...Privalai atkeliauti! Ten yra karys kaip Pikolas, ir didysis seniūnas gali tave padaryti žymiai stipresni!
Tikrai? Jeigu turime galingus draugus, galėsime...
Prakeikimas, ši galia!
Ar ji iš Kaimelio?
Bet čia nėra Drakono Rutulio. Dabar turite išeiti.
Ha... jokiu būdu!
With Dodoria, who finally finds Gohan and Dende, I had to resign myself for the story. But without any clues, he would normally have NO chance of finding them.
Zarbon, who finds the last village, on the other hand, is credible because Apple does the same in DBZ. Furthermore, a village is bigger.