DB Multiverse
Membro di SSHey

i'm going to be so disappointed if z fighters with 10yrs training somehow struggle with nappa and raditz
Saigo no Son page 36
John-no-arms ha detto:
I think the last panel is not a flash back anymore - as Goten-Kun said, flashbacks have round corners.
The last pannel is 10 years later!
I wonder if at any moment in these 10 years the Z warriors stopped believing that the Sayians would eventually arrive and stopped training. If not, if they kept preparing, they would be very, very strong by now (at least for humans). The big disadvantage here, as far as I understand, is that their reference of strength is a 1200 power level Raditz, and it is impossible that in 10 years the sayians didn't get loads and loads of zenkais! Not to mention that Vegeta was already 15 times stronger than this "referential Raditz". Maybe he didn't get as many zenkais due to being stronger, but his power was alreadybbeyond legendary by classic DB standards (stronger than Demon King Picollo, who was considered "god-level strong" by the earthlings - what I mean is: imagine their shock when they face Vegeta, considering that Raditz was already unbelievably strong from their point of view!)
The last pannel is 10 years later!
I wonder if at any moment in these 10 years the Z warriors stopped believing that the Sayians would eventually arrive and stopped training. If not, if they kept preparing, they would be very, very strong by now (at least for humans). The big disadvantage here, as far as I understand, is that their reference of strength is a 1200 power level Raditz, and it is impossible that in 10 years the sayians didn't get loads and loads of zenkais! Not to mention that Vegeta was already 15 times stronger than this "referential Raditz". Maybe he didn't get as many zenkais due to being stronger, but his power was alreadybbeyond legendary by classic DB standards (stronger than Demon King Picollo, who was considered "god-level strong" by the earthlings - what I mean is: imagine their shock when they face Vegeta, considering that Raditz was already unbelievably strong from their point of view!)
I would suprised if any of them got stronger much stronger, so i'm not sure why people think they'd be doomed...10 years is a LONG TIME, they surpassed raditz in one year LOL which goes to show how lax the saiyans were
Vegeta never bothered training, the average joe is a weakling, I doubt any of the others would bother to as well or see a need when they dont even consider training to defeat freeza who would be 100x stronger. Meanwhile the Z fighters know they're outclassed and potentially have been preparing 10 years straight and everyone in this series always grows the most when there is a clear threat on the horizon.
They should be able to kill raditz and nappa easily at this point, the real question is vegeta and gohan
Even if the androids existed, they'd be a lot weaker. Since practically every alien never even arrived. I don't think it's unlikely that earthlings could defeat them, especially if they've been constantly training in expectation that the saiyans would return
Saigo no Son page 26
This seems like a terrible idea unless its 100% guaruanteed to work, and this is the same guy who somehow survived a black hole
1 Risposta/e
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 64
Why would they even come back? There's nothing on earth they'd be interested in
Saigo no Son page 14
عمار ha detto:
PrimeFighter was saying: Man that's just sad. Enjoy Raditz cuz in just about every other continuity, you're a loser
This is just how fans prototype him. Goku and Piccolo were inferior to him. If it wasn't for Gohan and his stupidity, he would have one easily. And I don't think he will treat this win as big accomplishment at all.
It makes think how strong Raditz will be if Toriyama let him live.
This is just how fans prototype him. Goku and Piccolo were inferior to him. If it wasn't for Gohan and his stupidity, he would have one easily. And I don't think he will treat this win as big accomplishment at all.
It makes think how strong Raditz will be if Toriyama let him live.
So in other words, he is a loser? LOL
he went about the entire situation in the dumbest way possible
ehhhh. Them going after gohan, who isnt even a real threat here, just seems needlessly edgy
DB Multiverse page 2430
ChrisOfChaos ha detto:
Funny how these highly advanced Androids never seem to realize they're outmatched before it's too late.
isnt this just an anime trope? hopelessly attack a character you have no chance of defeating until he incapacitates you
Wonder how intentional it was that they said catch, and not kill.
DB Multiverse page 2420
Teleported_Bread ha detto:
Damian Qualshy was saying: WHY THE HFIL are Krillin and Yamcha not helping but Raditz is??
Evidently, they were in charge of crowd duty, helping with the evacuation.
Either way, literally what are they gonna contribute compared to a Saiyan Warrior? They were among those who got killed instantly by Broly's attack on Earth.
Evidently, they were in charge of crowd duty, helping with the evacuation.
