DB Multiverse

صفحة العضو   Ammar

Ammar هو/هي جزء من فريق دراغون بول ملتيفرس يقوم/تقوم بـ:
  • ترجمة إلى اللغة العربية
  • لمزيد من المعلومات، انتقل إلى صفحة المؤلفين.

Ammar 10 آذار
Your nickel كان يقول:
I always found it weird that Salagir changed Kaioken's multiplier system into levels. Especially since the number of levels isn't really explained in DBM either

I believe he did that so he doesn't put himself in a corner when asked how strong Videl is and how multiplier she's using to gight Cold 3rd form heads on. But then he did that anyway by making her kill a Cell Jr. xD
DBMultiverse Colors page 304
Ammar 21 شباط
kingworld كان يقول:
Page 2455 didn't update for me... Why?

Kingmouli كان يقول:
kingworld was saying: Page 2455 didn't update for me... Why?
Same for me.

Do a force refresh: Ctrl+F5 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2458
Ammar 21 شباط
Females كان يقول:
I like these pages, but not enough for 2 weeks worth. Also I see they made changes to page 2455 and Gave Cell an award for number of Kills along side Gast lol

As Females mentioned, Cell was added on page 2455. :) 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2458
Ammar 17 شباط
I noticed that U9 crew are not included. I guess that was because Buu didn't show them fight on page 1821.
DB Multiverse page 2456
Ammar 14 شباط
siksteen كان يقول:
I mean, didn't U13 Vegeta kill a lot of Raichi's ghosts too? Like, a bunch of Saiyans and participants?
I guess the awards only go to whoever wins the battle.

Indeed, U13 Vegeta lost that fight. But regardless, I think the Vargas only count the opponents not what they summon. But Cell also has two kills, no?

[img] [img]

I guess they count his second kill as a 30 seconds victory despite Tapion being dead. 3 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2455
Ammar 6 شباط
Íme az eredeti:

DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 6 شباط
Aqui fica o original:

DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 6 شباط
Aquí teniu l'original:

[img] 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 6 شباط
Hier ist das Original:

DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 6 شباط
Aquí está el original:

[img] 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 6 شباط
A oto oryginał:

DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 6 شباط
Aqui está o original:

[img] 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 6 شباط
Ecco l'originale:

DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 6 شباط
Voici l'original:

DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 6 شباط
Aquí está el original:

[img] 2 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 6 شباط
Here's the original one:

[img] 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 289
Ammar 11 كانون الثاني
DB Multiverse page 2440
Ammar 2 كانون الثاني
Zen Kuu كان يقول:
Aunque dudo mucho que Gohan se deje entrenar por alguien que mató a su padre y lo secuestro

Saigo no Son page 5
Ammar 1 كانون الثاني
Tamamo-no-Bae كان يقول:
I wish this was considered an unseen DBM universe, it would have fit pretty well.
(After all DBM canonically has everything that could happen in some universe out there)

I am looking forward to see how it goes :3

Well, some of the events of the this chapter happened in Universe 19.
Saigo no Son page 4
Ammar 1 كانون الثاني
FishNChips كان يقول:
Also, wiem że Samsung i Miele są podobni ale to dwóch różnych gostków, nie musieli autorzy przypominać/uwypuklać tegoż szczegółu >_>'

Będziesz zaskoczony, jak wiele osób myślało, że te dwie osoby to jedna i ta sama osoba, gdy zobaczyło tę stronę. xD 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 274
Ammar 23 كانون الأول
Pizzachu كان يقول:
Fanfiction Piccolo can't stop himself from making power level comparisons

Doesn't canon Piccolo do the same though?
DBMultiverse Colors page 270
Ammar 21 كانون الأول
FishNChips كان يقول:
To ciekawe... zawsze sobie wyobrażałem Ultra Waver jako żółtą kulkę. Może dlatego, że w specjale o U13 Heliorowie używający jakiegoś rodzaju wcześniejszej wersji Ultra-Zbroi strzelali ognistymi pociskami używając tego ataku.


No cóż... miała to być żółta kula. Ale ta strona była pokolorowana dawno temu i zapomnieliśmy zmienić kolor. Ups. xD
DBMultiverse Colors page 269
Ammar 19 كانون الأول
Monster كان يقول:
Ammar was saying: Fun fact: Loopwhirl used to be called Narub. Some languages like the Brazilian section still didn't change the name yet:

Just checked page 1358 and he's still Narub

Phipsil was talking to the big guy that got Majinized. The name "Narub" went to him on page 1346 onwards.
DBMultiverse Colors page 267
Ammar 19 كانون الأول
Shabby كان يقول:
"logical," lol. It's not logical or illogical.

Has this Gero had bad experience with 17/18?

