DB Multiverse
DBM Universo 16: La Fusione di Due Vite
Scritto da Syl & Salagir
Traduzione e adattamento di Son Broly, Prosavio, Edge2721
Quando Vegeth entrò nel corpo di Bu, fece una scelta: mantenere la sua barriera (U16), o lasciarla (U18). Questa è la storia di quello che è successo dopo ... Anche se Vegeth ha salvato l'universo, Goku e Vegeta sono completamente scomparsi...
Questo fumetto è concluso!
Parte 1 :12345678
Parte 2 :91011121314
Parte 3 :15161718192021222324
![[Chapter Cover]](/imgs/fanfic/u16/cover-s.jpg)
L'ira del drago (Introduzione)
Capitolo tradotto da
La leggenda di Tapion
Cari amici,
Nei prossimi giorni sarà pubblicato un grande capitolo di 3 parti!
Come Tolkien, comincerò con documenti, studi e appendici.
La prima parte, sarà sulla storia scritta da Hoï, come il resto del romanzo DBM.
Le illustrazioni provengono da un capitolo speciale, disegnata da Beta.
Poi ci saranno i miei (di Salagir) studi del film che ho dovuto guardare di nuovo per scrivere il capitolo (e io (Adamantine) l'ho dovuto guardare in inglese per controllare se ci fossero differenze>.>)
(Questa storia è avvenuta nelgli universi 16 e 20 partecipanti al torneo DBM)
Quindi, un breve riassunto per coloro che non hanno visto il film "L'eroe del pianeta Conuts", (in giapponese:Dragon Ball Z: Ryû-Ken Bakuhatsu!! Gokû ga Yaraneba Dare ga Yaru, che significa "Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Fist Exlosion! Se non ce la fa Goku, allora chi può?"), che è il 13 ° film di Dragon Ball Z, pubblicato in Giappone il 15 luglio 1995 tra 270 e 271 episodio. E 'stato doppiato in inglese da FUNimation Entertainment e pubblicato negli Stati Uniti il 12 settembre 2006 in home video e DVD.
Circa un migliaio di anni fa, sul Pianeta Conuts, un gruppo di oscuri maghi ha dato la vita ad una divinità demoniaca che ubbidiva ai loro ordini: Hildegard.
Gli abitanti locali furono in grado di sconfiggerlo solo utilizzando oggetti sacri che avevano un legame con tale demone: un sacerdote brandiva una spada mentre due musicisti suonavano l'ocarina: Tapion e suo fratello piccolo, Minosha. Tutti e tre divennero grandi eroi, dopo aver unito le loro forze contro il mostro. La musica paralizzò il demone che è venne tagliato a metà dalla spanda del sacerdote. Le due parti vennero sigillate nei corpi dei due fratelli. Al fine di evitare che Hildegarn lasciasse i loro corpi, i due musicisti chiesero che i loro corpi venissero imprigionati in un carillon e poi, che queste scatole musicali fossero spedite in due parti diverse dell'universo.
E così terminò la leggenda.
La ricerca dei maghi
Ma i maghi del pianeta Conuts non avrebbero permesso la loro ultima creazione andasse persa nell'universo.
La loro ricerca nello spazio interstellare per trovare le due scatole musicali li condusse nella "nostra" parte dell'universo, dove una sola famiglia di demoni molto potenti controlla quasi tutti i territori. Ma questo non li infastidiva. Una volta riuniti assieme, i maghi fecero un grande incantesimo, al fine di rilevare quei piccoli oggetti.
E funzionò. Le due scatole tornarono in loro possesso. Accadde nell'anno 214. Principe Cold era il padrone del pianeta su cui i maghi stavano per fare il loro primo esperimento. La cosa che non sapevano era che a Cold non piace affatto quando accade qualcosa di strano sotto il suo dominio.
Così, naturalmente, quando la prima scatola fu aperta, grazie ai poteri combinati dei maghi, e quando un enorme paio di gambe comiciò a distruggere il pianeta, l'esercito intervenne.
