DB Multiverse
February 11th
New comic on DBMultiverse!
★ The inexorable distortion ★
By Chibi Dam'Z and Mirai channel95, 3 new pages per week!
January 20th
New avatars: Nameks!
Piccolo-san, Piccolo-san, dai dai dai dai dai !
Piccolo, Piccolo Daimao, Gast Carcolh!
Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
December 31st
New comic: Saigo no Son!
Read it here!
Three pages a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8pm (Paris time)
December 20th
Update of the site!
— Comments: On "Reply to" and "Edit this message", the button now changes and sends you to the form.
— Comments: "Spoiler" button wasn't working on the profile page, now it does.
— Swipe was added to change of page recently. Now it's working only when the comic page is actually showing.
October 31st
New avatars: Movies and Soldiers
Soldiers of Frost Demons, and DBZ movies characters!
Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
October 27th
Next special chapter: Gast again!
New artist: Bunga
Before this, a 2-pages minicomic by Asura.
September 18th
Yamoshi update!
★It will now release on Tuesday and Saturday!
This page 20 was just changed!
★ If you see the old page (only one panel with one character on it), use Ctrl+F5 to reload the real page!
★ Your comments on the page have been moved to the page where it will really happen! You'll see them in a week!
August 4th
New avatars: Majin!
Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
June 25th
New comic: Broly Final War!
May 15th 2024
New Fanmanga: ★ Yamoshi Story ★
Yamoshi Story
by Thibault Deboom!
May 6th 2024
New avatars: the Frost Demons!
Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
April 15th 2024
Next chapters!
Then, we'll follow with the main story, on a kinda special chapter too, by Ambroise, who did chapter 94!
Then, again the main story, by Asura!
March 8th 2024
Rest in peace, Toriyama-sensei
This Sunday, DBM's page will be replaced by a tribute.
February 5th 2024
New avatars: the Earthlings!
Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
January 30th 2024
Three minicomics and back to the main story!
After, Asura and Veguito are back on the main story, and... he is born, the U15 child!
January 8th 2024
New comic: Super Dragon Bros Z!
December 8th 2023
New Facebook account
You can now follow us on our new account
November 15th 2023
Three minicomics and a special on Bojack!
After this, a special chapter on Bojack by TôMaBYou!
September 30th 2023
New avatars: DBM and Toriyama originals!
80 new avatars are available!
Get into your profile, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
August 18th 2023
Again, a minicomic and back to the tournament!
Hello! On Friday 25th, a minicomic.
Then, the main story is back!
August 13th 2023
DBM Facebook page is banned!
Our facebook page, which was https://www.facebook.com/DBMverse , is banned since a week now.
We didn't get a precise reason, no violation is listed, and our contestation was declined. So we have no idea why and what to do.
if someone knows what to do in this case, we'll be happy to know :)
June 20th 2023
New avatars: Chibi Son Bra!
26 new avatars are available!
Get into your profile, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Created by Le Nuage.
June 16th 2023
We continue with Earthlings on another special chapter
Did Kulilin's training pay off? Time to see!
How will the first tournament of Dragon Ball go, without Gokû?
Another U3/U9 special, by Veguito!
Asura is still drawing... Don't worry, he is back right after that!
May 24th 2023
New comic: DBM Colors
Rediscover the pages of DBM in colors! In all languages.
Including new bonus pages...
Thanks to a great team of artists and colorists!
It starts in one week!
May 1st 2023
Three minicomics then a special chapter
Hello! Sunday the 7th, we'll have minicomics about the creation of the chapter.
Then there will be a special chapter drawn by Ambroise!
Check out his other comic: The Little Warrior
April 14th 2023
New avatars: Kaioshins!
58 new avatars are available!
Get into your profile, select "Gods" or "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
April 8th 2023
Festivals photos
We've been to two conventions in two months! Wanna see the pictures and drawings we did? It's there, in french (but pictures are language-free ^^)
★ Made In Asia in Brussels
★ Paris Manga in... Paris
March 20th 2023
New comic: Dragon Ball Blancoverse
DBMultiverse now hosts a new comic, Dragon Ball Blancoverse by Frorenst!
See him on Deviant-art, Twitter and Instagram
One new page every Friday and Sunday at 9pm Paris time!
February 13th 2023
A minicomic and back to the tournament
Hello! On Sunday 19th, a minicomic.
Then, the main story is back! By Asura and Veguito AND Arcady Picardi as assistants!
November 22nd 2022
Double special, more pages per week!
The next two chapters are very special. They are drawn by Rogeru who did the last Broly specials, and not written by Salagir, but by Xeno Black!
They will also release at a faster rhythm than usual! Starting this Sunday, but also expect a page on Mondays!
Rogeru websites: https://www.dbyobun.com & https://medibang.com/u/Rogeru
Xeno website: https://www.deviantart.com/xeno-black00
November 18th 2022
New comic: Bardock Tales Kai
Starting monday, DBMultiverse hosts a new comic, Bardock Tales Kai by Sayazur!
See him on Discord, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
One new page every monday and thursday in the morning at 9am Paris time!
