DB Multiverse
Pàgina del membre de John-no-arms

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Gohan/Nasu is probably the 2nd strongest of the group by now. I wonder how close (or how far) he is from Vegeta!
1 Resposta/es
Saigo no Son page 36
ChrisOfChaos estava dient:
John-no-arms was saying: I think the last panel is not a flash back anymore - as Goten-Kun said, flashbacks have round corners.
The last pannel is 10 years later!
I wonder if at any moment in these 10 years the Z warriors stopped believing that the Sayians would eventually arrive and stopped training. If not, if they kept preparing, they would be very, very strong by now (at least for humans). The big disadvantage here, as far as I understand, is that their reference of strength is a 1200 power level Raditz, and it is impossible that in 10 years the sayians didn't get loads and loads of zenkais! Not to mention that Vegeta was already 15 times stronger than this "referential Raditz". Maybe he didn't get as many zenkais due to being stronger, but his power was alreadybbeyond legendary by classic DB standards (stronger than Demon King Picollo, who was considered "god-level strong" by the earthlings - what I mean is: imagine their shock when they face Vegeta, considering that Raditz was already unbelievably strong from their point of view!)
Actually it would make sense if the Saiyans didn't get much stronger. We don't get a great idea of how strong their opponents are, but I think it's safe to assume they usually are too weak to bring them to near death, otherwise at least one of them probably would have been killed off by now. No near death fights = no zenkai. I can't imagine they train much either, if they usually outclass their opponents there would be no need.
The last pannel is 10 years later!
I wonder if at any moment in these 10 years the Z warriors stopped believing that the Sayians would eventually arrive and stopped training. If not, if they kept preparing, they would be very, very strong by now (at least for humans). The big disadvantage here, as far as I understand, is that their reference of strength is a 1200 power level Raditz, and it is impossible that in 10 years the sayians didn't get loads and loads of zenkais! Not to mention that Vegeta was already 15 times stronger than this "referential Raditz". Maybe he didn't get as many zenkais due to being stronger, but his power was alreadybbeyond legendary by classic DB standards (stronger than Demon King Picollo, who was considered "god-level strong" by the earthlings - what I mean is: imagine their shock when they face Vegeta, considering that Raditz was already unbelievably strong from their point of view!)
Actually it would make sense if the Saiyans didn't get much stronger. We don't get a great idea of how strong their opponents are, but I think it's safe to assume they usually are too weak to bring them to near death, otherwise at least one of them probably would have been killed off by now. No near death fights = no zenkai. I can't imagine they train much either, if they usually outclass their opponents there would be no need.
Yeah, probably not so many Zenkais, but a good fight is also a good training, like Kakkaroto said.
They probably got stronger just by fighting at dozens of missions in dozens of planets, all these years, just like how Baddack surpassed king Vegeta - "while you were seating on your throne and bearing your name, I was out there fighting in dozens of planets" or smth
Engraçado notar que o Kaioshin gorducho é todo baba-ovo do Buu ("aaaiiin, ele é onipotente, eu me conectei com ele, trocamos milhões de anos de informações em alguns segundos, ele é um ser incrível, pipipi, popopo") e a imagem que o Buu tem dele é a mesma que ele tem dos demais participantes do torneio, conforme essa página nos mostrou hahahaha
DB Multiverse page 2037
PrinceOfTheHood estava dient:
DB Tyrant was saying: Is that the Sword Gohan could barely lift????
How did Videl get so strong?
I would love to get a few Side Chapters that show us just THAT Universe specifically. I mean there was a Website which was kinda specialising in Universe Three and Nine - but now it is gone and i can not access it anymore. :-/
How did Videl get so strong?
I would love to get a few Side Chapters that show us just THAT Universe specifically. I mean there was a Website which was kinda specialising in Universe Three and Nine - but now it is gone and i can not access it anymore. :-/
Yeah, I'd love a few DBM chapters focusing on this universe (but not on the budokais as previous specials: only on the "DBZ timeline" z Sayian invasion, Cooler's Empire, Androids, etc.) to show us how the Z warriors managed to get so strong!
