DB Multiverse
Member page of kcheeb

Super Gojita 3 was saying:
DrewSaga was saying: Problem is how Trunks deals with an immortal.
I don't know if this mirrors the anime 100%, but in addition to ssj rage shown here, the anime had trunks use the mafuuba.
if he gets a seal from roshi, or somewhere, he can seal zamasu like he did before, but better.
I don't know if this mirrors the anime 100%, but in addition to ssj rage shown here, the anime had trunks use the mafuuba.
if he gets a seal from roshi, or somewhere, he can seal zamasu like he did before, but better.
Mafuba is terrible temporary solution and I don't know why super even brought it up
Unlike piccolo who can die of old age, zamasu is immortal
He will live forever, and forever is a long time. Who knows like 5 million years from now that jar will erode, and zamasu will be freed. And there will be no z warriors to stop him 1 Replie(s)
Why didn't buu spit out other people he absorbed so he only absorb broly
1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 69
Why that buff babe clothes design change oldeer one was better
DB Multiverse page 2457
Rodriog was saying:
My man Salagir hold this for MORE THAN 10 years
Which page is that screenshot from?
Delphince was saying:
Tien really shacked up, didn't he? Rather strange considering that he was a monk.
Oh, wait, right, Tambo's a different strip.
Oh, wait, right, Tambo's a different strip.
What does shacked up and different strip mean
Namek goes to heal ikl
Vegito: heal me first you green fck!
DB Multiverse page 2327
Vegito: heal me first you green fck!
I'm the siluoette in the back I see buyon and 5 other people
Tambo, orazo, tambos dad, tambos dad's underling
Who's the extra 5th person? 1 Replie(s)
321Y page 218
Tambo, orazo, tambos dad, tambos dad's underling
Who's the extra 5th person? 1 Replie(s)
It would've been nice if this was the actual wish LOL
"don't make bracca immortal, but say he became immortal so he becomes tricked" 3 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 421
"don't make bracca immortal, but say he became immortal so he becomes tricked" 3 Replie(s)
Oarman was saying:
Unless Shin has learned since Buu and started training, uh oh.
Or good buu can show up and turn him into cookie like dabura
부라죽이기서명운동 was saying:
베지트 오공으로써 인격이 완전히 소멸된건가 원래라면 와쿠와쿠 스루죠하며 좋아해야 정상아닌가 나중에 합체 풀리는거 버독예언에
(손부라앞에서 베지터가모두에게 사과하는 장면)나오던데 그때 오공 모습은 어떠러나
(손부라앞에서 베지터가모두에게 사과하는 장면)나오던데 그때 오공 모습은 어떠러나
그거 몃페이지에 나옴? 2 Replie(s)
Didn't cell die? When was he resurrected
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2270
Seems like a near death experience a hallucination that he sees while being swallowed up by death ball
Bardock Tales Kai page 96
If bardock 10k his ssj only 500k so he still can't beat 1st form frieza he's fucked
Bardock Tales Kai page 95
Super Gojita 3 was saying:
Osha was saying: LSSJ4_Broly was saying: remember, you cant kill using the DB's, only revive
Not quite accurate. You cannot ask for wishes that are above the creator's magic power. When they tried to ask that about the Saiyans, Shenron said he couldn't because they were above Kami's power.
Correct. shenron stated that killing the saiyans specifically was no good "because they were stronger than kami who made the dragon balls, and exceeded shenrons power" not because killing was an impossibility.
more to the point, beings that are above shenron can't be impacted without consent, but the likes of the humans? oh yeah. they used shenron to wipe out humanitys memories.
thats why they call me, Roger smith the negotiator, to take care of problems in paradigm city and- oh wait, not ALL their memories. just the parts about fat buu.
never mind.
Not quite accurate. You cannot ask for wishes that are above the creator's magic power. When they tried to ask that about the Saiyans, Shenron said he couldn't because they were above Kami's power.
Correct. shenron stated that killing the saiyans specifically was no good "because they were stronger than kami who made the dragon balls, and exceeded shenrons power" not because killing was an impossibility.
more to the point, beings that are above shenron can't be impacted without consent, but the likes of the humans? oh yeah. they used shenron to wipe out humanitys memories.
thats why they call me, Roger smith the negotiator, to take care of problems in paradigm city and- oh wait, not ALL their memories. just the parts about fat buu.
never mind.
My curiosity is, what if they had instead wished for saiyans space pod to malfunction or disappear
Then vegeta and nappa would have suffocated to death in space
I'm sure shenron can make machineries disappear like how it removed androids bombs 1 Replie(s)
Kantax was saying:
Static was saying: Yes, Gohan just killed someone...