Ummmm... yes? 17 and 18 always hated Gero and never obeyed him. Why it will be different in this universe? Gero only activated them in the manga because he had no other choice.

Shabby كان يقول:
And Z-borgs could be inactive until he really felt like he needed them.

For what purpose he will do that? His plan was to kill Goku. When Goku was already dead, he took it out on his son. Why would he trouble himself to make a cyborg out of him when he already won.

Shabby كان يقول:
Anyway, it's whatever if the story goes the way of Gohan's death, but it offers the potential for a much better story than "Gast steamrolls through this," because there's no reason he can't. Even weakened, he readily handled a beefed up android. None of the others have a chance.

Again, I know having Cyborg Gohan will make the story interesting, but Gero had no reason to turned him into one. If anything, he should still have Cell in the lab. 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2430
Ammar 19 كانون الأول
Yes كان يقول:
If Gohan is not alive as a cyborg or we do not see this different version of Cell this "special" told us nothing we did not already know and was a waste of time

Tell us nothing Gohan wasn't a cyborgs? I'm sure none expected Krillin to be alive and Gohan the one who is dead. Everyone thought the earth is in ruins just like the the "future" universes, but it from what we saw so far, that doesn't seems the case. So, I don't know what you mean by "tells us nothing".

Shabby كان يقول:
I love dark stories. That's why The last canon U20 chapter was my favorite.

But there's dark and there's just depressing. The idea of Earth being terrorized by Gohan 17 is dark. Him just being killed is depressing.

Look, I know that "Cyborgs Gohan" sounds cool, but it doesn't make sense in this universe. Like, why the hell would Dr. Gero risk making Gohan a cyborgs when he had a bad experience with #17 & #18? It just doesn't make sense. Killing him the logical option.

It may be depressing for things to go this way, but it's logical. 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2430
Ammar 18 كانون الأول
Fun fact: Loopwhirl used to be called Narub. Some languages like the Brazilian section still didn't change the name yet:

[img] 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 267
Ammar 15 كانون الأول
Ignise كان يقول:
There is no fucking way Salagir actually named a guy "Fuck N."
No fucking way.

Lol! Yeah, I was baffled too. xD
DBMultiverse Colors page 266
Ammar 14 كانون الأول
Stevethebarbarian كان يقول:
I see we didn’t change the two indistinguishable-looking Helioites this time, lol. I suppose it’s unrealistic to expect one of them to get swapped out every time.

Both Loopwhirl and Nedwook are both stablished characters at this point onwards (Even though Salagir didn't decides on their names yet on this page). It wouldn't make sense to replace them.

[img] 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 266
Ammar 9 كانون الأول
Do you now see why we colored clothes the same,Bombero? :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 264
Ammar 5 كانون الأول
Bombero كان يقول:
Okay I’m just going to come out and say it.

I really wish they colored Trunks and Goten’s clothes differently.

There’s like no way to tell by looking which one is from U16 and which is from U18. I thought the benefit of a color adaptation would be some slight alteration to color to tell Goten Trunks and Gohan apart from their parallel counterparts.

But if we did that, U18 Trunks will look stupid on this page

The thing is, you're not supposed to tell them apart in this fight. Just like U18 Videl confusing U16 Gohan for her Gohan. xD


However, Salagir start to differentiate some of them. Despite wearing different outfit, Son Bra now keeps her hair down so she can look completely different from U18 Bra. U16 is now wearing Piccolo's cloth, and U16 is no longer wearing his glasses.

For example, we don't need to guess from which universe this Gohan is:


Ellie كان يقول:
Far far more, easily the most insufferable character in the comic. Babadi is a charmer compared to Bra.

Well, at least she's now less insufferable. xD
DBMultiverse Colors page 262
Ammar 4 كانون الأول
DrewSaga كان يقول:
Is it wrong that I agree with Bra for once? With regards to Gotenks I mean.

You're not the only one. Gotenks is so annoying. But little does Bra knows, she's as insufferable as he is if not more. xD 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 262
Ammar 18 تشرين الثاني
thezen_rabupyu كان يقول:
Did the androids (cyborgs) defeat Babidi et co. as well? Or will that be up to Gast? Depends how long it's been since Namek I guess (what is the current timeframe for this special again?).

Year 772. 2 years before Babidi showed up in the manga.
DB Multiverse page 2417
Ammar 13 تشرين الثاني
PMC كان يقول:
LOL really tho, what's U9 Trunks gonna do?

1. He's only human
2. He's the son of Yamcha LOL.

And I doubt that Yamcha being a cyborg (stronger than C16) makes a difference to his sons strength.

This Trunks is probably at Ginyu Force tier.