The site was Chewysficciones.com, and the author (Chewys) unfortunately is struggling to pay for the website domain (for some reason the domain price skyrocketed - I saw this on his Facebook page, but it was a couple months ago. Not sure if he gave any updates) 1 Resposta/es
I think the last panel is not a flash back anymore - as Goten-Kun said, flashbacks have round corners.
The last pannel is 10 years later!
I wonder if at any moment in these 10 years the Z warriors stopped believing that the Sayians would eventually arrive and stopped training. If not, if they kept preparing, they would be very, very strong by now (at least for humans). The big disadvantage here, as far as I understand, is that their reference of strength is a 1200 power level Raditz, and it is impossible that in 10 years the sayians didn't get loads and loads of zenkais! Not to mention that Vegeta was already 15 times stronger than this "referential Raditz". Maybe he didn't get as many zenkais due to being stronger, but his power was alreadybbeyond legendary by classic DB standards (stronger than Demon King Picollo, who was considered "god-level strong" by the earthlings - what I mean is: imagine their shock when they face Vegeta, considering that Raditz was already unbelievably strong from their point of view!) 2 Resposta/es
Saigo no Son page 35
The last pannel is 10 years later!
I wonder if at any moment in these 10 years the Z warriors stopped believing that the Sayians would eventually arrive and stopped training. If not, if they kept preparing, they would be very, very strong by now (at least for humans). The big disadvantage here, as far as I understand, is that their reference of strength is a 1200 power level Raditz, and it is impossible that in 10 years the sayians didn't get loads and loads of zenkais! Not to mention that Vegeta was already 15 times stronger than this "referential Raditz". Maybe he didn't get as many zenkais due to being stronger, but his power was alreadybbeyond legendary by classic DB standards (stronger than Demon King Picollo, who was considered "god-level strong" by the earthlings - what I mean is: imagine their shock when they face Vegeta, considering that Raditz was already unbelievably strong from their point of view!) 2 Resposta/es
Dislpay name estava dient:
I always thought the choreography of this page was weird, it looks like cold was winding up a kick but instead he punches the sword.
Also nice coloring on Goku.
Also nice coloring on Goku.
Me too! I always thought it was a kick and wondered "damn, it must Hurt a lot to kick that sword!!"
DhangerShanger estava dient:
YellNinja1600 was saying: Kaio Ken Videl looks fantastic. I think cold final form is strong as 17 or 16. So this form is maybe as strong as Trunks super saiyan when he first appeared ?
John-no-arms was saying: Well, this form is at least superior to mecha-Frieza, since it gave SSJ Goku some trouble (as far as we can tell by reading the special Chapter about the "original timeline").
What would its power level be?
Some sources say that original form Frieza (4th form)is in the 120 million range when 100% powered. Mecha Frieza is what? 150 million? I'd say King Cold is about 160~170 million in his "3rd form". Which makes this Videl really amazing for a human! Unless she is able to dodge him just by "fighting skills" alone!
He's quite a bit above that. In the special, Gohan confirmed Goku's gains on Yardrat were actually pretty significant, and yet Goku still got his ass handed to him by third form Cold. Goku was potentially stronger than Trunks at the time, so he would surely lose to Cold as well if he fought alone. Furthermore, this version of Cold trained his body after Ginyu took it over.
...Yet, despite all of that, I sill think he should be no match to her right now. After training with the Z-Sword in base, Gohan is implied to be stronger than he was against Cell, and he would never have been able to hold the sword in his hands at 10x gravity. It's no wonder she killed a Majinized Cell Jr.
John-no-arms was saying: Well, this form is at least superior to mecha-Frieza, since it gave SSJ Goku some trouble (as far as we can tell by reading the special Chapter about the "original timeline").
What would its power level be?
Some sources say that original form Frieza (4th form)is in the 120 million range when 100% powered. Mecha Frieza is what? 150 million? I'd say King Cold is about 160~170 million in his "3rd form". Which makes this Videl really amazing for a human! Unless she is able to dodge him just by "fighting skills" alone!
He's quite a bit above that. In the special, Gohan confirmed Goku's gains on Yardrat were actually pretty significant, and yet Goku still got his ass handed to him by third form Cold. Goku was potentially stronger than Trunks at the time, so he would surely lose to Cold as well if he fought alone. Furthermore, this version of Cold trained his body after Ginyu took it over.