In the part of the series where the Kamehameha literally never killed anyone.
The most used attack in the series that has only ever killed one character.
i remember 4 named Characters killed by goku useing it: Octopapa (red ribbon arc, DB), Tambourine (DB), Frieza (DBS, Golden Frieza), Copy Vegeta (DBS, not sure if it is filler)
In the part of the series where the Kamehameha literally never killed anyone.
The most used attack in the series that has only ever killed one character.
i remember 4 named Characters killed by goku useing it: Octopapa (red ribbon arc, DB), Tambourine (DB), Frieza (DBS, Golden Frieza), Copy Vegeta (DBS, not sure if it is filler)
Yea and Gohan killed cell with Kamehameha, so the technique killed 5 people I suppose
Some characters in the movie were killed as well I think, and baby and super 17 in dbgt
ZenBuu was saying:
DrewSaga was saying: Belsurs was saying: After being spoiled by the later fights (especially with Asura's work), it can be pretty easy to forget how short and simple a lot of the earlier fights were. I'm not complaining cuz we still got cool showcases like the Heliotes' tech, Kat and Syd, Raditz' eye lamps, and Vegito vs Broly; it's just that there was a lot of necessary weeding out to do. Well worth the wait, though, considering the great fights we'd end up getting later once the smallfry got tossed out.
We still got a couple of interesting matchups too in the first round like Cell vs Dabura, Vegetto vs Broly (as you mentioned), Videl vs King Cold (who turned out to be Ginyu later on but nobody knew at the time except maybe Salagir). I am trying to remember any other interesting 1st round fights. I guess Yamcha vs C18 because Yamcha reveals that he is C17. And a lot of those fights have rather obvious outcomes.
Oh yeah! Dabura vs Cell is also one of my favorite fights from the first round. I also had a lot of fun to color most of the fight, even though Cell's spots are a real pain to color. Yet, it turned out amazing, as you will see later in chapter 5/6! :-D
We still got a couple of interesting matchups too in the first round like Cell vs Dabura, Vegetto vs Broly (as you mentioned), Videl vs King Cold (who turned out to be Ginyu later on but nobody knew at the time except maybe Salagir). I am trying to remember any other interesting 1st round fights. I guess Yamcha vs C18 because Yamcha reveals that he is C17. And a lot of those fights have rather obvious outcomes.
Oh yeah! Dabura vs Cell is also one of my favorite fights from the first round. I also had a lot of fun to color most of the fight, even though Cell's spots are a real pain to color. Yet, it turned out amazing, as you will see later in chapter 5/6! :-D
Toriyama also absolutely hated drawing cell
Is there any AI that can color pictures 1 Replie(s)
Dodoria 2x power level of bardock, there's no way he die here
Esp since in namek saga, even small power level difference seemed huge. Like how 24k vegeta easily vaporize 20k dodoria
10k bardock should be nothing to Dodoria prtty much like what nappa was to goku
Bardock Tales Kai page 49
Esp since in namek saga, even small power level difference seemed huge. Like how 24k vegeta easily vaporize 20k dodoria
10k bardock should be nothing to Dodoria prtty much like what nappa was to goku
Noirium was saying:
Why do I feel like Buu absorbed Bee before he died and gained the instincts and intelligence of him. Being immortal (age wise) Buu would be unable to die and regeneration would keep him alive. Cruelty from humans over three hundred years likely led him to becoming feral.
But both Mr Satan and buu were well known to public and popular. Mr Satan prob outlive the dog by decades and kept the buudog as pet, making him famous as saviors pet
I'm sure people wouldn't have treated him cruelly 1 Replie(s)
Sabishii_Kouen was saying:
Final Solar Cannon was saying: So question, what is the last panel supposed to be?
Looks like someone grinning.
Looks like someone grinning.
Oh I thought the attack ball got flattened on landing or something
goten-kun was saying:
Yes, I know that, but the thing with Dragon Ball, is that, often, names have significations and this name too. For me, Muten is his first name and Roshi his last name.
Bro... Roshi (老師) is not a name, it's a title meaning "teacher"
You can translate.google.com and enter 老師, it will say teacher
Also search 老師 on Google images you will see just tons of school teacher pictures in the results
goten-kun was saying:
In my first version, Mutaito called him "Muten" but I thought that it was better, he called him "Roshi", that is, for me, his name, not a title.
