DB Multiverse

DBM Universe 4: [Zen] Buu

Written by Arctika

Adapted by npberryhill, Virgilio212 & ZenBuu

Proofread by Salagir

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[Chapter Cover]
Part 2, Chapter 5.

Chapter 5

A fight for survival: the ultimate evolution!

My encounters with the Saiyans have been the true determining factor in my evolution — even more so than meeting Mister Satan. When I first came across Vegeta, the arrogant provocateur who sacrificed his entire life-force in that final explosion, I certainly wasn’t aware it would later prove to have been a turning point in my story. The course of the Universe itself had been altered. I had gone from being a terrifying calamity, to a legendy, to a myth. Five million years I had been absent, perhaps a mere breath to an eternal god, but for living beings the memories of such things were even lost to archeology. When I appeared before Vegeta and Son Goku, they were not afraid, they weren’t intimidated.

They had confronted me bravely, holding nothing back, and it was through contact with them that I gradually learned to think for myself. Certainly I’d always held a resentment towards Babidi and his father, but instinctual, fleeting, until these two warriors came along and helped lay the foundation for my being. Thus it’s necessary that I present their importance to you, as well as many others.

The Grand Kaioshin had succeeded. I had been inwardly transformed from one of unprecedented barbarism and sadistic destruction into a being that contained an almost redemptive naivety. The only life I knew I’d been around sorcerers, who taught me that the greatest pleasures in life were in terrorizing others and delving out desolation. Although, thanks to the gods, I didn’t see it quite as they did, for me it wasn’t so much a delight as it was a recreational activity. And the difference is paramount, believe me.

Once in contact with Mr. Satan, I had changed into a harmless friend, sweet and sincere. The evil within was like a different person, much as had been the case with Piccolo Daimao — the participant of Universe 3. It’s quite similar to his schism, only far more striking.

I cannot say which was more me back then, they were two different spirits after all. The incarnation of Bibidi’s evil magic, against the friend of the Earthlings and Mr. Satan, the heart purified of all vice. But the facts seem to indicate I was always bent towards a little evil. By the way, even now, it’s still one of my favorite things. Perhaps I find it amusing, as it is still in my nature — though I’ve emancipated myself from that — but I did originate from an evil old book of dusty wizards. How do I know? ... A mystery you’ll discover in due time!

Let’s get back to Buustory. The facts, as I said, point to evil as being what constituted me first and foremost. Why? Because the anorexic grey-skinned Buu was the stronger of the two. He was seemingly unaffected by the Great Kaioshin or Mister Satan. Why hadn’t I become the same Kid as in ancient times? Even I don’t know how to clearly explain it, my transformations were so chaotic.

But something had weakened me, perhaps the childish remnants of a former host. If I had annihilated my pudgy counterpart rather than absorbing him, Gotenks would have obliterated me without a second thought. I had become even weaker than when I was still Fat Buu — Even Vegeta might have managed to defeat me!

Fortunately, I had the foresight to swallow Buu, my body knew just what to do with my special... guest. I reobtained my full power, at the cost of a small sliver of the Grand Kaioshin’s influence being reinstated. My true evil nature was somewhat restricted by his presence, but once again it was the evil side of me that was in control. The pudgy form I owed to the Kaioshin had been resculpted into a beautiful pink athlete — and the darkness in my eyes craved only one thing: the fight.

This time, I didn’t have a brainless Kid in the driver’s seat but rather the intelligence and drive of South Kai. Thanks to that I could reason and express myself clearly. Simply put, I was the complete opposite of the kind and peaceful Southern warrior. At last it was me, Super Buu, with bewildering power and a thirst for battle... and candy. Without South Kaioshin I would have remained skinny. And without the Fat Buu I might have become brainless again. Now that I was an intelligent being and could appreciate my existence, I feared ever going back to the form of Kid Buu. I had learned to value things. The value... of toys.

