DB Multiverse
Bonus: els vostres Fan-arts!

LuisPT2024-08-13 Comentar això?
Muito empolgado por esta dupla e pela belíssima arte de Ambroise
MaruyamaFR2024-08-06 Comentar això?
Merci à toute l'équipe de DBM de faire vivre cette histoire depuis si longtemps!Mon instagram pour ceux que ça intéresse:

PRINCETRUNKS07 MR2024-07-30 Comentar això?
Son Bra dans mon nouveau style
RagnaKamehamehaAR2024-07-21 Comentar això?
When Vegito went on a rampage (as foretold by the Nostradamus/Bardock profecy), Goku and Vegeta did the fusion dance and were able to defeat their potara counterpart by using Normal Super Saiyan.After that, Bra decided to put on a jacket and do the Gogeta pose from DBS Broly, just to further piss of her now defeated father.

°•Kiki•°EN2024-07-10 Comentar això?
Thought about this for a while now!What if Pan and Bra were the only survivors after the majin Bra arc? Thought it would be interesting, so I drew it!
Hope you like it!

TelcelES2024-07-06 Comentar això?
Raditz utilizando los pendientes Pothala que le concedió el Kaioshin Anciano.
RyugaKO2024-06-03 Comentar això?
Here's Physalis
Blannis FR2024-06-03 Comentar això?
Son Bra fanart
RyugaKO2024-05-18 Comentar això?
Here's young Baba I know it's not the best but I tried
BegyoshiartMX2024-05-01 Comentar això?
Fanart de Bra del universo 16 transformada en ssj 2 majin
CATOPROES2024-04-29 Comentar això?
Estoy empezando a conocer Dragon ball y este Multiverso me está encantado, mi personaje favorito es Broly y estoy empezando a dibujar dragon ball :D

DsonPT2024-04-29 Comentar això?
Sou o tipo de pessoa que sempre tô desenhando, ou até mesmo animando, faz muito tempo que leio o dBm, uma história que reúne vários artistas, é quero tentar, entrar um pouco mais nesse mundo...

DimaneitorcomicsES2024-04-28 Comentar això?
¡El deseo que XXI pedirá cuando gane el torneo!Nothing matters.

le nuageBE2024-04-25 Comentar això?
Son Bra loves her Onii-chan !
KamiBE2024-04-21 Comentar això?
Ultimate Buu U4 et la Babidi familly U11
RagnaKamehamehaAR2024-04-16 Comentar això?
Based on the minicomics (page 64), although I realized just now that I forgot to draw the sleeves.Oh well, I ain't doing it :)

RyugaKO2024-04-13 Comentar això?
Here's bra tying her hair