DB Multiverse

Membro di   Northeal

Northeal 16 Febbraio
DrewSaga ha detto:
Cell sure as shit don't deserve it. The dude played both sides for his benefit. Cell should really consider politics or business.

Cell is interesting here since while the bad shit he did at the start of the rebellion was definently done because he wanted it (mainly fighting Gohan and killing his loved ones), it also came with the plausible deniability/justification of him needing it to take Bra and Babidi down. Riling Gohan up and getting him more willing to be leathel was important, as was getting the Heliots out of the battle for a bit and on the same page. You could even argue that killing Videl had a tactical advantage since if she was alive by the final battle Bra could've used her as a hostage to get Gohan to back down.

I don't say any of this to make any claim that Cell's actually a good guy. Dude is fully unambiguously evil and does everything for selfish reasons. But between all of this, putting up a good fight against Bra, getting everyone to work together, and making those mini Cells, he was objectively the most useful person in the late stage Majin rebellion.
DB Multiverse page 2456
Northeal 11 Aprile 2024
"I mean yeah he destroyed his entire universe and intends to destroy infinitely more, butttt he's not actively harming anyone". My guy, he could kill INFINITE BEINGS. I get he might not trust what I'K'L is saying, which is fair, but if someone destroyed a universe they bare minimum should be imprisoned. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2324
Northeal 8 Dicembre 2023
Considering all the past Bojack chapters my hopes aren't too high. But the art looks really good so maybe this will be promising.
DB Multiverse page 2275
Northeal 28 Settembre 2023
The cover is cool/funny as hell. Legit first I've liked Bra in awhile.
DBMultiverse Colors page 69
Northeal 19 Luglio 2023
Huh, surprised at the win but it also justifies Lanfan being topless instead of just her underwear like in the manga as Roshi wouldn't react as strongly otherwise. Considering Yamcha is said to never make it past the first round in a tournament it seems the tournament will have less expected winners. Which is a neat thing since we see so much of the main cast and this tournament is low stakes in the grand scheme of DB and DBM.
DB Multiverse page 2219
Northeal 17 Luglio 2023
Ouroboros ha detto:
Jacky wins as I am sure there is a rule about fighing in ther nude Ran-Fan is disqualified for immodest battle attire

I mean Giran isn't wearing clothes either so I don't think they could fairly disqualify her for it. If he's allowed to be nude so should she.
DB Multiverse page 2218
Northeal 17 Luglio 2023
Gortex ha detto:
Wait, you can draw nudity? I thought that wasn't permissible. I know gore is alright to some extent but has there ever been a scenario prior to this when a character was fully nude?

There's some nudity in the Hanasia chapters but those had warnings. I don't think it's a big deal. As mentioned there tons of gore in here. If Piccolo can be blown into disgusting pieces, I don't think showing boobs is that much worse. Plus, the original Dragonball had some nudity.
DB Multiverse page 2218
Northeal 23 Giugno 2023
Evenmoardakka ha detto:
I missed if this was already explained, (if so, apologies)
Although this started with a fun, previously unseen universe, I see this is pretty much a re-posting of DBM from scratch, except in color (which is awesome), Are any other detours planned? Even if its not to go back to previously explored things (So yea, no more Gokhan)

They're adding some stuff from the novelization to my knowledge, so new stuff and probably detours. No idea if they'll do any completely unseen stuff though. 1 Risposta/e
DBMultiverse Colors page 14
Northeal 9 Giugno 2023
Paradise Lost ha detto:
You guys need to tone it down with Roshi, pretty sure he's not a misogynist.

The man who used a shrinking watch to see a teenage girl use the bathroom without her permission is not someone who respects women. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2201
Northeal 7 Maggio 2023
I love Picardi's style. It's got a rough, distinct, yet visually pleasing style that feels straight out of a graphic novel.
Minicomic page 120
Northeal 30 Aprile 2023
Sega ha detto:
My question is, why did this fight piss off Vegito?

Because they unlocked a new form that he wasn't able to. It's not that they're anywhere near as strong as him but that they've become better and wiser martial artists. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2188
Northeal 24 Aprile 2023
zero logic ha detto:
Uzurper was saying: Out of curiosity, what are your three most favorite matches in the tournament you've seen thus far? My list.
3. Cell vs. Tapion
2. Son Bra vs. Ginyu
1. Goku vs. Uub

3. Bardock vs Cold
2. Gast vs Raichi
1. Vegeta vs Raichi

Worst fights so far

1. Vegeta vs Cell by a mile
2. Goku vs Frieza
3. Bra vs those armored dudes

Based Bra vs Eleim and Vegeta vs Cell hater 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2185
Northeal 23 Aprile 2023
Uzurper ha detto:
Out of curiosity, what are your three most favorite matches in the tournament you've seen thus far? My list.
3. Cell vs. Tapion
2. Son Bra vs. Ginyu
1. Goku vs. Uub

5. Bardock vs King Cold
4. Vegeta vs Dr. Raichi
3. Cell vs Dabra
2. Uub vs Buu
1. Cell vs Tapion 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2185
Northeal 23 Aprile 2023
beeruz ha detto:
The fight choregraphy and art is really good but I'm still a little disappointed we haven't seen one signature move yet.The db franchise is known for it's flashly attacks yet in this fight we haven't really seen any.

Those take awhile to charge up, usually with a lot of screaming, and this fight takes place over half a second. Plus, most of Goku and Vegeta's attacks are generic ki blasts anyway.
DB Multiverse page 2185
Northeal 21 Aprile 2023
baked-beans ha detto:
The arts been great but itd be nice to see so.thing besides this fight that was over in the blink of an eye... been like a month now.

It's possible that we'll see the reactions of the few spectators that can perceive them. Vegetto and Gohan could, Cell and Gast should be able to, Bra saw some of it, possibly South Kai too. Of course even if they could see it it's unlikely they were talking during it.
DB Multiverse page 2183
Northeal 16 Aprile 2023
beeruz ha detto:
Smart play by goku it kinda reminds me of the throw buu did on him(page 1016).Also excited for this upcoming special as there so many things it could be.U9, U13 on namek Uub etc.

The special options I can think of (from most to least likely):

Uub flashback chapter (not many chances to reasonably include this since it's actually in present time near the tournament)

Universe 9 (We've seen a bit of art for another installment here)

Universe 13 Namek arc

Universe 3: Saiyan genocide

Universe 3: Bardock and Piccolo vs Raichi

Universe 5 origins (this will probably right before or after the final match)

Universe 7 (probably not necessary but we do know he beat some other villains)

Universe 11: Babidi's victory (the one I'm least excited for. Especially since Babidi's done)
DB Multiverse page 2182
Northeal 15 Aprile 2023
mAc Chaos ha detto:
Northeal was saying: Paradise Lost was saying: Leveler was saying: Though personally I think there should have been a few more people agreeing with Vegetto here just to even things out a bit better.
Felt like Universe 19 were the ones supporting Vegetto in this argument.

Eleim did chip in and remind people that Narub showed remorse and individuality which implied Bra could've as well. It is nice that they added that. But that's literally all they added to side with Vegetto. And it was a half assed reply after giving her some slack. These guys freaked out after Tidar got killed, and that was in combat without malice, knowing he'll be revived. They just witnesse Bra murder their comrades, they should be furious. Yet only Eleim provides the slightest bit of criticism. And just like with her killing Goten, no one provides an actual valid counter argument. Narub showing remorse makes Bra's actions even more unjustifiable, and makes the defense against Hatchijack less sound, as Narub was also influenced by his screams and kept some compassion. It's better than nothing, but it's still unreasonable and feels like everyone is ganging up on Vegetto. The other heliots don't speak, nor does Pan who's the only other person we know doesn't forgive Bra. I also find it weird that South Kai, the guy who's killed babies to protect the universe, paid no mind to Vegetto confirming Bra has destroyed a solar system before.
well the thing is, the Z fighters in general tend to brush it under the rug when things are fixed, nobody ever gave vegeta shit for blowing up the stadium later, you know

I agree, Vegeta is FAR too easily forgiven for his actions throughout the Cell and Buu arcs. He shouldn't have been so easily accepted into the group and shouldn't have been this quickly let off the hook. This is also an issue that Salagir has voiced before. He had an opportunity to correct that issue with Bra here but he made it an even bigger issue. I don't think Dragonball is some masterclass story. It has tons of problems but it's still good overall. Brushing off the criticism with "It was a problem in the series too" isn't a good retort in my opinion. And it makes the Dragon team look like complete idiots for accepting a mass murderer into their group with the only people not being treated as deranged.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 162
Northeal 14 Aprile 2023
Paradise Lost ha detto:
Leveler was saying: Though personally I think there should have been a few more people agreeing with Vegetto here just to even things out a bit better.
Felt like Universe 19 were the ones supporting Vegetto in this argument.

Eleim did chip in and remind people that Narub showed remorse and individuality which implied Bra could've as well. It is nice that they added that. But that's literally all they added to side with Vegetto. And it was a half assed reply after giving her some slack. These guys freaked out after Tidar got killed, and that was in combat without malice, knowing he'll be revived. They just witnesse Bra murder their comrades, they should be furious. Yet only Eleim provides the slightest bit of criticism. And just like with her killing Goten, no one provides an actual valid counter argument. Narub showing remorse makes Bra's actions even more unjustifiable, and makes the defense against Hatchijack less sound, as Narub was also influenced by his screams and kept some compassion. It's better than nothing, but it's still unreasonable and feels like everyone is ganging up on Vegetto. The other heliots don't speak, nor does Pan who's the only other person we know doesn't forgive Bra. I also find it weird that South Kai, the guy who's killed babies to protect the universe, paid no mind to Vegetto confirming Bra has destroyed a solar system before. 1 Risposta/e
Fanfic dbm, chapter 162
Northeal 14 Aprile 2023
UltraExtream ha detto:
Females was saying: Called it! Also its worth noting that it makes sense that this would be a quick match considering Ubb is training still in a place similar to the hyperbolic time chamber. I wonder how much time has passed now?

Didn't Zen Buu say that time doesn't flow at all?

Hopefully. If 1 day outside = 360 days in there then it would have been over 6 months Uub was trapped at this point (assuming they took another 12 hour night break). I really hope Uub hasn't been in there for so long being hunted by his crush. Not to mention weird for him to just show up half a year older.
DB Multiverse page 2181
Northeal 12 Aprile 2023
This looks like the lead up to the final blow we saw. Vegeta is throwing ki blasts that we see later on and it seems Goku's shirt is getting torn. Only thing needed is for Vegeta's shirt to be torn like how we saw it at the end.
DB Multiverse page 2180
Northeal 10 Aprile 2023
ZenBuu ha detto:
Honestly I don't really understand the discussion. Vegeta clearly said, he won't fight Goku again, until "they both can do better than this", meaning surpassing Gohan (page 1810). And now they are fighting again. Gohan was shocked and even Vegetto was very suprised by what he witnessed. Do we really need to argue now wether or not Goku and Vegeta are stronger than Gohan now?

Because Salagir's comments on the form make it seem like it isn't physically stronger than their ssj3 forms, which should be moderately-slightly weaker than Gohan. He compares it to the idea of Goku having the power of an Oozaru in the Piccolo arc without him transforming (at least that was his takeaway. Being impressed doesn't mean they're stronger than him. This is a completely new ability that Vegetto probably hasn't even considered. It's like Vegeta being surprised at mastered super saiyan in the Cell arc. Him and Trunks have physically stronger forms but they aren't as useful. Salagir has given Goku and Vegeta clear limits that should be at least a little below Gohan. And besides, what is Vegeta going to do? Drop out of the tournament because he's still weaker than Gohan? Granted I can see them beating Gohan at this point with their superior skills but I feel people seriously overestimate Goku and Vegeta here.
DB Multiverse page 2179
Northeal 10 Aprile 2023
Redcommando ha detto:
Northeal was saying: . My main thing is looking at how the characters talk about this form, and based on what Goku and Vegeta say (and how Salagir talks about it) it's physically equal to their ssj3s. Maybe slightly higher. I don't think they're significantly weaker to Gohan now but he's probably at least physically stronger. And they're definitely not stronger than Gast, Bra, or even Cell.
I agree to most of what you say except when it comes to cell. First Vegeta won that fight. 2nd Vegeta has commented about him not being weaker than gohan. Gohan stated that cell should be higher than himself but Vegeta rebuked him on whether that should be a problem or not.

