And for the people saying this was a dream from old Kai mind looks like y’all are totally wrong. This is real why would kai scream for Kakaditz to stop if this was a dream ?

I think Kakaditz is at least super Buu Gotenks level or Gohan Buu if Kakarot was a SSJ2 and Raditz could be a similar level and it still works as them being massively stronger than Vegeta with SSJ3

I also imagine this Kakaditz will be good for the rest of his life as was the deal
DB Multiverse page 2365
YellNinja1600 11 7月
Behold the form of Kakditz ! A brotherly fusion who should be smart like Raditz and battle hungry like Kakarot. But my question is does the fusion still have Kakarot’s immortality ? Or is the immortality cancelled out post fusion ?

Either way excited for the story even if the art isn’t the best the story is stunning and suspenseful. Kakditz is either going to get rid of Vegeta or tell him he listens to him now.
DB Multiverse page 2363
YellNinja1600 8 7月
I love this fusion the anticipation is real. But there’s also the question how good this fusion will be in personality. Since Kakarot is evil and Raditz is more of a anti villain now. Which would technically mean their fusion would have more evil and cockiness. Who’s to say the fusion will be grateful for Elder Kai, or attack him out of superiority and evilness.

Power wise I’m leaning to Kakaditz being very strong. We must remember Kakarot is a super saiyan 2 and demolished SSJ1 Goten. So Kakarot is at least Majin Buu Arc SSJ2 Goku level. Raditz after hidden potential should be stronger than any universe 9 member including their Kaio Kens which should be stronger than Androids 17 and 18. Elder Kai holds Raditz Potential power as his champion over anyone else in the previous apartment in high regard. So would say the fusion is stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Super Buu Han but weaker than Vegito from Z. So somewhere between SSJ1-2 DBM Bra.
DB Multiverse page 2362
YellNinja1600 7 7月
Fusing with his brother is the logical choice. But would the fusion retain Kakarot’s immortality ? Since they aren’t the same person there could be a possibility the fusion loses the ability of immortality similar to his fusion of Vegeta was dead but Goku was alive there should’ve been a halo over Vegito but there wasn’t.
DB Multiverse page 2361
YellNinja1600 6 7月
You guys definitely called it.

I was one that was confident Raditz would’ve been stronger than his universe SSJ3. But I guess it makes sense that Gohan was far stronger and already a super saiyan 2 in power before he got mystic form. For argument sake he should at least be several orders of magnitude stronger.
DB Multiverse page 2361
YellNinja1600 4 7月
happywarrior99 was saying:
I think that it is suspicious that U13 Raditz survived as long as he did considering how relatively weak he was for most of his life. Did U13 Kakaroto's wish for immortality actually made U13 Raditz immortal too? We were not yet show what U13 Kakaroto said when he made his wish. Maybe U13 Kakaroto wished for his family to be immortal.

Mystic Gohan's potential was so high because he is a half-human/half-saiyan hybrid. Raditz is just a full blooded low class saiyan, thus I think that there is not way for Mystic Raditz to be Mystic Gohan tier even if he gets the mystic power up.

brolyhater was saying: Saligir nerfed Oozaru to only be a 2x increaseHowever if Mystic Raditz transforms into an Oozaru, it would be a Mystic Oozaru Raditz. I think that a Mystic Oozaru transformation would have a multiplier higher than a 2x increase, because it is stacking both Oozaru power and Mystic power.

I think it had a lot to do with Raditz being the most wise out of the saiyan group of U13. His high IQ is what saved him in a lot of battles on namek it seems. With them of course experiencing multi zenkai boost like Vegeta on Namek. We technically don’t know Raditz potential. I think the mystic form itself is a big boost we should treat like a transformation. Rather than just people getting their potential unlocked. The mystic boost should be SSJ2-SSJ3 boost regardless.
DB Multiverse page 2360
YellNinja1600 4 7月
Yes the moment we’ve been all hyped for. Mystic or Ultimate Raditz was born today July 3rd. What a awesome moment. I wonder how Vegeta will react. Mystic Raditz has to be stronger than a super saiyan 3 I would say he is at least strong as ultimate Gohan is slightly better.
DB Multiverse page 2360
YellNinja1600 2 7月
Cover looks cool I wonder who else is left for Broly to fight after the z warriors are dead ? Maybe king yemma allows the heroes go go back to living for one day to save universe since Broly is such a grave threat to everything
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 1
YellNinja1600 1 7月
Raditz becoming a important character would be great character development. Maybe old Kai is trying to brainwash him good similar to the way babadi brainwashes someone evil to do their bidding.
DB Multiverse page 2359
YellNinja1600 27 6月
Mystic Raditz is about to be insane a super saiyan 3 level without the actual blonde hair only length 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2357
YellNinja1600 22 6月
Zen Buu panel looks like he is a Z fighter. Could you imagine a intelligent Super Buu like character that was actually good 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 191
YellNinja1600 20 6月
I didn’t read what anyone above me said but why is Roshi dead if this special also covers Universe 12 ? Which universe 12 is the universe that is closest to canon Z trunks who went to past to save Goku, stop Cell, and returned to his own time to destroy the androids and Cell. Roshi was still alive in the history of trunks special. I guess Salagir wants him to be more heroic instead of a cowardly but wise old man that history of trunks movie showed us. But even in the Kakarot game Roshi was alive in his submarine. In fact as Trunks you have to deliver food to him from Bulma. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2354
YellNinja1600 18 6月
The tail on Roshi bike looks like Puar so does this mean Roshi and Puar are dead
DB Multiverse page 2353
YellNinja1600 14 6月
And Roshi wins the final lap. This was a interesting Race to say the least.