October 22nd 2022
New avatars: Ultras!
87 new avatars are available!
Get into your profile, select "Ultras", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and made by: HomolaGabor, Argelios, ZenBuu, SchalePetri, Xman34, Frorenst, Beldum, Facundo, and Ammar.
Gathered by ZenBuu and Ammar.
September 21st 2022
A minicomic and back to the tournament
Hello! On Friday 30th, a minicomic.
Then, the main story is back! By Asura and Veguito as assistant!
September 6th 2022
New comic: 321Y!
Discover the new comic of Goten-kun, the author of Namekseijin!
Read 321Y
It will release at 3 pages per week, exactly at the same time as Namekseijin Densetsu.
July 12th 2022
Minicomics and Special on Uub and Buu!
After this chapter, we'll have 3 minicomics!
The last one is drawn by WaZaKun!
Then, we start a chapter that is the sequel of page 1977!
In full colors, starting on August 7th, Sunday.
Drawn by HoCbo!
June 26th 2022
New avatars: Cyborgs!
86 new avatars are available!
Get into your profile, select "Cyborgs", click on "recent" to see them!
Colored and made by: HomolaGabor, Argelios, ZenBuu, SchalePetri, Xman34, Frorenst, Beldum, Facundo, and Ammar.
Gathered by ZenBuu and Ammar.
May 21st 2022
Minicomics and back to the tournament
Hello! On Sunday, a minicomics.
Then, the main story is back, with a lot, a lot of Buus!
April 10th 2022
New avatars!
32 new avatars are available!
They are all drawn by AnaPaulaDBZ, Abysse, BloodWolf, ChibiDamZ, Eiki, Falon12, Faye, Foe, Krya, PoF, Rours Dreamin, thebritwriter, Veguito
Get into your profile, click on "recent" to see them!
Gathered by Ammar
February 6th 2022
We are on Discord ! Come chat, share and laugh with the staff and other DBM fans !
January 30th 2022
New manga on the DBM site!
This is now the turn of Chibi Son Bra did her best! to join DBM website!
See you on Mondays and Thursdays at the usual 8pm (Paris time) to read the strip in your language.
This comic is done by le nuage:
January 18th 2022
Minicomics and Special on Universe 3
From Sunday the 30th, to February Friday the 11th, we'll show six minicomics.
Draw by britwriter, check out his other works here.
Then on Sunday 13, starts a long special about Piccolo Daimao, drawn by Fabien Dalmasso, check out his other works here.
October 23rd 2021
Discussion chapters 82, 83, 84
Sunday on Twitch, the team will talk of the two last tournament chapters, and the Varga chapter!
Come ask questions or debate!
In english!
October 19th 2021
New avatars!
70 new avatars are available!
They are all drawn by Asura
Get into your profile, click on "recent" to see them!
Gathered by Ammar
Others will come by other authors!
October 12th 2021
Special on Universe 6
This special chapter tells about Bojack group going back home, as announced in page 984!
Drawn by Berrizo, it starts Sunday the 17th.
If you don't like his style, just come back on December 1st.
Berrizo drew with Salagir the comic Super Dragon Bros Z.
August 29th 2021
New avatars!
A hundred of new avatars are available!
They are all drawn by BK-81
Gathered by Ammar
Others will come by other authors!
August 15th 2021
The cartoonist of this current chapter!
From page 1927 to page 1935, the drawings are done by the Korean girl Ume!
Ouv and Veguito helped on the finalization.
From page 1936 to 1950, it's done by the French girl Suisei!
Her site - Her discord
Thanks a lot for their awesome work!
July 11th 2021
Special on Universe 1
Very short special about the Vargas!
Drawn by dsp27, it starts Sunday the 18th.
May 22nd 2021
Discussion chapter 80-81
Sunday on Twitch, the team will talk of the chapter 80 and 81!
Come ask questions or debate!
In english!
May 14th 2021
New manga on the DBM site!
Starting tomorrow, a new comic will be released on the site DBMultiverse ON TOP OF the other, at three pages per week!
See you Saturday at the usual 8pm (Paris time) to read the beginning of Namekseijin Densetsu by Goten-kun!
See Goten-kun's other work [FR].
Note: yes, the comic is already visible on another site in french. Go read it there if you want. But don't spoil in the comments here. Thank you.
April 24th 2021
Update site
The little system to show recent updates and last page on News is updated! We'll now see several things at the same time when necessary.
That also changes the RSS flow, which contains more things.
And also several updates for the translators in the admin!
February 21st 2021
New avatars!
We have 58 new avatars to use, and the selector is upgraded! Go in the admin in Your profile page.
Thanks to ZenBuu and Argelios for the coloring and creating the avatars!
Also, Salagir talked of DBM's creation and answered your questions! In english.
January 31st 2021
Special on Universe 20
Here it is at last, the third part about Broly!
It's drawn by Rogeru, it will begin on Wednesday, the 2nd of february (after a minicomic)
Go see Rogeru's other Dragon Ball comics and art at:
January 30th 2021
Discussion chapter 79
Today on Twitch, Salagir, Asura and Ouv will talk of the chapter 79!