I still remember the fun of introducing myself to Piccolo and his companions. They were so terrified, they truly believed it was the end. Unluckily for them, I had acquired the ability to sense energy — which honestly I could have learned before in my fat form, but was too silly and superficial to worry about something like that. This time was different, and my thoughts and goals were laid out plainly in my mind.

In my mind echoed the words of Son Goku: “In two days, the greatest warrior on Earth will face you, and he’s even stronger than me in my Super Saiyan 3!”

Only the South Kaioshin had power comparable to the long-haired form, and the prospect of discovering this new warrior was enticing. In spite of Piccolo’s efforts to slow me down, I finally met and faced my destiny — that is, the complete extinction of Earth’s population. It took me all of ten seconds. Well, I may have missed a few to be honest, but I wasn’t trying that hard...

Even now, my proclivity towards genocide remains, no offense to the numerous honorable souls that I’ve absorbed. I could hear the screams of every man, woman, and child that populated the planet. Back then, the only good influences in me were South Kaioshin and Fat Buu, both of which were negligible. I was much closer to my original appearance, now with more intelligence and some childish sadism. I suspect that my various transformations and the power thereof may have given rise to heated debates. It is my hope that here I can settle some of those arguments, or perhaps feed the fire. I appreciate the chaos provoked when you choose to oppose me on my own power levels. Only Vegetto was able to inflict defeat upon me, but this is a subject for later discussion.

As I was saying! After eradicating the population of humanity, Piccolo submitted to my superiority and agreed to take me to the fighter I was promised. But I quickly realized I was the victim of a stall tactic, being led up and down various hidden stairwells. For the moment, I followed, getting more and more frustrated. Fortunately for him, I needed the Namekian alive to take me where I needed to go.

From there I’m not sure it’s of any use to go into further detail. You already know the story and the result of the fight I had in the bizarre room of Space and Time. I was reacquainted with the two Saiyan kids that had opposed me to save Vegeta — but this time they had a big surprise for me. They merged before my very eyes, becoming a single warrior of impressive power. At first, he didn’t have a chance, fighting in his base form for some reason. Upon turning Super Saiyan, the fight got more interesting due to his grotesque attacks.

He was skilled enough in ki manipulation to make it into semi-sentient ghosts that exploded, or form deadly weapons and tools like his donut ring. Unfortunately for my pre-pubescent foe, my regeneration was quick enough to heal any chip damage he could possibly deal. I was far superior to this mere Super Saiyan child, and though I enjoyed taking his strongest attacks the battle wasn’t what I had expected. My thirst hadn’t been satisfied, I craved a more serious opponent — Son Goku had been a far better amusement in his Super Saiyan 3.

When I decided to kill Gotenks’ clown, Piccolo intervened by destroying the doorway, the only gateway leading back to the unconquered universe full of good food. When he proclaimed that I was to be a prisoner of the endless white void for all eternity, let me tell you I was pissed. First and foremost, I was shocked though. I, who had already been imprisoned for five million years in a magical ball, had once again fallen prey to eternal torment. Though this time it was white and not black, and I still had my power and abilities — I was still doomed to wander the endless desert alone. The shock of that gave way to despair, then rage.

Nothing to eat, no one to fight, the ground a white snowy bank for all of time. And my only companions, Piccolo and Gotenks, which I would have vaporized within five seconds. Suffice it to say I was terribly pissed. Overflowing with rage, I unleashed my full power in an electrifying burst. To my surprise, my true strength was so great that it even tore a rip in the fabric of dimensions. I don’t know if you realize the phenomenal amount of energy it takes to accomplish something like that. As of today, I have the perspective to understand that dimensional hopping like that is unheard of, no one does that. I was a unique being, with infinite abilities.

Without thinking, I squeezed into the gap between dimensions, abandoning Gotenks and Piccolo to their own fates. Too bad for them, and lucky for me. They had irritated me enough, and by failing to entertain me they had both earned death. The Universe was now mine. Once back on the Lookout, I turned the remaining humans into chocolate, using the sweet taste to get my mind off my previous peril. They were delicious, far more than any other Earthlings — no doubt because I was also savoring freedom which held a primordial place in my heart. The fear of confinement was deeply rooted in my mind, and I wanted to experience all the pleasures of life... as well as the destruction of it.