Videl is also only a human and the daughter of a normal human. Yet there she was fighting a 3rd form Cold and killing a Cell Jr (With help). The only reason I can think this Trunks is not as strong as Videl is because he's slacking on training.
Minicomic page 132
Ammar 9 تشرين الثاني
RockyJoe كان يقول:
the hell is Naruto doing there and when did he train in the ways of the Tri-Force?

That's Salagir. xD
DBMultiverse Colors page 251
Ammar 9 تشرين الثاني
仅是剑客 كان يقول:
The page was when 13 Vegeta went to U9 to find Raditz.
Weirdly, we didn't see any reaction between 13 Vegeta and 9 Bulma

Why would there be one? They're complete strangers. All U13 Vegeta knew that his U18 counterpart married an earthling, he doesn't know whom she is.
Minicomic page 131
Ammar 31 تشرين الأول
brolyloco كان يقول:
future gohan also managed to put up a fight against the androids, its just that A17 said that they werent using their full power, and if thats said in the manga, then its a fact
besides, both gohan a trunks were toys for A17 and A18, they werent going serious, its entirely the same situation for both gohan and trunks

your theory could only work if we said that future gohan is so weak, that even the half power of weaker androids were too strong for him, and also if we said that trunks before time travelling is also way stronger than future gohan, but still weaker than a future android

and the present androids were going full power against future trunks AND ssj1 vegeta, 2 supersaiyans stronger than future gohan, they are obviously gonna use more power than the future ones, its 2 stronger super saiyans

also, the androids could have killed gohan even if gohan was at the level of 1 full power android, its 2v1
it makes sense, trunks question how are androids of the present stronger than the future ones, then some chapters later, future A17 says that they werent going full power against gohan, which trunks never heard that statement

maybe your theory can still be possible, but my theory still makes sense

What I said is not a theory at all. what Future 17 said to Future Gohan wasn't to show that what Future Trunks said is wrong, just to show how Future Gohan was killed.

Grydon summarize it perfectly in his comment:

DBMultiverse Colors page 246
Ammar 29 تشرين الأول
brolyloco كان يقول:
Even the dragón ball wiki says that A17 told Gohan that in their last right he didnt even use half His power, which impressed Gohan, so Gohan thought that was stronger than A17 Full power, but he was actually only stronger than less than a half of A17 Full power, so Gohan was half A17 power, they never told Trunks about that they weré never using their Full power, so thats Why Trunks thought main timeline androids weré stronger than future timeline androids

AND all this makes Sense, Trunks AND Gohan weré so weak that androids weré just playing with them, Why using your Full power if you just wanna play?

Heres the wiki page that says this, in this page, search "half" https://d...he_Lone_Warrior

Idk if i can give a link of the full manga special here, SO search for the manga special if You wanna read it

You're talking like The present Androids were going full power against Future Trunks. Future Trunks comparing his offscreen battles to the present Androids, against the future ones he manged to put up a fight.

I don't know why people keep bring that up, that scene wasn't meant to correct Future Trunks statement, it was just to show how Future Gohan was killed. 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 246
Ammar 24 تشرين الأول
Drasknes44376 كان يقول:
It’s the fact Buu doesn’t seem to bother by losing his chance at Broly. In fact, Buu satisfied. Let’s face it, Buu (like Vegito) so power that they’re bored out of their minds. It’s obvious the guy did all this just to get a good fight against Vegito. Something to get the blood running.

But he did want to absorb Broly. He just wasn't that serious about it and got over it real quick when he failed. 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 244
Ammar 4 أيلول
The answer to XXI's question was actually so simple.


How to beat Gast easily? Just summon a being stronger than him and unaffected by his magic.

Sounds so simple now that I think about it... 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2387
Ammar 7 آب
Vegetto was never hurt. He never used SSJ2 nor SSJ3. All this was said because we the readers never seen him do that or get wounded.

I think that was what on Salagir's mind at the time. The characters reflect on what we the readers saw in the manga/anime. We didn't see him go beyond SSJ, we didn't see him get serious in a fight. We didn't see him get hurt. It is the first for all of these things for U16 crew because it is the first time for us.
DBMultiverse Colors page 211
Ammar 20 تموز
Me alegra ver que os gusta la portada. :)

Myself Who If Not كان يقول:
Both the drawing and the colour are on another level here.

Rogeru's participation is noticeable.

The ultras appear and they don't shoehorn Phipsilp in? We're improving.

Jajaja, te estás concentrando mucho en ella. Hay una en el grupo que parecía más que ella. ;)
DBMultiverse Colors page 203
Ammar 15 تموز
Ouv كان يقول:
Un régal de lire ce combat en couleurs !!! :)

Nous sommes heureux que cela vous plaise. :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 201
Ammar 15 تموز
Some people has no idea how much effort it is to get to this level of quality. The first panel by itself is a work of art.

