DB Multiverse

Member page of   PrimeFighter

PrimeFighter 12時間, 53分
Gast Greatness was saying:
I'm sorry to say, but this is nothing but a cop-out and an excuse to justify terrible writing, because the author cannot accept constructive criticism.

Not even Dragon Ball Multiverse backpedaled the entire Son Bra backlash and instead stuck to its guns.

Didn't wanna say it either, but as long as he learns from his mistakes, all g.

YellNinja1600 was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: Well I'm gonna say take more time to write this out, take the criticism, and develop your art more. Good luck.

That’s kind of a mean thing to say his art has been fine it isn’t like he’s been in charge of doing main story

To point a sword at someone’s else is your sword sharper ? Is your art better ? Stop hating

His art hasn't been fine actually and some of it isn't even his... I'm being blunt not mean. There's not much to sugar coat.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 75
PrimeFighter 1日, 4時間
The Android isn't getting hurt by the nuke. If it's not planetary, it's not hurting it. Also this page was hilarious. We need more Mr. Satan action
DB Multiverse page 2468
PrimeFighter 1日, 4時間
Well I'm gonna say take more time to write this out, take the criticism, and develop your art more. Good luck. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 75
PrimeFighter 2日, 12時間
Very excited to see how this encounter/battle unfolds. Great story idea, and I don't think anyone else has done this story idea yet either...?
Saigo no Son page 36
PrimeFighter 2日, 12時間
You're Name was saying:
So that's how huh.

Giran powered up through fanboyism.
No wonder his personality is different than the scaredy weakass he's supposed to be.

Nah he's definitely not scared. Sure he surrendered vs Kid Goku, but the same thing happened with Tambourine who was even stronger at the time, and instead of quitting, he smashed his face with his tail. Also his strength gain maybe was from training if the Merry Go Round Gum actually keeps the Android in place for a bit, but we don't even know yet 'til the next page
DB Multiverse page 2467
PrimeFighter 2日, 19時間
Your nickel was saying:
goddawnho was saying: If a side story were released where Vegito appears instead of Gogeta and completely beat Broly, I think all the complaints would finally come to an end. It seems like people are overrating Gogeta too much, and that’s why there’s so much frustration.
You'd have to ignore almost every critique people have given here to come to that conclusion

LMFAO also this is another reason why I critique THIS story specifically because the comments are way more entertaining

Shabby was saying:
jonathan_vik was saying: What the heck can the bonus chapter even be about? Everyone is dead!

Gonna be honest, I could absolutely enjoy five pages of Brolycicle floating through space.

Each panel, the ice just gets bigger and bigger.

Maybe the panel will give us a backside view of Broly's butt and the ice will start spinning til he's upside down. The suspense might kill him since nothing else could xd
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 74
PrimeFighter 14 3月
I love how Giran troll nigerundayo'ed emoted on the Android after using the Merry Go Round Gum xddd 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2467
PrimeFighter 14 3月
I don't see any of the Z-Fighters getting that much stronger tbh.. They have no 10x gravity, no special training from King Kai, no Guru, and no dead bodies to push themselves harder in within Other World.

Let's say each year they gained strength the same as they did during the main timeline. They train for 10 years and someone like Krillin who gained 1,564

1564 x 10 years = 15,640 + 206 = 15,846 peak power at this point in time IF he trained as hard as he did each year like he did before Vegeta and Nappa arrived. Doing the same treatment for Tien, who should be the strongest human would be 16,050. (Idc about the other 2 fodder lol)

The Saiyans definitely got stronger at some points in their journeys, but are clearly weaker still than first form Frieza because they still submit to him. The window of power for them all is wide. I'm just waiting for Vegeta and Tien to have their moments:

Vegeta: Is that okay?

Tien: As a matter of fact, it isn't.

(The how many Gokus have you beaten reference can't happen sadly :c)

Lastly, I wanna say after seeing Sayazur's terrible story, I have to reiterate how much we appreciate you as a story creator. You leave the door open enough for us to make educated guesses on the plot, but not actually fully knowing what's next. The story is engaging. The art is good and growing better and better as you work on your stories more. This is the talent we need more of goten-kun. Thank you.
Saigo no Son page 35
PrimeFighter 14 3月
thebritwriter was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: thebritwriter was saying: I’ll just be a broken record if I bring up points must comment se toon have done. So I’ll break it to a few points:

Even though it’s a concept no one asked for, it did have some promise but was ruined not just by poor use of characters with some existing just so they can have a one liner at a rival but some of the pages were frankly, terrible. Unfinished, poor scaling and using refrences do apprent the fact they show first thing on google images gives an idea how rushed this was.

Blame can’t be on sayazur for ruining his own work, it should had been rejected by salagir till there was some quality to it. Even if some if the artists could not do any better, the pages that had just flat colouring and no shading even was bad.

There are about four websites and three discord servers that have Dbm as a topic, all of them can’t agree on if the main story of Dbm is good but all do agree that this was a very poor story that has bruised the credibility of its main artist and leads but it also could had been prevented if they tried to revise the work and story and not rush it for what is a non-canon explanation to Dbm broly.

Blame can't be on Sayazur for ruining his own work...? What are you saying? That makes no sense.

That there were several people that looked at this and no one from Malpha etc looked at this and said ‘This page needs further work.’ Everyone involved was more interested in pumping out a product then revising content. Yes it was under Sayazur all the same but there wasn’t any pushback or serious discussion how the story would be done. And as mentioned Salagir gave this the ok but could also had said to basically revise some details before applying the story to be published.

So they're both in the wrong. Ultimately though, it was up to Sayazur to write a good story and make quality art. Salagir should've rejected this story from making it to the site at its current state. So in conclusion from what you're saying, for me, it gives me a lesser image of Salagir & an even worse image of Sayazur. Salagir for accepting blatantly bad work onto his site , and Sayazur for making the blatantly bad work.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 74
PrimeFighter 14 3月
thebritwriter was saying:
I’ll just be a broken record if I bring up points must comment se toon have done. So I’ll break it to a few points:

Even though it’s a concept no one asked for, it did have some promise but was ruined not just by poor use of characters with some existing just so they can have a one liner at a rival but some of the pages were frankly, terrible. Unfinished, poor scaling and using refrences do apprent the fact they show first thing on google images gives an idea how rushed this was.

Blame can’t be on sayazur for ruining his own work, it should had been rejected by salagir till there was some quality to it. Even if some if the artists could not do any better, the pages that had just flat colouring and no shading even was bad.

There are about four websites and three discord servers that have Dbm as a topic, all of them can’t agree on if the main story of Dbm is good but all do agree that this was a very poor story that has bruised the credibility of its main artist and leads but it also could had been prevented if they tried to revise the work and story and not rush it for what is a non-canon explanation to Dbm broly.

Blame can't be on Sayazur for ruining his own work...? What are you saying? That makes no sense. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 74
PrimeFighter 13 3月
Dislpay name was saying:
Didn't like the story, it was too fanservice-y and it left us with more questions than answers when it came to universe 20.

Good on Sayazur for having his childhood dream come true but i wouldn't be proud of this if i was in his shoes, besides the "outside the box" pages, those were definitly the best part of this manga.

If you have to explain this much of your story at the end, it says a lot about the writing and how much consistency it lacked. You have a lot of work to do in your story building. When you write you need to set a lot of questions to challenge your plot and find answers that make sense, are creative, and engaging that makes us as readers both satisfied and anticipating more lead ups. There was so much confusion and convenient progressions made for this story that were nonsensical, like all the characters lost 100 IQ points, so things would work out for Broly and the end of the universe...

Also "contribution"? Isn't this deemed not canon to DBM? Idk what you mean by that. Traced art, obviously reflected profile art, lack of passion, and etc.. In the most respectful way, this story shouldn't have made it on the site because there is a clear lack of quality at least that every other creator here exercises, and it all screams lazy. Like reflecting bodies... really?? Readers are supposed to accept that? And no one can tell me otherwise that that's just so goddamn lazy and insulting to your audience.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 74
PrimeFighter 12 3月
At least he didn't do the thumb pose, Krillin about to solo ong
DB Multiverse page 2466
PrimeFighter 11 3月
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside the dirt, Popo's stool, K A M I... Then Popo... Any questions?
Saigo no Son page 34
PrimeFighter 11 3月
Decends was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: Uzurper was saying: "Okay so here's the plan, when the androids get close, we run away."

"Genius, he's a genius"

If none of you know Oversimplified, I'm sorry for you. ;)

"A stroke of brilliance my good lad. I'm following right behind you. What could go wrong?"

beeruz was saying: PrimeFighter was saying: Could Cell absorb more than 17 and 18? Does he even exist in this timeline? I don't see a reason he would unless Dr. Gero trying to flex his intellect... IF Cell exists, I'd like to see him evolve beyond his perfect form maybe... depends ig
He does or at least some variant because when the nameks are explaining to piccolo who gast is they mention he defeated cell and Majin Buu so he does exist

Oh that's right that was at the beginning of the fucking story... damn my memoriy is shit

Don't forget, on page 2433, we see a glimpse of cell in his test tube while Gero is trying to decide which Androids to sacrifice to him to make him stronger.

My korean smol eyes don't give me a lot of vision damn I'm not paying attention my b...
DB Multiverse page 2465
PrimeFighter 10 3月
Coolio13 was saying:
if the author is reading this - ignore all the negative comments. I really enjoyed reading this story, and it was one of stories I looked forward to seeing new pages about! Everyone has different tastes, and while people above just felt like down voting it like crazy, just know you have a fan here :) great work!

Then say something specifically you really like about the story. We are entitled here to critique. It goes both ways. I just think it's insulting to the other passionate writers and artists here who worked really hard on their original stories here despite us not agreeing with some plot decisions and a couple art directions that they let this story stand with the others on the site. Don't worry he WILL ignore what we say cuz he said he doesn't care about his own story after all, and that's a quote, not my words.

Shabby was saying:
Teleported_Bread was saying: There's no way Broly would survive even that.
But this makes me wanna see the original story even more. The author mentioned his belief that it will never come to light. I hope the community would band together to collab and help him instead, if that were really the case.

I know he said it, but I think it's a myth. No one made him tell the story this way. Maybe DBM objected to some planned plot point (I doubt it), but it still doesn't explain the disjointed plot events.

I think Uub had one line, Bojack too (who cares), Janemba was a distraction. Raditz and Nappa got more screentime than almost everyone, but the final three fighters.

It genuinely feels like, much like Chibi Son Bra, each page was mostly just what he felt like drawing next, which is part of why we never saw Gogeta and Buu attacking together.

It's a sad thing, the chance at Buunemba could have been cool. This always could have branched to a sub-branch of U20.

I assume this is just an excuse to say he had something better. I'm in the same boat as you and doubt as well, but what do we know?

Uzurper was saying:
Hey guys, so uh... remember when I said "I bet Goku and Vegeta feel like they don't even want to exist anymore" after losing their friend and family again a few pages back? I WAS FREAKING KIDDING!!!

