DB Multiverse
31 Prosinca
New comic: Saigo no Son!
Goten-kun's comic book 321Y is finished, but that doesn't matter! His brand-new story begins now!Read it here!
Three pages a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8pm (Paris time)
20 Prosinca
Update of the site!
Update of the day on DBM website:— Comments: On "Reply to" and "Edit this message", the button now changes and sends you to the form.
— Comments: "Spoiler" button wasn't working on the profile page, now it does.
— Swipe was added to change of page recently. Now it's working only when the comic page is actually showing.
31 Listopada
New avatars: Movies and Soldiers
54 new avatars are available!Soldiers of Frost Demons, and DBZ movies characters!
Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
27 Listopada
Next special chapter: Gast again!
TEN YEARS after his last chapter, Gast Carcolh new adventure is going to be a several-parts story and it start on november 13th!New artist: Bunga
Before this, a 2-pages minicomic by Asura.
18 Rujna
Yamoshi update!
Yamoshi new schedule!★It will now release on Tuesday and Saturday!
This page 20 was just changed!
★ If you see the old page (only one panel with one character on it), use Ctrl+F5 to reload the real page!
★ Your comments on the page have been moved to the page where it will really happen! You'll see them in a week!
4 Kolovoza
New avatars: Majin!
70 new avatars are available!Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
25 Lipnja
New comic: Broly Final War!
This one-shot by Sayazur, Malpha, and other helpers, will start on Monday the 1st, and will release at two pages per week!15 Svibnja
New Fanmanga: ★ Yamoshi Story ★
Starting saturday, a new comic starts on DBMultiverse.Yamoshi Story
by Thibault Deboom!
6 Svibnja
New avatars: the Frost Demons!
92 new avatars are available!Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
15 Travnja
Next chapters!
On sunday 21, starts a special on mirai universe, by WaZaKun, who did Minicomic 116.Then, we'll follow with the main story, on a kinda special chapter too, by Ambroise, who did chapter 94!
Then, again the main story, by Asura!
8 Ožujka 2024
Rest in peace, Toriyama-sensei
Akira Toriyama passed away. Our work would be nothing without him, and we will continue to try to honor him through our pages. "Writing manga is fun," as you used to say, but today is a sad day. Thank you and rest in peace, Master.This Sunday, DBM's page will be replaced by a tribute.
5 Veljače 2024
New avatars: the Earthlings!
79 new avatars are available!Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
30 Siječnja 2024
Three minicomics and back to the main story!
On Wednesday 7th, we continue and finish the series about U3 Saiyans, drawing by SirDan!After, Asura and Veguito are back on the main story, and... he is born, the U15 child!
8 Siječnja 2024
New comic: Super Dragon Bros Z!
Some of you may already know it. Written by Salagir and drawn by Berrizo a few years ago, this will now be all re-readable for free here on DBM! 8 Prosinca 2023
New Facebook account
Last try :)You can now follow us on our new account
15 Studenoga 2023
Three minicomics and a special on Bojack!
On december 1st, starts a series of 3 minicomics about Saiyans daily life in universe 3.After this, a special chapter on Bojack by TôMaBYou!
21 Travnja 2012
Posebno poglavlje Bibidi, prije 5 milijuna godina
Slijedeći petak, novi specijal !Nacrtao ga je JohanDark.
Pročitajte njegov strip Korijeni Arkhama (pogledajte video)
Njegovi ostali stripovi
Poglavlje će biti kratko i ostat ćemo kod 3 updatea na tjedan.
15 Kolovoza 2011
Special Chapter: Baddack
U nedjelju,novi i dugi specijal će početi!Bit će 4 updatea na tjedan.
Crta ju stef81, koji radi na svakoj stranici DBM-a.
Njezina stranica: Fan Manga DBZ, koja sadrži (na francuskom) puno DB stripova!
11 Srpnja 2011
Minicomic i jezik
Petak, umjesto DB; stranica, biti će novi mini strip.19. srpnja otvorit će se DBM preveden na Hrvatski jezik!
12 Svibnja 2011
Specijalno poglavlje: Bojack
Ovo novo poglavlje je crtao Berrizo!
Ovdje možeš vidjeti njegova druga stvaralaštva.
Ovjde možeš vidjeti strip koji radi sa Salagirom (jedna nova stranica na tjedan)
9 Travnja 2011
Mini stripovi
Bok! U slijedeća dva tjedna, objavit ćemo 4 mini-stripa. Bit će online u ponedjeljak i petak u uobičajene sate.
Stripove su napravili gosti, a ne uobičajeni DBM-team.
U petak, će zamjeniti uobičajene DBM stranice.
Ne cmizdrite oko toga. Imat ćete update u ponedjeljak. Jej! \o/
19 Siječnja 2011
Next special chapter
Ovo poglavlje će biti cijelo u bojama!Nacrtali su ga Chibi Dam'z i Stef84, a obojali Chibi Dam'z i DBZtmk.
Ovo je poglavlje bilo 2. koje su oni nacrtali, oprostite im ako slike nisu uvijek savršene.
Ritam izlaženja će biti 4 stranice tjedno. Nakon toga će se vratiti na 3 stranice tjedno.
13 Svibnja 2008
O stranici i njezinom projektu!
Pozdrav svima !Evo ga ovo je naš strip, Dragon Ball Multiverse. Informacije o ovom stripu i Dragon Ball-u češ pronaći na linkovima s lijeve strane. Ne morate biti pravi Dragon Ball obožavatelj da možete čitati naš strip, zahvaljujući
ovom sažetku o likovima i priči Dragon Ball-a u tenutku kad naš počinje!
Nadamo se da će biti dobar nastavak DB-a i DBZ-a i pokušat ćemo ostavariti najluđe snove obožavatelja, sa svim "šta bi bilo" koje možete smisliti....
Trenutno izdajemo dvije stranice na tjedan !
Jednu u srijedu, drugu u nedjelju, u 20 h!
Dobro se zabavite i ostavite komentare!
Možete gledati nove komentare preko RSS flow-a.
Ako želiš link ovoga site-a pogledaj dio za banner-e.
Strip se čita s lijeva na desno !