Muten Roushi
武天 老師
Mu 武 - Warrior, Military, Chivalry, Arms
Ten 天 - Heavens, Sky, Imperial
Rou 老 - Old man, Old age, Grow old
Shi 師 - Expert, Teacher, Master, Army, War
Muten is heavenly warrior
Roshi is old master
Both words are not names, but a title (like Guru of namek)
I'm sure muten roshi has a separate personal name, which was never revealed in DB. Like Gurus name was Arion in this fiction.
Maybe you can make a new name for him like u did with Arion
LordTyn was saying:
beeruz was saying: I'm confused if goku isn't declared the winner then when does vegito and u16/18 reactions take place.Also wasn't goku in the air when he knocked vegeta to the floor.
Considering Vegito already lost I don't know why he would rampage to Goku winning this fight (or the tournament, if that's what you mean).
Considering Vegito already lost I don't know why he would rampage to Goku winning this fight (or the tournament, if that's what you mean).
He might on on rampage because he wants to fight mystic gogeta really badly now
This is once in a lifetime chance for him
mx1mum was saying:
Despite what everyone's saying, I wouldn't be surprised if Goku and Vegeta are stronger than Gohan, if not close to being as strong as Bra or even Vegito.
We've watched Gohan fight Cell, everyone watching and involved was able to keep up.
We watched Bra fight everyone, everyone she fought was able to keep up enough to at least strategize against her.
Not to mention we saw Broly vs Vegito, also another fight where everyone watching was in shock but, like the others, still was able to at least keep up with.
Here we have Goku vs Vegeta and the only people who were able to follow are Gohan, Vegito, and Bra, and all of them are shocked. If this Goku and Vegeta had to fight everyone the same way Bra did, you can't tell me that based off of what we're getting here that they wouldn't be able to completely blitz and destroy everyone involved before they could react.
Goku and Vegeta are having a whole fight that Piccolo can't even keep up with. When Bra fought everyone, Piccolo was outclassed but he was at least able to follow along enough to formulate strategies and counter attack.
At the very least if Gohan was as strong as these guys, his fight with Cell would've had the same effect as this one since Cell is equal to or greater than Gohan. Had Cell and Gohan been as strong or stronger than Goku and Vegeta, their fight would've been just as difficult if not harder to follow than this one.
Based off of all of that, my thoughts are that this new form puts our two favorite Saiyans ahead of the Gohan's and in the ballparks of Vegito and Bra.
My second prediction is that Vegeta gets up for a round 2 with Goku and Vegeta only using the orignal Super Saiyan forms. Needless to say, I hope I'm right lol.
Despite what everyone's saying, I wouldn't be surprised if Goku and Vegeta are stronger than Gohan, if not close to being as strong as Bra or even Vegito.
We've watched Gohan fight Cell, everyone watching and involved was able to keep up.
We watched Bra fight everyone, everyone she fought was able to keep up enough to at least strategize against her.
Not to mention we saw Broly vs Vegito, also another fight where everyone watching was in shock but, like the others, still was able to at least keep up with.
Here we have Goku vs Vegeta and the only people who were able to follow are Gohan, Vegito, and Bra, and all of them are shocked. If this Goku and Vegeta had to fight everyone the same way Bra did, you can't tell me that based off of what we're getting here that they wouldn't be able to completely blitz and destroy everyone involved before they could react.
Goku and Vegeta are having a whole fight that Piccolo can't even keep up with. When Bra fought everyone, Piccolo was outclassed but he was at least able to follow along enough to formulate strategies and counter attack.
At the very least if Gohan was as strong as these guys, his fight with Cell would've had the same effect as this one since Cell is equal to or greater than Gohan. Had Cell and Gohan been as strong or stronger than Goku and Vegeta, their fight would've been just as difficult if not harder to follow than this one.
Based off of all of that, my thoughts are that this new form puts our two favorite Saiyans ahead of the Gohan's and in the ballparks of Vegito and Bra.
My second prediction is that Vegeta gets up for a round 2 with Goku and Vegeta only using the orignal Super Saiyan forms. Needless to say, I hope I'm right lol.
This is why getting this fight over in 0.5 second is a poor writing
Even vargas birdies can keep up with vegito vs broly fight, but not goku and vegeta who are supposed to be weaker? Introduced unnecessary plothole
Also having this match all fight and zero dialogue makes it quite unDragonBall like 1 Replie(s)
Shabby was saying:
I hope this comic can retcon the movies one big mistake. Cell Max had no personality at all. All of DBZ's canon villains had great personalities.
I would rather they have not remade Cell and made something else, since he was a mindless monster.
I would rather they have not remade Cell and made something else, since he was a mindless monster.