Bro I stg every time I see this man comment, it's the funniest shit

Zen Kuu was saying:
Shabby was saying: I think Uub had one line, Bojack too (who cares), Janemba was a distraction. Raditz and Nappa got more screentime than almost everyone, but the final three fighters.

It genuinely feels like, much like Chibi Son Bra, each page was mostly just what he felt like drawing next, which is part of why we never saw Gogeta and Buu attacking together.

It's a sad thing, the chance at Buunemba could have been cool. This always could have branched to a sub-branch of U20.

That’s exactly it. You could have worked with everybody’s favorite characters and made an awesome fan-service story. You didn’t even need to come up with a deeply developed plot—just give it a bit of sense, and that’s it. The characters themselves would have made the story interesting. You have thumbnail images of SSJ3 Gogeta, Janemba, Ultra Buu, Broly, Cell… everyone! That alone would make anyone click on your comic… and yet, despite all that, you wasted each and every one of them.

It’s not like what Goten-Kun does with his 321Y story, where nobody knows any of the characters, so you’re forced to create a good story to keep people reading. As others said above, there was simply no passion or effort put into this. You had everything and delivered nothing.

Bang Bang Bang! An opportunity squandered. I guess I'm pressing this personally hard because DBM is better than this.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 73
PrimeFighter 10 3月
I was about to go to bed, but temptation won and something just compelled me to recheck up on this mess to give it a second chance. Just wow... so no Gogeta and Buu absorption, Stardust Breaker doesn't work on impure hearted Broly, and somehow Broly takes control of (I dub it:) Omni-Buu even tho Buu hasn't ran into an issue of absorbing someone more poweful than him and having them control him (Vegito had a barrier before absorption and when Buu went inside him [pause], he got contained by Vegito).

This last page's reasoning for wiping everyone out still makes no sense. I don't see how an ice that contains souls could wipe out everything like a hakai... and what, am I supposed to believe Broly can overpower this ice because his power is maximum (I say that half jokingly, but it's really stupid)?

I don't see how Broly can shatter this ice wall when SSJ3 Gogeta could not as he was on par with him more or less. Just so many questions. And this story isn't even canon to DBM even though it's based off U20, so what was the point of letting this slide on the site if the writer himself says he doesn't care about the writing? In the most respectful levels, this is the worst story I've seen on this site. Obviously traced artwork, whatever wasn't traced was just an eye sore like back in the day SSJ50-type online "art", and lazy writing. 0/10. 2 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 73
PrimeFighter 10 3月
Grey_Sky was saying:
The Joestar technique!

Replace a volcano with Gast and it's the same scenario. Next you'll say, "Was this your plan all along, Hecrule Satan?" ゴゴゴゴゴ
DB Multiverse page 2465
PrimeFighter 10 3月
Uzurper was saying:
"Okay so here's the plan, when the androids get close, we run away."

"Genius, he's a genius"

If none of you know Oversimplified, I'm sorry for you. ;)

"A stroke of brilliance my good lad. I'm following right behind you. What could go wrong?"

beeruz was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: Could Cell absorb more than 17 and 18? Does he even exist in this timeline? I don't see a reason he would unless Dr. Gero trying to flex his intellect... IF Cell exists, I'd like to see him evolve beyond his perfect form maybe... depends ig
He does or at least some variant because when the nameks are explaining to piccolo who gast is they mention he defeated cell and Majin Buu so he does exist

Oh that's right that was at the beginning of the fucking story... damn my memoriy is shit 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2465
PrimeFighter 9 3月
Could Cell absorb more than 17 and 18? Does he even exist in this timeline? I don't see a reason he would unless Dr. Gero trying to flex his intellect... IF Cell exists, I'd like to see him evolve beyond his perfect form maybe... depends ig 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2465
PrimeFighter 7 3月
Nan-chan was saying:
FishNChips was saying: I take it this page is a flashback of sorts, happening right after Gohan's been abducted.
This page exists for people who tried predicting goku's resurrection

I'm still pulling for goten-kun to redeem Baba for the dumb shit she did in DBM by giving Goku a 24 hour'er... Even more interesting if it were for only an hour or less. That would totally break Gohan because Goku would definitely tell him to protect his friends and family he isn't there to do that for anymore and how much they mean to him.
Saigo no Son page 32
PrimeFighter 7 3月
That one Android looks like the one that shot Mr. Satan. I'm hoping to see at least one page of Giran doing some work, but I know the power gap most likely won't like that happen...
DB Multiverse page 2464
PrimeFighter 6 3月
We are reaching the end. Who's here in 2025 looking at the past predictions?
DB Multiverse page 419
PrimeFighter 6 3月
Kongming5 was saying:
Chaotzu can keep blowing himself over and over again and end the threat, anyway, 10 years later and the cover speaks for itself, gero did not take over

@Goten-Kun are Vegeta and co strong as Ginyu force or anyone of note after 10 years, or does freeza just not let them train knowing they get stronger and just makes them go ape to win without damage and growth?

Tien: Well hold on guys, we're not done just yet. There's still one more bastard we need to take dow-

Vegeta: I surrender.

Tien: Really? Just like that?

Vegeta: Yes. Not going out like that. Just... No.

Tien: Huh... Well... What do we do now?

Vegeta: ...I've got some ideas.

Saigo No Son
Chapter 4: Chiaotzu Destroys Everyone
Saigo no Son page 31
PrimeFighter 4 3月
I love how Yamcha got pit vs Raditz. You can interchange Raditz or a Saibaman and it'd still be the same thing.
Saigo no Son page 31
PrimeFighter 3 3月
gokublack was saying:
Give him the heart virus.

Wouldn't it be funny if because he had it, he built an immunity to it, or better yet, he got vaccinated at this point because in Future Trunks's timeline, they have made a cure, and I think we are at that point in the main timeline. GL XXI lol
DB Multiverse page 2462
PrimeFighter 2 3月
John-no-arms was saying:
Judging from the last pannel: either Gohan is determined to prove himself to the other sayians once again (thus becoming "Nasu" forever, and burying Son Gohan) or he was playing along all this time and just waiting for this moment to avenge his father.

Either way, this story so far is extremely interesting. Cheers to the author!

I think ur on the money. I'm just waiting for a Gohan Chi-chi interaction. 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 30
PrimeFighter 26 2月
ChrisOfChaos was saying:
Rey Vegeta was saying: Unless Gohan been brainwashed, he will protect his old friends. Nobody knows if Piccolo and Goku were revived. 10 years is a long time. I would like to see Yamcha or Tien kicking the crap out of Raditz

I mean, the title is "The Last Son" for a reason.

I was gonna say Kami ded = no Dragon Balls... but Lady Baba could hear about the incoming Saiyan threat and bring back Goku and Piccolo to defend...? Sheeeee
Saigo no Son page 28
PrimeFighter 26 2月
Yeah Gohan... Let's see how you fare when you see your mom again or your dad's grave. This is gonna be so good. I'm excited for the next parts!
Saigo no Son page 28
PrimeFighter 22 2月
If anything, Dr. Gero probably did what happened in Gast's universe, except Gero definitely saw Raditz kill Goku and Piccolo, so did that make Gero lose incentive to continue making the Androids and what about Cell? Maybe yeah, it's like Gast's universe, but this isn't linked to DBM, so I'm looking forward to seeing goten-kun's take on an Earth without Goku and the existance of Dr. Gero and his creations. Also, even if the Z-Fighters used the Time Chamber, I doubt at their level any of them lasted the full year.
Saigo no Son page 27
PrimeFighter 19 2月
Love how developed your artstyle has gotten. I love it.
Saigo no Son page 25
PrimeFighter 16 2月
Well i guess I was totally wrong... Gohan got corrupted af
Saigo no Son page 24
PrimeFighter 13 2月
I can feel the glare we can't see in the second to last panel. He really resents this path. I bet Frieza gonna send them back to Earth as a sickening way for Gohan to prove his allegiance now that he's become capable after 10 years now. Earth is also a high price planet though right? And the Z Fighters have been at least readying themselves for the potential return of the Saiyans. Just a lot of reasons for the plot to go to Earth next imo
Saigo no Son page 23
PrimeFighter 12 2月
happywarrior99 was saying:
U8 Frieza is happy that he won two awards, while everyone other DBM tournament participant only won one honorary award or no award at all.

Of course, U16 Vegetto the only one did not even get one "honorary" mention.

Zen Buu's cameo on page 2454.

Mirror link

DB Multiverse page 2454
PrimeFighter 11 2月
Wait, didn't this idea already happen? Where Zamasu refuses to join Goku Black and fuses with Trunks?
The inexorable distortion page 5
PrimeFighter 11 2月
"Just for that, I'm gonna crush you like a grape!"
Saigo no Son page 22
PrimeFighter 9 2月
goten-kun was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying:
Wait goten-kun I am a little confused rn. So is this page rn right after they see Gohan ontop that building/cliff? Sorry it did get a little confusing to follow
Yes, that,s right. That page is not long after the end of the first chapter.

I just realized the first panel is Gohan because of the different armor. Oops
Saigo no Son page 21
PrimeFighter 8 2月
goten-kun was saying:
Zen Kuu was saying: The time skips are getting out of hand, it’s getting a little hard to follow.
Every chapter of this comic starts with a Flash-back.
Flash back of chapter 2 is now over. The next one will be on chapter 3.^^

Wait goten-kun I am a little confused rn. So is this page rn right after they see Gohan ontop that building/cliff? Sorry it did get a little confusing to follow 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 21
PrimeFighter 7 2月
Seeing those panels now makes me think of bocodamondo. I don't think he'll get back on animating DBM, but it was pretty cool while he did. RIP his computer memory... 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2452
PrimeFighter 6 2月
Is there a chance Goku still went to King Kais? I know Kami didn't take him this time, and the Saiyans aren't going to Earth, at least immediately, but if King Kai felt threatened enough to train Goku for the Saiyans, I feel like he would at least let him train there because of Freiza existing? and it not being impossible for him to discover Namek to get immortality. Therefore, it leaves Gohan and the Z Fighters training on Earth for the Saiyans to be told by King Kai to stop him IF they learn of the Dragon Balls...?

