DB Multiverse

DBM Universe 4: Buu

Written by Arctika

Adapted by npberryhill, Virgilio212 & ZenBuu

Proofread by Salagir

Part 1 :0
Part 2 :123456
[Chapter Cover]
Part 2, Chapter 6.


Translated by Virgilio212 & proofread by ZenBuu

The supreme quintessence: the pinnacle of the ultimate being!

These two Saiyans quickly merged, giving rise to my nemesis. The only person who could challenge me across all universes. My rival, my worst enemy, my counterpart on the side of good, and also an unparalleled filth — someone I will always hate and admire. A disgusting worm, a waste of fusion that inflicted upon me the worst humiliation in my long existence. Neither South Kaioshin, nor Gotenks nor Son Gohan made me feel like this.

This Vegetto, the fusion of Vegeta and Son Goku, was repugnant. How could the fusion of two beings yield such a result? However, I had my own resources, in addition to those of Son Gohan, the two children, and Piccolo. These additions were more than enough to crush a Super Saiyan 3 with a single breath. And yet, this fusion rot had exponentially amplified Vegeta's and his rival's powers to the point, that I was unable to inflict any damage on him. I was fighting him for almost an hour. I turned him into candy, but he literally disintegrated me little by little in his tiny caramel state. I penetrated his body to let him explode from the inside and tear him to pieces, but he slowly tortured me until I emerged. He blasted me, charred me, tore me apart, cut me, shriveled me, all at his will. He was just a simple Super Saiyan, but my full strength wasn't able to even scratch him.

Filled with immense hatred, I elevated my energy to the zenith and succeeded in intimidating him. In fact, blinded by rage, the dimension we were in was gradually disintegrating. If he hadn't managed to interrupt me, the entire universe would undoubtedly have disappeared in my boundless fury. Vegetto acknowledged my merits as a warrior, but for me, this was the straw that broke the Djinn. Did he "acknowledge" me? Me? He found me acceptable? You... really… are… TRASH!

Arrogant bastard! Cursed Saiyan! It was unfair! I fought hard, facing formidable warriors and triumphing over them all. I surpassed myself every time to survive, and here is a miserable fool who was born an hour ago—the union of two cowardly idiots who couldn't face me directly, who knocked me down, belittled me, and was about to eliminate me!

And the worst part is that he was turning that injustice against me. So, did I have no morals to speak of? Just because I absorbed a lot of warriors? But I was fighting for my survival! For the pleasure of comparing myself with formidable fighters! To absorb those who were worth it was to recognize their value and glorify them through me! They contributed to my survival and my growth! Yes, I eradicated entire populations under the wizard's control! Yes, I devastated planets and its inhabitants because they constantly stood in my way! The weak must disappear, and the strong must rule; that's how it works. Vegetto, a typical pretentious asshole, his arrogance had no limits. Sure, I was an evil being, but from my point of view, I was nothing more than the law of the strongest, with a taste for fighting. There was no justice in this world, only history written in the blood of the victors. And I didn't hesitate to do whatever was necessary to stay alive and be on top.

You, who are reading these lines, likely consider that there are still two Manichaean camps, Good versus Evil. Earth Warriors versus me. And undoubtedly, you were delighted to see Vegetto humiliate me and tear me to pieces. But have you ever been pushed to your limits? Persecuted by the rest of the universe, because everyone sees you as the scourge in person, the cataclysm of existence? I embodied the worst of humanity; I was known for being a being of pure destruction. But ever since I got released from my cocoon, everyone has marched to destroy me—the Kaioshins, the Earthlings, the Saiyans. It didn't matter what you thought of me while Vegetto drove me to despair. I boasted about being the strongest and intended to remain so.

What truly terrified me was the technique of this horrible fused being. Through an ultra-concentrated projection of Ki, he could annihilate any of my cells. He was the first person capable of eliminating me in a concrete way. This time, there were no more doubts. This guy was incredibly powerful, and I had to absorb him quickly. He would be mine, and then nothing could ever affect me again!

By a fortunate combination of circumstances, I managed to absorb him, taking advantage of his inattention and inflated ego. Strangely enough, it had no effect on my system or body. But I must have adapted to my absorptions and couldn't evolve. Regardless, no one could stand in my way anymore. I was free, undefeated. Invincible. To celebrate this achievement, I was going to put on a magnificent fireworks display. The relentless and complete destruction of this beautiful planet, now deserted, made me suffer... hellishly. The most beautiful trials I have ever experienced, but also an unspeakable ordeal.