I see where you're coming from but I can't agree on Cell being weaker. Vegeta beat Cell, but he only did so because Cell was significantly holding back. Vegeta said himself that he was weak at the moment, which implies that Ssj3 Vegeta is weaker than him. Gohan stated that Cell might be stronger than him, which seems to be a low ball on Gohan's part. They were even in the beginning of the rebellion and Cell proceeded to get two near death power ups that significantly increased his strength. In the fight with Bra Cell didn't much better against her than both Gohans and everyone else. And according to Salagir characters keep their strength after becoming a majin. So Vegeta wasn't aware of Cell's full strength. Plus Vegeta was just bragging/taunting and was most likely exaggerating his own strength. I can see Vegeta beating Gohan with his superior skill and attacks, but I think Cell is at least twice as strong as Vegeta at this point and would best him if they both went all out.
DB Multiverse page 2179
Northeal 10 Aprile 2023
Upcoming universe 9 special? Can't wait
Webpage conv-2023-04.html
Northeal 10 Aprile 2023
mx1mum ha detto:
Northeal was saying: MrPerson0 was saying: TwoWordsMade3210 was saying: I always believed in the writers vision and story. Salagir doesn't miss.. Let him cook

Eh, I still disagree with him on the fact that Goku and Vegeta, in this form, are still weaker than Gohan. Hopefully he was referring to their highest Super Saiyan forms and this new Mystic form they found actually puts them above Gohan. At the very least, a fusion (dance or potara) of these two with this form should put them above U16 Vegito.

I can't agree there. How Goku and Vegeta talk about it, it seems that this form is equal to their ssj3 forms in physical strength. The way I see it Goku and Vegeta are pretty much near or at their physical limit here and instead of trying to go higher in strength they're trying to hone in and perfect the strength they already have. Getting rid of all of the strain and stamina draining of the ssj forms. It might make them faster but that could just be a stylistic choice.

So Gohan should still be above them. Although I don't think the gap is massive, nor do I think Salagir has the gap between Buu saga Goku and Gohan as big as how many people believe it to be. They're probably a little stronger than Super Buu at this point.

I don't see how anyone has this take.

Goku and Vegeta are literally so powerful here that they are able to move so fast that the majority of the cast blinked and missed it. Based on this alone, I think its meant to be implied that they are at the very LEAST equal to Gohan, if not, most likely stronger than him. I would't be surprised if they were close to SSJ or SSJ2 Bra level.

Remember, in Dragonball, Speed usually equates to power and vice versa, (Obviously except in the case of Trunks' Bulky SSJ form). 90% of the time, if you're so fast that people have a hard time seeing you, chances are your leagues above them in power, and even if they can see you, it's no guarantee that they can necessarily keep up with you in a fight.

For example, despite being no match for Cell, Gohan or Goku; Krillin, Yamacha, Tien, and Piccolo actually had no issue keeping up with watching Goku/Gohan vs Cell in the cell games.

In this fight, however, the gap is so large, that even someone as powerful as Piccolo (who is stronger than his Buu and Cell Saga self)was reduced to being the clueless spectator that Hercule was at the Cell games. Goku and Vegeta are so fast/powerful, that Gohan himself has a hard time articulating exactly what happened. The fight was so quick, that someone as powerful as Bra literally missed half of it before she realized what was going on. That my friend's, is an insane feat that not even Vegito accomplished in his fight with Broly.

I'm not saying they're Vegito level or anything, but to insinuate that they're still weaker than Gohan feels like way too much of a low ball estimation based on what we're seeing here.

Again, Piccolo is literally as clueless as Mr. Satan was as a spectator in the Cell games and Piccolo has a power level thats estimated to be around what Cell's was in the Cell Saga. THAT IS INSANE!

TBH I just don't think the speed thing is consistent enough to use it to say they're above Gohan. Especially since Gohan was easily able to keep up with it (not that he'd need to be stronger to do that). All the way back in the 21st budokai the strongest characters were moving so fast that normal humans couldn't follow them, yet in DBM people were able to keep up watching Vegetto vs Broly and Gotenks vs Buu. In the Buu saga humans could follow 18 and Mighty mask despite them being astronomically stronger than Jackie Chun. I figured this was just an effect thing to give the fight its own spin and make the characters more cool. My main thing is looking at how the characters talk about this form, and based on what Goku and Vegeta say (and how Salagir talks about it) it's physically equal to their ssj3s. Maybe slightly higher. I don't think they're significantly weaker to Gohan now but he's probably at least physically stronger. And they're definitely not stronger than Gast, Bra, or even Cell. 2 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2179
Northeal 9 Aprile 2023
It's funny that Goku's had some of the weakest fights in the first three rounds, but ever since the quarterfinals he's been the only one with good fights. So far this has been really good. The callback is nice and I look forward to seeing Goku reverse the match.
DB Multiverse page 2179
Northeal 9 Aprile 2023
MrPerson0 ha detto:
TwoWordsMade3210 was saying: I always believed in the writers vision and story. Salagir doesn't miss.. Let him cook

Eh, I still disagree with him on the fact that Goku and Vegeta, in this form, are still weaker than Gohan. Hopefully he was referring to their highest Super Saiyan forms and this new Mystic form they found actually puts them above Gohan. At the very least, a fusion (dance or potara) of these two with this form should put them above U16 Vegito.

I can't agree there. How Goku and Vegeta talk about it, it seems that this form is equal to their ssj3 forms in physical strength. The way I see it Goku and Vegeta are pretty much near or at their physical limit here and instead of trying to go higher in strength they're trying to hone in and perfect the strength they already have. Getting rid of all of the strain and stamina draining of the ssj forms. It might make them faster but that could just be a stylistic choice.

So Gohan should still be above them. Although I don't think the gap is massive, nor do I think Salagir has the gap between Buu saga Goku and Gohan as big as how many people believe it to be. They're probably a little stronger than Super Buu at this point. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2179
Northeal 5 Aprile 2023
Their clothes are starting to get torn. We're probably around the mid point of the fight. So far very good. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2177
Northeal 3 Aprile 2023
Rimuru_Tempest ha detto:
Northeal was saying: Eldagusto was saying: It doesn't make sense that Universe 16 Goten and Trunks are identical to Universe 18, at the very least Goten would have gotten a significant Zenkai from dying to Bra as a kid, which would likely have caused Trunks to naturally catch up to Goten's power boost, and not having Vegeta or Goku growing up would make them different people.

Also its bunk to say Bra experienced Wizards way more impressive the Babiddi... like bruh Babiddi was the best in the Biz, and their Universe only has minimal couple decades of difference from the standard timeline. No way other Wizards grew stronger then Babiddi just cause Vegetto was cosplaying as space cop. Babiddi was millions of years old and he was unrivaled. Other might have existed with some talents better but he was clearly the best there was at what he did. Also mad respect for Gast again.

1. Salagir has done away with the near death power ups. He's stated as much and the novelization confirms this after the Vegeta vs Kakarotto fight. The only one who still gets them is Cell, and he needs to be almost completely obliterated for it to work. I'm assuming he's going by a head canon that near death power ups don't mean anything after reaching a certain level of strength, or just thought it would be too unfair for the sayians to not only have quick access to healing but get stronger because of that. Which is reasonable.

2. Even if they did still exist, Goten wouldn't have gotten one. He died. Saiyans get stronger of they SURVIVE from the brink of death, which he didn't.

I do agree that Gotenks should be different, but not in that regard. Strength doesn't matter here, they're different because of their different experiences and families, at least a little. What doesn't make sense and will actively make the story worse is when Gotenks makes his big defense of Bra, half of him literally doesn't even know this Bra. Which would be fine if the story acknowledged that he was mostly wrong, but it doesn't. So Gotenks will have even less of a point defending Bra and fully blaming Vegetto.
He made it so that once a Saiyan goes ssj, their ability to gain zenkais vanishes, to be specific.

Oh yeah I think I recall that being said somewhere. I think that's a good place to cap it.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 161
Northeal 31 Marzo 2023
Eldagusto ha detto:
It doesn't make sense that Universe 16 Goten and Trunks are identical to Universe 18, at the very least Goten would have gotten a significant Zenkai from dying to Bra as a kid, which would likely have caused Trunks to naturally catch up to Goten's power boost, and not having Vegeta or Goku growing up would make them different people.

Also its bunk to say Bra experienced Wizards way more impressive the Babiddi... like bruh Babiddi was the best in the Biz, and their Universe only has minimal couple decades of difference from the standard timeline. No way other Wizards grew stronger then Babiddi just cause Vegetto was cosplaying as space cop. Babiddi was millions of years old and he was unrivaled. Other might have existed with some talents better but he was clearly the best there was at what he did. Also mad respect for Gast again.

1. Salagir has done away with the near death power ups. He's stated as much and the novelization confirms this after the Vegeta vs Kakarotto fight. The only one who still gets them is Cell, and he needs to be almost completely obliterated for it to work. I'm assuming he's going by a head canon that near death power ups don't mean anything after reaching a certain level of strength, or just thought it would be too unfair for the sayians to not only have quick access to healing but get stronger because of that. Which is reasonable.

2. Even if they did still exist, Goten wouldn't have gotten one. He died. Saiyans get stronger of they SURVIVE from the brink of death, which he didn't.

I do agree that Gotenks should be different, but not in that regard. Strength doesn't matter here, they're different because of their different experiences and families, at least a little. What doesn't make sense and will actively make the story worse is when Gotenks makes his big defense of Bra, half of him literally doesn't even know this Bra. Which would be fine if the story acknowledged that he was mostly wrong, but it doesn't. So Gotenks will have even less of a point defending Bra and fully blaming Vegetto. 1 Risposta/e
Fanfic dbm, chapter 161
Northeal 29 Marzo 2023
ZenBuu ha detto:
kaybag was saying: So quick! Just like the authors were to show us who won the fight!

Art is beautiful nonetheless.
Are we going to repeat this every page now? At some point it will even be against rule #11...just saiyan.
Can't we just please sit back and enjoy the fight without crying every page "that we already know who the winner is"?

Fucking thank you! Goku vs Vegeta is interesting because of their new abilities, spectacular art, and great choreography. This isn't as high stakes as say, Gast vs Raichi, it really doesn't change much who wins here because they'll both make the same wish and they have very similar skill sets. This might just be me but it seemed really obvious that Goku was going to win anyway. I've been critical of a lot of the stuff ever since the late majin arc, but Goku vs Vegeta is not something I've had any issues with so far. It's a pretty good fight at the moment.
DB Multiverse page 2174
Northeal 29 Marzo 2023
I have to disagree with the issue of the visions having no meaning. Most of my points are from Mistarefusion's videos on Bardock, he does a great job analyzing them, and I'd recommend his channel. Regardless, Bardock's visions serve the story, not to help Bardock. Bardock is doomed to his fate of dying and is forced to know of his fate, yet have no way of stopping it. He is given multiple chances to escape and live in the movie, but doubles down on his foolish last stand, ensuring his fate. While not all of the visions were necessary, they are ultimately useful in cursing Bardock and showing a feeling of inevitability, while ending on a moment of optimism as Bardock sees his own son facing Freeza.
DB Multiverse page 441
Northeal 27 Marzo 2023
Leveler ha detto:
I got a big question. Why wasn't even half of this in the main story? You're not exactly working for Shonen Jump which needs like 20 pages a week or you'd lose your time slot and your funding comes from donations. Some of the things in the Text seem pretty critical to this chapter and by cutting it out, you left us with an even more broken mess.

While I am on the Pro Bra team, I genuinely was disappointed in the Majin Rounds aftermath. What I was particularly fond of was the idea of having her slowly go down a Villainous or a Fallen Hero's path. That is because it opens up far more interesting storylines that you can proceed from. Have a look at TheBritWriter & Coffeyguy (please correct me if I got any names wrong) own spinoff. I'm now more interested in that series and to make it worse, it's using Super's story which I have a genuine distain against.

Salagir, I don't know if you are starting to spite your audience now but intentional or not, you have damaged the flow of your narrative in order to keep this Tournament going. This was also the reason why the tournament in the Buu Saga was dropped. There's nothing left to keep the thing going other then filling up the last few slots in the Victory Chart.