I maghi pensarono che tutto fosse andato per il meglio. Il giovane musicista, Minosha, era stato ucciso e la parte di Hildegarn che egli aveva trattenuto nel suo corpo era stata messa in uno dei loro seguaci: Hoi. Questa abilità era costata la vita di molti di loro, che erano stati colti di sorpresa quando l'esercito di Cold era arrivato.
I secoli passarono...
Anni dopo l'eliminazione dell'impero dei demoni del freddo (che sono i respondabili di grandi cambiamenti in molti universi, anche se il più delle volte, sono i Saiyan ad esserlo), un prigioniero fuggì dalla sua cella, distruggendo nello stesso momento, anche metà della struttura. Questo svegliò Hoi, che fuggì furtivamente.
Doveva operare nell'ombra per trovare il carillon restante tra i tesori di quel regno ormai distrutto che era stato spartito tra funzionari corrotti e musei.
E una volta trovato, capì che non sarebbe mai stato in grado di aprirlo da solo.
![]() Dopo il ritrovamento andò sulla terra perché aveva sentito che su di essa c'era un essere magico grado di aiutarlo. | ![]() Cercò a lungo, ma morì da solo, con il carillon in mano... Hildegard scomparve nel nulla... |
Studi dal film originale
Per quelli che non amano leggere questo tipo di cose, il capitolo termina qui.
Potete cliccare sulle immagini per allargarle.
Nella prima scena, si può vedere Minosha. Con la sua spada... Cosa? Anche Minosha aveva una spada? Ma quante spade c'erano? Pensavo che Tapion avesse quella del sacerdote... Quindi... non è così che la ottenne?
Too bad, because the two ocarinas and the sword seemed to be the only sacred items that were linked to the giant statue...
Anyway, Minotia is killed by the legs he had in him. So, it's seem clear that he had been freed by Hoi or the magicians and that he died.
This concerns the French Version (I watched the English version. I don't think I've missed anything, it's possible, but I don't think so – can be wrong though – anyway, I haven't seen that sentence, but I still wanted to keep that argument. By the way, the English voices are waaaaaaaay better and much more expressive than the French ones... erm, back to what Salagir was saying:): I heard a random passer-by talking about Hoi and saying: “It's the guy who was on that tv ad, you know, the one about music boxes.” That sentence is totally incomprehensible! The only explanation I can think of is that Hoi knew that it was on Earth and made an ad in order to look for it (quite hard to do...).
Very over-powerful guys seem to be unable to spin a small handle. None of them even try to transform into SSJ by the way (thanks the Toei). And the handle doesn't break! It's incredible!
None notices that Hoi emit the same power than Hirudegarn. Well, that can be easily explained: Tapion is so amazing and they are awestruck by his release...
Tapion threatens Hoi then leaves without doing anything... And none among the heroes find it strange.
The legs are attacking and Tapion seems to make them disappear (as when he was released from the music-box, when the legs went back into Hoi). The mysterious Hoi is also seen, but the heroes [Gohan and Videl] don't think about catching one of them to ask for an explanation, even if it's clear that they are linked to the problem (the entire city is razed to the ground, there were hundreds (1) of casualties). It's not as if they were more than able to catch them...
First appearance of Hirudegarn's head. If you sleep, you're dead Tapion. He uses the ocarina to put it back into his body.
None had ever seen that in the story of animation: there is no dishwasher in Capsule Corp! Bulma, the daughter of the Capsule Corp.'s owner, Bulma who is so rich that she can give diamonds to Kulilin, without any second thought, and Videl, Mr. Satan's daughter, who live in a fifty-room manor, are cleaning the dishes! They can't afford buying a dishwasher or paying a cleaning woman!! As for the numerous domestic robots that we can see in about every images of the Capsule Corp... Well, I guess they are on strike.