Come ask questions or debate!
Our first live in english!
November 22nd 2020
The story continues, and Twitch
Next Sunday there will be a minicomic.
Wednesday 2nd is the return of the main story!
Drawn by Asura and Veguito!
We also opened a Twitch channel!
Come and see Asura draw... Attention spoiler!
Soon, you will see lots of other DBM cartoonists, question & answer session ...
We speak only french for now, but we'll do many in english as well!
October 20th 2020
Instagram contest
Appearing in DBM's audience is possible for you and a friend!
Imagine you just resurrected after Babidi's mind control, how would you and your friend react, in one sentence each?
Participate in 3 easy steps :
1. Follow @d.b.multiverse
2. Tag your friend
3. Unleash the best sentence, from you and your friend, in comment of the post linked above, for a chance to be drawn !
Me : How is this possible ?
@yourfriend : We are in a manga, dude!
Double your chances by asking your friend to participate.
Warning: sentences should not contain insults, racism, sexism…
Prize draw on October 30th! Good luck!
October 1st 2020
Special on Universe 18
Hi everyone!
Unfortunately, we are a bit behind in making the next chapter of the tournament.
Fortunately, we have a super chapter to give you whilst you wait!
Drawn by Arcady Picardi, it will begin on Sunday the 18th.
In the comments, please could you avoid:
— Spoiling the story if you already know it
— Say bad things about the chapter, simply because you’re disappointed it’s not the one you were expecting.
Thank you!
July 6th 2020
Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v
You may notice some identical drawings on pages 1751, 1752 and 1753...
We are guilty of it, but like our master, if we did it, it was to show properly the action!
So, to reduce the wait, page 1753 will exceptionally release Thursday at the usual time...
June 14th 2020
Special on universe 16
June 24th, Wednesday, a new double special begins, a full adventure!
Cartonnists are:
See gallery
Mathieu Battaglia
See gallery
Read DBZ/DC comic
See gallery
Read Hemispheres comic
Alo Im Jay
See gallery
People who don't like specials can come back at the end of october.
April 1st 2020
We will have four minicomics from Wednesday 15th to Wednesday 22nd.
They are drawn by Piccolo76
His Dragon Ball comic [FR]
After, the main story comes back!
February 9th 2020
Special on universe 13
Friday 14th, a new special begins, about our chaotic Saiyans. Drawn by Ouv and entirely colored by Xman34 !
It's the sequel of chapter 52.
February 5th 2020
Report: G-Anime in Canada!
For the first time, DBM crosses the Atlantic Ocean!
On January 18 and 19, DBM was invited to Quebec to participate to G-Anime convention.
See here the report and the photos!
November 28th 2019
The very beginning of universe 13
On Sunday 1st, we'll have a short special chapter on universe 13. Spot the moment everything changed!
Yeah, the normal chapter isn't finished yet, we're late.
This chapter is drawn by Keikuro and dsp27.
November 15th 2019
On Sunday 24th to the 29th, three pages of minicomic, because the drawings exist and we just can't not show them.
Pictures by Arcady Picardi! (Do you remember... Gast chapter?)
October 29th 2019
Update of the site!
There is now an account creation system.
With the increasing number of readers, it becomes important to solve the many problems related to comments (shit-posting, trolling, insults...). They will be much easier to manage because having an account will be mandatory to post them. But don't worry, if you just want to read the manga pages or the fanfics, no need for an account.
The other objective is also longer term: to develop the community aspect of DBM. The account system is the first step towards creating a profile page. The idea is that you will be able to introduce yourself, publish your fanarts, artworks, stories and other personal projects. You will be part of the creators of the DB multiverse!
In any case, thank you for your participation in the improvement of the DBM website and don't forget to follow us on our Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.
October 12th 2019
DBM on Instagram!
DB Multiverse is on Instagram now!
Follow us on instagram.com/d.b.multiverse
September 21st 2019
Test the future account system for DBM website!
The DBM team is working on an account creation system that will be implemented on the DBM website. And we need your help to test it and report the potential bugs.
Go to the test site by following this link: https://dbm.salagir.com
Then test the account creation by clicking on "Create an account" by going to the comment area below the comic book pages. If you spot a bug, report it by sending an email to: bugs-dbm-beta@dragonball-multiverse.com
Sure, but why creating an account?
With the increasing number of readers, it becomes important to solve the many problems related to comments (shit-posting, trolling, insults...). They will be much easier to manage because having an account will be mandatory to post them. But don't worry, if you just want to read the manga pages or the fanfics, no need for an account.
The other objective is also longer term: to develop the community aspect of DBM. The account system is the first step towards creating a profile page. The idea is that you will be able to introduce yourself, publish your fanarts, artworks, stories and other personal projects. You will be part of the creators of the DB multiverse!
In any case, thank you for your participation in the improvement of the DBM website and don't forget to follow us on our Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.
August 24th 2019
Special on the future universe!