...Yet, despite all of that, I sill think he should be no match to her right now. After training with the Z-Sword in base, Gohan is implied to be stronger than he was against Cell, and he would never have been able to hold the sword in his hands at 10x gravity. It's no wonder she killed a Majinized Cell Jr.
Oh Yes, I forgot about the Z sword. Since she is able to wield it, she must have a legendary power level! I wonder, though, how did she get so strong so fast without sayian genetics... I wish that one day there is a special, or at least a minicomic series, exploring her universe in more detail (I know about "Una Tierra Sin Goku", the webcomic by Chewys, but I'd like to see a DBM-canon version of the "Human Universe"!)
JustSaiyan estava dient:
Damn, me too! I almost forgot that one! I hope they bring this up again sometime!
I'm still waiting on that lie that Bulma told earlier in the chapter to be explained.
Well, this form is at least superior to mecha-Frieza, since it gave SSJ Goku some trouble (as far as we can tell by reading the special Chapter about the "original timeline").
What would its power level be?
Some sources say that original form Frieza (4th form)is in the 120 million range when 100% powered. Mecha Frieza is what? 150 million? I'd say King Cold is about 160~170 million in his "3rd form". Which makes this Videl really amazing for a human! Unless she is able to dodge him just by "fighting skills" alone! 1 Resposta/es
DBMultiverse Colors page 303
What would its power level be?
Some sources say that original form Frieza (4th form)is in the 120 million range when 100% powered. Mecha Frieza is what? 150 million? I'd say King Cold is about 160~170 million in his "3rd form". Which makes this Videl really amazing for a human! Unless she is able to dodge him just by "fighting skills" alone! 1 Resposta/es
I think the author said a couple pagea ago that mr popo knew only about "kami's house" in that wastelands (yunzabit highs?), but did not know it was a spaceship.
Saigo no Son page 32
Yes, I think so. The author said that every Chapter would start with a flash back.
Saigo no Son page 32
This dragon indeed reminds me of the DBGT dark shenron, now that some people have mentioned it!
DB Multiverse page 2461
Judging from the last pannel: either Gohan is determined to prove himself to the other sayians once again (thus becoming "Nasu" forever, and burying Son Gohan) or he was playing along all this time and just waiting for this moment to avenge his father.
Either way, this story so far is extremely interesting. Cheers to the author! 1 Resposta/es
Saigo no Son page 30
Either way, this story so far is extremely interesting. Cheers to the author! 1 Resposta/es
zero logic estava dient:
Why does he need the other Dragon Balls when he got his own...
Probably because his dragon ain't as powerful as the tournament's dragon. Heck, this is probably a "weaker" dragon, probably even weaker than Earth's Shenron. At least weaker than Namek's Porunga.
Perhaps this dragon only answers questions, acting as some kind of oracle...
This Simba/Mufasa cameo reminds me of the "Simpa" meme!
DB Multiverse page 1832
I wonder if Gohan is already stronger than Raditz ans Nappa at this point. I'd Love to know their power levels by now (I don't care if "power levels are bullshit" or whatever, I think they were a nice way to compare characters, at least untill the end of Freeza saga)
1 Resposta/es
Saigo no Son page 28
Misa kinda reminds me of Yuzuriha, from Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas
321Y page 265
joshuaissac estava dient:
I wonder if Piccolo can spawn deformed Namekian followers like King Piccolo could.
That would in deed be very interesting. I wonder if is there any fanfiction out there where someone did this. 1 Resposta/es
I doubt a few senzus would've helped here. Vegetto's probably need dragon balls or Ghast's help
DB Multiverse page 2328
Salagir estava dient:
Rodriog was saying: nintendo is known for suing a lot of people
I still don't understand your sentence.
Who is "I"? "I" got what?
I still don't understand your sentence.
Who is "I"? "I" got what?
He is making a joke by rewriting the dialogue on the last panel, as if Kami-Sama were saying to Goku "Look, Goku! I got all this money and beautiful women after suing a homeless kid named Mario!" 1 Resposta/es
Muito maneira a página com "efeito" e tal, ilustrou bem que eles estão tão poderosos que muita coisa aconteceu numa fração de segundo (o pessoal na sessão em inglês já está dizendo que mesmo assim o Goku e o Vegeta ainda são mais fracos que a Bra), mas sempre me dá uma decepçãozinha quando a página é um quadro só (ou poucos) e sem diálogo nenhum.