Either way, literally what are they gonna contribute compared to a Saiyan Warrior? They were among those who got killed instantly by Broly's attack on Earth.
By the time they died, even the humans were objectively stronger than Raditz, so i'm not sure what point you're trying to make 1 Risposta/e
oskarloko ha detto:
In the Trunks timeline, 17 and 18 destroy all humanity because they were former criminals and brain-damaged by Gero experiments; a sociopath behaviour fueled by their inmense power.
But Gero/20 wants to conquer and impose a tyranical goverment (R&R Army rebuilt) but not to make a total genocide.
Maybe these are 17v2.0 and 18v2.0
But Gero/20 wants to conquer and impose a tyranical goverment (R&R Army rebuilt) but not to make a total genocide.
Maybe these are 17v2.0 and 18v2.0
that's what I was thinking, it doesn't make sense for Gero to start genociding humanity, but then again, Gero was written kind of inconsistently in the android saga as it was, with him just deciding to randomly kill people then flip flopping about how activating 16 would risk the world. go figure
Anyway, i think its def some version of 19 and 20, the skinny silhouette seems to have a hat on. 2 Risposta/e
Ma Jr. Jr. about to get pieced up by Piccollo Jr. Jr
Namekseijin Densetsu page 559
FearfulDivine ha detto:
Anyone else hoping XXI wins??
Idk I just feel like Gast served his purpose
Idk I just feel like Gast served his purpose
that's literally the most obvious outcome for narrative purposes. But I guess that's what you're saying here as well.
goten-kun ha detto:
I don't agree with you, for me, Piccolo Daimao was clearly a real demon, a Namekian, yes, but a demon.
Kami said Piccolo had changed because Raditz and Goku went to the afterlife. He noticed that.
For the resistance of the Namekians, I think it depends of the author. When Trunks broke Piccolo's statue, he should be dead , it was too much, I think.^^
Some Namkekians are more resistants than others.
Kami said Piccolo had changed because Raditz and Goku went to the afterlife. He noticed that.
For the resistance of the Namekians, I think it depends of the author. When Trunks broke Piccolo's statue, he should be dead , it was too much, I think.^^
Some Namkekians are more resistants than others.
LMAO, go watch Daima ep. 1 and the reveal about namekians. This aged beautifully.
its hilarious to me that gohan was actually one shot
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 30
its kind of hard to tell but looks like he just murked gohan
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 18
Gortex ha detto:
We need more panels of Mary Sue. She's the greatest character in this entire webcomic and her inclusion is most welcome and appreciated. I hope she eventually defeats XXI and every major future threat to this tournament which sounds like an amazing resolution overall.
Gortex ha detto:
Not gonna lie Mary Sue is one of the worst written original characters in this webcomic. Is her "gimmick" of being an insufferable know it all just her ONLY character trait cause if it is that's pretty pathetic. I'm sorry to anyone here who simps for Mary Sue or whatever but why is she even here? Like her one note joke stopped being funny a long ass time ago and now she's just padding at this point.
just gotta say, reading these comments in succcessio made me lol
WukongTheMighty ha detto:
Is this a joke? All that buildup and seemingly killing Vegito for... a nothingburger?
This is too much.
This is too much.
it's too early to make a statement like this
I mean, it's already been established this is the reality where the 1/1000000 possibility of broly somehow not getting spaghettified happened. If it really bothers you, you can look at this story being another 1/10000000th where everyone makes another suboptimal decision on how to approach the broly problem
1 Risposta/e
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 10
Static ha detto:
They turned out different...because they were only awake for 2-3 days and Cell showed up. It's not strange at all.
They turned out different...because they were only awake for 2-3 days and Cell showed up. It's not strange at all.
I didn't know all it took was three days for someone to undergo a drastic personality change. that doesnt make any sense lmao. if that was all there was to it they would have killed everyone in first battle like they did in the future. it especially doesnt make any sense because even if that was the case, present 18 wouldn't have gone on to become a freaking park ranger of all things. IMO it's just a butterfly effect of trunks meddling w/ time, like how #16 didn't seem to exist in the future or be activated but he was in the main timeline 1 Risposta/e
This is why future timeline shouldnt be expanded on. The only way it works is through stupid plot devices or character assassination LOL. Gohan couldn't beat the androids because the plot needed him to die. The end.