What a great scene of trust and friendship: to whom should I give the ocarina? To his rightful owner that had been freed against his will and that I admire, or to the old weird guy whose actions and words are suspicious and who had asked us to free Tapion because he was a heroes we'd need to fight an upcoming crisis and who now maintain that he's evil and the one responsible for said crisis? Really, it's hard to decide...
Tapion and Minotia like to play the ocarina in high places, just to have fun. A passing by priest... In short, it seems to me that these three had planed all that from the sacred items.
A strange man in the back, the priest on the right and the two brothers in shadows. They see each other for the last time. Please, also note that Minotia doesn't have any sword while Tapion does.
The music boxes are put into a box (…) and Tapion's is supposedly send to Earth. Yeah, right...
The music-box-room is done. It doesn't have any door and Tapion is going to sleep with his room wide open. But Hirudegarn isn't going to go out, I am sure of it!
Tentacles grow from Hirudegarn's tail in order to eat humans. Well, if it wasn't for that hint, I'd never have thought that Hirudegarn was evil. And here is Hoi's explanation of that phenomenon: he (it?) needs energy. Well... in any case, it woke up Tapion.
So, Hiru is now complete and Hoi has learnt to fly.
Vegeta protects humans. I am wondering if in all the DB/DBZ/etc. series, it's not the first and last time that we see him protecting someone? Well, we can also note that it's not out of character for the story happens after the Buu saga and Vegeta is now a 'good guy'. Anyway, it costs him a lot and it's the end of his only appearance (which last about 2 minutes). By the way, Piccolo was away, looking for mushrooms.
Gotenks appears and Hirudegarn gains a new form. Which is of absolutely no use and seems to me to go against the logic of his original form that was the statue's.
All of a sudden, Tapion can fly too, . He resists a fire attack from Hirudegarn, and that's why some fans say that he's at the SSJ 2 level. That's normal... Musicians are more powerful than Freeza, Bojack and Dabura, the demon lord... It happens all the time.
[French version] “Kill me Trunks! My blade won't kill me! Kill me!”
[English version]: Trunks, there isn't much time left. Quick, strike my heart! I can't hold him much longer. [Trunks: you don't know what you're saying!] Do you want to see everyone you care about die? [Trunks retorts that he's his friend] Ah, Trunks... I know it's not fair to ask you... But there is no other way, I don't want to destroy you. I know death seems cruel but I welcome this blade... Help me...”
“It's flawless.” But wait, I'll take as much time as I can to allow the monster to escape again.
We get rid of Hoi in a practical way (no, heroes doesn't kill in cold blood, and they don't kill weak persons...), but not in a logical way...
Actually, you just had to use the sword! Look at me: even if I'm not in super Saiyan form, I can do it! In fact, ocarinas, priests... all that kind of stuff was only rubbish! Any powerful warrior with a sword can do it. So, I have an idea: let's not use it anymore. All that because Gokû must look good and have class! And he's going to do it all alone! “No Trunks, that monster is mine to handle! Alone!” (2)
One day, a fan had said: 'If there is something worse than a Broly that had been over-powered by his number one fan, Salagir, it's a Gokû that had been over-powered by the Toei, his number one fan.' Even if it was amazingly cool, that Shenron-shaped attack makes no sense whatsoever and doesn't look like anything, nothing at all that was ever made in all DB and DBZ stories.
Tapion goes one thousand years in the past to... huh... go back home in Hyrule... erm.. Konats. And... huh... to find his little brother with Hirudegarn's legs in him? Or to bury his body? Actually, I don't really know ;p
If Trunks want to see him, he just has to use the machine, that's quite easy (sic).
By the way, I hope it's clear for everyone that this sword ISN'T Mirai Trunks's sword, in spite of the images of the credits that show him using his sword...
Translator's note: the informations regarding the Japanese title and extra info were found here
1: Nott (note of the translator): Salagir says hundreds, I'd go with thousands
2: Nott: In French: 'Trunks, go take care of the injured people!'... Honestly, I don't know which is worse
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