But those two warriors I’d left behind somehow managed to escape the eternal prison as well. I was quite surprised by their success, but especially by the new form used by Gotenks. His face, his long golden hair, the power that emanated from him... it gave me chills. He was on an entirely new level, and like the undead Goku before him, he had fully embraced Super Saiyan 3. But he was even stronger! You can imagine my excitement at that fact.

The fight that ensued immediately was intense!! I had devoured their entire families, Gotenks was enraged and determined. He gave 100% against me, and bit by bit my own enthusiasm gave way to uncertainty. Initially we seemed equally matched, but he began to surpass even me as the battle continued! I managed to get in a few good shots but his speed and punching power were even better than mine! That said, the gap was not insurmountable, but I was definitely at a disadvantage. At one point in the confrontation, Gotenks smashed me into the ground, burying me hundreds of feet below the surface. I hadn’t taken too much damage but I was angry nonetheless.

I loved to fight, but without the assurance of victory battle took on a whole new meaning. What I really wanted was an opponent that could fight back against me but was still incapable of truly threatening me. It was then that my senses froze cold, I detected an energy level far far away. It was barely noticeable, but wow... was it awesome! No doubt this power exceeded even Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks! I might have been slightly outmatched against the fused child, but this distant energy reading was far above either of us!

That’s where my old survival instincts kicked in, the same ones that had allowed me to absorb South Kaioshin. Now that I could reason and rationalize, I could establish a plan, a contingency. I knew my own existence was threatened by these two strong warriors, but I also knew how to counter them. I would have to evolve once again, to become even more powerful. It was the only way to emerge victorious from the inevitable battle to come. I had to absorb their power for myself.

I could hear Gotenks through the soil a hundred yards above. He shouted at me to come out so he could hurry and defeat me, revealing that his fusion was limited by time. He only had thirty minutes before his form would expire, and thus I had a grandiose idea. This is how I would defeat my next opponent. I would continue fighting Gotenks, allowing him to continue beating me and giving him a false overconfidence while he burned his energy. Next, time would have to run out. When that happened, Piccolo and the boys would be desperate, and surely the even-stronger warrior would come rescue them in the nick of time.

As their merger ended, I reveled in their sudden terror, before suddenly feigning a deep sleep. I could have slaughtered them, but I knew they were vital components to my strategy. Plus, sudden unexpected naps were a part of my character. Piccolo wasn’t sure of my behavior, and was skeptical, rightly so of course. He had slowed me down considerably before, and even planned to trap me in the room of spirit and time... he could be crafty. I coveted his intelligence and reasoning, as well as Gotenks’ power... Everything was falling into place.

Finally, the mysterious warrior made his grand appearance. I remembered him well: Son Gohan, the young fool who hadn’t managed to evade me for more than three seconds when I was first released. He’d come back to face me, but with a newly acquired force of insane magnitude. I was utterly shocked. I’d known his power was massive, but at such close proximity it was almost paralyzing. Before the fight ever began, I already knew I was way outclassed. Nevertheless, my plan was still in place, and I knew what I had to do to survive. Unless he vaporized me along with the entire planet, his energy wasn’t enough to totally disintegrate my body. I hoped not, anyway.

You all watched the show, you saw the monumental beating I took. I wanted to test the limits of my current body, but there was nothing I could really do — he was much too strong. So I blew myself up, managing to push him away. I knew I couldn’t fool him into thinking I was suicidal, that wasn’t my goal. For an hour, I concealed myself, taking care to completely suppress my energy. I rested, following their energy signatures from a safe distance so as to not lose sight of them. In any case, my perception went much further than planet Earth. Even if they’d hidden their presence I would’ve found them. I waited an hour, then I rejoined them at full speed. I could hardly wait — I wanted to execute my plan as soon as possible, and knock Gohan down a few pegs.