DB Multiverse page 2341
SaiyanKingMike ha detto:
Awesome that is a great way to get around why Goku and Co never came back for 1 day. I am curious to what Goku will tell him. Does future Gohan use the time chamber in DBM canon?
ehhh, idk about. I guess we'll see what happens next, but the bleak future of this timeline doesn't make much sense without plot preventing things going..not-so-bad. If she can contact Goku, then they should be able to contact King Kai. Which opens up a ton of questions on why they didn't do several things
DestroyerOfVegetards ha detto:
If IKL knew about the threat that XXI posed, he should have gone for XXI first. But he chose to kill Vegito first, and was about to kill Gohan when 16 interrupted him. Why?
Why not? It's pretty clear he didn't expect anyone to resist the effects so why would it matter who he killed first or otherwise 1 Risposta/e
This seems really stupid. Like out of character stupid. Yes attack the guy trying to help you fight the other guy explicitly trying to murder you
DB Multiverse page 2315
Not to be an asshole but why do people keep thinking 17 and 18 are gonna be here?
C16 is unaffected. Panel shows EDI(100% artificial) unaffected
So yes this means the cyborgs that have alterations so unintrusive they can have children... aren't affected either.
HUH??? lmfaooo 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 2310
C16 is unaffected. Panel shows EDI(100% artificial) unaffected
So yes this means the cyborgs that have alterations so unintrusive they can have children... aren't affected either.
HUH??? lmfaooo 1 Risposta/e
Darth-Piekus ha detto:
Even if all the Saiyans arrive at this point Kami and Piccolo was supposed to be stronger than a Super Saiyan at this point and on par with Android 17. They don't really stand much of a chance.
17 would stomp but he is still bar far stronger than any other saiyan at this time so you're still right
If picollo actually killed popo kami is an even more colossal idiot than mainline counterpart
DB Multiverse page 2026
Meman27 ha detto:
How in god's name are they going to lose this?????????
RikyProductionsGD ha detto:
Meman27 was saying: How in god's name are they going to lose this?????????
The same reason they would win normally, plot.
The same reason they would win normally, plot.
this, stop asking lol. The plot says they have to lose, so they will despite having the deck stacked in their favor. This entire scenario is only possible by deus ex machina plot hax "whooops we missed the 432,690 mi wide celestial object!!!"
1 Risposta/e
I really wish they killed some of the saiyans, the fact that every single heavy hitter lived and they still lost is just silly
DB Multiverse page 1856
Yukimura5-Konata5 ha detto:
If This went by DBS logic Goku would be constantly smiling saying how fun this is, Gohan would have his head crushed, popped like squishing a Pea and Goku would say WOW IM REALLY EXITED, I like good old serious and smarter Goku who does not LET people nearly kill him before fighting
Goku obviously can CHOOSE who he teleports its called control its not a latched disease, anyway if they aint going to Dende Gohan is dead, or has permanent brain damage
Goku obviously can CHOOSE who he teleports its called control its not a latched disease, anyway if they aint going to Dende Gohan is dead, or has permanent brain damage
If this was DBS logic Gohan would have beaten the shit out of broly on this page just because he was mad and everyone knows anger = power boost
just kill them already so we can get back to the main story broly
DB Multiverse page 1854
Ma Jr ha detto:
TOM was saying: SECOND TIME??? when was the first? what's goten on about?
Boo turned her into an egg, and stepped on her.
Anyway, why isnt Gohan SSJ7 after seeing Videl and Pan dying? I understand they have to make Broly this unstoppable force, but Gohan not being a match for him, especially efter this, makes no sense.
Boo turned her into an egg, and stepped on her.
Anyway, why isnt Gohan SSJ7 after seeing Videl and Pan dying? I understand they have to make Broly this unstoppable force, but Gohan not being a match for him, especially efter this, makes no sense.
It's not even worth thinking about. The plot dictates that broly must win and thats all there is to it...more than likely, they'll say he's injured or Z fighters will continue to make stupid decisions that enable gohan to not match up to him
Like a lot of people said, in a straight fight the EoZ cast would clap broly's cheeks, hence the direction this special is going.
did artist forget that trunks was with them?
2 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 1851
If that sign in the background is still partially intact, I doubt this killed Goten and Trunks, at the very least.
DB Multiverse page 1850
If only the Z Fighters beat the SSJs to near death then frozen them in a block of ice like broly and left them in the HBTC ...Then they would have gotten 10 years worth of zenkai boosts!!
