DB Multiverse
Energia eius evanuit... nihil timendi est!
Ac stella crinita periculum non amplius est!
Ohe, Goku! Broli victo, Cellula facilior erit!
Te moneo ut alterum cum altero non compares. Brolis ictibus insensilis erat sed ignorabat quomodo pu-gnandum vel vi sua utendum sit!
Eia, satis requievi. Nos omnes ad Tellurem teleportare possum.
Heroes nostri tum putabant finem Saeiani Fabulosi pervenisse...
Verum erat... in praesenti!
Sequel of this universe is this way.
1 diem, 7h
Update of the site!
Update of the day on DBM website:— Comments: On "Reply to" and "Edit this message", the button now changes and sends you to the form.
— Comments: "Spoiler" button wasn't working on the profile page, now it does.
— Swipe was added to change of page recently. Now it's working only when the comic page is actually showing.