Also, if you pay attention to details, you should notice the difference about the last two panels. :) 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 201
Ammar 15 تموز
WukongTheMighty كان يقول:
But please stop acting like what you're doing is some herculean task. People buy coloring books as a hobby, this sort of thing is in line with that.

I wasn't planning on replying but I couldn't with your ignorance.

Yes, what you see on this page is a herculean task. Coloring at this level is very hard and it takes longer than drawing the page most of the time.

If you think otherwise than I dare you to color the second panel of this page at the same level or better than HomolaGábor. See? I'm not asking for the whole page, just the second panel. It should be easy since coloring is like buying a colored comic, right?

Let's see how fast and efficient you do it.
DBMultiverse Colors page 200
Ammar 9 تموز
Salagir كان يقول:
Ammar was saying: (Also, that's totally inaccurate how Yamcha was in the manga, but whatever)
After he met Bulma, at least 3 references to Yamcha having success with girls are given in the manga.

3 references? Is one of them the one in the Red Ribbon arc?


Because if it is then here, Bulma's mother is calling out her daughter for being insecure rather than suggesting Yamcha was cheating.

The other one I can think about was at the start of DBZ where Krillin and Master Roshi ask Bulma about Yamcha? Yeah, she didn't mention he was cheating on her, she was pissed at him but she didn't specify the reason.

And the third I believe is Future Trunks infamous line? Yeah, I guess that's the only "prove" of Yamcha being unfaithful.

Rodriog كان يقول:

"Yamcha wasn't always faithful" Jeez! I wish if you could have showed me examples of Yamcha acting unfaithful or flirting with other women in the manga. Oh wait! They don't exist! My bad.

And honestly, when in it comes to being faithful, Bulma is the last one to talk:

[img] 1 رد (ردود)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 57
Ammar 8 تموز
I thought Yamash is supposed to be Ash from Pokemon, not Brock. xD

(Also, that's totally inaccurate how Yamcha was in the manga, but whatever) 2 رد (ردود)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 57
Ammar 30 حزيران
Okay, so this is happening at the moment Buu was sealed. Still, the "The Multiverse Tournament, an hour ago..." is very confusing. I'm assuming this chapter was supposed to come before chapter 93? 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2359
Ammar 23 حزيران
SuperSaiyan4Vegetto كان يقول:

Is this Elder Kai disguising himself and Raditz? Or is it XXI and his accomplice?

The title page already has intrigued me.

brolyloco كان يقول:
who the hell are these people? are they related to the elder kaioshin?

The title page already has intrigued me.
hey, you got a point, she has earrings just like the elder kaioshin, but why is the yellow guy (maybe raditz) smiling? they look like a couple of a millions years old man and a middle age saiyan

happywarrior99 كان يقول:
She has pink skin, has pink hair and is wearing clothes that are similar to what Android 21 (majin form) wears. Is she a disguised Zen Buu?

SuperSaiyan4Vegetto was saying: Is this Elder Kai disguising himself and Raditz?If she is Elder Kai in disguise, why did he chose to take the risk of disguising himself as a female Majin after Zen Buu was send back to Universe 4?

jonathan_vik was saying: This girl will reveal herself as a horrible monster and eat this poor sap.Which I think is something Zen Buu may do to trick some random background character from Universe 1 into getting absorbed without getting the other fighters's attention, specially if Zen Buu wanted to absorb people from Universe 1 to have the means to return to the tournament universe.

DB Multiverse page 2356
Ammar 7 حزيران
Ouv كان يقول:
What a pleasure to rediscover this fight with colors !!! :)
Thousand thanks to the Team Colors ! ;)

Thank you for your kind words, Ouv! :D

We're glad you like it. :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 185
Ammar 12 أيار 2024
MysticVegito كان يقول:
Ok, seeing young Baba is something that didn't cross my mind in the slightest, and yet here it is :D

Here, let me make it better (or worse xD):


Art by Asura: link 7 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2338
Ammar 8 أيار 2024
Again, all respect to Stef84 (the one who colored the original page), but their style is different from ours, which is why we re-colored it. 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 172
Ammar 20 نيسان 2024
Just Saiyan كان يقول:
Did you forget the "I" on the second panel or leave it out on purpose? I guess both could work.

Fixed. Thanks for pointing it out. :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 164
Ammar 20 نيسان 2024
TruzzieArt كان يقول:
Let’s not forget that U16’s Piccolo has a ton of senzu beans so I doubt Vegetto will be dying anytime soon.

No, there's no more senzu beans.

[img] [img]

Nothing can save him from that, he's going to die. 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2328
Ammar 19 نيسان 2024
DrewSaga كان يقول:
Calm down old lady of U15, the one you give birth to is destined to lose to Yamcha.