Farewell, Oh Earth so despicable and so sweet! World of stupid humans, yet so pleasant to navigate. Birthplace of human stupidity, but the center of so many stories, events of all kinds and grandiose battles! You had a good story, but now you were going to end it all in a spectacular explosion on my part.

But, as I swung the final Kikoha with the intention of removing the celestial body from the face of the universe, a sudden shock occurred within my system. My physical appearance suddenly changed to become less muscular, less charismatic, wearing Piccolo's outfit. And it wasn't just my body that regressed. My power had also dropped several levels, to the point where this sudden weakness made me nauseous. And that was just the beginning. Before I could even react, I transformed again, returning to my base, my Super Buu state after absorbing the hot air balloon. I was dumbfounded. Devastated by my filthy appearance, my strength was disgustingly reduced. So, this was the feeling of weakness? That feeling of ugliness and that feeling of just being an unrefined bully? I didn't realize until I absorbed all the different warriors, but I was actually repulsive in my base form. Piccolo, Gohan, and the others allowed me to ascend to a higher plane of existence, with the acquisition of unparalleled charisma, unfailing power, and intelligence driven to the extreme. A true gentleman at the height of all creation, capable of appreciating the most trivial things in life, mainly a good fight and the satisfaction of having crushed everyone. At first, I would be more like that, even after leaving Earth.

But we're not there yet. I invite you to imagine my state of mind. Please jot down what you believe to be my thoughts at the time of my sudden regression. My designated writer will choose the most suitable passage and incorporate it. I must note that I control his choices and words, so... Nonetheless, I didn't absorb him for nothing. It's now your responsibility to contribute to my glorious tale!

(Also, provide me with a humorous idea. We'll use this process to gradually integrate you into my all-divine existence! Step by step, I will assimilate you; the others will be swept away like a ball of hay with a simple snap of my fingers. You will serve as my literary resources, so don't disappoint me. It would be regrettable if all of you failed me... and I had to consume you as if you were a continent of meat dumplings.)

Quickly, I transported myself into the confines of my own mind. Yes, I possessed that skill, a fact that greatly surprised Vegeta and Son Goku, both of whom had also gained command over their respective bodies. It felt peculiar, and I harbored concerns that this might be part of a strategy to re-merge with their earrings. Having made the error of allowing them to merge their powers, I was determined not to endure the humiliation of that filthy, uncontrollable fusion again. I needed to navigate with caution. While I had suffered a significant loss in both power and strategy, I remained reasonably composed and visibly intelligent.

But the same could not be said for my two opponents. As mentioned earlier in the narrative, they both proved to be genuine imbeciles. Son Goku inadvertently revealed that Vegeta had previously annihilated his earring, rendering them unable to fuse again. The troublesome obstacle of Vegetto was no more. Although they retained the ability to fuse through their dance moves... I had to prevent it at all costs; I had no desire to be outclassed by another fusion. Fortunately, the two Saiyans seemed oblivious to this possibility. On the contrary, they panicked and acted impulsively. Son Goku threatened to pierce my head, oblivious to the fact that his power had adjusted to his size. He futilely attacked my main body. Vegeta, however, proved to be exceptionally astute and perceptive. He seized the cocoon that encapsulated my inner self... What? Is that too psychoanalytic? Alright, the overweight Buu, in this case."

The predicament with this abrupt peril was that my existence was solely defined by the presence of Fat Buu. This entity was shaped by the Kaioshins and played a crucial role in molding my current state. However, losing him wasn't going to make me big again. This Buu had now evolved into an independent being in his own right, encompassing the only absorptions I held within myself. If forcibly separated from me... I would lose the ability to absorb it again. I would never be the same. And, as you well know, that signifies the resurgence of the young terror. Frankly, that prospect terrified me. Without hesitation, I intervened to avert the futile Saiyan from triggering this definitive regression, and I successfully absorbed him in the process. I attempted the same with his companion, but he eluded my grasp. It wasn't a significant setback. Vegeta was already integrating into me, and a new plan was taking shape in my mind. The ultimate confrontation.

After the completion of my latest metamorphosis, I took the opportunity to redesign the interior of my body, confining Son Goku within an impermeable chamber with impenetrable walls. I emerged before him, now adorned in the attire of his rival, the haughty Vegeta. I relished in this absorption. My new guest harbored malice and resentment towards the impudent creature before me, refusing to acknowledge him as the strongest. Through me, this sense of frustration would dissipate, for there was no doubt that the Saiyan from Earth stood no chance. In my purest form, I already surpassed him in power. Yet, with the addition of a Super Saiyan 2, I could handle three like him without growing weary.