Toriyama don't care jack about what fans want.
While it is well known perfect cell is most popular among cells forms, and semi perfect form is voted to be least popular form.
But toriyama said in interview that semi perfect cell is his favorite form, so that's the form that he chose for cell max.
Also cell is well liked for being an intelligent villain. The way cell max is portrayed completely ruined cell as a character. It also shows toriyama being clueless why cell became popular in the first place. 1 Replie(s)
Would've liked a fight with dialogue not a 0.5 second slow-motion beatdown
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2181
This is a poorly written plothole
Vegito and broly had much higher power level than goku and vegeta, but their fight wasn't "too fast to see" and didn't finish in 0.5 seconds
It makes me conclude this was a poor attempt to make goku vs vegeta new form appear powerful
DB Multiverse page 2173
Vegito and broly had much higher power level than goku and vegeta, but their fight wasn't "too fast to see" and didn't finish in 0.5 seconds
It makes me conclude this was a poor attempt to make goku vs vegeta new form appear powerful
So vegito now knows that U18 gogeta would be a fun opponent to fight
So he goes on a rampage and kills U18 Gohan to make them fuse 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2169
So he goes on a rampage and kills U18 Gohan to make them fuse 1 Replie(s)
basemynick was saying:
Are we sure we just "skipped the fight"? The way Goku's clothes are torn seems a bit odd, but he might've hit Vegeta so hard that that's just what it did to him, maybe... If last page really skipped to the end of the fight it'd just be strange, I think. I wouldn't expect Salagir to do that, but who knows.
After the ass pull he did with the last 3 fights, I kind of expected this.
Vegeta vs Cell - one of the most highly anticipated fights, drawn with underwhelming art and disappointing conclusion. Maybe it could've been salvaged if Asura drew the fight.
Buu vs XXI - from the cover art, I expected some sort of insane calculated chess match of two magic users, with bunch of new magic shown and counter spells against them. But instead finished in just a few panels with just a sealing spell zzz.
Gast vs Bra - another highly anticipated fight, which didn't even happen and ended with a forfeit.
So yes, we got the conclusion of goku vs vegeta fight after only 2 pages. I wouldn't be surprised if all future fights aren't any better. 2 Replie(s)
drgeek was saying:
Honestly, this is the best outcome. We don't really need to see a long drawn out fight between Goku and Vegeta. Its been done... twice in DBZ and once in DBS so this is the best use of that. They've made enormous strides in terms of power and skill. a play by play would just be more of the same. Well done! This page is AMAZING.
When did goku fight vegeta in DBS??? 2 Replie(s)
mAc Chaos was saying:
I like the idea. One thing I never quite understood was how much power gets wasted. It can't be THAT much right??? But somehow it's enough that just not wasting it makes them get astronomically more powerful. That means you have to be wasting more power than you actually get normally.
It's probably like incandescent light bulb vs LED
Why didn't goku and vegeta just ask old kai to release potential hehe they didn't even need to train to get mystic
Offering him 3some with bulma and chichi could've gotten em easily xD I bet 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2166
Offering him 3some with bulma and chichi could've gotten em easily xD I bet 1 Replie(s)
iron leaf was saying:
Hopefully it's not just DBM's version of Ultra Instinct. Meh, I always thought UI was just a bad Kenbun-shoku no Haki knockoff from One Piece anyway.
Ha, I was just thinking about the approach though. With an opponent with no-bullshit attitude, that wouldn't work.
Dr. Raichi: "Huh, he's reducing his power level. Why is he doing that? Anyway, I better kill him quickly before he does anything else."
Basically almost any DB Villain: "Oh, I'm going to stand back and watch what he's up to."
However, it makes sense why Goku couldn't use it on Uub. Even though Uub might have allowed it if Goku asked for it, they settled on an explosive SSJ3 vs Kaioken fight instead. Therefore, after Uub's Transcended Kaioken, Goku didn't have time to properly play his own Trump card. Cell on the other hand probably wouldn't have let it happen if he realized how serious the situation was. Moreover, Cell is not worth it for Vegeta to show his true new power. It's a matter of respect. Vegeta has nothing but contempt for his U10 alter ego, Kakarot and Cell, which is why he virtually mocked all of them.
Ha, I was just thinking about the approach though. With an opponent with no-bullshit attitude, that wouldn't work.
Dr. Raichi: "Huh, he's reducing his power level. Why is he doing that? Anyway, I better kill him quickly before he does anything else."
Basically almost any DB Villain: "Oh, I'm going to stand back and watch what he's up to."
