DB Multiverse
News: New comic: Saigo no Son!
Che deghejo.
Donca, gheto catà łe capsułe?
Donca, gheto catà łe capsułe?
Łe ze in parte de 'sto fabregà, mio prìnsipe.
No starme ciamar cusì. El me injutiłe pare no'l ze njente deso.
Cosa faremo co
saremo tornà?
saremo tornà?
No so' pì el prìnsipe…
Ze ora de deventar re.
31 December
New comic: Saigo no Son!
Goten-kun's comic book 321Y is finished, but that doesn't matter! His brand-new story begins now!Read it here!
Three pages a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8pm (Paris time)