Also imo, Gohan is in such a complicated situation this time, unlike his time with Piccolo. Piccolo wasn't literally blood related, but Raditz killed his own father. Idk how Gohan's logic and emotion will turmoil over the course of the story because what he ultimately decides to do with Raditz will be so interesting to see... 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 20
PrimeFighter 5 2月
Majin Wasabi was saying:
He must be talking to some other alien kid, Gohan should be stronger than Raditz
Or this might be a flashback

I'm really hoping Raditz maybe got the Piccolo treatment and became a good uncle. It definitely would be amazing character development to see Raditz realize his mistakes and reflect on himself for the sake of his nephew.
Saigo no Son page 19
PrimeFighter 2 2月
We forgot about Raditz, but what happened with Uub? Is he still stuck in that pocket dimension training with Buu? Also still looking forward to how Bra is gonna fuck things up (I'm just making a joke to lighten to mood from last page). Things are getting interesting now. Looking forward to the next pages.
DB Multiverse page 2450
PrimeFighter 2 2月
Teleported_Bread was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: The reason you don't understand actually, is Bra could've fought the mind control off. She VOLUNTARILY gave into the ecstasy of Babidi's spell. Even after she allowed the spell to resolve, she could've fought back to some degree at least, like Majin Vegeta did, but she didn't and chose to murder everyone instead.
There it is again. Exactly what I was talking about: An instance of victim blaming. No she literally could not fight it off and absolutely no she didn't voluntarily give into it. She even literally said it outright that she didn't let herself be taken by Babidi after Vegito, her own father, accuses her of doing so and thereby willingly killing everybody of her own accord after his anger multiplied when she defended herself against another one of his ruthless beatings - which, as a side note, is the textbook behavior of an abusive parent. If you go back to Z, you'll know that Babidi has said nobody has ever resisted his spell's compelling power, period. Even as iron wills go, Vegeta's is extraordinary. Son Bra does not have Vegeta's iron will and that's it. Period. Nothing more, and it absolutely wasn't her fault. If anything, Son Bra likely had a weaker will than she let on because of her life and Vegito's abuse. Abuse, whether it's verbal or physical, so often does that to people, corrodes their will, especially domestic abuse, and especially if it's parental abuse. The argument that she should have or could have resisted can arguably be said for a lot of the other characters present. And if you wanna stretch it, Son Bra isn't Vegeta's daughter; she's Vegito's, who's been established to be an entirely new entity. One bore from the fusion of Goku and Vegeta, but a new entity all the same. And tbh, I doubt even he could have resisted it the same way Vegeta did if Babidi didn't decide to play it careful and send him away, who he admittedly said harbored a lot of darkness in his heart, too. If anything, Vegito's mad rage likely would have been exaggerated. He would have felt in control from his own point of view but not really, unlike Son Bra, who found herself under the illusion of control as part of the multiple reasons why she was susceptible to Babidi's spell in the first place.

Look here, at least read this one part of my comment. I have seen many people blame Son Bra for her own misfortunes under her father and under Babidi, especially after Vegito said so, literally one of the least trustworthy voices in this series. So I am only going to say this once, and I am not kidding. Don't you ever say any of those are Son Bra's fault again. Nobody here. Ever again. It's more than because it's completely incorrect, much more: It's extremely offensive and equally disrespectful and insensitive to people out there who were forced to live through domestic/parental abuse. You are literally victim blaming Son Bra for being physically abused by her own flesh and blood or faulting her for her own insecurities brought by her traumas. I know survivors who were abused by a parental figure or both, so it angers me when people put all that on the receiver of that abuse and fault them for the deep, scarring affects that physical and mental pain and sense of betrayal harbors because of their traumas and the like, the mental health issues like DID or PTSD. I mean it when I say I will report the next person who says it. So the next time you get blindingly irrational about Son Bra and it gets into stuff like that, think about what you say before you post it.

First off, no one is downplaying anyone's experiences through debating Bra irl. This is about how she, the character is being written up and portrayed as. Second, how Bra was handled was bad. Again, the lesson we get from Bra is you can be excused from murder, and Vegito's actions with Bra have been reasonable because of how Bra loses control whether you agree with me that it was voluntary or involuntary (someone said she was asleep, so ok if that's true) which is exactly what his fears were shown in her rampage. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2449
PrimeFighter 1 2月
AberrantDesign was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: That's specifically why I said even AFTER the mind control, she could've fought back. That page was to garter sympathy for Bra for her behavior in a way that made no sense. We know for a fact Vegeta was capable of fighting back. Supreme Kai himself said you can if your thoughts are pure, so page 1828 made 0 sense to me and is just to make Vegito look like a bad father when he's been completely correct in his judgement.
Just because you can fight back doesn't mean it's easy. If Babidi's mind control could be broken just by wanting to, he wouldn't have gotten control of one of the Ultras
It massively downplays how much effort it took Vegeta to pull it off

It actually doesn't because Bra is inherently one of Vegeta's (Vegito's) successors. If we go off the fact Cell also was able to do it, shouldn't it be reasonable enough to say those with some Vegeta in them can fight it off because they both inhereted his mental will power? I think it's a fair enough connection and doesn't indeed downplay Vegeta's feat to break the mind control, but exemplify it, yes? 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2449
PrimeFighter 1 2月
I remember how badly we bashed "Emo Gohan" in DBM. I believe this will be a more proper portrayal of a Gohan who's life's been conpletely derailed. He just looks so alone, and rightfully so.
Saigo no Son page 18
PrimeFighter 1 2月
Super Gojita 3 was saying:
Rule 12 guys.

cool it on the judgement posts.

those posts are subject to deletion.

things like "you only posted that because you didn't read my post, actually" are subject to deletion, because they go against the rules.

I'll let it slide for now, but posting more like that will just get erased because they go against the rules.

refrain from doing so and please try to respond without that.

my advice as far as forum etiquette? try to respond to someone with the assumption that they don't have a bias, and try to reason with them.

on that note, have a good day and cheers!

That last bit, exactly. Thank you idk why it's so hard to do that. Was only talking about the character and not bashing Bra defenders. Just some unneeded extra comments people make is what's unfair to me and others who share opposing opinions.

AberrantDesign was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: The reason you don't understand actually, is Bra could've fought the mind control off. She VOLUNTARILY gave into the ecstasy of Babidi's spell. Even after she allowed the spell to resolve, she could've fought back to some degree at least, like Majin Vegeta did, but she didn't and chose to murder everyone instead..

Page 1828

That's specifically why I said even AFTER the mind control, she could've fought back. That page was to garter sympathy for Bra for her behavior in a way that made no sense. We know for a fact Vegeta was capable of fighting back. Supreme Kai himself said you can if your thoughts are pure, so page 1828 made 0 sense to me and is just to make Vegito look like a bad father when he's been completely correct in his judgement. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2449
PrimeFighter 1 2月
Zen Kuu was saying:
Arkren was saying: bra, being insuferable even when she thinks she has stopped being insuferable.

her reasoning now: i couldnt win and the person that beat me couldnt win, so of course this other guy cant possibly win either so im going to go negotiate something that is not up to me to negotiate even when i should just stay in my corner and shut up
If you’ve been paying attention to the story, Bra feels very ashamed of everything she did during the Babidi saga. That’s why she’s been acting like a scolded dog with its tail between its legs.

Pan hates her, Vegetto almost killed her. She promised the Heloïtes she would save their universe, which is why she surrendered to Gast—she believed he had a better chance of defeating XXI. Now that Gast has lost, she thinks Goku has no chance (and honestly, I don’t blame her), so she’s doing what she believes is right to help. Is she acting rashly and without thinking things through? Absolutely. But it’s clear that her intentions are to help.

People need to stop looking at things with so much hate and try to understand what the character feels and is trying to do.

On another note. I feel like the story is skipping a lot of important dialogue and rushing things. Did no one try to stop Bra from talking to XXI? Did Gast just stand up and go rest? Did no one discuss the possibility of XXI’s disqualification? These are things that should have been addressed, but it seems like they were skipped. I guess the novel will cover all of this.

Honestly, I don’t blame Salagir but rather the readers who always complain that things move too slowly. Since they only get one page every three days, they have little patience and feel like things are progressing slower than they actually are.

I’d also like to see more reactions from other characters like Cell or Vegeta U13—to know what they think about XXI and the fight that just took place.

ShadowMokujin was saying:
After reading some of the comments about bra it seems many are forgetting why she's hated

Committed genocide and patricide with zero remorse and shifting blame

What she did after mind control it's what really piss people off

She submitted to her fate, 180'd, gaslight, and threw her father under the bus while her brother backed her

Those who see don't feel her being sincere about redemption

Or feel she got off like a police officer murdering an unarmed civilian with their hands up

These are good answers. It beats telling people with a different opinions to take a break from a biweekly comic that we look at for 5 minutes, at most, or saying it's a personal issue that we hate Bra as a character.

Teleported_Bread was saying:
SoyBear was saying: ZenBuu was saying: I've observed this phenomenon over many years by now. The hate some people developed towards her is fascinating, to say the least. And partially also a bit concerning.

But yeah, it's funny how those people generalize most of the time, like if we are all a big hive mind who "silently" have to agree on hating Bra and if you disagree with them, you must be a "diehard Bra fan"... Honestly kind of hilarious, that there is apparently no middle ground.

It's weird right? Having a protagonist that's not liked is normal in stories, that's like the whole point of redemption arcs. And character wise she's pretty much just acted her age- like an angsty sayain teen.

And again, disliking general characteristics like she had in the majin arc are normal, and to us the reader with our reader knowledge it makes sense we'd say "uh-oh bra! This looks like a bad idea!"

But some people have always hated her for having any line of dialogue and I think that those people need to have a good hard think on why this fictional woman doing any single thing makes them so mad.
As I've said, it's like a trigger, specifically her being on a panel at all, let alone having a line. And it's senseless, too. Even during the Majin Arc, everybody is acting like they forgot how Babidi's spell works, and with that, they neglect why she was vulnerable to it. I don't mind if somebody dislikes a character, but the hate Son Bra gets is so often, if not always, some level of irrational. The Grand Supreme Kai from U1 gets a very similar reaction or response from some readers. I remember when that first started, I was thinking like, 'Wait- where the hell is this coming from??'.

MysticVegito was saying: Crozz was saying: Yes was saying: God damn it, time for the author's waifu to do something utterly retarded/evil again because she can do no wrong.
Can we not for this one time please?

Sadly no. Call me a hater if it floats your boat, but the fact is that Bra's reputation has been obliterated at this point, with little to no hope to make her truly redeemable in the eyes of many readers bar a small crew of diehard Bra fans. Let us hope that future chapters will prove me wrong.

Teleported_Bread was saying:
I still can't fathom why Son Bra just being on a page is such a damn trigger for some people here and frankly, I'm not sure I can.

Re-read all the pages involving Bra thus far, especially the infamous Majin Bra arc, and then you'll hopefully understand why. If not, well, ignorance is a bliss i guess.
No, I did read it. And I read the comments. A bunch of you literally victim blamed her while acting like you forgot how Babidi's spell worked. It taps into the darkness in people's hearts, and Son Bra's are from the insecurities and fears of things like losing control bore from Vegito's neglect, abuse, insanity and his inability to train her properly. They're from how she was raised and the environment she was brought up in and thrust into. Don't assume I don't understand when you're the one who goes blind whenever she's even remotely present.

The reason you don't understand actually, is Bra could've fought the mind control off. She VOLUNTARILY gave into the ecstasy of Babidi's spell. Even after she allowed the spell to resolve, she could've fought back to some degree at least, like Majin Vegeta did, but she didn't and chose to murder everyone instead.

Grydon was saying:
I hope Gast has some sort of dialogue about what happened, otherwise it would seem little too convenient to keep XXI’s secrets intact.