And kill Vegetto!!! 2 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 164
Ammar 17 نيسان 2024

See? He didn't kill him in the previous page. Now, apologies to the great Yamcha! >:(
DB Multiverse page 2327
Ammar 15 نيسان 2024
I never noticed King Piccolo in the first panel until I colored this page. xD
DBMultiverse Colors page 162
Ammar 12 نيسان 2024
I just noticed Salza's armor is drawn wrong on the left side... 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 160
Ammar 6 نيسان 2024
happywarrior99 كان يقول:
The reason why Bulma dumped Yamcha is because he is asexual and aromantic.

...Okay, from where did you get this nonsense. xD
DB Multiverse page 2315
Ammar 6 نيسان 2024
vwishmwahuul كان يقول:
So is Cell going to do something?

He's frozen.

DB Multiverse page 2322
Ammar 5 نيسان 2024
Brunom كان يقول:
What a beautiful page! And finally Yamcha says his shiny line
Although I always thought that the prophetic phrase would be uttered under higher stakes

Who knows, maybe it was 11 years ago before it was changed tp this.

Son-Kun كان يقول:
Bro wants higher stakes than being the last one able to fight an enemy who can easily kill everyone else lol

Against XXI, maybe?
DB Multiverse page 2322
Ammar 27 آذار 2024

Escribe el texto correcto aquí en la sección de comentarios y lo cambiaré.
DBMultiverse Colors page 150
Ammar 25 آذار 2024
Grazie a tutti per i vostri gentili commenti Siamo lieti di vedere che hai notato i cambiamenti che abbiamo apportato. :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 150
Ammar 25 آذار 2024
Reibacs كان يقول:
Habéis actualizado la viñeta de los heloítas ^^. ¡Genial!

Nedwook y Eleim, ¿no?

Buen trabajo.

Narub y Eleim. :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 150
Ammar 25 آذار 2024
Frorenst redarw the Heloïts if you didn't noticed. OO
DBMultiverse Colors page 150
Ammar 21 آذار 2024
WukongTheMighty كان يقول:
The future androids WANTED to extend the fight, they ENJOYED torturing Trunks.

That's just your headcanon, stop making it as a fact. Both the present and future were holding back, one Trunks was able put up a fight and the other he wasn't. No need for you to make stuff up.

Super Gojita 3 كان يقول:
nothing complicated here, the latter has precident over the former. the androids toyed with trunks. and trunks was simply wrong about their power levels.

Again, Present Android weren't going all out either. Trunks manged to put up a fight in one of them. It's really not that hard. 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2315
Ammar 21 آذار 2024
WukongTheMighty كان يقول:
Uh? Do you know nothing about the story behind the Androids Saga? 17 and 18 were as far as the story cares ALWAYS the ones that killed the Z-Fighters. Not Dr. Gero and 19. The reason he called them that is because originally it was meant to be them but then Toriyama's editor demanded a change, and thus it was made 17 and 18. Stop making stuff up to try to support your foolish arguments. Now "Where's the facepalm emoji when you need it"?

Are you for real? That's what I meant by originally 19 and 20 being the ones who killed the Z-Fighters before it was changed! Learn how to read before throw the word "foolish" at others.

WukongTheMighty كان يقول:
You don't even seem to understand that holding back can mean holding back 50, 90 or even 99 percent of their power. Trunks can't sense energy, and the present androids were less inclined to toy with the Z-Fighters because they didn't need to keep them alive to keep messing with them. What is it that's so difficult for you understand about this?

You don't need to feel power to tell 17 and 18 were using 1% of their powers to beat Trunks.

[img] [img]

If you think they were even trying here then I don't know what to say you.

Super Gojita 3 كان يقول:
I mean, if they were stronger while holding back, I guess it means they didn't need to go all out to "fight evenly" with a naive trunks who thought ussj was a good idea.

Your argument amounts to like this "piccolo said he was a demon, so he must be a demon and not an alien!" when later evidence supports the idea he is actually an alien.

the initial evidence suggests the androids were weaker, but later evidence asserts they were holding back, and trunks was naive and didn't know they were holding back.

The latter refutes the former, as such piccolo is an alien, and the androids were in fact not weaker.

lets also look at some other "well he said it , so it must be true!!" statements.


yes of course! vegeta is the ssj and on namek! he said it so it must be true!


ah ha! here we go! well, that cements it. he clearly said something. there fore it has to be true.

What is so hard to understand here???


and here again! he said it no less than 3 times!

clearly we can put some stock in this being true, as he said it more than the 1 time trunks said it.

So, all kidding aside, I think we can chalk trunks statement up to being naive, and is as true as vegeta being a ssj vs freeza on namek.