Até os mangás paralelos estão já há vários dias lançando páginas assim, de quadro inteiro.
Saudades do especial do Mirai Trunks, em que lançavam páginas 4 vezes por semana!
DB Multiverse page 2167
Até os mangás paralelos estão já há vários dias lançando páginas assim, de quadro inteiro.
Saudades do especial do Mirai Trunks, em que lançavam páginas 4 vezes por semana!
Maneiro o trocadilho com o nome da firma rs
Wolf + Ram + Hart (lobo + carneiro + cervo)
Legal que Wolfram Hart é bem plausível de ser um nome de verdade e existirem pessoas com esse nome. 1 Resposta/es
321Y page 85
Wolf + Ram + Hart (lobo + carneiro + cervo)
Legal que Wolfram Hart é bem plausível de ser um nome de verdade e existirem pessoas com esse nome. 1 Resposta/es
90ralz estava dient:
Agora é o momento de o Gohan U16 se perguntar por que Babidi e Daburá nunca surgiram no universo mirai, ou se surgiram mas nunca causaram problemas a ponto de Trunks nunca ter percebido suas presenças, e do próprio Trunks revelar até que ponto e o quanto ele soube da ameaça Majin. Se Gohan Mirai contou, provavelmente ele achou que eram aliens fracos e menos ameaçadores que os androides já que foram derrotados "rapidamente" tanto que esqueceu de avisar dessa invasão dali a 7 anos (Trunks mirai tem problemas de memória, já que no U11 ele destrói a incubadora do Cell sem saber do que se tratava, mas esqueceu de verifica-la no U15 e foi morto por sua forma imperfeita).
Mas não tem um capítulo daqui, do DBM, que mostra o "Mirai Gohan" derrotando o Daburá e o Babidi? Ele nem deve ter contado pro Trunks a respeito desta luta. Ou vai ver que contou e o Trunks esqueceu mesmo...
E é interessante a teoria que outro forista escreveu acima, de que no universo em que os andróides venceram, Babidi não detectou nenhuma energia na Terra e simplesmente passou batido por aqui, indo para outro planeta mais promissor para seus propósitos sinistros...
Well, Gohan probably felt Cell and thus will conviniently avoid answering Trunks' question.
Or, maybe, he is annoyed because U16,that being the Z warriors and their friends, kinda lives like Vegito's hostages. I mean, they feel that deep down there is something wrong with him, something dark (there must be a reason for the potara earrings being forbidden for non-kaioshins), and they fear that one day Vegito might snap and go on a killing rampage and they know that he is too powerful to be stopped. Maybe they secretly hope for Bra to one day overpower her father, even though this would make them fall under an even more unstable threat... just a theory!
DB Multiverse page 2150
Or, maybe, he is annoyed because U16,that being the Z warriors and their friends, kinda lives like Vegito's hostages. I mean, they feel that deep down there is something wrong with him, something dark (there must be a reason for the potara earrings being forbidden for non-kaioshins), and they fear that one day Vegito might snap and go on a killing rampage and they know that he is too powerful to be stopped. Maybe they secretly hope for Bra to one day overpower her father, even though this would make them fall under an even more unstable threat... just a theory!
Meu medo é justamente esse... de não ter luta Gast X Bra , ficar só nas simulações mentais do Gast e no fim ele desistir porque percebeu que é impossível ganhar, ou então ele derrotar a Bra muito rápido usando uma técnica bem anti-climática, ou então ele chegar em um cenário perfeito em que ele vença a Bra na cabeça dele, para na hora do "vamu vê" a Bra fazer um negócio nada a ver e derrotar ele de maneira anti-climática também...
DB Multiverse page 2098
"...And Mr. Popo?"
"Ha! As if Mr. Popo would bother becoming god of this maggot-infested rock"
"Pecking order!"
Namekseijin Densetsu page 201
"Ha! As if Mr. Popo would bother becoming god of this maggot-infested rock"
"Pecking order!"
What about that little part of Buu that was sealed inside a rubber buoy during Tien's fight against Buu (many years ago)? Could it be a way for Buu to return to the tournament universe or had the authors already discarded this possibility? Was that part of Buu also sent to U4 or did it escape from the influence of the Vargas' machine due to it being magically sealed?