Let's delve into this discussion for a moment. Stop incessantly comparing us with your tedious Super Saiyan classifications. It becomes wearisome and feels contrived. The real question isn't about whether one form can engage in an equivalent battle with another type of golden-haired being, whether shorter or longer, electrified or not. Contrary to what you might assume, power isn't the sole determinant in a confrontation. Despite the contradiction posed by my previous clash with Vegetto, I'd argue that, without fusion, none other than Son Gohan could stand up to me. However, you'll witness that even very lengthy hair doesn't endure for long against me. You'll have evidence of this soon.

So I declared, it was time to commence the final series of clashes—the apotheosis, the apogee, the epitome of my struggle for survival and ultimate victory. Before me, the Saiyan understood that escape was futile, and yet, he remained resolute in attempting to fight me until his last ounce of strength. Transforming into Super Saiyan 3, he charged at me, delivering formidable blows. Over the course of ten minutes, we engaged in a valiant battle. I won't deceive you by claiming it was an effortless match. Despite my overall superiority, Son Goku matched me with his ingenuity and martial arts brilliance. I initially received blows without anticipation, but gradually, I managed to foresee or permit them to serve their purpose. Little by little, the tide of the fight began to shift in my favor. Following a direct Kamehameha to my face, he succumbed to my devastating counterattacks.

He grew weaker and weaker, while I sustained my power without any loss. His fate was sealed. He was essentially facing a miniature version of myself within my own body, having absorbed only Vegeta. Assimilating Son Gohan again and crushing him with a single blow would have been effortless. However, that would have dishonored them both, the Saiyan within me and the one standing before me. I relished in this battle and had no desire for it to conclude hastily. I wished to savor it and etch it into my memory forever. But the Kaioshin had to intervene. He interacted with my external physical body, striking it several times to no effect, except for one: it slightly distorted the combat room and distracted me. Seizing the opportunity, Son Goku gained the upper hand. This swiftly infuriated me.

Temporarily halting my duel, I returned to my true body and delivered a direct blow to the Kaioshin, sending him crashing into a distant rock. Given the force behind the strike, I doubted this meddling entity would trouble me again. I sighed before redirecting my attention to my opponent. The die had been cast; the outcome was determined the moment I intercepted Vegeta. I harbored no further expectations from Son Goku; it was time to conclude this conflict once and for all.

However, upon returning to the battle arena, I was genuinely surprised by the Super Saiyan 3, arms crossed, enveloped in a dazzling and thunderous aura that resonated within the very walls of the chamber. The level of energy coursing through the Saiyan's body sent shivers down my spine; his power exceeded my expectations by far! If he had unleashed this strength the first time we fought, I would undoubtedly have been reduced to dust. Why was he only revealing it now? My instincts told me it was akin to the days of the assault in the Kaioshin realm: the warrior's final gambit, utilizing his full strength to the limit... All. Or nothing.

Son Goku extended his arms and projected his energy around him, akin to Vegeta during his sacrifice. In an instant, I was disintegrated—not just my internal body, but my external form as well. The force carried me across a vast distance, reducing my cells to ashes. The explosion was so immense that the Earth trembled from the shock wave.

Shortly after, the vast dust cloud produced by the explosion gradually cleared, revealing a weakened Son Goku, kneeling on the ground and struggling to catch his breath. It was done; he had expended all his strength. Unfortunately for the planet's last living defender, his commendable action proved once again to be a futile attempt. My body had exploded from the inside, burned, and disintegrated. However, small remnants of my body wrap were flung away, symbolizing my survival and victory. I regenerated before Son Goku, offering him sincere greetings. Vegetto had unveiled an effective method to effortlessly defeat me. The alternative, no less significant, demanded much more resources: a wave of energy potent and extensive enough to encompass every fragment of me within its field of action. If Son Goku had been his original size, he would have obliterated the planet and the entire solar system, and I likely would have perished with no means of escape. Unless I followed the usual course of protagonists in these stories, like Frieza and Cell: a miraculous survival due to a remaining body part. Honestly, it wouldn't have been anything new to me. In my youth, I spent my time annihilating planets, with myself on them, and reforming in the vast void. So, it wouldn't have surprised me too much. I extended my hand towards Son Goku, poised to execute him with honor. However, I changed my mind at the last moment and opted to absorb him instead. I held genuine respect for this man, who displayed resourcefulness and strategic planning. His Super Saiyan 3 form concealed unsuspected depths of strength. I had come to recognize that he didn't fully master this form, and when I exploited his potential to the maximum, I could reach unprecedented heights.