DB Multiverse page 1849
Kinyu ha detto:
Reckon Broly arrived at the lookout and murdered Dende and Popo instantly (using next to no power), Piccolo on route or to investigate the little outburst of power at the lookout arrives and is obliterated by the world ending blast he then sends to the earth. The blast hits closest to Gohan's house first and the radius catches him and his family. Goku (he has struck) & Vegeta senses the attack from the moment it hit Piccolo. Goku teleports everyone away and Vegeta flies directly towards Broly.
Dragons balls are out. Piccolo is wiped. Gohan is murdered or mauled unawares. Vegeta is now facing Broly alone and all of this catches Goku off guard preventing him from instant transmitting anyone anywhere safely and also stopping him from fusing with anyone viable. Gohan is killed or mauled before he has a chance to enrage. Vegeta without a partner like Goku will stand little chance. Leaving Goku as the sole last survivor who will eventually fall against Broly.
The end.
Great special btw.
Dragons balls are out. Piccolo is wiped. Gohan is murdered or mauled unawares. Vegeta is now facing Broly alone and all of this catches Goku off guard preventing him from instant transmitting anyone anywhere safely and also stopping him from fusing with anyone viable. Gohan is killed or mauled before he has a chance to enrage. Vegeta without a partner like Goku will stand little chance. Leaving Goku as the sole last survivor who will eventually fall against Broly.
The end.
Great special btw.
I mean..this is all a sound plan that makes sense...but not from broly 1 Risposta/e
wow everyone is getting smacked with the idiot ball
well, at least its in character for vegeta to be an overconfident idiot
DB Multiverse page 1848
well, at least its in character for vegeta to be an overconfident idiot
ZFQFMIB ha detto:
Aah yes, realistically. Like in the second Broly movie where everyone sensed Broly's fall to Earth long, ,long before he arrived and decided to sit this one out. Then of course, when he started powering up EVERYONE headed to where the action was. I still remember the last shot of that movie, with the entire Dragon Team alerted and ready to defend Earth. Sure is a good thing too, imagine if his arrival went so unnoticed that like, a couple of kids were all the resistance he met.
Aah yes, realistically. Like in the second Broly movie where everyone sensed Broly's fall to Earth long, ,long before he arrived and decided to sit this one out. Then of course, when he started powering up EVERYONE headed to where the action was. I still remember the last shot of that movie, with the entire Dragon Team alerted and ready to defend Earth. Sure is a good thing too, imagine if his arrival went so unnoticed that like, a couple of kids were all the resistance he met.
What are you even trying to say, lol? Goku sensed frieza from space and was about to wreck him pre-androids saga, a power infinitesimally smaller than what brolys would be . just because that dumb non-canon movie broke pre established conventions doesn't mean everything else should
KidTrunks ha detto:
The first thing Goku should be telling them to do is obviously fuse. I don't understand this
The Z fighters need to be dumbed down even more than they usually are for the concept of this special to work.
Like other people mentioned, if this was done """realisitically""" they would have felt broly coming long before he even got near earth 2 Risposta/e
Entire planet destroyed
teleports everyone to kame house
prepares to suicide attack with everyone left when they could have just waited for him to leave and rez everyone with dballs
goku logic
DB Multiverse page 1847
teleports everyone to kame house
prepares to suicide attack with everyone left when they could have just waited for him to leave and rez everyone with dballs
goku logic
The Thunderer ha detto:
BrutaleBent was saying: Soo, since Goku sensed that (possibly increadibly high) ki, why isn't he already IT to Vegeta, IT away, teach him fusion dance, IT back and end Broly?
Takes a while to learn the fusion dance, and it's never been Goku's first move. They might think they can stop it without fusing anyhow.
Takes a while to learn the fusion dance, and it's never been Goku's first move. They might think they can stop it without fusing anyhow.
goku is stupid but he's not an absolute brainlet, if he was that concenred before even fighting I don't think he would screw around at all 1 Risposta/e
yeah this is pretty much what I expected, broly would for some reason decide act around DBZ logic and target the strongest first in an indirect manner.