I think there's a number of reasons. Pacing is a big one. The three pages a week release schedule already causes burn out and annoyance for a lot of people, if they included everything the novel does, we might not even be at the quarterfinals by now. There's also that the artists need to draw all that. Apparently a lot of special artists have given up mid way, gotten into scheduling conflicts, or taken years to actually release their work. Drawings like Asura's usually take more time to complete than writing/typing down stuff, even stuff with a lot of effort put into it. And a lot of this probably wasn't thought of when Salagir made this. While he considers most of it canon, a lot of it wasn't made by him and was made years after the comic came out. Although I imagine he wishes some of this was included in the actual comic.

I agree that this chapter needs all the help it can get. I pray the Heliots actually argue against Bra in the next chapter. I also agree that a Bra going down a more sinister path could've been better than what we got. 1 Risposta/e
Fanfic dbm, chapter 161
Northeal 27 Marzo 2023
Asturios ha detto:
Can we take a moment to appreciate DBM? No, seriously! Goku vs Vegeta is the ground where DBZ fundamentals were established. Salagir gets so much hateful comments about his writing ability and how he and DBM are just being carried by great artists. I made some hateful comments too in the Bra rampage. So now I want to take this opportunity to give my modest but very well deserved recognition to Salagir and the DBM team.

Salagir understands DBZ quite well and better than Toriyama himself. He used previous concepts like Namekian merging and made an entire plotline around it. He kept SSJ forms simple and nerfed SSJ3 for this very reason. He found a better explanation for Vegetto’s de-merging inside Buu. He used Kaioken, a fan favorite, as a means to keep humans (and Uub) somewhat relevant, and because it was completely unused for no reason in the main series. He was clever enough to not use multipliers because it’s healthier for the balancing of power tiers. This way we know Maximum Kaioken Uub is SSJ3 tier. What’s the multiplier? Doesn’t matter! For all this evidence I’m 100% sure Salagir came with the idea of this Ultimate Form (or whatever it’s called) himself and not after watching DB Super. The idea behind the form is much more organic than DB Super. It’s just Mystic Gohan tier without the old kai’s ritual. SIMPLE. Just like when Gohan unlocked SSJ2 and they followed up after.

I repeat, Salagir understands DBZ better than Toriyama. And you might say “Uh? So what? That’s no big deal”. But the reality is that DBM isn’t like any other fanfic where they commit the capital sin of shonen: “the power creep”. Salagir knows power creep is a problem so he quickly nerfs or deus-exes things that may get out of hand. That’s why Broly and Buu had to leave. So why introduce them in the first place? you say. Because he also wants to have fun with his project and go wild telling some “what if” scenarios. But ultimately he has a bigger plot that wants to get done with as little power creep as possible. Want evidence? Look no further than DB AF, the progenitor of DB fanfics. SSJ 5 was the big Hook! Why? Because even Toyotarou himself struggles to create a proper setting without power creep. What’s different is that this new form isn’t beyond Vegetto, Bra or Ghast. And yet it’s still a novelty. Salagir found a hole for creativity without disrupting all power balance. Look at Big Baddie XXI. He’s not super powerful as far as we’ve seen, he just uses clever tactics to exploit weaknesses.

“The official release” in a couple of years made Red SSJ, then Blue, then Rose, then UI Omen, then mastered UI, Ultra Ego, Orange Piccolo, Beast Gohan. So many colors and so little meaning!. They actively made their previous forms obsolete because they are the real amateurs who only know to escalate via power creep every arc in a cash grabbing rampage releasing as many hair colors as they can to sell toys completely disregarding any power balancing. And don’t even get me started with artstyle. Modern anime artstyle just doesn’t fit DB. Period.

I want to finish by stating it’s no accident we all spent more than a decade getting involved reading this fanfic. DBM has quality and thought behind its plotlines. Sure, it has some flaws. But flawed as it is, it kept along with other fan projects the DBZ flame alive for more than a decade when the only thing we got was that awful 2008 special. If it wasn’t for passionate projects like this one who knows if we’d had a running “official release” series today.

So thank you Salagir, Asura, Gogeta Jr. and all DBM team.

The whole "the art is the only good thing" complaint is so dumb. Yeah, Asura's art is consistently amazing and the writing often has big issues, especially from infinte Budoten onwards, but so many people wouldn't be here if only the art was good. Most people enjoy the cool concept of differing universes and takes on these characters. And while not all characters are winners (Broly, Bojack, Son Bra, Supreme Kaioshin, for example suck), DBM handles characters pretty well (when they aren't mouthpieces to defend Bra).

Goku is great, he's charming, a bit stupid but also with greater wisdom and maturity than he was as a kid or young man. This is some of the best characterization he's been given for a long time. Gohan is a mature leader who tries to avoid conflict as much as possible but knows when he needs to step up. Vegeta is truly at peace with himself and while I feel the story sometimes bends over to praise him it usually feels earned. As goofy as he can be Goten proves to be a brave and selfless man who would charge head first into trouble to help people. Videl is handled fairly well and I appreciate that she's more than just a house wife here.

And it improves a lot of characters. Cell is a far more interesting scheming character. Giving him beef with Gohan while also forcing him to not be the strongest and improve allows him to be a far more innovative fighter while still maintaining his flaws of arrogance and recklessness. He might be my favorite character here or at least one of them. Uub and Pan are both really likeable and charming, and the story serves as a coming of age for them. Buu is a great force of chaos and can be hilarious, although he does feel too overpowered at times. They made fucking Raichi one of the best and most complex characters. Or the humans. Yamcha is amazing here, same with Videl and Tenshinhan.

And one thing I think worth praising is the DBM HAS HUMOR. I feel like most db fan media is always just edgy transformation fests, but Multiverse always makes room for more classic dragonball humor. There's an entire chapter of Gotenks and 18 fighting other famous Toriyama gag characters. Toriyama himself appears and quits because he can't easily beat his opponent, it's great. Even at it's most edgy phase, the majin arc, they make room for jokes like Gohan, Cell, and Piccolo having no idea what to do for team moves and Phipsil and Nedwock's reaction.

I also like that (outside of the Broly special which I choose to ignore or even consider contradictory), the story doesn't feel the need to make the characters too bloated in strength. DB has had characters that can destroy planets since at least the Freeza arc, so I'm glad they don't have any "Vegetto can swat galaxies away" crap that makes the gap between characters feel even crazier. Same with not giving too many transformations. Instead characters like Gast and XXI employ more creative ways to defeat opponents. Strategy plays at least some part here which is nice.

I have a shit ton of issues with DBM but I still really like it and consider it better than most DB content. I appreciate all the work they put in for it especially since it's non profit. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2173
Northeal 26 Marzo 2023
DrewSaga ha detto:
Northeal was saying: Wow, I wasn't expecting this only two weeks after the last one but neat! Will this be the upload schedule throughout the quarterfinals. Anyway, for my opinion on this chapter, I'm honestly with the majority opinion on this, Legacy of Vegetto is one of the worst chapters in DBM history, and serves as making years of the comic irrelevant outside of a few good fights, and turned Bra from a bad character whose faults were often dismissed, to a downright terrible character that the story would never challenge and always let off the hook. Anyway I'll try to mostly base this off of it's changes and if it improves what's already there or not but I will mention a few general things.

First it the flashback. The thing is, Multiverse has never portrayed Vegetto and Bra's relationship as abusive until legacy, up until then Vegetto's main flaw as a parent seemed to be spoiling and easily forgiving Bra, which is a legitimate flaw and might've led to Bra's feelings of entitlement, but it doesn't excuse Bra's behavior especially considering the scale and that he's still trying to manage her anger. I feel they were trapped here, if they don't show any faults in Vegetto's parenting it would make this chapter feel even more out of place and make it feel like a bigger gang bang against him, yet at the same time if they were to suddenly show Vegetto abusing her, it would feel like a retcon and possibly even character assassination. So to this chapter's credit, this is probably the best they could do. Vegetto is seen trying to control Bra, but he doesn't realize how sensitive Bra is and that this isn't good motivation for most six year olds. He gets frustrated, warns her, and leaves. This isn't downright abusive, but it is bad parenting and he could've handled this much better, which probably began to create a wedge between them. It comes nowhere even remotely close to excusing Bra or this chapter, and it does feel odd since they seem to be on good terms at the start of the tournament, but it's working effectively with what they have and it's probably the best part of the chapter. So kudos there. Onto the rest.

While I am gad that South Kai at least is involved here, his dialogue still makes no sense. Not him feeling guilty for what happened that feels natural. But him only blaming Babidi? South Kai is one of the most rigid and strict people here. He has a strong sense of authority and justice and doesn't easily forgive people. He was in shock when the Grand supreme kai forgave the majins later on. He's been involved in child murder for the sake of the universe. So why the hell does he give Bra a pass? After he just handled the corpse of a loved one and witnessed her killing everyone? Well the same reason the Heliots still weren't involved here, and the u18 Bra is now siding with her despite being furious with her even though just minutes ago she was furious with her. Because these are not characters but props for the writers to defend and forgive Bra.

If Bra truly was fully controlled and not at fault at all, that means that not only is she treated as a faultless character but this whole situation is contrived and pointless. If not, then everyone just went to defend her when she didn't deserve it. Regardless the writing never puts the blame on her and even if it does she just becomes good after this with no real arc making her shift immediate. The only character arguing against her as seen as in the wrong not only by the characters but the narration ("Vegetto continued arguing the same tired points over and over"). It's terrible and unfortunately the novel hasn't improved it. While it is good that they include more characters in the discussion here, they almost all just exacerbate the issue of everyone flocking over to immediately defend the character the writers desperately want us to side with.

To be clear, I'm not saying everyone should've all sided with Vegetto and let him murder Bra, I want there to be multiple viewpoints and clashing perspectives here. Gast defending Bra makes total sense given his character and perspective, same with Goku and possibly Vegeta. And I like the idea of showing the difference between where Vegetto and his counterparts have diverged and showing what he's been doing wrong. But this doesn't work when every point Vegetto says makes complete sense. He has failed in certain areas as a parent but not enough to put him at fault. He literally states that she murdered her brother before and no one gives a shit. It's downright terrible writing. They can't even let Pan's rightful fear and anger be vented without having her go "oh Goku and Vegeta must have a good reason for this". There's no debate. The only people against Bra here are seen as irrational or temperamental, everyone who would be upset at her either uncharacteristically defends her or doesn't speak at all for some reason, and everyone who defends her are treated as completely right for it. It's just as bad as the comic unfortunantly.

I also feel the pacing is weird here, they get into an argument, then Vegetto starts to hit Bra, then they argue again. I felt Vegetto should've gone to attack first, get pinned, and then the actual debate started. I also feel some of the dialogue is phrased in a rather forced way. Like the way Vegetto and Bra talk doesn't feel natural and seems kind of redundant. But to be fair it's kind of hard for me to describe it.

Sorry for all the negativity. I don't ant to because I can tell there's a lot of effort put into this to be as good as possible and resolve a lot of the issues many people had, but I just don't think it helped much outside of the flashback.

Well maybe both Vegetto and Bra just suck as people (at least in DBM), DBZ Vegetto was never like this but DBZ Vegetto only existed to fight Buuhan but when he unfused inside of Buu, Vegetto no longer existed so we never got to see any negative long term effects of fusion. Bra just more so than Vegetto but Bra's failings shows Vegetto's as well (even if his was less terrible and messed up) as hers. I'd still say Bra got off rather easy compared to some characters in Dragon Ball that much I agree, though here Bra did take quite a beating (though if Vegetto thought Bra was a threat to be eliminated, why beat her up and not go straight for the kill, maybe because Vegetto was not in his right mind neither).

I kind of would like the depth of Bra and Vegetto's characters more if there was any hint of these problems at the beginning of DBM but there was nothing. Early DBM it was assumed Bra was a spoiled brat and that Vegetto was too forgiving (which is far from abusive) and just super cocky (for good reason, his strength couldn't be challenged) and only got mad because he got defeated in the cheapest way imaginable (I'd be mad too if I was competing in a fighting tournament and a cheapass wizard just teleports me away in an inverse-HTC dimension and I was gone for 2 hours). Now we find out that the family is rather dysfunctional (by now I meant when the Legacy of Vegetto chapter came out), Bra is psychotic (some even say sociopathic) and Vegetto's mental health is in question.