Look, to me it simple: Future Androids toyed with Trunks and he manage to give a descent fight, Present Android toyed with him and he was down by two hits. Present Android > Future Androids. No need to complicate things here. 2 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2315
Ammar 21 آذار 2024
WukongTheMighty كان يقول:
My man here has never heard of the concept of a character not being completely correct when they say something. In the grand scheme of things, Trunks knows sweet FA about the Androids. He even called them 19 and 20 when he first showed up in the past.

He called them that because it was originally 19 and Dr. Gero were the ones who killed the z-fitghers... -_- Where's the facepalm emoji when you need it?...

WukongTheMighty كان يقول:
Do you really think what you're saying makes any sense whatsoever? Trunks can't sense their energy. The future androids toyed with him. The present androids toyed with the Z-Fighters. Neither are showing their full strength.
Where do you get Present Androids >>> Future Androids if they were holding back both times?

Dear God... form Trunks words! He said that at the very least he was able to put a decent fight against the Future ones even though they were holding back. If Trunks can't even do that against the present ones that means they're stronger! Trunks was KO'ed from two shots, one of them where 18 only throws Vegeta at him. If it takes less effort for them to beat Trunks then that means they're stronger than their future selves. What is so hard to understand here??? 2 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2315
Ammar 21 آذار 2024
megrez alberich كان يقول:
You do know that in future Trunks's timeline, 17 and 18 were just toying with their opponents and not fighting them at full power, right?

Because 17 & 18 were going all out against the Z-Fighters? They were toying with them too.

So, really I don't get why people bring this up all the time.

If Future Trunks says they're stronger the Future then they are. 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2315
Ammar 17 آذار 2024
Yo Mismo Quien Si No كان يقول:
Nooo! En serio se van a saltar la mejor parte?

Quería agregar páginas adicionales antes de esta página. Pero... el tiempo... :') 2 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 145
Ammar 17 آذار 2024
And that's all she wrote!

When I read the fight back in the day, I always thought that U16 Pan was done dirty. Which why I came up with this idea to give Pan a little something before her death.

I pitch the idea to Xeno Black who was more than happy to write the script. We review and discuss what can we take from novel and what can we add.

Then Argelios & I spent days trying to map this fight the best we can. There was a lot back and forth between Argelios and I on how many pages and what to add and what to not add. Argelios spent hours to made the storyboards so then we have something clear to show Rogeru.

There was a lot of ideas (both original and from the novel) that were thrown in the bin because Argelios didn't want to color that many pages and thought it was already too long. One example is that instead of Bojack throwing Pan in page 137, my idea was for Pan to use the Taiyôken, but Argelios was against it because it was already so many pages.

After both us settled on how the fight will go out. Argelios worked on the storyboard to presented to Rogeru.

Rogeru draw a fast sketches for us to see.


After we agreed on them, he start drawing the pages and they turned out beautifully imo.


And then, it comes my turn to prepare the pages (aka color the page with base colors) for Argelios and HomolaGabor.


And what you see is the end result:


There was a lot of care behind these pages. We planned them out, we changed and edited a lot of things when we thought of a better ideas. There was a lot of ideas that unfortunately weren't used due to how many pages were there already. But we definitely didn't do it for the sake of fighting. We... or I wanted to give Pan a time to shine because she deserve way better than what she got.

It's not perfect, but it's better than how it was handle it in the black & white pages imo.
DBMultiverse Colors page 145
Ammar 17 آذار 2024
Daiko كان يقول:
Nah. It was pretty clear that was a vast overestimation of his and Gohan's abilities when he had no way of knowing prior how much stronger the Androids were. Can't sense energy levels after all and Gohan's reaction to the news that he wasn't even half 17's strength and then Gohan's immediate death proves that. Not like DBM has to be accurate to the manga though. We already have new forms, crazy Kaiokens, OCs, etc.

U18 #17 & #18 weren't using even 10th of their powers, what's your point? That Future 17 was holding back? So was U18 17. And Future Trunks was comparing the two based on how badly he was beaten.
DB Multiverse page 2313
Ammar 17 آذار 2024
DrewSaga كان يقول:
The whole "The future Androids were degraded in power" was always dumb when the manga already gave the explanation that they simply never used even half their full power against Future Gohan and Future Trunks."

Pretty sure U18 #17 & #18 were also toying with the Z-Fighters on their first encounter with them. So, if Future Trunks says they're stronger than their future counterparts then they actually are. 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2313
Ammar 5 آذار 2024
Tribun Erset كان يقول:
A tutaj 138 -
Bojack: Zabawne.
Pan: Włożę w ten atak całą swoją energię!
Super... Kame...
Bojack: Znowu z tym gównem? Wyślę cię do piekła!
Pan: ...Hame... HAAA!!

