DB Multiverse
Mitglied Seite von NoActionJaxn

Ever wonder why these space pads are designed to crash and leave craters when they land? Like, that can't be comfortable.
Saigo no Son page 36
Well, 2 SSJ3's should be able to handle this no problem, right? Right?
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 71
Damian Qualshy sagte:
Oh hell naw
If Broly is classified as a victim of himself and thus revived I'm rioting. 2 Antworten
So either Broly somehow survives... again... Or maybe we get to see the consequences of their battle and the chain of events it takes on the universe. Likely the former, hopefully the latter. Maybe both.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 67
So, I'm guessing that's old man Piccolo * 2 talking to a successor.
Namekseijin Densetsu page 560
Ok! Never show mercy ever. Didn't even wait a panel.
Namekseijin Densetsu page 556
So... Is Raditz stronger than SJ3 Vegeta, I'm honestly kind of confused on the power scaling.
DB Multiverse page 2375
I'm surprised he didn't know. Would be his best reason for why Tambo should die.
1 Antworten
321Y page 287
Huh, not sure why I thought Vegeta wouldn't be a Super Sayain in this timeline.
1 Antworten
DB Multiverse page 2331
I'm calling it, when it's Vegetto's turn to snap he is going to be readily handled with maybe 1 body count due to surprise attack. And probably his own group.
1 Antworten
DB Multiverse page 2307
Apocalipticototal sagte:
It really wouldn't make any sense for him to become a Super Saiyan, Tambo is very weak, Goku as a child when he found out about Krillin's death did not transform, Nappa did not transform in his tantrum against Goku, Vegeta did not transform in his explosions of anger, to achieve the legendary transformation, a power far superior to Frieza's alien form is needed, a power that Tambo is not close to.
Tambo is just in shock and will try to kill Koshi.
Tambo is just in shock and will try to kill Koshi.
Yeah, but Goten transformed sparing with Chi Chi. There really aren't any set rules. 1 Antworten
I think the page at a time is killing this chapter for me. Think it would feel less drawn out if read from start to end in a sitting, but waiting days in between isn't doing the work any justice. Not that there's anything that can be done about it. Guess I'll go touch grass or something.
DB Multiverse page 2261