I provoked the boys easily enough, enticing them into another fusion. My previous plans all rested on Gotenks! By allowing myself to be overwhelmed by the merger’s attacks in our earlier battle, I’d allowed the already quite proud fusion to grow an even bigger head. Certain of his superiority, he did all the work convincing Son Gohan to step down and let him handle things. But his decision would condemn him to an assured defeat. At the moment his fusion initiated, I subtly detached parts of my body, slipping them discreetly behind Piccolo and Gotenks. I quickly deployed my pink prisons, engulfing and assimilating both fighters directly. Son Gohan was panicked, unable to react.

The Kaioshins and obviously Fat Buu were only the foundations of my current body. From there on, all I absorbed would be added in nicely. Piccolo’s mind would mature my thinking and help me strategically, while Gotenks supplied ample power and new techniques. I became instantly so much more powerful, a level of strength I thought would be almost impossible for anyone to surpass. Son Gohan was now clearly out of his depth. By absorbing Gotenks, I was also able to use his ghosts and his galactic donut, as well as the Makankosappo. Again, it’s no use for me to tell you the outcome of a fight you already know. Yes, I dominated the half-Saiyan during our battle. Without the guardian of Earth intervening, he would have died from exhaustion or from his wounds.

But, how do I say this... So, when I absorbed Piccolo and Gotenks, my mind and thus myself changed a bit. I’m not talking about developing feelings or anything, my thoughts and goals were the same — in fact I was more focused than ever on crushing Gohan and the planet. My new intelligence and power were somewhat intoxicating. I wanted to ravage the entire Universe, trampling out every living being in existence. The evil within me spurred me on to devour, to conquer, to fight and crush strong opponents. But at the same time, I felt a slight discomfort in defeating Son Gohan. It’s possible Piccolo or the boys were convicting me inwardly, though it was insignificant. The pleasure I gained from his defeat was much stronger.

However, at the moment I was ready to obliterate both Gohan and the world he had failed to protect, Goku himself made an unexpected comeback, stopping me in my tracks. He proudly unveiled his intent: to fuse with his son in hopes of stopping me, by a mysterious set of earrings. But at the moment of truth, the half-Saiyan revealed himself to be more nerd than warrior, clumsily missing the earring tossed to him. Son Goku hurriedly transformed into Super Saiyan 3 to stall me, and though his skills were as impressive as ever this time he was far outmatched in power. I needed but a moment to send him back to Otherworld — when suddenly, as if by fate, Gotenks’ merger within me expired. What a cruel twist of luck!

I had planned for everything though, in the event of such a setback. Quickly, I enveloped Gohan from behind in a piece of my body I’d detached and absorbed him. Under his father’s helpless gaze, I became far more powerful. I even donned the same top Goku and his son always wore, the orange gi that I found strangely pleasant. No doubt because of the reaction given by Goku. I possessed the power of three Saiyans combined now, and the mind of Piccolo. No matter my opponent, no one would be able to compete with me. Even Son Goku himself was an opponent so far beneath me that he wasn’t worthy to fight. But, I still wanted to give him a chance, for fun’s sake of course. He could merge with anyone of his choice, and I saw him hesitantly considering between Mr. Satan and Dende. Although dear to me, the Earthling was pathetically weak. Moreover, if they fused, the psychological blockage preventing me from killing Hercule would likely vanish and I could wipe out all of humanity for good. But, to my surprise, Goku teleported away suddenly. I felt him reappear a great distance away, with another strong fighter suddenly there as well. One I recognized.

I rushed towards them with speed beyond comprehension. In less than thirty seconds I would reach them, while forming an explosive Kikoha in my hand. There, I saw them, Son Goku and Vegeta. Apparently the latter had returned from Otherworld, now sporting a halo. But I wasn’t about to let those two merge. Together, as strong as they were, they might become powerful — I didn’t want to risk it. But I was too late!

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