A very long chapter begins Sunday, September 1!
It tells the story of Freeza and his father's attack on Earth, but in the original timeline, unmodified by Trunks's time travel.
Adapted from the fanfic of Foenidis (also on this site).
Drawings by Omaru Industries
— https://www.instagram.com/omaru_industries_art
— https://www.deviantart.com/omaruindustries
— https://twitter.com/OmaruIndustries
— https://omarundustriesportfolio.tumblr.com
— https://www.facebook.com/omaruindustriesart
July 25th 2019
On Sunday the 4th, a minicomic from the good old times of Dragon Ball "not Z" without transformations everywhere...
Pictures by Mathieu Battaglia!
His art
One comic (FR)
June 10th 2019
Main story continues!
Wednesday 19th, start chapter 70 of DBM.
Drawings still by Asura, helped by Veguito!
May 16th 2019
On Sunday then Wednesday, there will be a 2-pages minicomic.
Drawings by Vaan!
April 27th 2019
The DBM Android app to read on your phone!
There is now an official app to read DBM on your phone!
Click on the images to install it.
Free, no ad, no taking your data.
You need an internet connexion to read. No offline mode.
[Update] This app is closed and doesn't work. There won't be another one.
April 15th 2019
Special on universe 9!
AT LAST! The universe of the Earthlings, universe 9!
(also contains bits of universe 3)
It begins Wednesday, on April 24th. [Edit! Date changed to before!]
Behold, the chapter the most chaotic ever created on DBM. The following people worked in it, in this order:
— neogen10, 2 pages then gave up.
— Bruno Moens, 3 pages then gave up.
— PoF, 4 pages then gave up.
(so there, I said to myself, in 20 cartoonist, we're good!)
— JanembasCandyHell, the 4 first pages.
— Juan Nasser, many pages.
— Veguito, many pages, and cover color.
— Alo Im Jay, one color.
and of course Salagir, who modified and re-organized several bits of chapters to get to this result.
Loic Solaris and Stef84 participated to the original story.
For after, no worries, Veguito will continue doing many, many pages!
Any comment unrespectful of any of these authors will be deleted.
January 10th 2019
Special on universe 4!
From Wednesday 23, a chapter by dsp27 on the universe of the almighty Buu from universe 4.
This story will show how the Tapion movie happened in this universe!
November 15th 2018
The attack of Babidi continues!
Sunday the 25th, here we go again!
Art by Asura, helped by Veguito.
July 20th 2018
DBM becomes an official association!
DBM, the Association!
Since its existence in 2008, DBM has significantly evolved. This structure requires such a large amount of management that it becomes necessary for us to turn DBM in an association. This will allow us better administrative management of DBM, and a better legal framework.
More detailed explanation here
July 13th 2018
Special on universe 3!
Starting Wednesday, a double chapter by BK-81 in the universe 3, where Baddack used his visions to beat Freeza!
It's the sequel of the first double chapter about Baddack.
May 30th 2018
Next in the planning
Thanks to all the authors who participated in this 10 years anniversary!
Thanks also to the whole team of translators, proofreaders, moderators, export team, and all the differents helps in DBM!
Please go in the authors page to see them and visit their site!
Friday, we'll have a bonus minicomic, and sunday, the main story continues!
April 24th 2018
Back to the main story
On May 4th, we continue the main story, drawn by Asura with the help of Veguito!
We keep on at 3 pages per week! Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.
Also, in May, DBM will be 10 years old!!
For the occasion, we'll release a special comic! So there will be a small pause in this chapter.
March 21st 2018
Special Chapter, the end of the Androids story!
On April 4th, begins the sequel and end of the previous special chapter. Thanks to WhySoGurin who did a great work and so fast!
His other pictures
His video about the creation of the cover
[Edit] Back to 3 pages per week! Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.
January 27th 2018
Detailled explanation of the Multiverse principle
How do the parallel universes work?
Here is an explanation with graphics, so you can understand clearly the logic of DBM universes.
It's not necessary at all for the comprehension of the global story :)
December 22nd 2017
Back to the tourn...to Babidi's attack!
On the 31st of december, we're back to the main storyline, pictures by Asura and Veguito!
Releases on Wednesday and Sunday.
October 30th 2017
Special Chapter with Androids
Friday the 10th, begins a special chapter about the android saga! What have changed in this one...?
Drawn by Ku Kuru Yo years ago, it's time to show it!
His site: http://kukuruyo.com
We'll release at 3 pages a week.
September 9th 2017
Minicomic Friday
Next friday, you'll have the minicomic that will tell the fight of Broly, from universe 20, against Kajika, from universe 2!
Pictures by dsp, and ideas from two DBM readers!
dsp site: https://dsp27.deviantart.com
August 16th 2017
Next chapter!
On Friday, one page just for the cover!
We'll have a special chapter on Trunks 18!! With ONLY Trunks 18!! And nothing else! Of 39 pages, with nothing but Trunks, the present version, the not-cool one!
I hope you'll like.
Also, pages will be bigger!
[Edit] That was a joke... there won't be a chapter only on Trunks of universe 18.