However, it makes sense why Goku couldn't use it on Uub. Even though Uub might have allowed it if Goku asked for it, they settled on an explosive SSJ3 vs Kaioken fight instead. Therefore, after Uub's Transcended Kaioken, Goku didn't have time to properly play his own Trump card. Cell on the other hand probably wouldn't have let it happen if he realized how serious the situation was. Moreover, Cell is not worth it for Vegeta to show his true new power. It's a matter of respect. Vegeta has nothing but contempt for his U10 alter ego, Kakarot and Cell, which is why he virtually mocked all of them.
Super has so many poor knockoffs from other series
Like goku reviving himself with an energy blast vs hit fight was a poorly done knockoff of luffy reviving himself with water vs crocodile 2nd fight
They even plagiarize DBM by showing future Trunks using USSJ and shifting to Ssj trick when he spars vegita 4 Replie(s)
Albatross was saying:
Aw yeah... I'm looking forward for the biggest, fanservice-y fight yet..! I'm also crazy excited to see what tricks theses two have up their sleeves!
It'll be another vegeta vs cell LOL
Apocalipticototal was saying:
ChrisOfChaos was saying: Apocalipticototal was saying: They reminded me of the three wolves from U9, from DBS.
It seems that after mysteriously disappearing in DBZ, the anthropomorphic animals return, I like it.
The King of Japan appears in the Cell Saga and he's a blue dog.
That is only in the anime, therefore not canon, although Oloong and Puar do appear very occasionally, at the beginning of the manga they were very recurring, apparently being a large percentage of the population, but after the sayan saga I don't recall seeing another canon appearance.
It seems that after mysteriously disappearing in DBZ, the anthropomorphic animals return, I like it.
The King of Japan appears in the Cell Saga and he's a blue dog.
That is only in the anime, therefore not canon, although Oloong and Puar do appear very occasionally, at the beginning of the manga they were very recurring, apparently being a large percentage of the population, but after the sayan saga I don't recall seeing another canon appearance.
What are you smoking? The king of the world is a dog even in manga, he appeared in king piccolo saga
He also appears in cell saga chapter 396
https://r...all-chapter-396 1 Replie(s)
Shanks scar is supposed to be on his left eye
Pls fix this gross error
DB Multiverse page 2155
Pls fix this gross error
goten-kun was saying:
Kami can't kill himself. It's impossible.
Why not isnt it rly easy
Just tie a rock and sink to bottom of the ocean and drown self or something
Northeal was saying:
DrewSaga was saying: Cell's statement did not age well. Also here comes our favorite universe, the one with 2 Semi-Finalists!
Northeal was saying: And the MVP pf the first round and majin arc finally arrives
You mean the jobber that could have taken out Babidi but instead thought fighting Gohan and then Majin Bra was a good idea?
Jobber? I meant that he was the most entertaining character in those portions of the story. He's an entertaining villain, his fight against Dabra was the best out of the first round, and was by far the best part of the whole majin shit. Besides, he fought Gohan because he wanted to. He planned everything to set up towards taking down Babidi but he also wanted an excuse to take Gohan on because he was his main rival. It's way more interesting that he could scheme to take Babidi down while also managing to include his personal desires too. They never would've done nearly as well against Bra without Cell, and he was responsible for getting them together. He was also smart enough to try and attack Babidi directly and his minis were what tricked Buu and saved Gohan's life. He was absolutely the mvp.
Northeal was saying: And the MVP pf the first round and majin arc finally arrives
You mean the jobber that could have taken out Babidi but instead thought fighting Gohan and then Majin Bra was a good idea?
Jobber? I meant that he was the most entertaining character in those portions of the story. He's an entertaining villain, his fight against Dabra was the best out of the first round, and was by far the best part of the whole majin shit. Besides, he fought Gohan because he wanted to. He planned everything to set up towards taking down Babidi but he also wanted an excuse to take Gohan on because he was his main rival. It's way more interesting that he could scheme to take Babidi down while also managing to include his personal desires too. They never would've done nearly as well against Bra without Cell, and he was responsible for getting them together. He was also smart enough to try and attack Babidi directly and his minis were what tricked Buu and saved Gohan's life. He was absolutely the mvp.
He could've aimed that super makankosappo on babidis head instead of using it to take out bras arm
Don't know wtf he was thinking
Mino was saying:
Rimuru_Tempest was saying: Cemociy was saying: 30 years... future Trunks final appearance in Z was in 1993. Maybe that's what he's referring to?
No, because it has been 27 years since the Cell Saga for them.
