DB Multiverse
Additamentum: Fanarts vestra!

akiraIT2011-04-06 iudicare vis?
Hi salagir,i'm akira
i do again my compliments to you to gogeta jr and to all DBM staff.i more love every day DRAGON BALL MULTIVERS comic!!!my compliment's :)
i write you today because i'm not a great artist but i have many many experience in the sprite comic(comic made with the overworld sprite of the old 8 bit videogames) world and consequently i have many experience to do comic page with the copy/paste technic
here you can look a minicomic make with images from DBM i have realized little time ago...
if you like this please pubblish it in the minicomic section of the site
i'm interested to create strip for the minicomic session
if you are interested from my this tipe work i can made other minicomics made like this

saidaES2011-03-31 iudicare vis?
espeo k les guste
YurugiUS2011-03-27 iudicare vis?

k'aapME2011-03-20 iudicare vis?
Bien, a ver que les parece este fan art de DBM que es Bra en supersaiyajin fase 2 xP, que lo disfruten!!! y sigan leyendo DBM, que esta shingonsisimo :D
peraltaFR2011-03-16 iudicare vis?
vegeto ssj2 fait en cours en environ 4H, c'est un ami a moi qui l'a dessiner dit moi ce que vous en penssez
SayaFR2011-03-13 iudicare vis?
Illustration de Begita de l'U13 se transformant sur namek contre Freeza
ToméPT2011-03-13 iudicare vis?
Bra Vs. Supernamek. Bra is dodging Supernamek's energy beam while chaging her own attack.

Hicham.KMR2011-03-11 iudicare vis?
slt gogeta jr & salagir j'aime beaucoup vos travaux (keep going) ^^ voila un vegeto ssj3 pour vous & vive DBMSee it on D.A.

sheila fortea rodriguezES2011-03-11 iudicare vis?

BK-81IT2011-03-11 iudicare vis?
A fake cover that I made following the indication of a member of the italian DBM-forum. I re-used the layout of the other cover... Kaddish (the commissioner) wanted me to show a hypotetical cover of Universe 8 , when Freezer killed ALL the Saiyans in one. We don't know what ideas do you have for this Universe, so I guess it's wrong. XD But I illustrated the idea because I found it interesting.See it on D.A.

BatrouxFR2011-02-22 iudicare vis?

Tertre ChristopheFR2011-02-18 iudicare vis?
Un petit délire sur Vegetto d un autre univers
Mike MEN2011-01-28 iudicare vis?
Vegetto discovers Bra's hidden power during their training.
CristinaES2011-01-15 iudicare vis?
PanU16 and PanU18
Homola GáborHU2011-01-15 iudicare vis?
See it on D.A.
MellowAR2011-01-14 iudicare vis?
This is how I imagined Zen Buu would look if,somehow,managed to merge himself with Xeniloums's armor circuits,rather than just "take" the armor.