To me it seems like the Novel > Manga in terms of writing, the manga version never portrayed Vegetto as being actually bad in any notable way (like it's hard to believe that Vegetto could be so shitty as a parent), but the novel version of DBM and the U16 Novel shows that Vegetto has some serious issues (though I wouldn't call him evil).

South Kai's dialogue actually does make sense though. Because as strict as he may be I think he does look at the big picture and going after Babidi should take priority over Bra any day. After all, without Buu, what would have been to stop Babidi from getting desperate and we get a Majin Vegetto which would be a lot worse? And yes, I call bullshit on Vegetto being able to fend off against Babidi's spell, he'd be more vulnerable than Vegeta that's for sure (Vegetto's arrogance and lack of understanding with magic at it again). The dude knows how dangerous Babidi is (he killed his dad a few million years earlier in his universe) and knows that the threat ain't gone as long as Babidi lives and rather than waste energy on this broken girl (Bra), might as well go after Babidi first and bring everyone back. Plus South Kai doesn't really know what happened in U16 neither all that much, a while back before Round 2, Gohan only mentioned Buu and Vegetto to him as far as we know. But that said, you could still argue even with that that South Kai still let her off too easy, after all, she is extremely powerful and proven to be unstable, making her a threat as Vegetto points out.

I suppose my question is, what is a fitting punishment for Bra? Would killing her really make anything better? Buu would just troll Vegetto by bringing her back anyways not like Vegetto can do squat against that pink fuck. I guess the best punishment would have been to DQ her from the tournament, but it didn't matter, she forfeited against Gast anyways and threw a party. I am mostly with you, the writers screwed themselves on this one. And what's crazy is looking back earlier in DBM the writing was amazing, Round 3 had some amazing battles and dialog and we had amazing special chapters too (we still get those every now and then) but it all went down hill with Majin Bra, thanks Babidi ya shriveled up loser!

Fair points. I agree that Bra and especially Vegetto were portrayed as better people at the beginning. At first Bra's rage seemed to only be through valid bursts of trauma like over Pan's death, or freaking out in a high stress situation in space, which she regretted. But then she began to do things without any of those excuses, like hitting her brothers, or almost attacking Bojack in a situation where she should know better. Vegetto's inner anger I can kind of see. He's an entitled person who's used to being the strongest. Losing to XXI challenged his worldview and meant he couldn't participate, he's upset, but when talked to by Gohan managed to calm down. I like that the novelization even mentions he's considered hurting Pan before for various reasons. He never does, and feels awful for considering it, but it shows that there's some malice behind him. However like you said Vegetto was never implied to be a bad or abusive parent until the late majin arc. I do agree that the novel is generally better than the comic. It's not limited by time restrains and can therefore include more details and interactions, and usually has solid writing, although it can drag at times or add unnecessary things.

I do think South Kai would care more about Babidi and Bra but him just going "shit happens" feels completely out of character for someone with such a narrow idea of good and evil.

As for Bra, on one hand she was legitimately mind controlled and therefore not fully responsible for her actions. However we've seen majins like Narub show remorse for their actions which Bra didn't for Gohan and Piccolo. She's also incredibly powerful, shows little care for lives aside from her own, already destroyed a solar system and didn't seem to care. You could argue she doesn't deserve the death penalty here since she was mind controlled, but this proves she's more evil than good and is too dangerous to be kept around. For one she should be disqualified like you said, but I think that a wish from the dragon (maybe by Buu maybe back in their own universe should be used to take away her powers, maybe back in their universe, or create a device that can limit them). Whether she should be arrested or not is debatable but then she can exist without the risk of killing others and Vegetto won't feel the need to kill her. It's no longer "kill her or the solar system's fucked".

And yeah the writing was really good, especially in the second and third rounds. Not just for the fights but the humor and character dynamics too. Things only got really bad after Bra ate that senzu. Or maybe when Bra killed Cell and Phipsil. As of late, the only characters that have been consistently pulling out quality content have been Uub and maybe Goku. The lunch break was funny too.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 161
Northeal 26 Marzo 2023
Wow, I wasn't expecting this only two weeks after the last one but neat! Will this be the upload schedule throughout the quarterfinals. Anyway, for my opinion on this chapter, I'm honestly with the majority opinion on this, Legacy of Vegetto is one of the worst chapters in DBM history, and serves as making years of the comic irrelevant outside of a few good fights, and turned Bra from a bad character whose faults were often dismissed, to a downright terrible character that the story would never challenge and always let off the hook. Anyway I'll try to mostly base this off of it's changes and if it improves what's already there or not but I will mention a few general things.

First it the flashback. The thing is, Multiverse has never portrayed Vegetto and Bra's relationship as abusive until legacy, up until then Vegetto's main flaw as a parent seemed to be spoiling and easily forgiving Bra, which is a legitimate flaw and might've led to Bra's feelings of entitlement, but it doesn't excuse Bra's behavior especially considering the scale and that he's still trying to manage her anger. I feel they were trapped here, if they don't show any faults in Vegetto's parenting it would make this chapter feel even more out of place and make it feel like a bigger gang bang against him, yet at the same time if they were to suddenly show Vegetto abusing her, it would feel like a retcon and possibly even character assassination. So to this chapter's credit, this is probably the best they could do. Vegetto is seen trying to control Bra, but he doesn't realize how sensitive Bra is and that this isn't good motivation for most six year olds. He gets frustrated, warns her, and leaves. This isn't downright abusive, but it is bad parenting and he could've handled this much better, which probably began to create a wedge between them. It comes nowhere even remotely close to excusing Bra or this chapter, and it does feel odd since they seem to be on good terms at the start of the tournament, but it's working effectively with what they have and it's probably the best part of the chapter. So kudos there. Onto the rest.

While I am gad that South Kai at least is involved here, his dialogue still makes no sense. Not him feeling guilty for what happened that feels natural. But him only blaming Babidi? South Kai is one of the most rigid and strict people here. He has a strong sense of authority and justice and doesn't easily forgive people. He was in shock when the Grand supreme kai forgave the majins later on. He's been involved in child murder for the sake of the universe. So why the hell does he give Bra a pass? After he just handled the corpse of a loved one and witnessed her killing everyone? Well the same reason the Heliots still weren't involved here, and the u18 Bra is now siding with her despite being furious with her even though just minutes ago she was furious with her. Because these are not characters but props for the writers to defend and forgive Bra.

If Bra truly was fully controlled and not at fault at all, that means that not only is she treated as a faultless character but this whole situation is contrived and pointless. If not, then everyone just went to defend her when she didn't deserve it. Regardless the writing never puts the blame on her and even if it does she just becomes good after this with no real arc making her shift immediate. The only character arguing against her as seen as in the wrong not only by the characters but the narration ("Vegetto continued arguing the same tired points over and over"). It's terrible and unfortunately the novel hasn't improved it. While it is good that they include more characters in the discussion here, they almost all just exacerbate the issue of everyone flocking over to immediately defend the character the writers desperately want us to side with.

To be clear, I'm not saying everyone should've all sided with Vegetto and let him murder Bra, I want there to be multiple viewpoints and clashing perspectives here. Gast defending Bra makes total sense given his character and perspective, same with Goku and possibly Vegeta. And I like the idea of showing the difference between where Vegetto and his counterparts have diverged and showing what he's been doing wrong. But this doesn't work when every point Vegetto says makes complete sense. He has failed in certain areas as a parent but not enough to put him at fault. He literally states that she murdered her brother before and no one gives a shit. It's downright terrible writing. They can't even let Pan's rightful fear and anger be vented without having her go "oh Goku and Vegeta must have a good reason for this". There's no debate. The only people against Bra here are seen as irrational or temperamental, everyone who would be upset at her either uncharacteristically defends her or doesn't speak at all for some reason, and everyone who defends her are treated as completely right for it. It's just as bad as the comic unfortunantly.

I also feel the pacing is weird here, they get into an argument, then Vegetto starts to hit Bra, then they argue again. I felt Vegetto should've gone to attack first, get pinned, and then the actual debate started. I also feel some of the dialogue is phrased in a rather forced way. Like the way Vegetto and Bra talk doesn't feel natural and seems kind of redundant. But to be fair it's kind of hard for me to describe it.

Sorry for all the negativity. I don't ant to because I can tell there's a lot of effort put into this to be as good as possible and resolve a lot of the issues many people had, but I just don't think it helped much outside of the flashback. 1 Risposta/e
Fanfic dbm, chapter 161
Northeal 26 Marzo 2023
Paradise Lost ha detto:
“Just because you’re angry and you feel justified, you think it's okay to commit patricide? I can’t believe that you would dare to even think about executing your own daughter!”

Pretty sure that's meant to say Filicide, the killing of one's own child.

Gohan and Cell are the only ones that understand what filicide is. That's why on the very canon episode of DBZ Cell asked Gohan to define filicide because he knew no one else could. Once again proving the Bra sucks for killing the only people who understand this vocabulary
Fanfic dbm, chapter 161
Northeal 25 Marzo 2023
Asturios ha detto:
I remember Goku saying back in Page 1150 ssj3 Gotenks was stronger than him and Vegeta. But these images depict a level of power beyong ssj3 Gotenks. I don't know what it is, I can't point it out.

It's heavily implied that this new transformation is simply equal to them as ssj3s. They're most likely still weaker than Gohan, Cell, Gast, and Bra, let alone the Gotenks who fought Buu. This new from is meant to be far more useful because it has zero drawbacks of stamina, energy, or lifespan deficiencies while unleashing their full strength. It might make them faster but I think that was just done as a cool effect. Dragonball has never been too consistent with speed. People couldn't keep up with Krillin and Roshi in the 21st budokai yet it's implied that the spectators could follow Vegetto vs Broly and Gotenks vs Buu. So it was probably just an effect to show how cool they are.
DB Multiverse page 2172
Northeal 20 Marzo 2023
ShadyDoorags ha detto:
Having certain characters being able to follow the action just makes it worse because it insinuates those characters could also move at similar speeds but for some reason haven't been doing so this entire time.

Bra's statement also insinuates that she's constantly moving at hyperspeed, else there is no way she would've suddenly started paying attention to the fight half way through.

TBF character speeds have always been inconsistent. Roshi and Kuririn moved faster than people could see in the 21st budokai and that was back when bullets could still hurt Goku. If I recall correctly, people kept up with 18 and Mighty Mask's fight when they're unbelievably faster. It's implied the average spectator could follow Vegetto vs Broly, despite the fact that they should be much faster than Goku and Vegeta here.
DB Multiverse page 2170
Northeal 19 Marzo 2023
J.I.L ha detto:
So we already know who won!? And this is just a re-tell!!!? LAAAAAMME!
I agree with the bird woman, get on with the story and realse a side chapter showing the fight some other time. Hmph.

I don't really mind it honestly. It's pretty obvious that Goku was going to win, so it's not that much of a surprise. Their new abilities were the twist of this fight. I do see the appeal of doing this in a flashback/special chapter, but I think the next one will be about Uub anyway (which is good since the last one was great)
DB Multiverse page 2170
Northeal 19 Marzo 2023
Lmao they really had us there.
DB Multiverse page 2170
Northeal 17 Marzo 2023
Stouty22 ha detto:
Friend made this.