Wait so it’s been 20 years since the Buu saga for them? Unless Pan and Bra were born really late in this comic then that timeline doesn’t match up.
No, because it has been 27 years since the Cell Saga for them.
Wait so it’s been 20 years since the Buu saga for them? Unless Pan and Bra were born really late in this comic then that timeline doesn’t match up.
Goku met uub 10 years after killing kid buu, uub was 10 yo
Uub in DBM is now 20 yo. Uub is both older than pan or bra 1 Replie(s)
I don't understand why DBM kept trunks and goten like their buu saga immature personality
Shouldn't they be almost 30 here? Not even end of Z goten and trunks acted like this 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2148
Shouldn't they be almost 30 here? Not even end of Z goten and trunks acted like this 2 Replie(s)
bigdeano89 was saying:
Are we going to get confirmation for what many folks assumed all this time? That 16 is actually the reason the present androids didnt go full on genocidal? I hope Trunks explains in VERY explicit detail how he blew the both of them apart in his universe just to see the look on their faces. Also, these androids are from a very confusing timeline; I always just assumed they killed Trunks, but it seems like they either did and dont even realize it or somehow he got jumped by Cell like the flashback to OUR Cells future, but that begs the question as to why he did that and didnt just go absorb them?
If u read U17 special, where perfect cell beats ssj2 Gohan in Kamehameha struggle
He kills all the Z Fighters and trunks never gets revived
He never returns to his timeline and that timeline becomes U14
ChrisOfChaos was saying:
You know, I hope 16 gets the chance to kill Kakarotto at some point. After all he's done for the Z Fighters he deserves that much. Even if he does instant revive at least he can get it out of his system.
For real for 16 killing kakarotto probably feels like 40 year old virgin finally losing his v card
4째 패널 번역 변경 필요할듯
영문에선 니 엄마 를 죽인 것 처럼 이라고 말하려다 16호가 그만! 이라고 중간에 끊음
Just like your mot... Mother 에서 mot 에서 끊김
(문장 전부 말했다면 트랭크스한테 가루 됬을듯) 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2145
영문에선 니 엄마 를 죽인 것 처럼 이라고 말하려다 16호가 그만! 이라고 중간에 끊음
Just like your mot... Mother 에서 mot 에서 끊김
(문장 전부 말했다면 트랭크스한테 가루 됬을듯) 1 Replie(s)
DBZFan92 was saying:
kcheeb was saying: Why is bulma so young here? Shouldn't she be more than 50
Seems to me if you zoom in she might have some extra lines and/or bags under her eyes making her look a little older. I can't tell if that's just maybe supposed to be the normal lines under a DBZ character's eyes or not though. Might be what that slight crease in her grin, as well as Tien's mouth, are trying to portray also. Either way, to be fair, Bulma is rich as hell so it's not out of the question for her to look younger than your typical 50-60 year old. I mean you look at some celebrities who can afford cooks, dietitians, personal trainers, plastic surgeons, etc., and they look younger than their age as well.
Seems to me if you zoom in she might have some extra lines and/or bags under her eyes making her look a little older. I can't tell if that's just maybe supposed to be the normal lines under a DBZ character's eyes or not though. Might be what that slight crease in her grin, as well as Tien's mouth, are trying to portray also. Either way, to be fair, Bulma is rich as hell so it's not out of the question for her to look younger than your typical 50-60 year old. I mean you look at some celebrities who can afford cooks, dietitians, personal trainers, plastic surgeons, etc., and they look younger than their age as well.
Nope it appears all char including trunks and videl has same line below their eyes, it's simply drawing style of this artist
DBM bulma supposed to be 10 years older than end of Z bulma (and she already looked a bit old at the last DBZ episode)
Only explanation is that U9 bulma used dragon balls to make herself young again because she was tired of yamcha cheating
Why is bulma so young here? Shouldn't she be more than 50
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2138
부라죽이기서명운동 was saying:
응, 16호 넌 쟤한테 한방감이야. 오자루로 변신할때도 초2베지터에게 피 정도 흘리게 했는데 무슨 수로?
그건 부우가 파워업 시켜준 후고 이건 그 전임
Kakata was saying:
Now we are talking, rob the riches and providing for the poor. That's what Orzo is thinking, you can clearly see it on his face, they are out of luck though, he will buy another Lamborghini with it.