May 25th 2017
Minicomic: the biggest DBM illustration of Asura!
For DBM's booth in conventions, Asura drew and colored a huge illustration which took him 30 hours of work, and featuring more than 40 characters!
It will be published on our site on Friday the 2nd of June.
May 13th 2017
The tournament goes on!
Next Friday, Gast VS Raichi... and Vegeta and Broly continues!
Drawings by Asura and Veguito, release at 2 pages per week, wednesday and sunday.
February 1st 2017
Minicomic Bojack
On Wednesday 8, there will be a complete strip about Bojack's whole story in all universes!
It's made by Yura Kim.
January 10th 2017
U8 special, in colors
Two good news: the release returns to 3 pages per week, and it's in full color!
This is the continuation and end, in 2 chapters in a row, of the universe 8, which started here!
It is drawn and colored by Holken.
October 19th 2016
The tournament continues!
We decided to keep the release rate of 2 pages per week, Wednesday and Sunday.
Indeed, Salagir and Asura are overburdened, and there is no special chapter ready for after.
In a few months we hope to be in a better situation, but this is necessary for the team to breathe.
But, this week and the next will have a bonus update on Friday!
★ This Friday, a minicomic
★ And the next, the chapter cover
September 27th 2016
English forum for DB Multiverse, at last :)
Join the community in an outside forum: DBM English!
The comment section of DBM doesn't have topics, and asks you to avoid outside subjects. You can't even have a signature! Boooring...
You can talk about whatever you want on the forum! Power levels! Bra hate! MLP!
We're waiting for you in this forum, see you there!
August 9th 2016
Next chapter!
It's drawn by Charlotte (see chapter 34 on U16) and by Yura Kim (see minicomic 68-70 on Broly) and will also be colored by Homola Gábor!
We all have a lot of work these days, so this chapter will be released at a pace of two pages per week (Wednesday and Sunday).
We'll do our best to add updates on Friday when possible (minicomic or bonus cover!)
We're counting on you to be nice with the authors and the team, who do their best and continue working in the background all the time.
Enjoy your reading!
June 11th 2016
Next chapter!
Sunday the 19th, we go on with the tournament with Son Bra against Cold! Drawn again by Asura, helped by Veguito!
April 13th 2016
Next chapter!
It's the direct sequel of chapter 50, on universe 13!
February 21st 2016
Contest: Support Asura and Ouv at the facebook contest
Asura, the main cartoonist of DBM, takes part to a drawing contest in a festival in Switzerland, where we'll have a booth. Ouv, who draws the latest special chapter on U13, participates too.
Just like the previous contest, there will be a jury ranking and a "likes" ranking. For this last one, only you can help them win. Each facebook like is a vote. If you like their drawings and want to support DBM's cartoonists, you can like their art:
— Asura's drawing
— Ouv's drawing
And don't hesitate to look at the other participants. Thanks for you help!
February 6th 2016
Next chapter and minicomic
On Sunday the 14th begins a 3-page mini-comic that will answer all your questions about the U19 guys.
Then, chapter 51 by Asura!
After it, you will get the sequel and end of U13 on Helior!
January 24th 2016
Video : Ouv shows the creation of a DBM page
Ouv, current cartoonist of the special about universe 13, tells us his creation of a DBM page.
In french, subtitled in english.
Don't hesitate to subscribe to our youtube channel, we prepare other 100% DBM videos.
December 24th 2015
Next chapter!
It's the direct sequel of chapter 27, on universe 13!
December 10th 2015
Minicomics and U13
After it, we'll have 6 minicomics, at the same regularity. Then a special chapter a little shorter, on universe 13!
Asura won the Art-to-play contest!
He gives big thanks to the readers who voted for his picture :)
November 13th 2015
Asura, the DBM cartoonist, needs your help !
You can vote like this:
1. go here
2. Like the drawing
That's all! Thank you very much.
October 13th 2015
Next chapter!
Still by Asura :)
August 16th 2015
Asura is back on a special, before the tournament
Next, we will follow the adventures of Gokû and his friends when Coola lands on Earth.
July 19th 2015
Thanks to the participants and congrats to the winners!
Thanks to the numerous participants to the contest on our Facebook and Twitter! The 4 winners (evilj93 from Mexico, Mattiaildivino from Italia, Nefetpitou from Spain and Wyatt from USA) will appear in the next chapter of the tournament!
Our DBM Twitter
Our DBM Facebook page
July 2nd 2015
Special Universe 13
Drawn by Scarz and helped by Gokuten!
June 24th 2015
Facebook & Twitter contest: play and take a seat in the public of DBM's tournament!
We've organized a contest on our social networks (Facebook and Twitter) where the fastest and most knowledgeable of you will be able to be drawn by Asura in the audience of the tournament! For the details of the rules it's this way!
June 17th 2015
Minicomic on wednesday, june 24
Dear readers, on wednesday, june 24, instead of the page, there will be a minicomic somewhat special: it'll tell about a contest on our Facebook and Twitter, from which some of you will be drawn in the public of the tournament. Be there :)
May 23rd 2015
Clip video of DBM team and readers in live !