This is a masterpiece. What makes this worse is that the way Bra went through the scenarios it makes it seem like she only gave up when she realized she would lose anyway. Which makes it even worse that Gohan and fucking Phipsil are praising her for it. Much as I love Asura's art, you can see his and Salagir's favoritism seeping through here
DB Multiverse page 2108
Northeal 17 Marzo 2023
Tangfreres ha detto:
It's pretty much obvious they're still fodder to vegeto, but a fusion between them would mess him up badly

Yeah, this is implied to be their full potential (which Salagir believes they're near or at at this point). They're most likely physically weaker than Gast, Bra, Cell, and maybe Gohan. The difference is that this is a form that completely conserves energy and stamina, making it much much more efficient than ssj3. Also possibly faster all things considered. It's Goku and Vegeta finding creative ways to improve now that they're near their physical limit. And shows that while they're weaker than Vegetto and Bra, they're far better and wiser martial artists for not just worrying about pure power. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2169
Northeal 17 Marzo 2023
Dman, so even u16 Pan couldn't keep track of it. She's not the quickest but that's still impressive. I'm sure we'll see Vegetto's reaction, but I wanna know what Cell, Bra, Kakarotto, and U13 Vegeta think of all this.
DB Multiverse page 2169
Northeal 15 Marzo 2023
Oh damn, is the fight really over? The art here looks godly and I love Goku's expression. I'm just skeptical since there's a good chance that XXI vs Gast will also be an instant win fight.
DB Multiverse page 2168
Northeal 15 Marzo 2023
npberryhill ha detto:

Interesting points, and we certainly appreciate your post. I think I follow most of what you're saying, but I will say regarding your first point that I think Buu is definitely mocking... that's what he does. Nothing is serious to him, so making a meta-reference joke about her talk-no-jutsu is completely in character for Buu. He breaks the fourth wall all the time, so it shouldn't be immersion breaking here. But, funny enough, I do think that even though he's somewhat mocking Bra here, he definitely is a little impressed with her gumption.

Regarding Vegetto's treatment of Son Bra, I think the novel will delve more specifically into some of their past experiences soon. Perhaps that will help clarify. I personally find their dynamic to be odd, also, and I get the gaslighting comment. I am hopeful this is all in service to the greater story and will make sense when everything is fully known.

Thanks for your response. I do agree that this isn't exactly out of character for Buu. He's treating this like a show too and makes jokes all the time. I just don't really think it's good for a character to call a serious moment a "talk no jutsu". That terminology feels so out of place and shouldn't be used on a scene we're meant to take seriously.

As for Vegetto and Bra I hope you're right. I'm not against Vegetto being a lousy or even abusive father. Vegeta wasn't a good father for most of his life and while people exaggerate how bad a dad Goku was he certainly had his parenting flaws. And I think it could've been a good direction to take the characters to make Bra more empathetic. The issue is that there has NEVER been an instance where Vegetto abuses Bra. The only time we've seen him hit her was to knock her out after she destroyed a fucking planet. At that point it's justified. We constantly see Vegetto being forgiving of Bra, her becoming an Oozaru (although that wasn't her fault), their fight in space, Zangya, etc. We constantly see that Bra enjoys training and is upset when other people try to get her to do other things. This chapter isn't the worst with the gaslighting, that would be the chapter after she's revealed to be a majin where they try so hard to make Bra into a victim of her dad but it just made Bra and the story seem delusional.

So yeah I'm hoping they show some instance of abuse to make these chapters make any sense. It would be a retcon at this point but at least it would benefit the story.

Thank you for translating this by the way! If you don't mind me asking, do you now when the next chapter will be released? 1 Risposta/e
Fanfic dbm, chapter 160
Northeal 14 Marzo 2023
DBFan ha detto:
Listen if we show enough cute pictures of her the audience will be convinced to like her.

It wouldn't surprise me if Asura just wanted to draw a bunch of pictures of Bra at miscellaneous points. He's pretty blatant about her being his favorite character. This might be a stretch but I feel his favoritism for her has also impacted the story in regards to her. Afterall, the more controversial stuff in regards to her character didn't begin until Bra vs Cold, her first major fight that he drew. Or worse, the legacy of Vegetto chapter. I mean his art is so godly he has the right to show some favoritism. But it's still annoying. Especially with how extremely easily everyone's forgiving her. Phipsil literally saw her murder a brother in arms and now is completely over it? These guys freaked out and eulogized Tidar despite Uub's kill being far less malicious and knowing he'll be brought back. Yet none of them are even bothered by Bra at all. Phipsil also seems like a character really likes judging from his deviantart page (I don't blame him, she's one of the best new characters) so this was probably something he wanted.
DB Multiverse page 2109
Northeal 14 Marzo 2023
It's fun seeing Buu being on the other end of trolling, albeit mildly. Although Vegetto being thousands or even hundreds of times stronger than Buu doesn't really making any sense. Dozens, yes, but he felt the need to transform immediately and since DBM goes by the official multipliers I can't see him being more than 50 times stronger. Not a major issue but something I can't agree with. Regardless I love this chapter. The art is amazing, it involves 2 of DBMs better characters with a cool dynamic, and is a more creative showing of training.
DB Multiverse page 2074
Northeal 13 Marzo 2023
I like universe 3 here. It's a good piece of character development. Piccolo daimao finally admits that he's not pure evil but is clearly upset about it. It's a quiet confession that shows he might be able to improve.
DB Multiverse page 1890
Northeal 12 Marzo 2023
Wow, this is a really cool effect! So is the idea that this while thing happened so fast that barely anyone could follow it (besides I assumes the top dogs like Vegetto, Bra, Gast, Cell, Gohan)? I'd imagine that that's the case considering how both their clothes are torn and all the ki blasts going around. I am curious as to how they'll betray this, a single sword dual where they fight is already over? Will they go back and show what happened? Or is the fight just beginning? I assumed this would be a slow and strategic fight but this seems more like a huge burst of their full powers.
DB Multiverse page 2167
Northeal 12 Marzo 2023
So after reading the chapter here's my thoughts (mostly on what it adds and how it adapts):

— --Buu calling what Bra did "talk no jutsu" is so insanely stupid and immersion breaking. It's almost mocking that moment that should've been a trimumpant one of a character beating an enemy with words and not just fists and makes the whole thing worse. It's such a small thing but it's so bad

+I liked the small window where Bra and Goten try and find a way to save everyone.

+Goku is fantastic in this chapter, everything with him. The way he immediately goes to hep Goten was great especially since he's never interacted much with his younger son. He really shows himself as not just a leader but good with emotional comfort and support in this episode and is a nice showing of his growth. How he comforts not just his own Pan but universe 16's Pan was great. Him being impressed with Goten's bravery is also a good touch because he deserves praise for it. And the fact that he's angry but ultimately empathetic towards Son Bra is a good touch

+I like that there was a short period where everyone didn't understand what was going on here, Vegetto starting off completely kind and unsuspecting towards Bra only to begin to piece things together, then have his worst fears confirmed is a good concept.

— However, Vegetto beginning to suspect her because one Gohan was cut in half doesn't make much sense. He should be able to believe that someone as adaptive as Cell could mimic his and Bra's ki blades. And even then he's SEEN Cell use the kienzan before. If he underestimated Cell and didn't believe he could kill two Gohans then that would work but not this.

— The story trying to pretend that Vegetto was abusive towards Bra is still stupid and feels almost like gaslighting. He constantly complimented her skill and was very forgiving towards her. And Bra has shown nothing but high esteem towards herself. This is still dumb.

+However, learning that Vegetto has considered threatening Pan in order to awaken Gohan's power and provide a challenge is a much better and more natural showing of his inner malice. He hasn't done it and regrets that he considered it, so we understand he's not evil. But he does have those extremely dark thoughts that could bottle up.

?- The fact that Gotenks includes u18 Trunks is weird considering his upcoming talk to Vegetto. Unless it's supposed to be an intended detail that he's misunderstanding Vegetto and Bra's relationship, which he is. But if it's meant to be true what he's saying it makes him seem even more off when this Trunks doesn't even know Son Bra.

+-I like seeing everyone's reactions to the events but some of it probably didn't need to be included.

+While a minor character, South Kai's growing fury towards everything that's happened is a good progression from the sociable and exuberant personality at the beginning of the tournament.

Overall good chapter with mostly good changes and additions but there were some dumb stuff too.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 160
Northeal 11 Marzo 2023
Holy shit we got a new chapter! I just caught up with the novel this is perfect timing. I take back my statement from the last chapter.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 160
Northeal 10 Marzo 2023
Mary Bra ha detto:
And no other saiyans in any other universe discovered this amazing powerful solution to the strain of super saiyan. Not Bra or Vegito or Trunks or the other versions of Goku and Vegeta. They didn't have main character power.

I mean technically there's an infinite number of universes so an infinite amount of sayians would've discovered this transformation an infinite amount of times. This only covers 20 universes, 7 of which include sayian participants (8 if you count Cell), so let's see if they would have learned this:

Universe 20: Broly is a hulking mad man who never trains and would never focus on finding a form of enlightenment or restraint, especially when he literally gets stonger as time passes.

Universe 10: All of these sayians are primitive and can't transform whatsoever.

Universe 3: Bardock prioritizes brute strength and strategy when it suits him but he doesn't think he about doing what Goku and Vegeta are and probably isn't strong enough.

Universe 13: None of them seem wise enough to worry about such restraint. Vegeta worries about raw power as we saw in the Raichi fight and doesn't think about stamina. Kakarot is a wild dog and Nappa and Raditz only worry about raw strength and aren't that strong.

Universe 12: Trunks only moderately trained and didn't worry about reaching peak condition. Besides, he focuses more on raw power which was his issue in the cell arc. Even in dbm we see he only learns how to use his draining strength sparingly.

Universe 18: Goten, Trunks, and Bra don't train, nor does Gohan who should be at peak physical strength in a non energy sapping form to begin with. Pan is rather young and probably wouldn't think to utilize her abilities in such a way.

Universe 16: Same as 18 for Gohan, Goten, Pan, and Trunks. The ones left are Vegetto and Bra, but similar to Vegeta and Trunks in the Cell arc, they probably wouldn't care about reaching such an enlightened and energy/body conserving form. They're used to being the strongest in their universe, and only worry about physically overpowering others. Vegetto even states that raw strength is all that matters in a fight. Sure they have some hax related abilities but that's probably just to combat magicians which they hate. They probably don't think they'd need anything other than Ssj2/3. They're going over a more foolish path.

Meanwhile Goku and Vegeta seem to be near their limits for physical strength. They can probably get stronger but very minimally over a long period of time. They're still most likely weaker than Gohan (but probably not by too much). So they would have no chance against people like Vegetto, Bra, Gast, or Cell in a staight fight. So instead of increasing their strength they wisely learn to master and perfect the power they already have. At least that's what I believe this is. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2166
Northeal 8 Marzo 2023
I am legit curious what they're going to do. I hope it's a new technique but they seem to be going the transformation route. In that case I hope it's not just a recolor like most transformations. Give it something new that the other transformations don't. Have it specialize in certain stats and be weaker in others (ex great speed and senses but low durability). Give it an at least slightly distinct design. At least that's my hopes for it.
DB Multiverse page 2165
Northeal 8 Marzo 2023
I like this line. It shows how naïve Vegetto is to have such a close minded viewpoint, yet at the same time it's not hard to understand why he believes it. Because in dragonball that's almost always how it works. Sure there's a little room for magic/hax, but it's usually not that much of a deal. Vegetto literally got turned into candy and still destroyed his opponent. It's not hard to get why he thinks this way. And makes it more satisfying when he loses to XXI because while XXI didn't kill him he still proved him wrong. Same with learning that Buu and Gast outclass him in abilities (although they aren't a thousand times weaker than him)
DB Multiverse page 1759
Northeal 7 Marzo 2023
While it doesn't solve all of the comics issues for this portion, this is definently a huge improvement for the most part. Anyway, see you guys in 17 years for the next chapter
Fanfic dbm, chapter 159
Northeal 6 Marzo 2023
ShadyDoorags ha detto:
Normally I'd be like "Vegeta's got saiyan pride, so of course he'll let Goku go full power" but considering his fight with Cell just threw that out the window, who knows what'll happen.

Also the translation in the last panel needs work. That "Because" shouldn't be there.