Keep liberal ideology out of discussions kthx
Feels bad since our family was "robbed", and robber being poor doesn't make it OK 5 Replie(s)
It would've been nice if this bulma came to the tournament as a spectator
I wonder how she would react when seeing U18 vegeta after so many years and bra also
Is there possibility they'll have sex and conceive a bra for their own universe? Hehe
DB Multiverse page 2125
I wonder how she would react when seeing U18 vegeta after so many years and bra also
Is there possibility they'll have sex and conceive a bra for their own universe? Hehe
아놔 내가 저 우주의 트랭크스 였으면 세상 어느 여자나 사귀는거 가능할 텐데 ㅠ
현실에서 아무도 안사귀어주는 비참한 내 인생이랑 정 반대의 삶을 살듯
DB Multiverse page 2113
현실에서 아무도 안사귀어주는 비참한 내 인생이랑 정 반대의 삶을 살듯
The plot is poorly written
If Tambo was that strong couldn't he just defeat the bandits? It happened only a year ago
It would've made more sense if bandits attacked "many" years ago back when Tambo wasn't any strong 3 Replie(s)
321Y page 33
If Tambo was that strong couldn't he just defeat the bandits? It happened only a year ago
It would've made more sense if bandits attacked "many" years ago back when Tambo wasn't any strong 3 Replie(s)
Zanzoken is afterimage technique
He didn't actually split his body like tien
321Y page 19
He didn't actually split his body like tien
Stevethebarbarian was saying:
It would be very funny if she joined the u18 team. I think she’s probably on the level of SS1 Vegito, imagine if this series actually ended with her going back to u18.
Real anju gona b jealous ye
I'm betting they'll be going to have a few offsprings by the time uub makes it out of the dimension
DB Multiverse page 2083
So uub got trapped in this dimension? With Buu gone he's stuck there forever lmao
2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2066
I love son bra with nice abs... And the big boobed spectator girl hehehe...
DB Multiverse page 2058
Only way to kill Buu probably is for XXI or Gast to gather and seal Buu into a single ball, then Vegito using majin punisher to vaporize it
DB Multiverse page 2057
RealNate was saying:
Nassif9000 was saying: ... still salty that he didn't draw the Vegeta VS Cell fight. not that what we got was bad at all
Good in the sense that I have no room to judge.
Good in the sense that I have no room to judge.
What we got was really bad actually 1 Replie(s)
Blaze was saying:
You know, Vegetto did say he could destroy a person's soul. I wonder what effect that might have on Buu...
Doesn't seem that hard, just kill the person, then teleport to other world, and kill the little ghost flame that is the person's soul
Then the person won't exist anymore
Drasknes44376 was saying:
frambuesa was saying: Whats the problem with preparing attacks in advance?
Sounds like a dumb reason to make Vegetto get mad with Buu.
Trunk is essentially calling Buu a coward. Buu is near omni-powerful, yet did something a pathetic thug would’ve to avoid: cheat.
Remember trunk and most the Sayian we known run on pride and honor.
Sounds like a dumb reason to make Vegetto get mad with Buu.
Trunk is essentially calling Buu a coward. Buu is near omni-powerful, yet did something a pathetic thug would’ve to avoid: cheat.
Remember trunk and most the Sayian we known run on pride and honor.
LOL no he wanted goku to eat senzu Bean against cell
It just doesn't make sense how Helix was also vaporized without a trace while Arion survived
Helix should've survived also since he probably had the highest power level among all nameks 2 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 168
Helix should've survived also since he probably had the highest power level among all nameks 2 Replie(s)
This doesn't make any sense
How did piccolo become young when kami wished for his own youth?
Now don't give me that BS because kami didn't become young in original DB when piccolo became young
This is a poor writing at best 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2021
How did piccolo become young when kami wished for his own youth?
Now don't give me that BS because kami didn't become young in original DB when piccolo became young
This is a poor writing at best 3 Replie(s)
3rd panel looks like she's shitting bricks lmao
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 17
Wish I could get hit by that butt attack...
1 Replie(s)
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 12
This art version is infinitely better why did they go with the other one?
2 Replie(s)
Minicomic page 106
How does vegeta even have a body?
Even buu saga vegeta was going straight to hell, until yemma decided he needed him to fight buu 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1970
Even buu saga vegeta was going straight to hell, until yemma decided he needed him to fight buu 1 Replie(s)
This story broke vegeta character
Very un-vegeta like for him to take a senzu then sucker punch cell before he can eat his 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1947
Very un-vegeta like for him to take a senzu then sucker punch cell before he can eat his 2 Replie(s)
kkk was saying:
Suisei's art style is a bit different from what we're used to, but not bad at all.
It's pretty bad...