PrimeFighter was saying: Teleported_Bread was saying: lol his tone shift.
Anyways, I didn't expect her to go to XXI so soon. Unless this is the final page of the chapter? I feel like this is when XXI finally gets exposed. What gets exposed first, though, is debatable - Either his weird Dragon Balls get seen first or, predictable, XXI snaps again and shows the nature of his true form. I also wonder why one of the Supreme Kais is with her. Maybe for insurance? Security? XXI's already given everybody a glimpse of what he is, but there's too much shroud for them to see what sort of abyss that 'glimpse' is really into. Either way, this is sure to be interesting.

MysticVegito was saying: PrimeFighter was saying: Dude someone in the last page said this same thing, but Bra is actually so so so SO stupid for putting herself here on a sliver platter to be eaten by XXI. Obviously it's not confirmed yet, but it's really looking like Bra is gonna be XXI's out. You wonder why we absolutely hate this character, but to be fair, we do see her in the visions of the future, so maybe she gets saved or i could be completely wrong about what's about to happen. Either way, I have 0 faith in Bra, and she's about to screw up again.

Considering the blatant favoritism around Bra at this point, especially after THAT arc, i doubt XXI will make a meal out of her (though that would be quite a surprise). Soooo let us see what kind of lunacy she concocted to just knock on XXI's door like it's a trick or treat.
You're both wrong about Son Bra. And she's definitely not stupid. Why do I get this feeling you wouldn't be using so many 'so's if it was any other character and you thought they were stupid.
I still can't fathom why Son Bra just being on a page is such a damn trigger for some people here and frankly, I'm not sure I can.

Ok let's go with what you said then about it being anyone else. Literally no one else thought it was a good idea, let alone a GOOD idea to walk to the apartments that've repeatedly shown to have 100% concealment, especially to the apartment of the almost 0 knowledge about, XXI's, to ask, "Hey we know you broke the rules and tried to devour or at the very least eviscerate Gast, but would you pretty please give us a wish. You definitely look the type to agree." Buu not knowing about XXI at least had the IQ to send super mini self's to explore to not be put in a bad situation.

It's a trigger because of how predictable it's likely to be that she's gonna do something absolutely stupid. This is written to be her redeeming herself for her ridiculous actions that had no justification, so much so that her stupidity is blinding her already terrible judgement. Killed everyone, just about, that wasn't teleported away willingly. What's the lesson we are to get from this character? "Some people have it bad in their past, so it gives them justification to give into impulses and kill people, even family???" Yeah, great character who got wanked and then nerfed here...? Saying she couldn't take Janemba. Inconsistent. There is nothing inspiring to me, as a reader, about Bra.

Just because you say she isn't stupid and you question why we have a valid opinion about this terrible character, doesn't make you right. End of the day it's an opinion and I think myself and many other people have said along the lines of the exact same thing about Bra.

A lot of greatness on this page, and it's tainted by a single panel of stupidity from Bra, yeah it's annoying.

Wth are you even saying? We as readers know XXI is evil, We know XXI broke the rules. 99% of people at the arena do not know these things, Bra included. You cannot be so uncapable of seeing other’s perspectives, that you think everyone in the story has 100% the same knowledge about everything you have.

Like the other one said, you get triggered just by Bra being on the pag, just because, and then figure out anything possible to get triggered about with 0 proper thought process. Even now you are triggered because 1. You expect Bra to have the same knowledge about XXI you have, even though she obviously does not have the same knowledge. And 2. You are triggered because ”it’s predictable she’s gonna do something absolutely stupid” …. Ookay..? In other words there’s nothing stupid happening on the page, you just are triggered about a character being on the page and already expect her to confirm your bias.

Maybe take a break from the comic, sounds like it’s needed.

MysticVegito was saying: Crozz was saying: Yes was saying: God damn it, time for the author's waifu to do something utterly retarded/evil again because she can do no wrong.
Can we not for this one time please?

Sadly no. Call me a hater if it floats your boat, but the fact is that Bra's reputation has been obliterated at this point, with little to no hope to make her truly redeemable in the eyes of many readers bar a small crew of diehard Bra fans. Let us hope that future chapters will prove me wrong.

Teleported_Bread was saying:
I still can't fathom why Son Bra just being on a page is such a damn trigger for some people here and frankly, I'm not sure I can.

Re-read all the pages involving Bra thus far, especially the infamous Majin Bra arc, and then you'll hopefully understand why. If not, well, ignorance is a bliss i guess.

It’s so funny you talk as if Bra is a real person who’s personally offended you and thus is not ”redeemable” anymore ???? Newsflash, she’s not real nor has she done anything to you, so you getting so triggered is both ridiculous and concerning. What matters is whether she can redeem herself to the other characters in the story, and for that we’ll just have to see. Nothing in this page should trigger you, and if it does it’s a you problem, as it’s clearly just personal problem whenever a specific character shows up. You saying nonsense like ”she’s not redeemable to many readers” and ”small crew of diehard Bra fans” trying to back up you bias just confirms this. It’s hilarious.

And no, sadly the previous pages of Bra and the Majin arc do not make this obsessive behavior okay. She f***ed up in the story and is trying to redeem herself in the story. Whether she can or not will be seen. There’s absolutely nothing personal in it to the readers, or there shouldn’t be. But as it seems to be for you, I would suggest taking a step back. Allows you to see the story as it is again after a small break

I'll say it again because I'm pretty sure you just responded on the sake you found someone's comment on hating Bra than actually reading it: every other fighter there had the common sense to not approach XXI. Even without knowing he could devour people, they clearly saw the aftermath of the fight at least, and there's still too much mystery about this guy. Bra is the only one (except South Kai who's excused because he's keeping this idiot in check) who's ignoring these unknowns and the fact this guy beat the fighter she let fight XXI over herself and is gonna try to negotiate. Buu had already been smarter about approaching XXI by using tiny pieces of himself to explore, so stop saying if it was any other character in her position because there literally wouldn't be. They're not that stupid. Bra is stupid, or at least letting ignorance cloud her normal fighting instincts that this is a no-no idea. 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2449
PrimeFighter 1 2月
MysticVegito was saying:
Crozz was saying: Yes was saying: God damn it, time for the author's waifu to do something utterly retarded/evil again because she can do no wrong.
Can we not for this one time please?

Sadly no. Call me a hater if it floats your boat, but the fact is that Bra's reputation has been obliterated at this point, with little to no hope to make her truly redeemable in the eyes of many readers bar a small crew of diehard Bra fans. Let us hope that future chapters will prove me wrong.

Teleported_Bread was saying:
I still can't fathom why Son Bra just being on a page is such a damn trigger for some people here and frankly, I'm not sure I can.

Re-read all the pages involving Bra thus far, especially the infamous Majin Bra arc, and then you'll hopefully understand why. If not, well, ignorance is a bliss i guess.

Nah I'm specifically saying this to Teleported_Bread because he's not giving any counter argument to Bra's character. Just saying we're a bunch of haters and assuming we have issues because we gave good reason as to why she's not a good character. Go off tho king.
DB Multiverse page 2449
PrimeFighter 31 1月
Teleported_Bread was saying:
lol his tone shift.
Anyways, I didn't expect her to go to XXI so soon. Unless this is the final page of the chapter? I feel like this is when XXI finally gets exposed. What gets exposed first, though, is debatable - Either his weird Dragon Balls get seen first or, predictable, XXI snaps again and shows the nature of his true form. I also wonder why one of the Supreme Kais is with her. Maybe for insurance? Security? XXI's already given everybody a glimpse of what he is, but there's too much shroud for them to see what sort of abyss that 'glimpse' is really into. Either way, this is sure to be interesting.

MysticVegito was saying: PrimeFighter was saying: Dude someone in the last page said this same thing, but Bra is actually so so so SO stupid for putting herself here on a sliver platter to be eaten by XXI. Obviously it's not confirmed yet, but it's really looking like Bra is gonna be XXI's out. You wonder why we absolutely hate this character, but to be fair, we do see her in the visions of the future, so maybe she gets saved or i could be completely wrong about what's about to happen. Either way, I have 0 faith in Bra, and she's about to screw up again.

Considering the blatant favoritism around Bra at this point, especially after THAT arc, i doubt XXI will make a meal out of her (though that would be quite a surprise). Soooo let us see what kind of lunacy she concocted to just knock on XXI's door like it's a trick or treat.
You're both wrong about Son Bra. And she's definitely not stupid. Why do I get this feeling you wouldn't be using so many 'so's if it was any other character and you thought they were stupid.
I still can't fathom why Son Bra just being on a page is such a damn trigger for some people here and frankly, I'm not sure I can.

Ok let's go with what you said then about it being anyone else. Literally no one else thought it was a good idea, let alone a GOOD idea to walk to the apartments that've repeatedly shown to have 100% concealment, especially to the apartment of the almost 0 knowledge about, XXI's, to ask, "Hey we know you broke the rules and tried to devour or at the very least eviscerate Gast, but would you pretty please give us a wish. You definitely look the type to agree." Buu not knowing about XXI at least had the IQ to send super mini self's to explore to not be put in a bad situation.

It's a trigger because of how predictable it's likely to be that she's gonna do something absolutely stupid. This is written to be her redeeming herself for her ridiculous actions that had no justification, so much so that her stupidity is blinding her already terrible judgement. Killed everyone, just about, that wasn't teleported away willingly. What's the lesson we are to get from this character? "Some people have it bad in their past, so it gives them justification to give into impulses and kill people, even family???" Yeah, great character who got wanked and then nerfed here...? Saying she couldn't take Janemba. Inconsistent. There is nothing inspiring to me, as a reader, about Bra.

Just because you say she isn't stupid and you question why we have a valid opinion about this terrible character, doesn't make you right. End of the day it's an opinion and I think myself and many other people have said along the lines of the exact same thing about Bra.

A lot of greatness on this page, and it's tainted by a single panel of stupidity from Bra, yeah it's annoying. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2449
PrimeFighter 31 1月
Dude someone in the last page said this same thing, but Bra is actually so so so SO stupid for putting herself here on a sliver platter to be eaten by XXI. Obviously it's not confirmed yet, but it's really looking like Bra is gonna be XXI's out. You wonder why we absolutely hate this character, but to be fair, we do see her in the visions of the future, so maybe she gets saved or i could be completely wrong about what's about to happen. Either way, I have 0 faith in Bra, and she's about to screw up again. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2449
PrimeFighter 30 1月
YellNinja1600 was saying:
Whose this is awesome. It looks like some
Years have passed Gohan looks incredibly taller like Android Saga height. But he also looks regretful as he is ashamed of his actions.

Im definitely going to guess he had to kill a bunch of innocent and guilty people at this point. Feels so bad seeing what this path has crafted him into. I'm sure he regrets it deep down. Definitely like that one commenter said about the Vinland Saga Effect
Saigo no Son page 17
PrimeFighter 29 1月
仅是剑客 was saying:
Wasn't Bra believe Janemba was weak? https://w...393.html#h_read
She really has became a clown as her father now.
Goku is better to learn from Gast and Uub instead of listening to her.