That's something I find a little inconsistent here. Vegeta has become fairly pragmatic and wise, except when it comes to Goku. It's not even remotely as bad as his Super versions want to beat Goku, but it's still there. He'll be underhanded against Cell, but doesn't want to against Goku. He's generally fairly responsible, yet he hides not only his new technique/transformation, but super sayain 3 until his fight with Cell, and refused to go all out when Buu attacked twice. I suppose it could be argued that he still really wants to beat Goku in a fair one on one match and therefore is willing to be a little more careless. Granted they could've fought any time and did fight 9 years ago, but I get that it's meant to be a special thing here at the tournament. He also might've been underhanded against Cell because he knew Cell at his best was much stronger than him (at least as ssj3) and needed to lull him into security to beat him. Plus Cell is legitimately evil while it doesn't really matter if he or Goku win since they'll wish for the same thing. Although if he has a new form is stronger than Cell I'd still argue it's silly he didn't use it against him. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2164
Northeal 5 Marzo 2023
God Cell is great here. He's constantly surprising everyone and pushing barriers. You think he's controlled by Babidi only to provide just followed along to fight Gohan and test himself. You think he died only to show that was done to reinforce his nucleus. You think he's out of tricks only for him to introduce mini Cells to act as teleporters and convince Buu to help. You think he removed potential allies only to see he was just saving them for later. While he's not some chess master like Buu, he knows how to manipulate the pieces to his advantage. And while he is outmatched he can still keep up with Bra and does the best against her. He is by far the best part of this arc and it's a shame his plans ultimately failed. It's no surprise that his death was when this arc began to get really bad (Bra knowing about his nucleus, Buu not healing anyone, Phipsil and Gohans attempts amounting to nothing, Bra anticlimactically becoming unmajinized, everyone blaming Vegetto for Bra when he wasn't a bad father, everything going back to completely normal).
Fanfic dbm, chapter 156
Northeal 5 Marzo 2023
My hope is that Goku and Vegeta have new techniques as opposed to new trasformations. Uub rushing Goku and not giving him time to unleash a new technique would make sense, but it would be stupid of Goku to use an energy draining form against Uub if he had an even better transformation. Same with Vegeta refusing to use it against Cell. Plus I enjoy that DBM hasn't introduced many new transformations. In dragonball and especially super, they not only make the gaps in power even greater rendering more people irrelevant, they mostly contribute nothing as their designs barely change and it adds nothing but an increase in power. I much prefer characters learning new techniques and abilities, like Bra's fake goo shit (ignoring the controversy of her not using it earlier), Raditz's eye lamps, Cell's mini cells and body heat attack. Or using transformations in a more creative way like Trunk's bulky form. Regardless it'll be cool to see them finally go all out. 2 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2164
Northeal 4 Marzo 2023
mx1mum ha detto:
Northeal was saying: Mary Bra was saying: Why are they trying to hype up the most vanilla matchup possible? We've seen this fight in canon like 3 times already lol.

I'm sure it will have good choreography and action, but honestly I've got to agree that this rematch isn't interesting for me at all. Especially this late into the tournament. Especially since Goku and Vegeta can do this any time in their own universe and having two good people from the same universe takes away a lot of the stakes and makes it pretty clear that XXI will beat Gast. Uub vs Goku had way more going for it though since Uub at least had more to prove. Vegeta is at peace here, yet for some reason he decided to risk losing to Buu and Cell by not revealing a new technique? It seems rather petty of him considering his development. Honestly I wish it turned out to be Uub vs Cell. I don't think subverting expectations always works out but having neither Goku or Vegeta reach the semi finals would've made the tournament way more interesting and less predictable. More importantly, Cell is the only legitimately villainous person left in the tournament left except probably XXI. Goku, Uub, Vegeta, and Gast are all pure hearted. Bra's a bad person but she would still use her wish for good. And Buu certainly isn't a good guy but wasn't interested in the wishes to begin with. Having Cell be in the semi finals would add more stakes here and make it a little less clear who would advance. It would give meaning to Cell's antics by showing how much he's improved in just a few days by defeating Vegeta, and Uub can not only fulfill his next generation arc by surpassing his master, but now he must further prove himself by stopping an evil force stronger than Goku. Uub and Cell's arsenal is much more interesting than Goku and Vegeta's and could lead to a more engaging fight. And they would both be better suited to fight XXI and Gast. Sure Cell and Uub don't have much of a dynamic yet, but you can still make it work. They're both products of Goku's influence, Cell an evil creation of revenge on Goku, Uub a good creation to thank Goku for his accomplishments, that's cool and I think you could give them good chemistry. That's just my perspective though.

I gotta disagree dude, this is a great match up. While it's not the most unique in principle, you gotta be curious to see how Salagir is going to interpret these two's powers and abilities. Remember Salagir started this comic waaaay before Super, so it'll be interesting to see what kind of transformations and techniques he has up his sleeves for these two. Especially for me, being someone who hasn't been too blown away by the new canon DB material, I'm o the edge of my seat and can't wait for this fight to start.

Fair enough. I still stand by Uub vs Cell being a better match up but I can see the hype around this fight. The thing is, while Vegeta seems to be hiding some technique or transformation back, we've already seen Goku go all out against Uub and he doesn't seem to have anything new in store. If he uses new techniques it'll hurt his fight with Uub by having him intentionally hold back when he could've won, if not there won't be much new to this. But like I said, I'm sure this will at least be good from an action, choreography, and art stand point. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2163
Northeal 4 Marzo 2023
Mary Bra ha detto:
Why are they trying to hype up the most vanilla matchup possible? We've seen this fight in canon like 3 times already lol.

I'm sure it will have good choreography and action, but honestly I've got to agree that this rematch isn't interesting for me at all. Especially this late into the tournament. Especially since Goku and Vegeta can do this any time in their own universe and having two good people from the same universe takes away a lot of the stakes and makes it pretty clear that XXI will beat Gast. Uub vs Goku had way more going for it though since Uub at least had more to prove. Vegeta is at peace here, yet for some reason he decided to risk losing to Buu and Cell by not revealing a new technique? It seems rather petty of him considering his development. Honestly I wish it turned out to be Uub vs Cell. I don't think subverting expectations always works out but having neither Goku or Vegeta reach the semi finals would've made the tournament way more interesting and less predictable. More importantly, Cell is the only legitimately villainous person left in the tournament left except probably XXI. Goku, Uub, Vegeta, and Gast are all pure hearted. Bra's a bad person but she would still use her wish for good. And Buu certainly isn't a good guy but wasn't interested in the wishes to begin with. Having Cell be in the semi finals would add more stakes here and make it a little less clear who would advance. It would give meaning to Cell's antics by showing how much he's improved in just a few days by defeating Vegeta, and Uub can not only fulfill his next generation arc by surpassing his master, but now he must further prove himself by stopping an evil force stronger than Goku. Uub and Cell's arsenal is much more interesting than Goku and Vegeta's and could lead to a more engaging fight. And they would both be better suited to fight XXI and Gast. Sure Cell and Uub don't have much of a dynamic yet, but you can still make it work. They're both products of Goku's influence, Cell an evil creation of revenge on Goku, Uub a good creation to thank Goku for his accomplishments, that's cool and I think you could give them good chemistry. That's just my perspective though. 2 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2163
Northeal 4 Marzo 2023
I agree with Ammar here. This chapter felt like a desperate attempt at gaslighting the audience into believing Vegetto is a bad parent and responsible for Bra's dissention towards evil. But all we've been shown of him before the Legacy of Vegetto has shown the opposite. He immediately forgives Bra for nearly killing him in space, despite giving her a challenge to not freak out in order to help her, she fails the challenge yet he claims she passed and didn't disqualify her, when Bra's body is taken over Vegetto freaks out, saves her as quickly as possible, and is surprised to see that she's an impure person. He's shown being very lenient on her. The only time we see her show anger and violence towards her is after she destroys a fucking solar system, kills her own brother, and then proceeds to show zero remorse over it. And even then he only knocks her out and says "don't destroy the universe or I'll have to kill you" which is about as reasonable as you can get for a scenario of him killing her. Bra always wanted to get stronger, Vegetto didn't force it, Bra is clearly spoiled, her only problem is anger issues and that she's second in strength to her father. I think having Vegetto being a more abusive father, or well intentioned but ultimately failing, but we've seen nothing but him trying his best and being too lenient until the story needs Bra to be a victim.

And I'm sorry but if this chapter is meant to make Bra seem more sympathetic it failed spectacularly. Her whining about her father taking 3 whole minutes to get her body back is just terribly ungrateful. All of her struggles just come off as petty and spoiled. Her only issues are that she isn't as strong as her dad, and her family won't let her use her full power because the first time she did she murdered her brother and an entire solar system. It's just insufferable. It's like they want to make her a victim but each time they just make her look much worse.

And then they try to make it that Babidi needed to fucking alter her memories to control her? That's so fucking stupid and detracts from her first appearance as a majin which was actually a good scene. They're now trying to act like it wasn't the evil within her that caused her to turn bad, but instead her own insecurities that led to her majinazation. I buy that she wants to go all out and not be judged and that led to her being easily controlled, but she is so clearly a terrible person and while not as bad as a lot of the people Babidi controlled, is definitely bad enough to be controlled without much effort. And Gohan claims "nah she's actually more good than evil but she's not the strongest in the omniverse so she's actually had it really rough". Which I guess fits his more empathetic self, but doesn't work since the story seems to side with him. Overall one of the worst chapters in the novelization. Its only additions either make sense or detract from the story.

Also, I disagree with u16 Gohan's rage boost being permanent. Cell claims he's still stronger than him, but it seemed more like an adreneline boost that didn't stick. Especially since Gohan did significantly worse against Bra than Cell did, even when Gohan was working with his counterpart.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 154
Northeal 3 Marzo 2023
I agree with Ammar here. This chapter felt like a desperate attempt at gaslighting the audience into believing Vegetto is a bad parent and responsible for Bra's dissention towards evil. But all we've been shown of him before the Legacy of Vegetto has shown the opposite. He immediately forgives Bra for nearly killing him in space, despite giving her a challenge to not freak out in order to help her, she fails the challenge yet he claims she passed and didn't disqualify her, when Bra's body is taken over Vegetto freaks out, saves her as quickly as possible, and is surprised to see that she's an impure person. He's shown being very lenient on her. The only time we see her show anger and violence towards her is after she destroys a fucking solar system, kills her own brother, and then proceeds to show zero remorse over it. And even then he only knocks her out and says "don't destroy the universe or I'll have to kill you" which is about as reasonable as you can get for a scenario of him killing her. Bra always wanted to get stronger, Vegetto didn't force it, Bra is clearly spoiled, her only problem is anger issues and that she's second in strength to her father. I think having Vegetto being a more abusive father, or well intentioned but ultimately failing, but we've seen nothing but himtrying his best and being too lenient until the story needs Bra to be a victim.

Also, I disagree with u16 Gohan's rage boost being permanent. Cell claims he's still stronger than him, but it seemed more like an adreneline boost that didn't stick. Especially since Gohan did significantly worse against Bra than Cell did, even when Gohan was working with his counterpart.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 154
Northeal 2 Marzo 2023
loopwhirlipide ha detto:
Your nickel was saying: So Frieza and Ginyu are cordial now? That's...kinda anticlimactic

Maybe it's because they know Ginyu is stronger than both of them in that body and they don't ACTUALLY want to battle him.

They're given small beads of sweat here so that's probably the case. They know they're way too weak to kill him, so instead accept the condition and simply try and gain control over more of the universe.
DB Multiverse page 1888
Northeal 1 Marzo 2023
I was expecting there to be a few more pages of the characters during the night and interacting, oh well I guess now we can get Goku vs Vegeta over with.

I'm curious about Uub though. If their time between to sleep was two hours, and time is 360 times slower in Buu's dimension, Uub would be in there foe about half a year at this point.

Anyway it's cool to see Ned Stark and Makima! (And a character from Elden Ring but I've never played it so idk). Although Makima looks kinda weird in Asura's art style, to me at least. 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2162
Northeal 1 Marzo 2023
So Kakarott's head was disintegrated in this. Does that mean he'd be dead for good if not for resurrection? Or does he still have a few atoms that he'd slowly regenerate from?
Fanfic dbm, chapter 152
Northeal 28 Febbraio 2023
“Leave that family guy alone"

Holy shit he said it.

Anyway this is a very good chapter, entertaining and probably better than the comic. Cell is by far the best part of the majin arc and I'm glad he's getting attention and respect here so far.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 149
Northeal 28 Febbraio 2023
PrinceOfTheHood ha detto:
I swear Oob better get a noticeable Power-up out from all of this.

Also nice to see that "Zen Buu's" Pocket-Dimension stays active despite him being BANNED out from the very Universe they are in. His magical Powers are no Joke. So Oob is basically locked in there with a Yandere-Girlfriend (lol) who from to time wants to kill him or something.

So this is CLEARLY the most heavy thing Zen Buu pulled besides just restoring Kakkarot's Saiyan-Tail out of thin Air. Oob better get something out of this.