Nephrahim was saying:
Seems like it'd be a pretty anticlimactic end if Goku wins this fight by just surviving. I know people keep speculating that he has new powers that he'll show in a future round, but I would have liked to have seen any hint of them here instead of just letting uub go all out just to explode or something.
We've seen that in raichi vs vegeta
1 Replie(s)
Beni-Kujaku was saying:
CaptainKashup was saying: Can we all agree that Asura is the best artist for DBZ ?
He even tops Toriyama for me.
Well, to be fair, he is quite a bit slower. Asura draws a 25 page chapter in around 4 months (the time for the chapter, plus the special before the next), while Toriyama drew a 14 page chapter per week, or around 8 times more. Even if we consider that Toriyama spent 4 times more time drawing than Asura (not even that far-fetched, considering the toxic environment mangakas live in), that means Asura is still 2x slower. If he could spend twice the time on each page, I'm pretty sure Toriyama would do the same or better as Asura.
He even tops Toriyama for me.
Well, to be fair, he is quite a bit slower. Asura draws a 25 page chapter in around 4 months (the time for the chapter, plus the special before the next), while Toriyama drew a 14 page chapter per week, or around 8 times more. Even if we consider that Toriyama spent 4 times more time drawing than Asura (not even that far-fetched, considering the toxic environment mangakas live in), that means Asura is still 2x slower. If he could spend twice the time on each page, I'm pretty sure Toriyama would do the same or better as Asura.
You can't compare that. For toriyama drawing is a full time job and he earned millions while doing it.
For asura it's probably his side project that doesn't earn him any money, while he's working another full time job.
브로리짱 was saying:
tario was saying: 진즉에 베지트 포타라나 오지터로 퓨전했으면 걍 이겼을텐데...
저런 지능 낮은 액체괴물한테 몰빵을 왜 해가지고...ㅋ
못이깁니다. 팩트만 말씀드리자면 브로리가 단시간에 엄청난수련해온 초베지트1이랑 냉동상태에서 호각 이었고 초2변신이랑 치고 박았습니다.
그래서 얼티밋오반 지터오공 모든 전사들을 흡수하고 재생이 가능하고 마법도 가능한 부우로 변한게 맞다고 봅니다.
초1베지트로는 절대로 브로리 못넘습니다. 1분도 안되서 따라잡히고 말꺼에요
저런 지능 낮은 액체괴물한테 몰빵을 왜 해가지고...ㅋ
못이깁니다. 팩트만 말씀드리자면 브로리가 단시간에 엄청난수련해온 초베지트1이랑 냉동상태에서 호각 이었고 초2변신이랑 치고 박았습니다.
그래서 얼티밋오반 지터오공 모든 전사들을 흡수하고 재생이 가능하고 마법도 가능한 부우로 변한게 맞다고 봅니다.
초1베지트로는 절대로 브로리 못넘습니다. 1분도 안되서 따라잡히고 말꺼에요
그래도 퓨전으로 합체시킨후 흡수하는게 맞지, 부우 한테도 퓨전한후 흡수하는게 따로 흡수하는것보다 파워업이 크니
1 Replie(s)
You should use a stars core temperature instead of surface temperature, since obviously brolly would be dragged all the way into the core instead of happening to stop just at the gas surface
Core of sun is 10 million degrees, while core of any large mass star (that can form iron core) is 2.5 billion degrees
DB Multiverse page 1874
Core of sun is 10 million degrees, while core of any large mass star (that can form iron core) is 2.5 billion degrees
마지만 패널 번역
우주에서 유일한 너보다 더 사기 캐릭과 싸우고 있다고
Broken = 사기, 밸붕, etc
DB Multiverse page 1872
우주에서 유일한 너보다 더 사기 캐릭과 싸우고 있다고
Broken = 사기, 밸붕, etc
If they rly wanted to win, they should've had goku and vegeta fuse into gogeta then have buu absorb it like he did with gotenks. They would've won 100% for sure if they did that.
DB Multiverse page 1867
Piccolo should've just had buu ambush brolly to absorb him
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1866
It wouldn't make sense if they all roll over and die without even attempting fusion
I hope the story proceeds like they form Gogeta who goes SSJ3 to beat up brolly, but they lose because the fusion timer runs out
DB Multiverse page 1864
I hope the story proceeds like they form Gogeta who goes SSJ3 to beat up brolly, but they lose because the fusion timer runs out
I bet they gona fuse to gogeta and fight, but they play around too much and time runs out, so they lose
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1851
This is too out of character for krillin. Terrible chapter, writer doesn't know TF he's doing.
DB Multiverse page 1848
Power scaling for this manga is worse than super 4 Replie(s)