2 Resposta/es
DB Multiverse page 2065
Dependendo do universo, e da história que vai ser contada, eu gosto quando tem especiais. E esses eu considero mais interessantes do que o torneio em si: o dos Super Sayiajins, o dos Heliotes, o do Gast e o o dos terráqueos (e o mangá do Una Tierra sin Goku é bom demais).
O universo dos Super Sayiajins eu espero que tenha logo uma continuação e mostre como eles derrotatam o Freeza e como descobriram o segredo para se transformar em SSJ (e explique tb pq raios o Nappa e o Raditz não se transformam)
Quanto ao Buu, eu tenho uma teoria: será que aquele pedaço dele que foi selado numa bóia de borracha pelo mafuba do Ten Shin Han foi mandado pro universo 4? E se não foi, será que se ele for "des-selado" o Buu conseguiria encontrar o caminho de volta pro torneio?
DB Multiverse page 2065
O universo dos Super Sayiajins eu espero que tenha logo uma continuação e mostre como eles derrotatam o Freeza e como descobriram o segredo para se transformar em SSJ (e explique tb pq raios o Nappa e o Raditz não se transformam)
Quanto ao Buu, eu tenho uma teoria: será que aquele pedaço dele que foi selado numa bóia de borracha pelo mafuba do Ten Shin Han foi mandado pro universo 4? E se não foi, será que se ele for "des-selado" o Buu conseguiria encontrar o caminho de volta pro torneio?
Nostalgia mesmo... 2015 foi quando eu descobri DBM (simplesmente pesquisando, sem nenhum motivo especial, "Dabura vs Cell" no google...) e lembro de ter visto as comemorações da página 1000!
Lá se foram 6 anos... Tomara que DBM ainda dure bastante tempo!!!
DB Multiverse page 1999
Lá se foram 6 anos... Tomara que DBM ainda dure bastante tempo!!!
Una Tierra Sin Goku é bom demais! É o que me ajuda a passar pelos arcos mais chatos de DBM...
Tomara que esse especial seja tão bom quanto!
DB Multiverse page 1996
Tomara que esse especial seja tão bom quanto!
Ninguém poderia esperar pelo Chef Nappa!!
1 Resposta/es
DB Multiverse page 1978
Com certeza a única "surpresa" do Vegeta não era ter dominado o teleporte, até porque isso é meio "meh" e foi revelado neste capítulo quase como se não fosse nada demais. Acho que quando chegar a hora de revelar o "grande truque" do Vegeta a cena vai ser mais legal que a da revelação do teleporte (pelo menos assim espero!)
(Pessoal nas páginas em inglês descascando o Goten-kun... Tomara que ele não fique chateado. Claro que tem outros artistas com traços melhores que os dele que já passaram por aqui, mas sinceramente, não é qualquer um que consegue desenhar páginas e páginas de uma história mantendo um estilo consistente. Eu talvez (ênfase no talvez) desenhasse melhor que ele se fosse fazer 1 cena ou 1 personagem só uma vez, mas para manter o estilo indefinidamente por várias cenas e várias páginas, aí eu não conseguiria. Nisso ele tem muito mérito. O pessoal esquece disso, ou nem imagina como é difícil ficar desenhando direto uma história bem longa.)
DB Multiverse page 1945
(Pessoal nas páginas em inglês descascando o Goten-kun... Tomara que ele não fique chateado. Claro que tem outros artistas com traços melhores que os dele que já passaram por aqui, mas sinceramente, não é qualquer um que consegue desenhar páginas e páginas de uma história mantendo um estilo consistente. Eu talvez (ênfase no talvez) desenhasse melhor que ele se fosse fazer 1 cena ou 1 personagem só uma vez, mas para manter o estilo indefinidamente por várias cenas e várias páginas, aí eu não conseguiria. Nisso ele tem muito mérito. O pessoal esquece disso, ou nem imagina como é difícil ficar desenhando direto uma história bem longa.)
O pessoal tá reclamando à beça sobre os traços desse capítulo na sessão "anglófona", mas, sinceramente, pra mim está muito bom! Quem dera eu desenhasse assim!
DB Multiverse page 1938