I hope 17 keeps his word. He doesn’t want to look like a sore loser in front of 18 to remind him he cheated against a Old Man.

But where will they all even go when Gohan saves them ? A underground bunker ? Surely Bulma still has to have some capsules for housing, flying machine crafts.
DB Multiverse page 2352
YellNinja1600 12 6月
Have to admit this was very creative. Since 17 used a ki blast it’s not outside the rules that Roshi can’t use one to help him. A kamehameha across the finish line with his motorcycle in tow locked between his feet. This is so Dragonball.

Hopefully all of this has bided Gohan enough time to escape. Is it possible Gohan can use Solar Flare to save Roshi if Androids don’t keep their word.
DB Multiverse page 2351
YellNinja1600 9 6月
I kind of figured 17 would cheat. They are delinquents with no morals. But if Paur is 17’s bike can’t she just suddenly turn it off while Roshi jumps across the finish line ? If 17 cheats so can Roshi with Puar. Hopefully all of this has brought Gohan enough time. Though I see him having to fight the androids for a little while while Roshi escapes with trunks and Bulma anyway.
DB Multiverse page 2350
YellNinja1600 31 5月
FishNChips was saying:
Hold on. What is that weird thing coming out of #17's hoverbike? From underneath it's right side bumper, next to Roshi's left leg.
Looks like Puar's tail kind off. Maybe just an unimportant detail, but Idk.

If that is case Puar transformed into 17 Bike as part of Roshi plan since Puar and Oolong still live with Roshi. Great find.

Maybe Puar will untransform at the end of race. Or act broken down. Either way Puar will have to do this unsuspiciously since 17 will say Roshi cheated if he finds out the truth. And try to attack him.
DB Multiverse page 2346
YellNinja1600 31 5月
I could see this happening. In the HoT movie both Androids were riding roller coasters and having fun like teenagers
with the exception of also going on a murder spree.

I’m assuming Roshi is just the distraction for Gohan to save Bulma / Trunks. I just hope Android 18 doesn’t find them. As we know the Androids can’t sense power levels but flying through the air does make noise and 18 has superhuman vision and Sound apparently if Salagir adopts that androids have great superhuman hearing like 17 did in tournament of power 18 will hear this going on with Gohan trying to escape. And Gohan will have no choice but to fight android 18 to buy them time to escape in a air craft vehicle I’m sure Bulma has in a capsule.

But the endgame they will all escape as we know Roshi is still alive in the HoT movie. Unless Salagir decides not to adapt that part of movie with Roshi living in a Submarine under water.
DB Multiverse page 2346
YellNinja1600 16 5月 2024
In hindsight this has to be the greatest excuse for Goku Not to return from the dead for One Day to help and prep Gohan for the time chamber. Baba was probably killed in the Androids rampage. It’s not hard to find her palace it is only structure in middle of desert. But honestly I wouldn’t of guessed they would need Baba to communicate with dead Goku. I don’t understand why Dead Goku couldn’t just talk through King Kai to Gohan like he did in Cell Games. King Kai even allowed Yamcha and Piccolo to communicate with Goku and later Bulma and Gohan. So why on earth wouldn’t future king kai allow dead Goku to talk to future gohan? The only explanation must be because Goku is not on king Kai planet in afterlife. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2339
YellNinja1600 6 4月 2024
Wow can you believe it’s been 11 years since this was foreshadowed. Awesome page Yamcha is finally going to save the day. I wish Krillin and Tien could see this. We really need more universe 9 stories to explain how Yamcha got turned into a Android. To haven beaten Cooler, Dr Gero, And Dabura. I wouldn’t put it passed Yamcha for being cell level at end of cell games.
DB Multiverse page 2322
YellNinja1600 21 3月 2024
megrez alberich was saying:
WukongTheMighty was saying: Is 17 really strong enough for that? I thought that the lack of repairs meant he was weaker than Final Form Freeza.