Her statement makes no sense. She's on the level of SSJ2 Vegito. How would she not be able to handle Janemba there? I just try to ignore Bra as a character in DBM cuz everything else for the most part is enjoyable

Edit: Knowing Goku, whatever advice Gast has, Goku will reject it for a good fight UNLESS he doesn't have the DBS down syndrome stigma the show likes to exercise to a disgusting degree 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2448
PrimeFighter 28 1月
mAc Chaos was saying:
vinland saga gohan arc

Dammit, you beat me to it

Teleported_Bread was saying:
obserwator was saying: Wow, Gohan is already "bad"?
I hope it's a little deeper than that, or just less simple. I can't say I'd be a huge fan, though I'd still follow the story and see where it'd take Gohan.
Since Gohan is prone to ki-exploding rage and is his father's son, deep down, my hope for the sake of writing would be that Gohan's righteousness is turned against him, manipulated by Raditz and possibly the rest of the Saiyans into letting his rage justify any violent actions he'd take going forward until any moral lines he'd have would blur. Beforehand, I was assuming Gohan's natural kindness from his innocence would change Raditz in the same sort of way it changed Piccolo in the original story.

Have faith in goten-kun. I'm sure he'll keep us guessing. Although, it'll be hard for Gohan to tap into his hidden power truthfully because who's he gonna get angry for? His uncle who killed his father and keeps him around as another soldier against his will? Maybe he'll find an Icarus and he'll get BBQ'ed or sumtin. Idk... but we'll have to see. I'm invested. 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 16
PrimeFighter 26 1月
Isn't Uub still in that pocket dimension?
DB Multiverse page 2447
PrimeFighter 25 1月
Saigo no Son page 15
PrimeFighter 24 1月
YellNinja1600 was saying:
Amazing panel goten kun

Just as I thought Gast would be in bad shape. But this also gives Goku insight to be weary of XXI black smoke.

I’m expecting a special chapter soon

Wrong manga creator
DB Multiverse page 2446
PrimeFighter 24 1月
Sodapopinski was saying:
What if he needed to eat Gast for some reason?

It seems pretty clear he's mainly after the dragonballs, but could he need a certain kind of sustenance to survive? Does that form cost him to use and he was denied its replenishment?

I like this theory. It's a good reason why XXI's been playing this tournament so conservatively and cheaply and ONLY transforming for tough opponents like Buu and Gast because they have magic. Vegitto doesn't have anything to threaten XXI with perhaps which is why he just got teleported. Also doesn't have the magical resistances and counter measures, either.
DB Multiverse page 2446
PrimeFighter 24 1月
Either the Namekian who heard Gast will puzzle together that Gast got beaten still after he clearly forfeited or Gast will get healed and tell the organizers that XXI is a lil conniving bastard. Either way, this the beginning of the end for XXI's time in the tournament.
DB Multiverse page 2446
PrimeFighter 23 1月
Teleported_Bread was saying:
goten-kun was saying: Teleported_Bread was saying: Here's my guess for what's gonna go down in the story: Bulma, Krillin, Roshi and likely the rest of Earth's defenders are gonna go after Raditz by traveling through space in a bid to rescue Gohan. He will taken to Nappa and Vegeta, and eventually, they'll cross paths on Namek during Frieza's invasion and team up against him.
Frieza has no reason to go to planet Namek here.
Well I was thinking later down the road, but yeah, you're right. Sorry, I went to bed really late last night so I'm not thinking straight. But I do wonder if the Dragon Balls will ever get mentioned around the Saiyans or anyone.

PrimeFighter was saying: twitch.tv/reileo was saying: I'm more surprised there is a Goku's body for them to see. I thought he was totally vaporized.

Phhht I bet they're looking at an exploded gut splattered skull and eviscerated remains with his ribs sticking out or something.
Are you ok?

That wasn't supposed to be taken seriously im kidding xddd... or idk ig we'll have to see next page ._.
Saigo no Son page 13
PrimeFighter 22 1月
twitch.tv/reileo was saying:
I'm more surprised there is a Goku's body for them to see. I thought he was totally vaporized.

Phhht I bet they're looking at an exploded gut splattered skull and eviscerated remains with his ribs sticking out or something. 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 13
PrimeFighter 19 1月
So I guess the questions are:

— Based off what Gast's saying, you can probably overpower XXI still, but the current portrayal makes it seem like XXI's request to find an easy way to defeat Gast soft or meaningless, so what's the deal there?

— Is Gast actually about to get consumed here, and all this dialogue is only setup to show there is indeed a possibility to beat XXI?

— Is it because XXI ignored the forfeit request that Goku is declared the winner without a fight, or is he going to have to fight XXI? I don't see any scenario where he fights Gast unless XXI gets outsmarted in the next page or XXI loses to DQ and then XXI goes on a rampage.

— When does Vegito go on a rampage? The only clear reason for him to get mad now is because he's been put into submission only because of loops around the rules, energy nullification, and time stop. I'd be so pissed if I were in his position.

We still have a couple more premonitions from Bardock; The shattered DB Gohan has and the entrapment of everyone that Piccolo is impeding. I'm very excited to see what happens because there are some clear options that the story will play out at this point, but which one? Also I'm sure there's still some amazing twists on the way that'll keep us guessing which path the story will go.
DB Multiverse page 2444
PrimeFighter 19 1月
obserwator was saying:
Was this comic drawed after previous two? I think author improved.

mx1mum was saying:
This really is an awesome story line. @Goten-kun is a great writer and his art is getting better each panel. Can’t wait to see what’s to come !

Yeah no we all think your a fantastic manga creator goten-kun. Seriously. It's been fun watching you improve and give us some really solid stories. Very inspiring for myself cuz I wanna be a content creator, too. We love u bro

UltraExtream was saying:
obserwator was saying: Was this comic drawed after previous two? I think author improved.

Yes I think this is the current one. Am I correct @goten-kun?
Saigo no Son page 12
PrimeFighter 18 1月
Venkolm was saying:
The walls are closing in...
Ah, reference to the Noxus season for LoL.

Report XXI toxic, racist, running it down, int, afk in jgl
DB Multiverse page 2443
PrimeFighter 18 1月
Captain Obvious was saying:
— You don't belong to this timeline! I will absorb you!
© The Dahaka :)

(+In music)

He actually DOES have a weakness, but Gast would need a specific sword +time control technique ;)
— > Like that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5Qk0GwVGZc

Wait... I mean, would Salagir put a character from another story until this DB story? Crossover? Does XXI remind u guys of anyone outside DB...?
DB Multiverse page 2443
PrimeFighter 17 1月
Bird Mountain was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: Sayazur was saying: PrimeFighter was saying: Damian Qualshy was saying: Oh? Is that the plan now? But the whole point was to put Broly away from Namekians which he was flying towards at the very beginning (no idea why even)

Yeah none of this story makes any sense anymore, frankly. How was it their fault Janemba was created? We JUST saw Demon Kid blow up the purification machine through his negligence. How did Janemba survive even a single blast from this story's version of Broly who's on the level of SSJ3 Gogeta when SSJ Gogeta obliterated Janemba already? Also this Janemba is actually WEAKER than the Fusion Reborn version because all the powerful evil souls that would've contributed to Janemba's formation got put into their bodies again and absorbed by Buu. ALSO why hasn't SSJ3 Gogeta been absorbed yet by Buu? There is no reason why they wouldn't here. They gain nothing from splitting their power and NOT obliterating Broly in one go, especially after already failing their friends,familiy, and Earth to do so once already as a Buu without the absorbed fusion. At the very least, I expected Buu vs Janemba and SSJ3 Gogeta vs Broly, but idk what is happening anymore now...

— The impact between Broly and Gogeta created a shockwave that caused the soul purification machine to overload.

— Gogeta never killed Janemba; the Fusion Reborn movie never happened in DBM.

— Therefore, this Janemba is not the one from the movies.

— If I had made Buu absorb Gogeta, people would have complained because they wouldn't have seen Gogeta. I don't do it, and they still complain. So, I don't care.

— You need to stop thinking that specific souls influence Janemba's strength. He's not strong because he has the souls of certain characters but simply because he's purely evil. Frieza's soul without his body is no stronger than the soul of the farmer killed by Raditz.

— (1.) That fact wasn't portrayed clearly then in that page where the alert was.

— (2.) The movie doesn't have to happen for the fact SSJ Gogeta obliterates Janemba to be true

— (3.) I think I specifically said "this Janemba" to make that distinction, and even still, what's the explanation of the difference between THIS Janemba and Fusion Reborn Janemba

— (4.) You shouldn't have to worry about how we complain about the story. Write it as you wish, but you should worry about making things consistent and line up or reference with already existing continuity so that your story makes sense.

— (5.) Yeah, sure let's go with what you just said here for argument sake. So, what makes this Janemba stronger than Fusion Reborn Janemba to withstand a blast from a Broly who's on level with SSJ3 Gogeta?

— (6.) Lastly, this is just a blunt critique. I think I brought up some glaring points imo. If you don't care as you say, then whatever. Your story dude.

I numbered the points made above in the quote so that we can reference them easier. Also, prepare for heavy sarcasm and jokes with no intention of being mean to anyone. All points should be read as an attempt to make someone smile.

— 1. Regarding the blast from Broly and Gogeta. Clearly, you have never seen anime or read manga before. Strong winds do not just blow then something suddenly deforms and/or blows up. Other than the 10 times that I am certain you can cite as example with little thinking, it never happens. Plus, of those 10 examples, how many blow towards the ominous thing before something bad happens;I bet it is only four or five. So, even without clear connection between Broly and Gogeta and the scrubber machine, you should have been able to associate the wind with the Broly fight. I mean what other events have been depicted for you to associate? Wind (especially that strong) doesn't suddenly blow in DBM for no reason. Therefore, it is on you for not following along. Checkmate, "critic".

— 2. Since the Fusion Reborn movie did not happen in this universe, this is a completely new character, and any resemblance to another character who definitely doesn't exist is entirely your fault for associating what you think you know of this non-existant character with this clearly nearly original character. This character, who happens to share passing resemblances to the character Janemba from that movie that doesn't exist, is clearly just a demon, and not actually named Janemba (who has said his name yet? No one that is who). Please stop being in a rush, projecting preconceived notions onto the character, and let this character develop into the unique entity that he will be. Everyone knows that if you are quiet and just let it happen, you always have a great time.

— 3. THIS Janemba as opposed to THAT Janemba. First, we do not even know the character in this story's name. Just because he said Janemba doesn't mean that is his name. Also, clearly that Fusion Reborn movie doesn't exist in DBM, therefore, this character is 100% original and not characterized by said non-existent movie. Once again, "critic", do not bring outside sources of knowledge and project them onto the characters in this story. Plus, the distinction between THIS and THAT version is confusing, and it is a product of bad comment writing. Physician, heal thyself.

— 4. Where do you find these outside rules for writing? Your suggestions on what the author should care about have no basis in real art, and it shows that you are probably not a creative yourself. Creation is not limited by consistency and internal logic. Lewis Caroll wrote a very famous work that has been adapted many times in the genre of literary nonsense. I am sure you have heard of Alice in Wonderland. Moreover, in the last few years or so, pretty much every best picture and best writer Oscar went to a movie whose plot made no sense. This is clearly a winning formula, and you're right that an artist should not listen to the rambling and rabbling of the common person who demands logical consistency and literary structure. Art is meant to be experienced. You are the experiencer; you experience what the artist intends. Not all art should make you feel comfortable or enjoyment. And clearly through your own limitations, you fail to see the brilliance of the artist.