I'd argue Buu bringing everyone back to life is more impressive than bringing back Kakarotto's tail.

Anyway, I wonder how long Uub will be gone for. We know that 1 hour outside = 360 hours in the pocket dimension, so even if it's only been two hours outside, it's be about a month for Uub. I hope he's not stuck there for too long.
DB Multiverse page 2161
Northeal 27 Febbraio 2023
ShadyDoorags ha detto:
Or you'll what, exactly, Tapion? You can't fight outside of a match and even if you could, Raichi could easily take you down.
Also, Tapion, you could still ask for a wish from someone. Both Bra and Goku have already offered up their wishes.

He actually considers this in the novelization when Goku says he'd give a wish to people with good causes, so it's weird he would be so quick to leave. Maybe he's upset with Raichi's behavior, maybe he's upset after literally dying, but no good explanation for it. I'm assuming they're gonna leave the third wish for universe 12, since bringing many people back to life is a more useful wish than just one person even if they didn't deserve to die.
DB Multiverse page 2091
Northeal 27 Febbraio 2023
I'm sorry but ssj2 Vegeta being on par with ssj3 u13 Vegeta is just damn and like ssj2 king Cold, I can't see it as canon. Vegeta is clearly a good chunk above his emporer counterpart, but if DBM's idea that the base sayians have only recently surpassed Freeza, such a huge discrepancy can't exist.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 148
Northeal 26 Febbraio 2023
Good page. It's nice to see the character's in a more casual setting. Especially after all the majin revolution and Buu rampage stuff. It's also nice to see the characters in casual/sleeping clothes. I'm also relieved that the teaser panel was indeed universe 18 Bra and Pan, I was worried they were gonna have U16 Pan already forgive her Bra. I am curious where Uub's antics will go and how he'll get out.
DB Multiverse page 2161
Northeal 24 Febbraio 2023
"Now that Babidi and Buu have been evicted, nothing can happen right?"

Well, unless XXI, Cell, the Universe 13 Sayians, the artificial humans, the Frost Demons, Vegetto, or Bra decide to start shit again.
DB Multiverse page 2160
Northeal 23 Febbraio 2023
This is a massive improvement from the comic. Gast and Raichi have more of a verbal battle beforehand that fits the duality of their characters. Gast actually tries to help Raichi here like he did with Piccolo. Raichi uses more ghosts and mentions Tapion. The fight with Hatchiyack is infinitely more cinematic. You truly feel that Gast is their only hope and everyone could die. My only complaint is that Buu being around diminishes that tension. Especially now that we know he can revive the dead.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 140
Northeal 23 Febbraio 2023
Matrixkid ha detto:
I'm honestly not sure how to feel about this fight. It's going to be amazing, and drawn super well, no doubt about it. But idk, it's hard to get excited for this fight knowing that Goku and Vegeta could just do this back in their own universe. We've seen both of them fight with the whole Earth on the line twice before (Plus an extra time in chapter 78) and there's no real stakes with this, no more than there could be back home at least. Need a ring? They're friends with the announcer of the World Martial Arts tournament, and have a budget of a few hundred million Zenni via Bulma. Need an audience? How about the population of Earth, they could use some nice entertainment after 20 years of peace.

On top of that, I can't see either of them showing off anything new. Goku's already been pushed to the fainting point by Uub so I doubt he has anything else to show, and Vegeta's already shown his 2 trump cards. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong, but I still would've rather watched Uub vs Vegeta, that'd be a really cool fight since Uub's been training and learning new techniques.

Completely agree here. I just don't see the interest and stakes here. Not only would they both wish to help Gast and universe 19, but they could do this anytime, they're from the same universe. Vegeta's been hinted to have a new transformation but Goku already nearly lost and I can't imagine Vegeta having a transformation that would make him that much stronger. Besides, these two fighting doesn't interest me anymore. They're on good terms and Vegeta is content in life. He doesn't have as much to prove as Uub did and their rivalry isn't that interesting anymore (although their dynamic is still very good). If this was a third round or quarter final fight I'd be down, but for a semi final match this is underwhelming.

It might be because I'm a Cell fanboy and am still pissed at Vegeta vs Cell, but I believed Goku vs Cell was the best option. It would be the only of the first half of the matches that wouldn't be between universe 18. This gives more stakes because not only is it a fight that can't happen again, but it has more stakes since Goku needs to beat Cell as he won't use he wish for good.
DB Multiverse page 2159
Northeal 22 Febbraio 2023
Goku really got the short end of the stick when it came to matches, despite getting at least five out of the six possible fights you can in this tournament. His first two and a half fights were easy one shots that didn't challenge him at all. His quarter and most likely semi final fight are actually challenging for him. The only issue is, THEY'RE FROM HIS OWN UNIVERSE/PLANET. He can fight this Uub and Vegeta whenever he wants. He'll most likely never get a chance to fight people like Cell, Bra, Buu, U13 Vegeta, Raichi, Trunks, Vegetto, etc. ever again. His only chance of getting an interesting fight with a challenging opponent here is if he wins this match, and even them, XXI will most likely beat Gast and he would probably try to stop Goku immediately.

Anyway the cover looks great, I'm sure the action and choreography will be great here, but I'm personally not interested in a Goku vs Vegeta rematch. I just don't think there's much to be done with these two fighting anymore. Maybe if it was a quarterfinal match it would've been cool but having two of the semi finalists be from the same universe and have them both be good with the same wishes just doesn't interest me. Goku vs Uub was more interesting as Uub actually needed to prove himself. Vegeta is content as is. Who knows, maybe I'll be proven wrong. I wasn't that excited for Goku vs Uub and that ended up being the only great fight in the quarter finals.
DB Multiverse page 2159
Northeal 22 Febbraio 2023
I know I'm not a writer here or anything, but I've still gotta call bullshit on King Cold being anywhere near Super Perfect Cell's level. Perfect Cell is believable, but he had to resort to cheap tricks against the kais, who even Dabra could handle, who lost to Perfect Cell (when he was suppressed to his initial level). And while he was a good deal stronger than base Bra, he struggled enough for it to not make sense. It's not as dumb as Perfect Cell tier Kakarotto but still. Although outside of power scaling, this is a very good chapter. It definently improved Bra by having show progression in her restraint and a little bit of self doubt. It doesn't completely save the character, but it does improve her.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 136
Northeal 21 Febbraio 2023
To the people wondering why Babidi didn't interfere with Raichi, I think he was waiting until the end of his fight to do it, but couldn't. He waited until Kakarotto was done with his fight to corrupt him and Nappa, and Cell after his fight, he waited until #18 lost to go after #17 and he wasn't even participating anymore, and he didn't control the frost demons until after their match was over. He probably waited until then to make it less obvious of the change, as they would've been the center of attention for awhile. He would've gone after Raichi but he ended up dying. I am curious why he waited until the end of the third round to do this. Out of universe it was to end on a clean note but weird.

Cell's image training bit was a cool glimpse into him, but Bra letting Gotenks lose just makes her even more unlikeable. She does have a point in him making the fights one sided due to outclassing everyone, but she clearly only used that as a further justification of her real reasoning of disliking them, when they hadn't even been that annoying at this point. Like, if Gotenks really had been unbearable up until this point it might make it understandable, but they weren't.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 135
Northeal 20 Febbraio 2023
Wait, so Vegetto was the one who called the lunch break, but now he's not eating anything? He could've gotten a senzu at any time, he didn't need to call a break for it. And why wouldn't he just cook with the rest, it's not like against making his own food or doing that type of labor, at least if it means feeding his enormous appetite. I get Bra sitting out due to the awkwardness of hanging out with Pan and Gohan, but with Vegetto it makes no sense. It seems to be a big deal as well, since Vegetto's increasing hunger and fatigue are contributing to his growing frustrations, which will supposedly end in him snapping.
DB Multiverse page 1977
Northeal 20 Febbraio 2023
Shame that we didn't get a Tenshinhan Bardock team up. It would've been an interesting combo. Obviously it makes no sense for Bardock to do so well against Trunks and be near Ssj2 but it's a minor fight so whatever. Goku actually being conflicted on who to route for bothers me though. He shouldn't give two shits about Bardock. He never raised him and never cared about him. Goku doesn't care about him which is something the comic far better portrays.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 132
Northeal 20 Febbraio 2023
An improvement over an already amazing chapter. Seeing more of Cell's cruelty and strategy was a great addition, as was giving Tapion some internal thoughts to make him more relevant. But best of all was including Raichi in this. Despite caring about Tapion, the comic didn't show his reaction to Tapion's death. You could rationalize it as him being a realist and understanding that he'll be resurrected, but this is far more interesting. He's furious, and it continues his obsessive and endless vendetta.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 130
Northeal 19 Febbraio 2023
One of my favorite fights in the entire tournament. Up there with Cell vs Dabra, Vegeta vs Raichi, and Buu vs Uub. Despite being fairly one sided, it's interesting because Cell's not just fighting to win, he's seeking self improvement. He knows he'll lose in the finals if he doesn't get stronger, but it's difficult when his opponent can't hurt him. And Hildegard's invulnerability works far better than the boring, stupid, disgrace of a character that is Broly because Hildegard isn't some ever strengthening plot device. So while Hildegard can't hurt Cell, Cell needs to be creative. And you can root for either character. Tapion's not the most compelling person in the tournament, but he is an interesting character and one of the few characters with a good wish. Meanwhile Cell is evil, but still easy to root for as he's an entertaining and fun character in multiverse. Along with some of the most compelling and dynamic action and strategies so far.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 129
Northeal 19 Febbraio 2023
It's cool to see Nappa have somewhat of a hero moment. Obviously it was for selfish reasons, but it was still a very brave thing to fight an opponent a kai easily lost to. Almost makes me sad he'd make their reputation worse in the majin arc. Granted he was under mind control. This also makes me dislike the Vegeta vs Cell fight even more because they both have cool new techniques yet continued to use the same old attacks.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 128
Northeal 18 Febbraio 2023
Cool to see this confirms near death power ups were something of the past that most of them don't get anymore. The only instances where I can see it happening in this comic are Cell against Tapion and Gohan, and maybe Bra against King Cold.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 127
Northeal 17 Febbraio 2023
"but having healed from such a beating had raised his power level considerably as well"

This makes zero sense. Vegeta wasn't healed, he was revived. The point of the near death power up is you have to survive and come back from the brink of death. It's literally in the name. So Vegeta wouldn't be any stronger aside from his transformation
Fanfic dbm, chapter 124
Northeal 17 Febbraio 2023
عمار ha detto:
You’re right… My powers are identical to my father’s. And XXI swatted him. Whereas Gast is a magician, and thus, better equipped to defeat him.

If that's how you see it then why didn't you forfeited from the beginning instead of trying to figure out a way to beat Gast? All that planning and imagination was for nothing!

Also! This page is not the true version! I hacked Salagir's computer & found the real page:

#Phipsilishealdhostage #SavePhipsil

Well the out of universe reasoning was that they probably wanted to show a few pages of them fighting since fans would be upset when the fight didn't actually happen.

As for an in universe reason, either she didn't realize how outclassed she is against XXI until that moment. That or she considered going through with the fight in spite of the risk.

If it's the former, she's and idiot but ultimately did the right thing as soon as she thought of it. If the latter, she almost put the fate of a universe at risk for a chance to fight a strong guy.

