DB Multiverse
41 - Collapse of an empire
Wanna pass on this special? Sequel of the tournament is this way.
Previous special chapter on this universe is this way.
20小时, 07分
New avatars: Nameks!
69 new avatars are available!Piccolo-san, Piccolo-san, dai dai dai dai dai !
Piccolo, Piccolo Daimao, Gast Carcolh!
Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.
例如,加斯卡科会是白眼睛,有五只手指。这种设计的选择是与Arcady Picardi的一贯风格相统一的。祝阅读愉快!