Dziękuję Tribun Erset

Wysłałem wiadomość do Salagir. Miejmy nadzieję, że wkrótce je doda.
DBMultiverse Colors page 138
Ammar 4 آذار 2024
Jeśli ktoś może podać mi tekst tutaj, w sekcji komentarzy, umieszczę i na dwóch ostatnich stronach.
DBMultiverse Colors page 137
Ammar 25 شباط 2024
DB Multiverse page 2306
Ammar 24 شباط 2024
Brunom كان يقول:
But then again Bulma is still out there in U12 with knowledge of time travel.

Bulma created a time machine that can go to the "past" of a universe identical to her. That's why Future Trunks can't go to U13 for example. Where the vargas can go to whatever universe they want and brings others with them.
DB Multiverse page 2305
Ammar 12 شباط 2024
Square كان يقول:
Ciekawe czy Gotenks dostanie kiedyś tam duży kadr na swoją przemianę.

DBMultiverse Colors page 127
Ammar 5 شباط 2024
BMS كان يقول:
Bido being smart here, and basically getting permission to explain his idea, instead of just blurting it out as the de-facto way as the other idiot at the beginning did. Bido: lives. Other idiots: Dead.

The fact that Bido have to "get permission" to say his idea/plan show to you that the idiot is the leader. xD
DB Multiverse page 2300
Ammar 3 شباط 2024
"Perhaps it can wait…"

Tch, pussy.
DB Blancoverse page 81
Ammar 31 كانون الثاني 2024
Beni-Kujaku كان يقول:
I'm pretty sure there's no Friday the 7th anytime soon (the next one is in June). Are you sure you didn't mean Wednesday instead?

Salagir fixed it. Thank you for pointing that out.
News v2, id 4
Ammar 28 كانون الثاني 2024
SSM12 كان يقول:
Man, I was kind of hoping for Polar to win and actually drive off Bojack and his rabble. I mean is it too much for a Frost Demon to win in this series?

You do realize that none of them will be able to do any of that one-on-one, right? You can see Polar recovering instantly after that knee to the back from Bido. What do you think what would had happen if Zangya didn't come in and deck him to the face?

We finally see DBZ characters having a common sense and fighting as a group against a stronger opponent. 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2297
Ammar 25 كانون الثاني 2024
Apocalipticototal كان يقول:






eurodrummer666 كان يقول:





¿Cuál debería elegir? xD 2 رد (ردود)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 431
Ammar 21 كانون الثاني 2024

So, whose going to tell them? xD
DBMultiverse Colors page 121
Ammar 14 كانون الثاني 2024
Para que quede claro, yo no dibujé esta portada. xD Solo hice los colores base para la portada.
DBMultiverse Colors page 119
Ammar 14 كانون الثاني 2024
Néa Archi كان يقول:
Je reconnais la pâte de Frorenst mais vu que je n'ai jamais vu un dessin de Ammar, j'aimerai bien savoir ce qu'il a fait exactement dans ce dessin :o

Je n'ai rien fait! xD Je n'ai fait que les couleurs de base pour la couverture. 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Colors page 119
Ammar 11 كانون الثاني 2024
DrewSaga كان يقول:
But man U2 I get, but what makes U5 so dang different from the other universes that there is very little connection? The only think U5 has in common with many of the 19 other universes is the fact they all have Dragon Balls (and XXI I assume uses it to get a wish to beat #18 and Zen Buu).

I think it's no longer a mystery what XXI is and what happened there after what Old Kai said in page 2274. the "big change" is XXI winning and changing everything ever since.

Ouroboros كان يقول:
Don't forget 17 where he is likely killed by Cell jr(s)

Oh yeah! I can't believe I forgot about this universe.

So basically, Future Trunks killed Gokua in 5 universes only: 4, 6, 16, 18, and 20. xD 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2289
Ammar 11 كانون الثاني 2024
DrewSaga كان يقول:
UltraExtream was saying: Sorry Gokua but only Trunks can pull that off.

No surprise there I suppose, didn't Trunks pwn Gokua in all of the 20 Universes (including in U6 where he got killed by Bojack afterwards)?

Not in U1 and U10, he was killed by the kaioshin.

In universes 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 19 he's alive, but sealed.

And of course, in U2 and U5 he was never born. 2 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2289
Ammar 10 كانون الثاني 2024
Apocalipticototal كان يقول:
Ammar escribió: Este es un cómic antiguo con una traducción antigua. Si pueden proporcionarme el texto, lo cambiaré.
Hola Ammar, creo que se está volviendo costumbre que te pase los textos correctos. X)

Así parece. xD

Comprueba la traducción. Y déjame saber si las otras páginas necesitan correcciones o no. 1 رد (ردود)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 3
Ammar 9 كانون الثاني 2024
Sir Corelent كان يقول:
Lo de la traducción empieza a ser un cachondeo. "But it's never useful to him because he always finds himself against people who are stronger than him" = ¿"Pero eso no le sirve porque siempre se queda más duro que la batería en su contra"?

