![第二轮竞逐开始! - Chapter 26, 页码 578 [DBM PAGE IMAGE]](/image.php?idp=1000578&lg=cn&ext=png&pw=bd1a07098cda3fa7e957452d558612e2)
Dad... Do you think I'm going to win?
I don't know, Pan. This Kakarotto didn't show his powers. But he can turn into a Super Saiyan.
Me, I can’t...
Yes you can. You're just afraid to, but I know you can.
Pan... it's just a tournament. You can give up.
Videl, I don’t agree.
Exactly, this is just a tournament, so you wouldn't be risking anything. Even if you die, it doesn't matter.
I don't wanna die, even if it's for a little while. And I'll lose anyway.
Lose? What's this I'm hearing about losing?
Come on, it’s just a tournament!
Such an attitude... I am very disappointed.