Here is a clip video (in french with english subtitle) of DBM team and readers, in last mangas festivals. And please do not hesitate to subscribe our Youtube channel :)May 7th 2015
The other Minicomic
We didn't have all the advance we hoped, but you'll still have something to read :)
April 26th 2015
Normal chapter + Minicomics
And another will come a few weeks after.
Happy reading everyone!
February 26th 2015
Special Majin Buu
Drawn by Eiki and some pages colored by Homola Gábor! (The cover is still by Faye!)
February 13th 2015
No page 1000 on Sunday but... something else!
The page 1000 will be released on Wednesday, instead of Sunday.On Sunday there will be... something else!
December 30th 2014
Between rounds 2 and 3
On Sunday, begins the sequel of the main story.
With a busy night and the first fight.
Three pages a week, no minicomics.
Drawn by Asura.
December 25th 2014
High definition DBM pages for download!
Merry christmas, here is your present!
It's a selection of DBM pages in H.D., for you to color, or make a parody, or anything you want.
(permanent link in Bonus section)
December 7th 2014
Minicomic Mondays!
Until the end of the special chapter, we'll release a minicomic on monday instead of a page!
Happy reading.
November 5th 2014
Special Bojack
It will tell a far away past, and the creation of the Bojack gang!
Four updates a week, including minicomics.
September 17th 2014
Sequel of the tournament
Still drawn by Asura!
July 13th 2014
Sequel of the story of Gast
It's drawn by Arcady Picardi and it's design with be a little... different!
May 13th 2014
Sequel of the tournament! Vegeta VS Raichi
It's drawn by Asura!
March 23rd 2014
Flash-back part 2 begins soon!
It will be released at 3 pages a week. Nothing on monday.
December 15th 2013
Special Chapter: Universe 8
It will be released at 4 pages a week.
[Edit] Every other monday, there will be a minicomic instead.
October 26th 2013
Next Chapter : Back to main story
Prepare yourself for the fight between the father of Gokû and the father of Freeza... and if this image reminds you of something, it's on purpose! :)
September 5th 2013
Next Chapter : Flash-Back
The next chapter will show two of the fights that you and Vegetto missed.
It's drawn by a freshman: Taopaipai!
It will be released at 3 pages a week (Wed-Fri-Sun), and on Monday, sometimes, will be a minicomic.
July 24th 2013
Special Chapter : Universe 16
Next special will tell how Vegetto was born.
It won't be filled with surprises, but it should be a good read :)
It's drawn by Charlotte, please welcome her nicely!
It will be released at 4 pages a week, sometimes replaced by a minicomic.
April 21st 2013
Special Chapter Mirai Universe
Next special will be about the future world.
It's made by Zettoshonen. A great cartoonist that will also draw the next normal chapter!
See his gallery!
It will be released at 4 pages a week, sometimes including a minicomic.
March 17th 2013
DBMultiverse fan videos
Now on, in the fanart sections, we'll sometime add videos!!
There are a lot of videos based on DBM and we're very happy about it. We wanted to honor here the ones we liked the most, which asked for an enormous work from their creator. Making an animation take much more time and sweat than doing a comic. Congratulation to these movie makers!
You can see all the videos gathered here!!
November 17th 2012
Special Chapter Universe 3
It is drawn by Beta, who is Japanese. Make her fell welcome!
Meanwhile, with various cartoonists, we are working on the main storyline.
November 8th 2012
Minicomic contest results
Thank you all for these fun readings and for making me so proud that DBM exists.
Top 5 is :
#1 Jak Ich'an & Re-Van
#2 BungaCadabra23 & Y.O.U.R.
#3 ACPuig
#4 BK-81 (Princess Vegeta strip)
#5 morinohiguma
Read the full results with comments and the comics themselves, here!
PS: Yes, Tapion can't fly, and can't bear a 100G gravity. He is a musicien, guys. He isn't stronger than Freeza, he isn't even stronger than Raditz. Yes, the DBZ Raditz.
October 3rd 2012
More minicomics
Hello!In order to keep the quality in these times where we are late, we'll release two minicomics next week, on wednesday 3 and friday 5.
Sorry for delaying the story...
Reminder : minicomic contest until 20 of october.
EDIT: I'm sorry for some reason the news was dated on 0000-00-00 and didn't appear on top -_-
So.... surprise!
August 31st 2012
Minicomics coming up, and contest !!
Due to some lateness in our work, we will replace a few updates on Sundays by minicomics.
I'm sorry about it, but on the other hand, they're good minicomics :)
Also, we open a new contest for minicomics !
If you can draw your own comic about DBM and fun, participate here :
July 11th 2012
Special Chapter Universe 13
It's drawn by ShenronMeteor.
He and XD Forever are two italians who began, long ago, a comic named "DBM Anthology". From that, they worked with Salagir to do this chapter !
It will be released at 4 updates per week.