— 5. You're experiencing a subversion of your own expectations. You expect that the unnamed original character who you call Janemba should be damaged or destroyed by the Broly blast, but the author is showing you through feats the power level of the unnamed original character. You ask for his power level while the author is showing you his power level. Please you must remove your blinders to see what the artist/author is showing you. You look but do not see. You who demand story logic, but you ask the impossible. Who in the story world can compare an original character to a character from a non-existant work? Characters do not just talk to themselves about power levels. Does Gogeta need to explain to Buu how powerful the unnamed original character is? No! He can feel his ki himself. How do you show power level? Through action, and this is what you are getting. Checkmate, "critic" !

— 6. My comment is just sarcastic and completely not serious criticism of your criticism. Now, by rules of the internet, you have to be intensely incensed and respond angrily to my comment and we become hated enemies until we find something upon which we agree which will cool the fire wall — no, it will warm the icy wall — between us.

I appreciate your perspective, but what audience expects anything from the artist? Audience is supposed to be silent during the the show and just consume. For your own well-being, do not try to understand the story, merely try to experience the story. Bringing outside baggage to the story just brings more confusion. Speaking of baggage, at the airport, they tell you to label your bags because many bags look alike. So too is it the case with characters in a story. Just because it looks similar, and has a similar backstory and similar powers, doesn't mean it is the same character. Give the story a chance to breath and exist in its own world and tell its tale.

With that, I bid you adieu.

What? Surely you can't be serious that artists, who strive to be original, use characters the audience is already familiar with in different ways than from where they are taken, and it causes confusion in the audience to the point that the audience can no longer experience the art? Surely, you jest.

(Looks back)

Mr., Ms., or Mrs. PrimeFighter, I apologize. I now agree with your perspective. I have but one remaining question, how does one fight prime numbers? They can only be defeated by themselves and one. Oh, I see your genius yet again; you are the one.

Once again, adieu.

davysprocket was saying: Why is Gogeta bruised and cut up? Dude got hit like once at most and I'm pretty sure it wasn't even a clean hit,

My totally not serious head cannon is that Ssj3 brings forth all the potential in a Saiya-Jin's blood, right? Maybe as it is pulling the potential, it grabs the toxins in the blood too. Those can reduce potential output. Gokou eats just about anything, and he probably has a lot of things building up. Secondly, other world probably has a lot of artificial foods or probably has dead food mixed with alive food. In other world, alive and dead are identical. Eating broccoli that was born in other world is probably different than hero broccoli that died and went to other world. I would not be surprised if Hell would occasionally accidentally on purpose mix the two.

I guess also the arua makes everything brighter and more white. I think that and the fact that background is white is why it is not visible while Ssj3.

You took my remaining braincells before work and I'll never forgive you 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 58
PrimeFighter 17 1月
LongTime55 was saying:
Sayazur was saying: PrimeFighter was saying: Damian Qualshy was saying: Oh? Is that the plan now? But the whole point was to put Broly away from Namekians which he was flying towards at the very beginning (no idea why even)

Yeah none of this story makes any sense anymore, frankly. How was it their fault Janemba was created? We JUST saw Demon Kid blow up the purification machine through his negligence. How did Janemba survive even a single blast from this story's version of Broly who's on the level of SSJ3 Gogeta when SSJ Gogeta obliterated Janemba already? Also this Janemba is actually WEAKER than the Fusion Reborn version because all the powerful evil souls that would've contributed to Janemba's formation got put into their bodies again and absorbed by Buu. ALSO why hasn't SSJ3 Gogeta been absorbed yet by Buu? There is no reason why they wouldn't here. They gain nothing from splitting their power and NOT obliterating Broly in one go, especially after already failing their friends,familiy, and Earth to do so once already as a Buu without the absorbed fusion. At the very least, I expected Buu vs Janemba and SSJ3 Gogeta vs Broly, but idk what is happening anymore now...

— The impact between Broly and Gogeta created a shockwave that caused the soul purification machine to overload.

— Gogeta never killed Janemba; the Fusion Reborn movie never happened in DBM.

— Therefore, this Janemba is not the one from the movies.

— If I had made Buu absorb Gogeta, people would have complained because they wouldn't have seen Gogeta. I don't do it, and they still complain. So, I don't care.

— You need to stop thinking that specific souls influence Janemba's strength. He's not strong because he has the souls of certain characters but simply because he's purely evil. Frieza's soul without his body is no stronger than the soul of the farmer killed by Raditz.

I don't even know if I'm doing this right, but I don't care. Dude, you're doing great, you're awesome. This is fun. Ignore them for being toxic.

This part of my message, I'm making for everyone I've seen over the years on this site.

The DBM commenters. The people I've seen, some for many years.. Some of you are really cool. This part isn't about you.

It's about everyone who has BITCHED, whined, and mocked. Some of you are the most entitled fucking cry babies. Some you act like you are being forced to fucking read this. Some of you are the most toxic god damn people I've ever seen. The people who screamed about Bojack chapters. The people who have disrespected guest artist. The people who have been toxic too the creator, each other. The people who never stopped crying the Bra was 'the worst thing ever'.

This part is too all of you. Yall suck. Yall suck so fucking hard too the point that I've finally cracked. An this will be the second a message I'll make on this site. You actual cry babies don't even have to comment or read this, or any of the things SOME of you have cried about for years.

This isn't saying 'all criticism' is bad. But some of yall have just been shit talking for years an pretending it'criticism.

Leave this dude alone, hell leave everyone alone. Yall know who you are. Fuck off, do some growing up.

Fuckin Love multiverse, and will keep reading from week to week. Just sick of years of toxic people. This can be removed, I don't mind. Just needed to get this off my chest cause I hate seeing how people have treated the wonderful team and community that I've watched like a creepy little freak

Edit:Sorry for blowing up and rambling, but the way I've seen people treat the creator of this snapped something in me. An years of watching people be so fucking mean for no reason spilled out.

PS. Zenbuu, the one with the highlighted comments, you're cool. That's all.

No pretty sure what I said there was backed up with specific details. No need to crash out on people giving real criticism this hard over a fiction, too. You can't just expect us to mindlessly praise what isn't worthy of praise merely because someone is taking the time to make these works. That's not how creative pieces work. You wouldn't understand because you don't work in the creative space. Only saying "gj" doesn't do anything for the artist/writer. Encouraging the writer's/artist's inconsistency isn't gonna help them imrpove in the long run, and I'm sure Sayazur if he wants get better will appreciate the blunt honest feedback. We aren't allergic to saying when a piece is good, either, but you need to accept there will be some sort of critiquing, especially with online posting.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 58
PrimeFighter 17 1月
Damian Qualshy was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: That's just sad. Raditz cares more about what Vegeta's going to say about the situation over the fact he killed Goku, his long lost brother who spared life in a battle Raditz himself triggered. It's Saiyan nature, sure, but we had characters like Bardock and Tora who had some positive traits in them. Raditz is just a selfish asshole. Too much status and mission focused, at least. I wonder now what he's going to do with Gohan. I guess he has to bring him along so he has SOMETHING to show for going all the way to Earth, but idk if Gohan is going to let him take him, at least so easily.

RIP Goku. That is just a sad way for him to go. Dying without his friends there to comfort him even the slightest, knowing his son just witnessed a horrible trauma, knowing the Dragon Balls won't be there to fix whatever Raditz has and will do, and unceremoniously at the hands of a brother who he didn't know he had until now who revealed himself as evil scum.

One can only assume that Raditz is like that because of Saiyan culture and especially because he was stuck with Vegeta and Nappa for so long, and with that low power level of his.. U13 Raditz went through a lot with Kakarot that helped his character, here he doesn't get that, but it's a shame even in original story he resented his brother who, as you said, wanted to spare him. That was very un-Saiyan like from both Goku and Raditz at that moment too by the way, so he's just.. broken. And I don't know if people don't realize this or am I making my headcanon now.

Definitely headcanon, but at the same time, could easily argue it and I'd agree
Saigo no Son page 11
PrimeFighter 16 1月
That's just sad. Raditz cares more about what Vegeta's going to say about the situation over the fact he killed Goku, his long lost brother who spared life in a battle Raditz himself triggered. It's Saiyan nature, sure, but we had characters like Bardock and Tora who had some positive traits in them. Raditz is just a selfish asshole. Too much status and mission focused, at least. I wonder now what he's going to do with Gohan. I guess he has to bring him along so he has SOMETHING to show for going all the way to Earth, but idk if Gohan is going to let him take him, at least so easily.

RIP Goku. That is just a sad way for him to go. Dying without his friends there to comfort him even the slightest, knowing his son just witnessed a horrible trauma, knowing the Dragon Balls won't be there to fix whatever Raditz has and will do, and unceremoniously at the hands of a brother who he didn't know he had until now who revealed himself as evil scum. 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 11
PrimeFighter 16 1月
Sayazur was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: Damian Qualshy was saying: Oh? Is that the plan now? But the whole point was to put Broly away from Namekians which he was flying towards at the very beginning (no idea why even)

Yeah none of this story makes any sense anymore, frankly. How was it their fault Janemba was created? We JUST saw Demon Kid blow up the purification machine through his negligence. How did Janemba survive even a single blast from this story's version of Broly who's on the level of SSJ3 Gogeta when SSJ Gogeta obliterated Janemba already? Also this Janemba is actually WEAKER than the Fusion Reborn version because all the powerful evil souls that would've contributed to Janemba's formation got put into their bodies again and absorbed by Buu. ALSO why hasn't SSJ3 Gogeta been absorbed yet by Buu? There is no reason why they wouldn't here. They gain nothing from splitting their power and NOT obliterating Broly in one go, especially after already failing their friends,familiy, and Earth to do so once already as a Buu without the absorbed fusion. At the very least, I expected Buu vs Janemba and SSJ3 Gogeta vs Broly, but idk what is happening anymore now...

— The impact between Broly and Gogeta created a shockwave that caused the soul purification machine to overload.

— Gogeta never killed Janemba; the Fusion Reborn movie never happened in DBM.

— Therefore, this Janemba is not the one from the movies.

— If I had made Buu absorb Gogeta, people would have complained because they wouldn't have seen Gogeta. I don't do it, and they still complain. So, I don't care.

— You need to stop thinking that specific souls influence Janemba's strength. He's not strong because he has the souls of certain characters but simply because he's purely evil. Frieza's soul without his body is no stronger than the soul of the farmer killed by Raditz.

— That fact wasn't portrayed clearly then in that page where the alert was.

— The movie doesn't have to happen for the fact SSJ Gogeta obliterates Janemba to be true

— I think I specifically said "this Janemba" to make that distinction, and even still, what's the explanation of the difference between THIS Janemba and Fusion Reborn Janemba

— You shouldn't have to worry about how we complain about the story. Write it as you wish, but you should worry about making things consistent and line up or reference with already existing continuity so that your story makes sense.