Señores, esto ya no es ni de pedirle el trabajo a Google Translate, que acabo de hacer la prueba y esa frase la traduce perfectamente ("Pero nunca le resulta útil porque siempre se enfrenta a personas más fuertes que él"). Esto ya es de inventarse directamente las palabras.

Por favor, a quien esté traduciendo esto (así como las últimas páginas del comic principal), que lo saquen del proyecto.

Este es un cómic antiguo con una traducción antigua. Si pueden proporcionarme el texto, lo cambiaré. 1 رد (ردود)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 3
Ammar 7 كانون الثاني 2024
PrinceOfTheHood كان يقول:
T~ooold y~aaaa he is a Frosty. ;-)

No, that will be his uncle. :)


DB Multiverse page 2288
Ammar 31 كانون الأول 2023
BangBang كان يقول:
Not a lot of color here, to be honest.

There is. But Cell's Taiyoken make it seems this way.
DBMultiverse Colors page 115
Ammar 22 كانون الأول 2023
Moron can't even count to 5! xD 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2281
Ammar 21 كانون الأول 2023
DrewSaga كان يقول:
I don't see the Frost Demons being that incompetent but if they were that powerful, I think they'd probably get too drunk on their own power for their own good and screw up as well, just not as royally as Bojack, who was otherwise a petty street criminal without that power.

I mean... aren't they already? We're talking about the same race that "Oh! I gonna create 3 reduced forms instead of training myself to be able to stay in control in my original form because I'm just too lazy!"

The only two Frost demons who "bothered" to train are Frosty (Cold's oldest uncle):

And Cooler, who was the first Frost Demon to discovers the Augmentation form. Snower, Ice Kurima, Freeza (and Cold in some universes) transformed to their original form, but they only did it out of necessary.

The best example is U8 Cold (Ginyu). Look how much power Cold could have gained if he bothered to train. Now, imagine if all the Frost Demons are as strong as Bojack in their original form. Nobody will be able to stop them other than the Kaioshins, Buu, and Broly. Actually, no, only The Kaioshins and Majin Buu, because They will kill all saiyans before Broly is born. 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2280
Ammar 20 كانون الأول 2023
And this one example of why the Bojack gang didn't last long. Bojack is really the definition of "All brawn and no brain".

DrewSaga كان يقول:
I like how Bojack is such an asshole that he is a danger to himself quite a lot. Like your ally has a plan to beat the Frost Demons (who are known for being really powerful and problematic) and you just tell the guy "Know your place, shithead"? He wouldn't have lived long if he wasn't so strong.

The fact that he's now either dead or sealed in all the 20 universes proves that. If the Frost Demons possess his power they would have ruled in almost all the universes. 2 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2280
Ammar 17 كانون الأول 2023
SuperSaiyan4Vegetto كان يقول:
Well we are getting some info on Freeza's ancestors. So is Polar the father of "Cold"? Freeza's grandfather?

Polar is the brother of Cold. And their father is Snower.
DB Multiverse page 2279
Ammar 13 كانون الأول 2023
Ouroboros كان يقول:
(If that guys dies here and there i sugest we call the guy Yumcha)

DB Multiverse page 2277
Ammar 10 كانون الأول 2023
happywarrior99 كان يقول:
Maybe I'K'L's mother is secretly a ssj3 tier fighter, because some survivor native to U15 had to be strong enough to have killed U15 Broly, U15 Dabura, U15 Hirudegarn and U15 Fat Buu to have prevented them from joining the multiverse tournament. U15 Imperfect Cell was not strong enough to kill U15 Broly, U15 Dabura, U15 Hirudegarn and U15 Fat Buu.

U15 Dabura and Fat Buu are dead. Read chapter 32.
DB Multiverse page 2275
Ammar 8 كانون الأول 2023
Apocalipticototal كان يقول:
¡Kibito-shin has algo hostias!





Gracias. :)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 410
Ammar 6 كانون الأول 2023
NickRiviera كان يقول:
"¡Podría haberte matado fácilmente, pero verte en este estado me llena de alegría!"

"¡Te mantendré conmigo! ¡Me recordará al día de mi victoria sobre tu mundo y mi llegada!"

Traduzco la página según tu texto. 1 رد (ردود)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 409
Ammar 3 كانون الأول 2023
Ouv كان يقول:
Once again a beautiful page !!! :)

Thank you! :D
DBMultiverse Colors page 107
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