![Universe 3 : Puppet monster against puppet warriors - Chapter 30, Page 654 [DBM PAGE IMAGE]](/image.php?idp=1000654&lg=en&ext=png&pw=920d86eff360302792dc570105dd1896)
Year -425, in 16 universes of the Multiverse Tournament.
"This is the story of my quest.
It began on Konatz, about 1000 years ago. We were a powerful group of sorcerers."
"Using a local idol, we gave life to our invincible monster, Hildegan. It worked perfectly. We were about to conquer the entire universe!"
"But the Konatzians still had artifacts linked to this idol, and they fought back."
"They were able to cut Hildegan in two and seal each part into musicians : Tapion and Minoshia..."