— Yeah, sure let's go with what you just said here for argument sake. So, what makes this Janemba stronger than Fusion Reborn Janemba to withstand a blast from a Broly who's on level with SSJ3 Gogeta?

— Lastly, this is just a blunt critique. I think I brought up some glaring points imo. If you don't care as you say, then whatever. Your story dude. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 58
PrimeFighter 16 1月
Damian Qualshy was saying:
Oh? Is that the plan now? But the whole point was to put Broly away from Namekians which he was flying towards at the very beginning (no idea why even)

Yeah none of this story makes any sense anymore, frankly. How was it their fault Janemba was created? We JUST saw Demon Kid blow up the purification machine through his negligence. How did Janemba survive even a single blast from this story's version of Broly who's on the level of SSJ3 Gogeta when SSJ Gogeta obliterated Janemba already? Also this Janemba is actually WEAKER than the Fusion Reborn version because all the powerful evil souls that would've contributed to Janemba's formation got put into their bodies again and absorbed by Buu. ALSO why hasn't SSJ3 Gogeta been absorbed yet by Buu? There is no reason why they wouldn't here. They gain nothing from splitting their power and NOT obliterating Broly in one go, especially after already failing their friends,familiy, and Earth to do so once already as a Buu without the absorbed fusion. At the very least, I expected Buu vs Janemba and SSJ3 Gogeta vs Broly, but idk what is happening anymore now... 2 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 58
PrimeFighter 16 1月
Honestly idek if he's a dragon at this point anymore. He basically has a snake skull for a head, and he's so humanoid.
DB Multiverse page 2442
PrimeFighter 15 1月
MysticVegito was saying:
Seems unnecessary for a panel like this to take the entire page, but oh well.

Im personally okay with it because it adds suspense for the next gruesome page. Just being extra for our main protagonist, but I get how you feel 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 10
PrimeFighter 14 1月
"Keep your eyes on the birdie."

This will be the second most painful panel for me of this story. The first being the next page.
Saigo no Son page 10
PrimeFighter 13 1月
Wait omg we totally forgot about the Demon Kid... he DEFINITELY plays some part in this fight because he ALSO got sucked into the smog. If the covers of each chapter of this fight hold true to their reference, then Demon Kid is gonna help Gast on SOME way to win. That's our hint, maybe.
DB Multiverse page 2441
PrimeFighter 13 1月
mAc Chaos was saying:
iron leaf was saying: So okay, Gast just tried to teleport with IT, and at that exact moment the dragon scale shuriken flew through and missed him? But if he can't use IT, then it must mean that he just blitzed briefly from one position to the next in that little area there, right?

Grey Goo Trope. I knew it. A conscious being who can consume anything. In the DBZ movies, there was the goo that Bio-Broly had created. In DBM there's the Carbonite instead. But XXI can control it. I'm really curious as to why he doesn't use this until Gast and why he seems to be taking so much time here. In other words, he's actually trying to fight Gast first, when he could start consuming right away.
What if XXI is like, self aware carbonite?

I don't thinks so, cuz there would be no reason for him to really ask about how to beat other contestants or use every known method in stopping each of XXI's opponents. I suppose if your case were true, he wouldn't want to be completely vaporized cuz I think that's how they mentioned you stop Carbonite. I'm trying to think what character in DB or DBZ that has what XXI has... nothing really comes to mind truthfully. Maybe XXI really is an original character. Other commenters said he was an evil shenron type being. Maybe he's a twist on the Shadow Dragons like how they included the Golden Oozaru Kakarrot even tho that was a GT thing.
DB Multiverse page 2441
PrimeFighter 11 1月
Igyzone was saying:
And then we see the return of the mighty farmer with a shotgun!

I'd pay money to see goten-kun scrap his entire plot for this for TUI Farmer with a Shotgun going BRRRRATATATATATATA
Saigo no Son page 9
PrimeFighter 11 1月
Don't worry Piccolo, in another universe, you outlive everyone, defeat an annoying af demon named Bracca, and become Namek's Saichoro.

...anyways Goku, if there was a time to get angry and pull some bullshit, now would be a good time to achieve SSJ
Saigo no Son page 9
PrimeFighter 10 1月

I literally audibly went, "oh my god..." it's just so surreal seeing the scene we r used to, to play out the worst case scenario

Edit (i am so scared for Goku...)
Saigo no Son page 8
PrimeFighter 9 1月
I think Janemba is just a plot device here to cause Broly to freeze, but he really doesn't fit in this situation at all nor should he
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 56
PrimeFighter 7 1月
عمار was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: Man that's just sad. Enjoy Raditz cuz in just about every other continuity, you're a loser
This is just how fans prototype him. Goku and Piccolo were inferior to him. If it wasn't for Gohan and his stupidity, he would have one easily. And I don't think he will treat this win as big accomplishment at all.

It makes think how strong Raditz will be if Toriyama let him live.

Nah you're absolutely right, actually.
Saigo no Son page 7
PrimeFighter 7 1月
Man that's just sad. Enjoy Raditz cuz in just about every other continuity, you're a loser 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 7
PrimeFighter 6 1月
ZenBuu was saying:
Geez. I'm sorry this has to happen here under your new comics comments section, Goten-Kun...

PrimeFighter was saying: I said something so vague and insignificant but to you, you felt to need to sob a wall.
There lies the problem. Next time please just be clear about what exactly you are talking about, instead of purposely being vague. Because that is no constructive criticism, that helps anybody. You can't just leave a comment like this, and not expect an answer.

>The way u keep replying a wall like u do often I see often from you specifically makes me not wanna comment cuz I gotta worry this ZenBuu mod gonna do whats he's doing rn

Sure, act like I'm the bad guy here and ignore all the other stuff I said, when I deep down was literally just trying to help solving the problem.

>Sorry if you had trouble with the logins. We will look into it. Can you describe what's happening on your end of things?

That's basically what I said. Worded a bit differently, I admit, but essentially the same meaning. Please tell me what part exactly of my initial comment was rude to you? Did I insult you or something? No, I didn't. Should I put Smileys at the end of each sentence, to let you know how I mean it?

>a better way to say things than a wall. Keep proving my point.

What wall are you keep talking about here? My first comment was pretty short. Seriously, what are you talking about? And even if it was long. Am I not allowed to write long comments? Yes, now my comments keep getting longer and longer, but only because you were the root of this whole discussion. I just reply to you. If you were clear from the beginning, I would just said, "sure, we try to fix that" and this whole conversation wouldn't have happened. That's like if I say "Man this page really sucks, they need to make it better" while refusing to say what exactly needs to be done better. It's somewhat provoking answers.

All this only happened, because you were initially being vague in your first comment, instead of immediately saying where exactly the problem with the mobile login is. I will still talk about this with Salagir now. No problem, you can thank me later. :)

WongTing was saying: Actually it's exactly his job to give feedback, if you don't like it what the hell are you doing being a moderator on a site?
Before YOU jump to conclusions so quick and attack me from the side, maybe reread the whole conversation again. Admittedly, I might've phrased the feedback part a little bit unclear. PrimeFighter said, and I'll quote: "Second, it's not my job to give you any feedback at all."

To which I basically said: "if you leave such a comment, then also give real (constructive) feedback to it, what you said doesn't help at all in solving the issue". You totally got it the wrong way it seems.

>Calling something janky isn't being rude. Frankly, you are being rude and instead of apologizing you double downed on it.

I never said that about his comment. I don't know where you are getting this from right now. I was generalizing about other comments, that was a whole other topic. I was the one being accused of being rude here. Which I definitely wasn't. That looks different, trust me. I don't see the need to apologize here for anything I said, when I was just trying to help. And I won't sugarcoat my comments anymore, many people (mainly other moderators) told me to be less friendly and more harsh over the years. But sure, take your narrative of me...

>Go to your happy place or whatever helps you relax you're on edge more then usual, Zen.

"More then usual" That's an... interesting choice of words, for someone who just made an account a day ago. You act like you know me for many years..... :)
Also thanks for your "concern" about me, but I guess I can decide myself on what I spend my free time on.

Im not gonna say anything more on the matter. I'm gonna be circling the same point you're missing and the fact the more u respond with these answers, the more u prove the fact you have no restraint on how you talk to commenters nor barely self accountability.if the mods are also telling a fellow mod to talk like an ass, then say their names cuz that's a huge underlying problem that needs to be fixed if they're pressuring you, otherwise this is another deflection of accountability. And u should apologize to goten-kun for making a situation off a literal nothing comment me and Damian were just chilling. In fact, his response was exactly how u should speak. Polite, addresses confusion, no sob and bashing how others comment 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 6
PrimeFighter 6 1月
Broly gonna yell some one liner insult, shatter Janemba, then vaporize him
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 55
PrimeFighter 6 1月
WongTing was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: PrimeFighter was saying: ZenBuu was saying: PrimeFighter was saying: Breh i should've started commenting years ago here but I couldn't get the login to work on mobile. It's so janky. They need to fix that tbh
What exactly is "so janky" about that?? Please elaborate!
I had some discussions with Salagir about this a while ago already and he made some fixes that definitely improved login on mobile. At least I only received positive feedback. Personally I don't even think it was that bad before either, I never had problems to login on my phone. But ok...
So what exactly needs more improvement? This is also a funny thing, I read comments like this sometimes and always people just complain about it, but do not give actual advice on how to make it better. When we don't know where the "problem" lies, we can't really improve and "fix" it, right?

Damian Qualshy was saying: I dunno, I'm using DBM only on mobile but it became easier to use lately except for zooming in on pages.
I talked with Salagir about that twice too, and he improved it twice. For me it's working perfectly now. It's not as sensitive anymore as it was before, zooming doesn't accidentally switch pages anymore and it also only switches pages, when you are actually looking at the page itself, not when you scroll down to the comment section.

First off, wasn't that big of a deal but since ur honestly been pretty rude now and every time I read ur comments these days, you have to enter each time u fill one of the boxes (type enter type enter) or it won't register what you typed.

Second, it's not my job to give you any feedback at all. I don't understand what YOUR deal is to feel the need to tweak out every time something someone comments triggers you this bad. Again, you are set at a higher standard than us, and you seriously need to get your act together. I'm sure it's very detracting to other commenter's, too to have to worry if ur gonna outburst like this. Politely stop
Ok, this is getting very off topic here now, but if you insist for an answer to this, here you go:

It's not your job to give feedback, when you leave such a comment (calling it "so janky", what response do you expect?) and want that things get better regarding the mobile login? Make that make sense. I wasn't even being rude, that looks way different. I always try to take feedback from the community here and there and I've talked many times to Salagir about stuff like that, so he tries to improve parts of the website over the time... but you don't notice that, because that usually happens in the background.