Such a dumb concept and a total misunderstanding of the twins' true nature and the source of their powers: their strength not only comes from their small perpetual energy reactor - which doesn't need any "maintenance" - but most importantly, from their genetically-modified cells. So no, 17 & 18 don't get weaker over time, quite the contrary. Which is precisely why Gero feared them so much: he had made them way too powerful, with a great dormant potential. A concept that was reused in GT and that Toriyama was finally able to exploit in Super.

Salagir messed up big time on that one.

That’s in Super though. Z never implied that 17 and 18 had a large
potential. Z never also implied that the both of them could get massively
stronger by training. Neither 17 / 18 trained together through the years.
They were always at their standard power or suppressing themselves
To make enemy think they had a shot. Toying with them. The androids
should remain the same power as they were when introduced. They
were never martial artist only killer androids who were diligently misfit
teenagers before turned into humans. Yamcha would technically have
a high potential since he was a martial artist before his transformation
to a android and he naturally trains his body to become stronger.
The androids lack that.
Super was all plot. It doesn’t even make sense to have Android 17 go
from weaker than first form cell in Z, to super saiyan god lv in Super
just off 12 years of training. He should be the same level as Piccolo in ToP.
DB Multiverse page 2315
YellNinja1600 20 3月 2024
WukongTheMighty was saying:
Is 17 really strong enough for that? I thought that the lack of repairs meant he was weaker than Final Form Freeza.
Seems weird that he'd be able to do that to somebody who easily handled a 16+ tier foe.

It’s just that he was Off Guard. Being off guard can
make characters who are tiers below you hit you with
a attack that will be stronger than it is if the character
is bracing himself for it or on guard.

Similar to Krillin hitting Dodoria who was off guard
when Dodoria was in another league. Or kid Gohan
Knocking off Dr Gero from absorbing piccolo energy.
DB Multiverse page 2315
YellNinja1600 4 3月 2024
This is pretty best pan is getting more scenes than in the original
DBMultiverse Colors page 137
YellNinja1600 3 3月 2024
Seems like IKL has created a time lapse or inner domain dimension where time is stopped and only
He can phase through. He along with any non living beings at least purely mechanical. The fact Android
16 took a punch and his head wasn’t heavily damaged makes me believe IKL is not stronger than Perfect Cell
from Cell Games. I’m also wondering if the suit fighters from Universe 19 the Heloites have technology to
react to this. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2309
YellNinja1600 21 2月 2024
An artificial warrior ? Oh man we were robbed of seeing Artificial Human 17 vs Artificial Alien IKL. A being like him must be much stronger than Android 17 if we go by alien tech and it’s superiority like Dr Raichi creating Hatchiyack. But he seems to dress the part of a Hero. I’m sure we will get some big speech from this prolonged character. But am I the only one that feels like we keeping milking all these things to avoid the real tournament ? IKL is just a distraction at this point.
DB Multiverse page 2304
YellNinja1600 19 2月 2024
He looks like a dragonball fusions character for the Majin race. This is great suspense I hope his character isn’t wasted and turns out to be a good fighter. Maybe along the strength of fat Majin buu.
DB Multiverse page 2303
YellNinja1600 19 2月 2024
Mafuba incoming. Piccolo still has his weighted clothing on so every dragonball fan should know he was never at full power in that braasca fight. Braasca seems to have taken him by suprise but now Piccolo full aware of the situation will go all out and catch him off guard with a Mafuba. 1 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 441
YellNinja1600 16 2月 2024
Holy crap finally back to the main story. I’m shocked. It’s been so long two monthly chapters of DBS came out. I’m glad we are back to the real stuff. I wonder how strong this little reptile guy is since he was supposed to be born before tournament where he would’ve fought Android 17.
DB Multiverse page 2302
YellNinja1600 1 2月 2024
Michelrpg was saying:
I applaud anyone trying to give content to Bojack but really there's just... so much nothing about this guy. He has no charisma, he has no great design, he has no presence. He's like a boring Hulk: "hur hur, Hulk smash, less talk".

I truly hope this is the last of the Bojack specials. We've had enough of him, and enough of Broly. Im still hoping to see more of Universe 9 and how they beat Piccolo and the Saiyans etc, as well as the universe of Prince Vegeta and how they managed to kill Freeza.