June 26th 2012
DB Multiverse and the team at the Japan Expo in Paris
We will be at the convention Japan Expo 2012!It's the biggest convention about Japan in all Europe, from 5 to 8 on July!
Almost all the team will be there. If you can come... don't hesitate!
Click on the image to read the full news (in french only, sorry)
April 21st 2012
Special Chapter Bibidi, 5 millions years ago
It's drawn by JohanDark.
Read his comic Arkham roots (see video trailer)
His other comics
The chapter will be short, and we stay at 3 updates per week.
April 12th 2012
New language: Filipino
It took longer than expected, but they've done it ! Thanks Napoleon Dagalea and LiveMynd !
Read in here!
January 8th 2012
Special Chapter: Gast Carcolh, the super Namek
It's drawn by Nihonjinsim.
His blog with pictures
We'll be using 3, then 4 updates per week. On monday sometimes, there will be a minicomic.
January 7th 2012
New language: Swedish
They began with the first pages, time to read again the whole story !
Read in here!
December 20th 2011
New language: Brazillian Portuguese
A new great teamwork, thanks guys!
Read in here!
October 27th 2011
Sunday, instead of a DBM page, there will be a minicomic.September 27th 2011
New language: Latin Spanish
Read in Latin Spanish!
August 25th 2011
New languages: Slovene and Arabic !
You won't find any comic more translated than that ^_^
Read in Slovene !
Read in Arabic !
August 15th 2011
Special Chapter: Baddack
There will be 4 updates per week.
It's drawn by stef81, who works on every page of DBM.
Her site: Fan Manga DBZ, which contains (in french) many DB webcomics!
July 11th 2011
Minicomic and language
Friday, instead of a DBM page, there will be a minicomic.And the 19th of july, we'll open a new language: Croatian!
June 20th 2011
DB Multiverse at Japan Expo Paris 2011
We are again at this huge japanese event ! Cliquez here to know more (mostly in french).
Salagir and Gogeta Jr new project, Amilova, will be there too, with albums to sell !
May 12th 2011
Special Chapter: Bojack
You can see his other creations here.
You can read the comics he made with Salagir here (one new page each week)
April 28th 2011
New language: Galician
A new great teamwork, thanks guys!
Read in here!
April 9th 2011
In the next two weeks, we're going to give you 4 minicomics. They will be on Mondays and Friday at the usual hour.
The comics are made by by guest, and not the usual DBM-team.
On Friday, they will replace the normal DBM page.
Don't rant about it. You'll have an update on monday. Yay! \o/
March 4th 2011
DBMultiverse in Brussels in Made In Asia !
In two week, on the week-en of 19-20 of March, in Belgium! Come if you're near!
Click here to know more!
NEW! There is a plan of where we will be, now!
January 25th 2011
New language: Hebrew
This language was particularly difficult to display, because of the reading direction! it's not perfect yet but already quite good ^^
Read in here!
January 19th 2011
Next special chapter
Drawn by Chibi Dam'z and Stef84, colored by Chibi Dam'z and DBZtmk.
This chapter was the second special we created, forgive us if the pictures aren't always perfect.
The releasing rhythm will be 4 pages per week. It'll be back at 3 after that.
January 8th 2011
New languages: Lithuanian & Basque!
Read in Lietuvių!
Read in Euskera!
December 11th 2010
Late again
Next week, we will have a minicomic again (wednesday and friday). Then the release rhythm will slow down (temporarily) to two pages a week (wednesday and sunday).
Excuse us for the inconvenience, but the authors can take Christmas vacations too, can't they?
November 20th 2010
Minicomic Filler
The three updates of next week will be a Minicomic, instead of the main story.
We are getting a little late so...
I'll hope you enjoy this little break, and don't be naughty with the cartoonist, Piratesourcil!
November 18th 2010
New language: Catala !
Come to this section to read it !
DBMultiverse ja està disponible en Català!
Aneu a la seva pròpia secció i llegiu-lo!
September 23rd 2010
New special chapter
It will be a humorous chapter, giving you also informations on the universe where the fearful Bra comes from.
PoF's drawing style is far from Toriyama's, but is perfect for the humor of this chapter.
The releasing rhythm will be 4 pages per week (new day: Monday). It'll be back at 3 after that.
September 4th 2010
Japan Expo 2010 - The report !
With tons of photos and pictures, and also a subtitled video!
June 10th 2010
Norwegian version !
Now the whole comics is available in Norwegian !
May 26th 2010
New special chapter
You'll learn the sequel of Broly's story, and it's not going to be a summary of a film this time.
April 29th 2010
Bulgarian and Hungarian and Russian version !
Now the comics is available in Bulgarian : The team will translate one page per day until they are back to the current release.
And also available in Hungarian ! The pages are up to date !
And to finish, a Russian version with full transcan is waiting for you!
Thanks to the teams who made an extraordinary work!
Other translations are on their way ! :)
March 17th 2010
New chapter
Hello!The next chapter of DBM will be a "special", made by Gothax.
It'll be short, and will be released at three pages per week.