Before long, Son Goku merged with me, and I reconnected with the other warriors, causing my power to soar to unprecedented heights. Finally, it was over—I stood as the strongest. The universe now belonged to me. I could sow terror and desolation among living beings, secretly yearning for encounters with beings of comparable caliber capable of resisting me and pushing me to my limits. As a conclusion, the twilight of this era, I resolved to mark the occasion by obliterating this peaceful, tranquil world... this endless, nightmarish utopia... this land of peace and love... huh?

So why couldn't I unleash this kikoha destined to erase Earth from the map of the universe? All I needed to do was focus my energy and obliterate this planet where I experienced numerous adventures, witnessed the growth of children, and battled formidable enemies from both the future and the past...

What? But what...? What were those fleeting flashes that appeared in my mind? After a few seconds, I understood…

All these individuals within me cherished this planet. Even Vegeta. Son Goku and his kin had a genuine love for this small world nestled in a corner of space. And, eventually, so did I. We lived well here, enjoyed good meals, and despite the partial decay of humanity, it also brimmed with potential and goodness, a fact I couldn't dislike. This world held a special place in my heart, not only due to my experiences but also on a personal level. I lived through the most beautiful period of my life here, learning to love, to hate, to overcome myself, and to evolve. Even if it meant devastating the universe, I had to spare this planet that witnessed my birth and progress.

In a moment of heightened emotion, I decided to address Dende, the Earth's god whose name I knew thanks to his friends. I requested him to gather the Dragon Balls to restore Earth to its original state and resurrect the earthlings. I owed it to my opponents. After discarding Son Goku's iconic orange outfit, I noticed the Kaioshin dying on the ground. I transformed him into a cracker before consuming him, absorbing his abilities in the process. I wouldn't pass up these useful divine techniques. I had missed the chance to acquire them when I was a child, and I couldn't afford to miss it again.

Later, everyone came back to life. I introduced myself to Goku and the others' families, delivering the news of the loss of their loved ones. They were stunned, unable to react. Only Chi-Chi found the strength to launch a scathing attack: “How dare you? Give me back my children and my husband, you monster!!” With a single menacing look, I silenced her, striking terror with the gleam in my eyes. Turning to Bulma, a new thought crossed my mind: “Mmh... Bulma... you're quite intelligent, aren't you…” The Earthling backed away, horror etched on her face. Following the instinct that awakened within me, I absorbed her instantly, preventing others from reacting. In just a few seconds, I felt my intelligence grow exponentially. I wasn't mistaken. The memories of Vegeta, Son Goku, and their loved ones guided me to useful decisions. This one, in particular, allowed me to evolve even further, assimilating the intellect of one of the most intelligent Earthlings on the planet. While I still had no interest in absorption, especially outside of combat specialties, it wasn't a complete waste. “Um, anyway... I told the others, all of them shaken. I'm leaving the planet now. I want to explore the universe and its wonders. I'll keep you updated from time to time!” As I began to fly away, a voice called out to me: “Hang on!!” It was Videl, Hercule’s daughter. Her face flushed with anger and sadness, she was barely restrained by #18. “Why are you acting like this? If you've become so good, give us back the people we love! Do it for the Earth you spared and for my father!” I stared at her in silence, while she and the others anxiously awaited my response. Showing a tender smile, I replied: “This is the only request I cannot grant, my dear. When Goku and Vegeta fused, they bid farewell to their individual personalities forever. Therefore, consider it to be the same. They will be part of me forever. This is my new and final rebirth, to which they contributed greatly. I'm the new Buu.” Before Videl lost her temper again, I added, hardening my gaze: “You can think of me as a friend. Thank your families for that. But don't think that I really am. If you rise up against me, if humanity does anything to harm me, I will not hesitate to destroy some cities to appease you. I care about this world, but I will not hesitate to make them suffer if necessary.” Leaving the atmosphere in this tense scenario, I flew towards space, heading for a new epic, new adventures, but not without addressing a last farewell to the Earthlings. I mechanically raised my hand in the manner of Son Goku, waving a cheerful: “Bye, friends!”

DB Multiverse
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DBMultiverse Colors
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Namekseijin Densetsu
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DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War
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Univ. 4
Chapter 6
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September 18th

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