I do so much stuff for DBM in the background that nobody even notices, that I don't even want to get any credit for... Like I already said in the past, I'm still allowed to voice my opinion here like every other user does. Sometimes I don't like what other people comment, people who are actually rude and insult others, and I have a right to comment on that too, if I want. Again, at the end of the day, I'm also just a normal fan of DBM. I don't see myself being on some sort of "higher standard", like you put it. And I never get insulting or anything like that. Unlike other people who insult ME nearly every day here. Some people just really hate if you talk back to them. That's a fact. Hell, I even had people sending me several death threats on a daily basis.

And in your case, I was even offering the solution to fix the problem, if you just tell me what exactly needs to be worked on, because you were just vague in your first comment...

If you leave such comments, without any explanation why you think so, you should expect a fitting answer to your comment.

Actually it's exactly his job to give feedback, if you don't like it what the hell are you doing being a moderator on a site?

A site about art? Art is all about feedback. WHO ARE YOU to decide who gets to give feedback or not.

Frankly, you are being rude and instead of apologizing you double downed on it.

Calling something janky isn't being rude, he was expressing his frustrations about the site needing updating which YOU even admitted to it needing to be updated.

Leave it up to Forum Moderators to get defensive over everything. Maybe you've spent too much time here, go take a break and decentralized yourself. You'll thank me when you come back and are ready to start working again.

I mean shoot, his comment wasn't even that bad. It was pretty damn casual. Sure it wasn't the right place to put it, but there's no need for paragraphs on the man.

Go to your happy place or whatever helps you relax you're on edge more then usual, Zen.

Thanks for speaking up for me WongTing. I didn't know there was a feedback tab or whatever mentioned because again, I haven't been commenting that long, so I apologize there. Also nice ZenBuu for deleting my comment suggesting a better way to say things than a wall. Keep proving my point.
Saigo no Son page 6
PrimeFighter 6 1月
ZenBuu was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: ZenBuu was saying: PrimeFighter was saying: Breh i should've started commenting years ago here but I couldn't get the login to work on mobile. It's so janky. They need to fix that tbh
What exactly is "so janky" about that?? Please elaborate!
I had some discussions with Salagir about this a while ago already and he made some fixes that definitely improved login on mobile. At least I only received positive feedback. Personally I don't even think it was that bad before either, I never had problems to login on my phone. But ok...
So what exactly needs more improvement? This is also a funny thing, I read comments like this sometimes and always people just complain about it, but do not give actual advice on how to make it better. When we don't know where the "problem" lies, we can't really improve and "fix" it, right?

Damian Qualshy was saying: I dunno, I'm using DBM only on mobile but it became easier to use lately except for zooming in on pages.
I talked with Salagir about that twice too, and he improved it twice. For me it's working perfectly now. It's not as sensitive anymore as it was before, zooming doesn't accidentally switch pages anymore and it also only switches pages, when you are actually looking at the page itself, not when you scroll down to the comment section.

First off, wasn't that big of a deal but since ur honestly been pretty rude now and every time I read ur comments these days, you have to enter each time u fill one of the boxes (type enter type enter) or it won't register what you typed.

Second, it's not my job to give you any feedback at all. I don't understand what YOUR deal is to feel the need to tweak out every time something someone comments triggers you this bad. Again, you are set at a higher standard than us, and you seriously need to get your act together. I'm sure it's very detracting to other commenter's, too to have to worry if ur gonna outburst like this. Politely stop
Ok, this is getting very off topic here now, but if you insist for an answer to this, here you go:

It's not your job to give feedback, when you leave such a comment (calling it "so janky", what response do you expect?) and want that things get better regarding the mobile login? Make that make sense. I wasn't even being rude, that looks way different. I always try to take feedback from the community here and there and I've talked many times to Salagir about stuff like that, so he tries to improve parts of the website over the time... but you don't notice that, because that usually happens in the background.

I do so much stuff for DBM in the background that nobody even notices, that I don't even want to get any credit for... Like I already said in the past, I'm still allowed to voice my opinion here like every other user does. Sometimes I don't like what other people comment, people who are actually rude and insult others, and I have a right to comment on that too, if I want. Again, at the end of the day, I'm also just a normal fan of DBM. I don't see myself being on some sort of "higher standard", like you put it. And I never get insulting or anything like that. Unlike other people who insult ME nearly every day here. Some people just really hate if you talk back to them. That's a fact. Hell, I even had people sending me several death threats on a daily basis.

And in your case, I was even offering the solution to fix the problem, if you just tell me what exactly needs to be worked on, because you were just vague in your first comment...

If you leave such comments, without any explanation why you think so, you should expect a fitting answer to your comment.

You're missing the point and also are proving my point. I said something so vague and insignificant but to you, you felt to need to sob a wall. And u said it urself. U do a lot for DBM, yeah? So you're pretty associated with it at least, so you represent it to some degree. The way u keep replying a wall like u do often I see often from you specifically makes me not wanna comment cuz I gotta worry this ZenBuu mod gonna do whats he's doing rn over some light comment about the login being janky. Again, politely take a step back and think about how you respond to your community members, ya?

(Edit, just say something on the lines of: "Sorry if you had trouble with the logins. We will look into it. Can you describe what's happening on your end of things?") 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 6
PrimeFighter 5 1月
ZenBuu was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: Breh i should've started commenting years ago here but I couldn't get the login to work on mobile. It's so janky. They need to fix that tbh
What exactly is "so janky" about that?? Please elaborate!
I had some discussions with Salagir about this a while ago already and he made some fixes that definitely improved login on mobile. At least I only received positive feedback. Personally I don't even think it was that bad before either, I never had problems to login on my phone. But ok...
So what exactly needs more improvement? This is also a funny thing, I read comments like this sometimes and always people just complain about it, but do not give actual advice on how to make it better. When we don't know where the "problem" lies, we can't really improve and "fix" it, right?

Damian Qualshy was saying: I dunno, I'm using DBM only on mobile but it became easier to use lately except for zooming in on pages.
I talked with Salagir about that twice too, and he improved it twice. For me it's working perfectly now. It's not as sensitive anymore as it was before, zooming doesn't accidentally switch pages anymore and it also only switches pages, when you are actually looking at the page itself, not when you scroll down to the comment section.

First off, wasn't that big of a deal but since ur honestly been pretty rude now and every time I read ur comments these days, you have to enter each time u fill one of the boxes (type enter type enter) or it won't register what you typed.

Second, it's not my job to give you any feedback at all. I don't understand what YOUR deal is to feel the need to tweak out every time something someone comments triggers you this bad. Again, you are set at a higher standard than us, and you seriously need to get your act together. I'm sure it's very detracting to other commenter's, too to have to worry if ur gonna outburst like this. Politely stop 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 6
PrimeFighter 5 1月
"Ok... It should be easy to finish you off..."

Are we talkin' about the kid... Gast... or..? \._./ 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2438
PrimeFighter 5 1月
Damian Qualshy was saying:
PrimeFighter was saying: Lol for a second there I thought the misfired Special Beam Cannon hit Gohan. I could hear the LonelyArchives Gohan Scream playing rent free in my head...


hell yeah brother, I see you're a man of culture as well

Breh i should've started commenting years ago here but I couldn't get the login to work on mobile. It's so janky. They need to fix that tbh 2 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 6
PrimeFighter 4 1月
Lol for a second there I thought the misfired Special Beam Cannon hit Gohan. I could hear the LonelyArchives Gohan Scream playing rent free in my head... 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 6
PrimeFighter 3 1月
Meng_Shu was saying:
Sorry that I haven't been active in the comments, but I have been keeping up! This is a super interesting twist!

Now I have one theory that I don't think has been brought up yet. That is, Raditz wins but decides to adopt Gohan instead of killing him. Since he originally made his way to Earth to recruit Goku he could figure that Gohan could maybe act as a replacement, they still need to beat Frieza after all. Regardless of what ends up happening, I'm looking forward to seeing how this new web-comic turns out! Goten-Kun is a fantastic author!

Bro i thought glancing at your profile pic it was goten-kun speaking. I'm like YA OK BUDDY reveal the whole damn plot why don't u xdddd 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 5
PrimeFighter 2 1月
BangBang was saying:
Oops, Ratitz broke free. Guess either Raditz kills both Goku and Piccolo or Goku gets hit by the Special Beam Cannon and then Piccolo gets killed.

Nah the Special Beam Cannon already is passing them in the last panel. Death by Ice Cream Sundae
Saigo no Son page 5
PrimeFighter 2 1月
I feel like making the comments into languages categories is gonna make things sparce. No need imo. Anyways about this page... fuck.
Saigo no Son page 5
PrimeFighter 1 1月
Yeah... Gast is gonna get had this chapter. For the sake of the plot, I just don't see a reason or way for him to win that would contribute to the Bardock visions. Honestly, he might just die this fight because Gast doesn't show up at all in the visions left. I feel like the visions wouldn't even happen if Gast had his magic to stop the bullshit XXI is about to pull
DB Multiverse page 2436
PrimeFighter 1 1月
Bubbles was saying:
Instead of going to the battlefield, Videl will simply control the defeated android from a distance with this helmet, allowing her to fight in a way?

I was about to say it was a helmet to enhance her abilities, but this makes more sense
DB Multiverse page 2436
PrimeFighter 31 12月
Hell yeah! I'm fucking looking forward to your next story goten-kun. You've proven to be an outstanding development of a manga creator! Seriously! 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 4
PrimeFighter 30 12月
Bulma can definitely make an Android remote. Having a model to reverse construct is as good if not better than the schematics. Also it's fuckin' Bulma who built a damn time machine, an accurate DB radar, redid Raditz's scouter (alien tech), and made Dino Caps. Her saying she can't makes absolutely no sense...
DB Multiverse page 2435
PrimeFighter 28 12月
I think most of us share the same sentiment about the build up to the fight, but I think it was kinda like Kid Goku and Kid Vegeta type of ending fron GT, so I'm ok with it. I'm still looking forward to that special you mentioned. As always, good work goten-kun.
321Y page 372
PrimeFighter 26 12月
ZGrssd was saying:
"Alternate Cell
Can only be Tribute Summoned.
Tribute Materials must be any two Cyborg type Monsters."

When this card is Tribute Summoned, you can Special Summon up to 4 "Cell Jr." tokens (ATK 9001/DEF 0). If this card were to be destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, destoy all monsters on the field. If this effect is activated, you can Special Summon him during the End Phase of the turn this effect was used. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2433
PrimeFighter 25 12月
Racist Dr. Gero: You meddling pompous alien!! I am the peace! Blocks
DB Multiverse page 2433
PrimeFighter 25 12月
I actually think 17 and 18 are still going to get absorbed. Gero might set an example for the rest of the Androids with them. Also, we know Cell's mindset, so he won't be obeying Gero and will probably wipe out the Red Ribbon Army the moment he's complete. Cell's gonna be very disappointed with his "Perfection" though because we already know Gast beats him from the beginning pages of DBM. Worst case scenario, Gohan is an Android now, is one of the "Bad" ones for obvious reasons, and him being absorbed by Cell would make an even stronger Perfect Form. Actually damn... these next pages could be incredibly interesting.
DB Multiverse page 2433
PrimeFighter 24 12月
Would be dope if Tambo went SSJ here
321Y page 370
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