Michelrpg was saying:
I applaud anyone trying to give content to Bojack but really there's just... so much nothing about this guy. He has no charisma, he has no great design, he has no presence. He's like a boring Hulk: "hur hur, Hulk smash, less talk".

I truly hope this is the last of the Bojack specials. We've had enough of him, and enough of Broly. Im still hoping to see more of Universe 9 and how they beat Piccolo and the Saiyans etc, as well as the universe of Prince Vegeta and how they managed to kill Freeza.

Michelrpg was saying:
I applaud anyone trying to give content to Bojack but really there's just... so much nothing about this guy. He has no charisma, he has no great design, he has no presence. He's like a boring Hulk: "hur hur, Hulk smash, less talk".

I truly hope this is the last of the Bojack specials. We've had enough of him, and enough of Broly. Im still hoping to see more of Universe 9 and how they beat Piccolo and the Saiyans etc, as well as the universe of Prince Vegeta and how they managed to kill Freeza.

As far as U9 there is a special fan manga from someone cool named chewys who pretty much covers the universe 9 story. Right now they are in the ginyu force saga. But they all know Kaio Ken. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2298
YellNinja1600 1 2月 2024
Polar put up a good fight but he was a fool to underestimate them and their teamwork. Especially if Magic Binding Is involved where it can lower your power like it did against Gohan and Trunks in Bojack movie making them untransform once caught in the bonds. The plot requires for Polar to lose and for Cold to be last remaining son of Snower.
I think after being last one left aside his later sons, Cold didn’t take chances and opted to blow up planets that were a threat rather than facing them head on and not behind their backs.
DB Multiverse page 2298
YellNinja1600 22 1月 2024
I must say this was unexpected. I thought Bojack would be the one to deliver the first fatal blow. But appreciating the teamwork. Just like the movie Bojack crew fight dirty. I’m assuming Polar power isn’t large enough to break out of the bond strings amped by Bujin and Zangya. I’m assuming Polar is around frieza original form or final form when he first fought base Goku. Salagir stated Bojack was around 1,000,000 - 1,2000,000 in green buff form when he fought the commander on their home plane, which is around frieza second form where he fought piccolo on Namek. And this story is only 2-3 years after that so I think Bojack power grew to 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 in his transformed state. And now is facing Polar who may be sitting at 3,000,000 as his max power.
DB Multiverse page 2294
YellNinja1600 18 1月 2024
Chronos was saying:
Teleported_Bread was saying: Who you guys honestly rooting for?
Though Polar is likely going to ultimately lose the fight, I'm rooting for him for no real better reason than he's given some awesome facial reacts.

I’m rooting for Polar. I know Bojack gang are just trying to reinforce revenge for the frost family destroying their homeworld people. But As a new character, especially as a frost demon I find him more interesting. He is King Cold’s brother so I’m assuming they are total opposites like Frieza and Cooler. One being more hot headed and spoiled than the other (Frieza) and the other being less arrogant (cooler). I’m inclined to think that Polar is the more hot headed one, rushing to battle in his final form after sneaking around like a common soldier with a rag covering his hide. Gotta say he already has some strategic elements that I doubt Cold would have. Camouflaging himself to catch the enemy off guard is abnormal for a frost demon. Something I couldn’t see Cold doing. As he believes to destroy a planet in one shot from afar and ask questions later is ideal for revenge. Like he tried with earth before Mecha Frieza stopped him.
DB Multiverse page 2292
YellNinja1600 18 1月 2024
Going off Salagir timeline Bojack reign only lasted 8 years before he was imprisoned.
Over a span of that 8 years his base power went from under 780,000 to over Cell Games SSJ Vegeta. If he is same power he was when sealed by the Kais as he was in the Bojack Movie. But it makes one wonder how they got that strong over a span of 8 years and didn’t improve In a span of 20 years before DBM Vargas pick him up. Since it’s implied that Bojack and gang didn’t train after killing Gohan in their universe where Gohan never transformed into a Super Saiyan 2 in Bojack encounter. Maybe Bojack quest across space he fought many powerful beings or got their hands on some form of Magic or a Lake or pool that gives you more power after bathing in it on some remote magical planet. Or perhaps my final Hypotheses that the genetic mutation increased Bojack power every time he has a good fight. Like Saiyan zenkai but he doesn’t have to be near death to gain a power boost only be locked in combat with a compatible foe.
DB Multiverse page 2292
YellNinja1600 28 8月 2020
Is it me or does Goten keep bringing up the fact that they can be revived with dragonballs
I remember him saying same thing to the guy in Universe 19
Kinda is like his fav thing to say whenever he is getting hammered. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1775
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