If you are well-behaved, then the next chapter by Gogeta Jr, can be also released at three pages per week, for all the 24 pages!
The pages will come on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, at 20:00 GMT.
March 3rd 2010
Updated pages 1 to 10 !
Indeed pages 1-10, which happened in the future, were caught up! And there are problems ... Vegetto is not SSJ2, there still a ring ... We then remade these pages by improving and correcting errors.
Starting Sunday, you will have a new page per day, for 10 pages!
Then we will put these pages to start in place of the old ones.
December 24th 2009
Joyeux Noël
We also have a new Minicomic!
This picture is made by PoF. He is currently working on a part of universe 16, where we'll learn more about Son Bra, the bad tempered brat!
And for people who don't care about X-mas, well, too bad! >:D
November 23rd 2009
Special Chapter !
We now have special chapters ! Details of other worlds will be opened to you. We start from the next page with a flashback showing how a film can be incorporated into DBM with few changes.
Thanks to these special chapters, and temporarily, the update will be of 3 pages per week! So I will add a page on Friday!
Finally, let me introduce you to two people who made possible these new pages:
— stef84 who is assistant Gogeta Jr and allows him to quickly advance its pages
— Albertocubatas, who designed the forthcoming special chapter
Other designers are still in the shadows while they advance their pages, you will meet them soon!
October 8th 2009
Japan Expo : again in Paris
From the 30 of October to the 1st of November (Friday to Sunday), will be the Chibi Japan Expo at Montreuil (East of Paris, France)
We will use the occasion to get another booth and expose all we have left from the preview big Japan Expo.
For more informations read here
October 5th 2009
Lags on Server
I was told that the server got many difficulties this night and was answering errors like:Warning: mysql_connect ( )[function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections
So I've re-written the code a little and it should be all optimized now, making may less requests to mysql, and used memcache.
As a result, pages take twice less time to create.
But it's real power will be seen while the rushes when a new page is just on : the server should lag way way less.
August 7th 2009
Birds are singing
And to stay on the topic of music... while waiting for the blockbuster in animation (or live with Justin Chatwin cough cough), we already have a background music for DBM!
Download the mp3
Composed by Moz'! His other work on http://www.myspace.com/nicomusique
If you make a video on DBM, use this music (you'll have less chances to be removed from youtube): it's free to use as long as it's not for a commercial purpose.
May 13th 2009
DBM goes to Japan Expo!
Oups, we do it again! Japan Expo is a very big French convention about Japan, videos games, animes, etc. This year, it's on the 2 to 5 of July 2009 (Thursday to Sunday), in Paris. And DBM will again have a stand in it! If you can come for a visit, we'll be glad.
For more informations, for donations, for comments, it's here!
March 6th 2009
Chibi Japan Expo
For those who want to see our faces, I made a page about the Chibi Japan Expo, with photos and a video :http://ww...po-2009-02.html
February 8th 2009
New bonuses!
Because of the Chibi Japan Expo, we make posters. Gogeta Jr re-drawn some pages and some panels, and Faye colored them!Just have a look at pages 8-9, and 36!
And we also have a clip now:
(Clip was by Risbo. Source is gone)
January 13th 2009
Convention opening !
You can make a donation to help us on this!
December 24th 2008
Noël ! Noël !
Get into the bonus section to download this wallpaper :)
For Christmas, you will get a page everyday from now to sunday !
Plus minicomic #2
I'm going back to vacations :)
December 11th 2008
Dead server
The server that was managing all my websites died today...Thanks to my backups only a few comments and lost (and may be found back).
Multiverse is the first site I put back online, because it got the most visitors ! :)
October 26th 2008
Time machine at work
Due to Daylight Saving Time, the release hour changed. Now it's at 7 PM GMT.PS: any Japanese who want to help to do a Japanese version of DBM is welcomed to mail me.
September 3rd 2008
Pacific invasion ! :) (2)
Welcome guys !!
In fact, I'm working on a Japanese version of the comics since weeks. But it very hard to do. I don't speak the language except for "nanni???" and "yameroooo!!!" and writing it, well it's even more of a problem.
So if anyone of you wants to help for its creation : translating, transcaning, please mail me, at multiverse at salagir.com. Add the text "DBM" in the subject, so my antispam won't delete your mail as asian spam ;)
Edit: I'm looking for someone who is used to photoshop, can write text vertically with it, and can add onomatopoeias
May 13th 2008
First news of this site !
Hello everyone !So here is our comics, Dragon Ball Multiverse. You'll find more informations about this comics and Dragon Ball itself in the links on the left.
There is no need to be a real Dragon Ball fan to be able to read our comics, thanks to this summary of the characters and the story of Dragon Ball at the moment ours begin.
We'll hope this will be a good sequel for DB and DBZ, and we'll try to realize fan's crazyest dreams, with all the as if you'd think of...
Now two new pages are released every week. One on Wednesday, and one on Sunday, at 6 PM GMT !
Have a good time and post your comments !
You can watch the new comments throught the rss flow.
If you wanna link to this site, take a look at the banners section.
The comics reads from left to right!