pan and videl are for sure goners
DB Multiverse page 1846
pan and videl are for sure goners
All you guys wondering how broly could win, you have to remember that DBM Broly and most of other DBM characters from alt universes have the power of the legendary Plot Device™
He will probably win by someone(probably broly himself) doing something extremely out of character. All the ppl present on earth at this moment should be able to put him down bc for all of his power he's still an singleminded idiot that never strategized, the easiest workaround this I can see is him just blowing up the planet and taking a few of them with it or some other BS like hunting them down 1 by 1 despite him never strategizing beforehand combined with z warriors getting slapped with the idiot ball. I think what triggers me the most is this is happening EoZ
Not to be a negative nancy, the artwork is really great so props to the artist. I'm hoping for an outcome that isn't the tried and tested "villain had dumb luck / out of character behavior and plot on their side, everyone dies the end 4 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 1845
He will probably win by someone(probably broly himself) doing something extremely out of character. All the ppl present on earth at this moment should be able to put him down bc for all of his power he's still an singleminded idiot that never strategized, the easiest workaround this I can see is him just blowing up the planet and taking a few of them with it or some other BS like hunting them down 1 by 1 despite him never strategizing beforehand combined with z warriors getting slapped with the idiot ball. I think what triggers me the most is this is happening EoZ
Not to be a negative nancy, the artwork is really great so props to the artist. I'm hoping for an outcome that isn't the tried and tested "villain had dumb luck / out of character behavior and plot on their side, everyone dies the end 4 Risposta/e
this page is forced af
1. There's never been any indication or sign in any of the pages that U16 feared vegito, but suddenly now they consider him the number 1 threat
2. Bra wants to be like someone 100x times weaker than her because she said three sentences to her in the span of a few minutes
3. This same girl somehow changed her entire outlook on life in the span of a few minutes as well
4. This rando is the one who emotionally impacte her the most while she gleefully murdered people she literally grew up with
U18 Bra secretly mastered talk no jutsu off screen l m a o
DB Multiverse page 1829
1. There's never been any indication or sign in any of the pages that U16 feared vegito, but suddenly now they consider him the number 1 threat
2. Bra wants to be like someone 100x times weaker than her because she said three sentences to her in the span of a few minutes
3. This same girl somehow changed her entire outlook on life in the span of a few minutes as well
4. This rando is the one who emotionally impacte her the most while she gleefully murdered people she literally grew up with
U18 Bra secretly mastered talk no jutsu off screen l m a o
Peak ha detto:
And, guess what? Yas! Guardians of school shooters too are responsible of the latter's wrongdoings from a legal standpoint. Ever heard that the real world has parental responsibility laws?(https://w...riminal-actions)
Out of place analogy by the way, and quite low to try and make readers of a fancomic feel bad for interiorizing such a normal concept, lol.
(BTW, even funnier: the article stress the emphasis of parental responsibilty exactly in light of mass shootings, so way to get off the mark there)
And, guess what? Yas! Guardians of school shooters too are responsible of the latter's wrongdoings from a legal standpoint. Ever heard that the real world has parental responsibility laws?(https://w...riminal-actions)
Out of place analogy by the way, and quite low to try and make readers of a fancomic feel bad for interiorizing such a normal concept, lol.
(BTW, even funnier: the article stress the emphasis of parental responsibilty exactly in light of mass shootings, so way to get off the mark there)
no they aren't without overwhelming evidence. did you even read your own article
there's a world of difference between a kid taking a loaded gun from home and killing someone and a kid deciding to nuke an entire planet just because. try again
daughter kills son and several others in wanton murder spree
daughter has been established to fly off the handle like this multiple times
*DBM Readers:*
ThIs iS aLl DuE tO VeGeTiOs FaIlUrE aS a pArEnt
yeah im sure you'd be completely rational if your son got offed by the problem child
Frieza Saga with DBMer Logic
Frieza: I killed your son and your best friend its all my fault uwu
Goku: wow poor baby I forgive you 1 Risposta/e
DB Multiverse page 1822
daughter has been established to fly off the handle like this multiple times
*DBM Readers:*
ThIs iS aLl DuE tO VeGeTiOs FaIlUrE aS a pArEnt
yeah im sure you'd be completely rational if your son got offed by the problem child
Frieza Saga with DBMer Logic
Frieza: I killed your son and your best friend its all my fault uwu
Goku: wow poor baby I forgive you 1 Risposta/e
Bra Murders dozens of people
DBM Readers:
Vegito gets mad bra murders dozens of people and beats the shit out of here
DBM Readers: oMg ThIs Is sO uNcOmFoRtAbLe WhY iS hE bEiNg So HaRsH
DB Multiverse page 1822
DBM Readers:
Vegito gets mad bra murders dozens of people and beats the shit out of here
DBM Readers: oMg ThIs Is sO uNcOmFoRtAbLe WhY iS hE bEiNg So HaRsH