DB Multiverse
67 - Universu 4 - Fà un desideriu
Universu 4, annu 778.
Buu ùn era tantu luntanu d'eccellà in tuttu à st'epica. Era dinù attempu in parechji lochi. Una parte d'ellu era dispunevule 24 ore / 24, 7 ghj/7, in un locu publicu immensu...
Esaudiscu u vostru desideriu...
o vi tombu.
Fate a coda.
o vi tombu.
Fate a coda.
Wanna pass on this special? Sequel of the tournament is this way.
Previous special chapter on this universe is this way.
1 ghjornu, 8o
Update of the site!
Update of the day on DBM website:— Comments: On "Reply to" and "Edit this message", the button now changes and sends you to the form.
— Comments: "Spoiler" button wasn't working on the profile page, now it does.
— Swipe was added to change of page recently. Now it's working only when the comic page is actually showing.