It's still good reasoning and a step in the right direction for her, but Gohan praising her and Phipsil forgiving her feels WAY too sudden. Bra killed Ned in front of her, you can't tell me she was just like "shit happens", The heliots were more upset when Uub killed Tidar and at least there Uub wasn't trying to conquer the universe and had just lost his arm.
DB Multiverse page 2108
Northeal 15 Febbraio 2023
Oh yay. It's Broly. The absolute worst character in the entire series (except mayb I'K'L's mom)
DB Multiverse page 2157
Northeal 14 Febbraio 2023
"Kakarotto was so gay that he almost appeared physically unstable"

Is by far one of my favorite quotes from this novel
Fanfic dbm, chapter 120
Northeal 14 Febbraio 2023
This cover goes unfathomably hard
DB Multiverse page 1971
Northeal 14 Febbraio 2023
So Bra literally destroys a solar system, filled with at least billions of people that she herself sensed, kills her own brother, and yet her first reaction is happiness that she's stronger than Gohan? This is psychopathic. This is on Cell and the androids level of carnage and we're still meant to feel sympathy for her? This makes Bra way more unlikable, especially when you realize that she bullies and even hits Goten after she murdered him. She is young here, but not so young she shouldn't be able to comprehend the weight and killing so many people including her brother. It does provide a valid reason for Vegetto to threaten Bra's life without making him out to be evil, but then the story and characters make him out to be a bad guy, and tbf he definently has a very dark selfish side boiling up, but with Bra he's pretty much right. Art if Godly btw
DB Multiverse page 1795
Northeal 13 Febbraio 2023
DrewSaga ha detto:
Trunks: (sees Broly in U20) I quit! These Vargas are horrible!

newhinhin was saying: No way Goku is gonna lose for the plot point, right? right? He IS the main character

If we were to assume both Goku and U18 Vegeta are equals and Vegeta is more ruthless and cunning (look how he dismantled U13 Kakarotto and U17 Cell, he didn't just beat them, he pwned them good and Cell is clearly more powerful than Vegeta), then I'd say Goku is at a disadvantage, meaning his chances are a bit lower, but probably still close to 50-50.

zero logic was saying: DrewSaga was saying: Trunks: (sees Broly in U20) I quit! These Vargas are horrible!

newhinhin was saying: No way Goku is gonna lose for the plot point, right? right? He IS the main character

If we were to assume both Goku and U18 Vegeta are equals and Vegeta is more ruthless and cunning (look how he dismantled U13 Kakarotto and U17 Cell, he didn't just beat them, he pwned them good and Cell is clearly more powerful than Vegeta), then I'd say Goku is at a disadvantage, meaning his chances are a bit lower, but probably still close to 50-50.

We are not assuming that though. Goku is always two steps ahead of Vegeta as we have seen throughout the series. Vegeta even acknowledged this while fighting Kid Buu.

You are talking about DBZ Vegeta who is inferior by a significant amount to DBZ Goku, this is DBM Vegeta, 20 Years later, a lot has changed and not just in terms of power levels. After all, Vegeta hinted at having a power beyond SSJ3 and Goku never hinted at it himself (though I am confident he pulled it off).

But Goku does have one thing going, he is more naturally skilled at combat than Vegeta, but I am not sure the difference between the two matter much in DBM if again, Vegeta's ruthlessness and cunning puts him on top.

I would rather see Goku win since he only got 1 good fight in during the entire DBM story. Vegeta got his fill. Not that I mind Vegeta winning either.

Goku really got the short end of the straw for his fights, despite getting at least five out of six. His first three fights were against opponents he easily one shot. His quarter and semi final opponents are ones who actually challenge him, nut they're from his own universe. He could fight them whenever he wants! Compared to powerful fighters like Cell, Bra, Buu, Vegetto, Raichi, etc. Even if he does win, he'll probably go up against XXI, who could very well end the fight immediately.
DB Multiverse page 2156
Northeal 13 Febbraio 2023
I'm looking forward to getting back to the actual comic. Although I honestly don't have much interest in the Goku vs Vegeta rematch. I'm sure it will be entertaining and have great art, but I just don't think their rivalry is that interesting at this point. At least not for it to justify being a semi final match. These two are on good terms with one another and I really don't give a shit who wins. Uub had a lot to prove as Goku's insecure apprentice, Vegeta really doesn't anymore. Plus not only will they both use their wish to help universe 7 and 19, but they're from the same universe. I don't mind universe 18 getting a lot of wins in the tournament since they're our normal universe and one of the best too, but it's still so fucking boring knowing they're guarenteed to make it in the finale. Also not a big fan of Vegeta after his anticlimactic victory against Cell but I'll admit I'm biased there as a big DBM Cell fan. Honestly I'm more interest in the fact that there'll be another night break. It'll be great to see the characters interacting in between then (at least I hope there'll be a lot of that).

Wait I just realized that's universe 16 Bra?! She's on good terms with her Pan already!? Are you fucking serious? 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2156
Northeal 13 Febbraio 2023
Vargas when Vegeta enters the ring and prevents Kakarotto from hitting opponents who gave up: I sleep

Vargas when Eliem murders hundreds of spectators: I sleep

Vargas when Goten indirectly talks about a strategy that Gast happens to hear: Real shit?
Fanfic dbm, chapter 114
Northeal 13 Febbraio 2023
Bombero ha detto:
Northeal was saying: This is totally unrelated to this page but I wanted to list every single person throughout the tournament who hasn't died yet. Feel free to correct me about anything. Also all of the spectators and Vargas were killed so that just leaves the 20 universes.

U1: South Kaioshin

U2: Not sure about each of them but I assume most or all of them haven't died.

U3: None lol

U4: Buu

U5: XXI? (need to know more about him

U6:Kat and the two girls who didn't participate

U7: None

U8: Jeice? (I think they just knocked him out but who knows)

U9: Videl?, Yamcha, Old Kai, Trunks, and Bulma (the novelization confirms Tenshinhan and Krillin died, but we have no idea if the others have. Videl knows the kaioken but it's possible the baldies taught her so who knows)

U10: Nail and Cargot (the novelization explains how the others died)

U11: Buu, Babidi? (he's not dead but he's a stone statue for all eternity)

U12: #16

U13: Raditz, Kakarot? (he's immortal but also claimed he died three times and Gohan disintegrated him)

U14: None lmao

U15: I'K'L's stupid mom

U16: Bra, Trunks, Vegetto? (he's the composite of two people who died. But he himself never died and he considers himself his own person beyond them)

U17: None unless some mini cells survived

U18: Pan, Uub, Bra

U19: Xenolium, Eliem

U20: Broly? (pretty sure he's still alive but we can hope that bitch died)

Wait, Future Trunks died? I thought he was on the dark planet with the rest of the good guys during the Bra VS Everyone fiasco.

He was, but Cell still killed him during the Cell games
DB Multiverse page 2155
Northeal 12 Febbraio 2023
Madara ha detto:
I really don't understand the point of this chapter. It doesn't have any impact or the story or reveal something new. I understand sometimes there's a need to fill the time with side chapters while Salagir drows the main story but this artist is very good! so why not let hime moving forward in the plot?? (of course according to the Salagir's script)

It is kind of nice seeing different universes interact before the tournament. Or Trunks repairing his universe. However the fact that the tournament's been going on for almost 15 years now and we've only just gotten to the semi finals is making things feel very taxing. Especially since I don't give a shit about the Goku and Vegeta match and XXI vs Gast will probably decided quickly.

TBF DBM is a non profit fan project, so I'm greatful for any work they put out, but it has terrible pacing problems. One page every few days is not the best approach imo and can easily leave people to lose interest for long periods of time. The specials are a mixed bag for me. The can be really interesting at times with great art and characterization. Or they can be pointless, focus on terrible characters like Broly or BoJack or simple villain win senarios that don't fulfill much. Oh well, I'm looking forward to seeing Raditz and universe 9 again.
DB Multiverse page 2155
Northeal 12 Febbraio 2023
Michelrpg ha detto:
Aizen: "Exactly like I had planned"


Dont take the novel as 100% canon on events. It's a fun read at times but it also took things a completely different route at times.

For me it depends on if what is portrayed in the novel contradicts what happens in the comic or not. It literally says that it's canon on the side, but if it doesn't make sense to the story it must be wrong. For example, Cell spawning Cell Jrs to fight Gohan when Buu went on a rampage, or Goku talking with the Bardock of universe 10 don't make sense since Cell only had 2 jrs during the second round, and Goku doesn't recognize universe 3 Bardock. But things like Vegetto getting Buu to put him up against Broly, Gotenks being depressed after his Nekomajin fight where everyone mocked him, Vegeta giving 16 a message to universe 12 Bulma, all make sense within the story and add to it, so I consider them canon. Raichi killing all the universe 10 sayians should fit into the latter. Hell, if I recall correctly Hanasia wasn't in the group of sayians Raichi used in his fight with Vegeta, so it actually adds up quite well.
DB Multiverse page 2155
Northeal 12 Febbraio 2023
This is totally unrelated to this page but I wanted to list every single person throughout the tournament who hasn't died yet. Feel free to correct me about anything. Also all of the spectators and Vargas were killed so that just leaves the 20 universes.

U1: South Kaioshin

U2: Not sure about each of them but I assume most or all of them haven't died.

U3: None lol

U4: Buu

U5: XXI? (need to know more about him

U6:Kat and the two girls who didn't participate

U7: None

U8: Jeice? (I think they just knocked him out but who knows)

U9: Videl?, Yamcha, Old Kai, Trunks, and Bulma (the novelization confirms Tenshinhan and Krillin died, but we have no idea if the others have. Videl knows the kaioken but it's possible the baldies taught her so who knows)

U10: Nail and Cargot (the novelization explains how the others died)

U11: Buu, Babidi? (he's not dead but he's a stone statue for all eternity)

U12: #16

U13: Raditz, Kakarot? (he's immortal but also claimed he died three times and Gohan disintegrated him)

U14: None lmao

U15: I'K'L's stupid mom

U16: Bra, Trunks, Vegetto? (he's the composite of two people who died. But he himself never died and he considers himself his own person beyond them)

U17: None unless some mini cells survived

U18: Pan, Uub, Bra

U19: Xenolium, Eliem

U20: Broly? (pretty sure he's still alive but we can hope that bitch died) 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2155
Northeal 12 Febbraio 2023
Good chapter. Although a couple issues: Cell summoning cell jrs doesn't make sense in canon as he only has two of them turning the third round. That and bra beating Cell so easily seems wrong. Aside from her being annoying here, she's only slightly above Gohan as a super sayian, who's about on par with Cell. I can believe she'd have the advantage, but without ssj2 she wouldn't be toying with him.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 108
Northeal 12 Febbraio 2023
The look into Bardock and Vegettos minds were interesting. It's nice seeing Bardock afraid of Vegetto snapping due to his flash fowards. And Vegetto's internal thoughts do a good job showing how dark he truly is mentally, and hint at his downward spiral. He's had thoughts of destroying Pan and the Earth. Ones he immediately regrets, but still things he thinks. He's afraid of his kids going crazy and destroying everything, and himself destroying everything, and it seems both of those might come true. He also seems more interested in fighting Cell than Goku and Vegeta, which most likely means Gohan and Cell are above ssj3 Goku and Vegeta. Granted it could be because Goku can't breath in space, but Cell is still most likely stronger than them.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 106
Northeal 12 Febbraio 2023
Really not a fan of this fight. It feels rather slow and frustrating. Things like Bra just leaving to take off her weighted clothes make the whole battle feel mundane, although I guess it's interesting she wore them in the first place. Bra is completely unlikeable here, calling her opponent a slur, and using a cheap tactic to defeat him. Made even worse by the fact that she got mad at XXI for doing the exact same thing to Vegetto, making her come off as a total hypocrite. Which doesn't feel intentional as it's never addressed in story. And Eliem should've been immediately eliminated for killing audience members. Broly was rightfully sent back to his universe for killing a few Vargas and attacking Goku. Yet Eleim can kill hundreds of innocent spectators and just go on with the match? He should be sent back to his universe immediately, if not the entirety of Universe 19. I get he's in a desperate situation and is willing to make tough choices. But this isn't a rational decision, this is him breaking so many rules set up. There is no reason Eleim shouldn't be sent back to his universe or at least disqualified.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 105
Northeal 12 Febbraio 2023
Tenshinhan trying multiple mafubas, Buu confirming he hadn't absored his universes Tenshinhan, and Trunks and Gohan planning were all great additions. Also love Tenshinhan. All things considered he did a really good job and had great strategies. Heeee was just unlucky to be put up against the third strongest, second most magically gifted, and first most haxy person in the tournament.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 104
Northeal 12 Febbraio 2023
While some of it might be justified, I still feel bad for Gotenks here. Yeah he's a braggart and full of it, and considering they're in their mid 20s now it could be seen as too juvenile. Still, they shouldn't feel the need to be this serious fighter or constantly train. At this moment it's just supposed to be a fun tournament, and yet everyone's mocking him for not taking things seriously. They haven't done anything wrong. But Goku and fucking Toriyama supporting Gotenks was great, and it is nice to see this effected him. Plus this fight was just really funny in general.
Fanfic dbm, chapter 103
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