DB Multiverse

Member page of   Ven

Ven 15 Június 2021
Jotaro Kujo was saying:
people ask why kaioken is my favorite form-ish technique, this is why

Because it has different levels achievable through training instead of plot convenience, doesn't have a pointless "transformation" attached and has a downside? Yeah, i agree, it's great. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1897
Ven 14 Június 2021
Stevethebarbarian was saying:
Deciding to throw out hard numbers for the kaioken in favor of the more ambiguous "Kaoikenn!" "Stronger Kaioken!" "Maximum Kaioken!" was one of DBM's best changes from canon. Kaioken multipliers were always nonsense. If Super Saiyan is a 50x multiplier, and SS Goku was able to slap around 100% Frieza, and Kaioken x20 is actually twenty times stronger than base, then shouldn't Kaoiken x20 Goku's full power kamehameha have nearly killed Frieza rather than just scuffing his hands? Also it's super counter-intuitive that "Kaioken" and "Kaioken x2" are literally the same thing.

Also, because of how the effect works (putting strain on your body in exchange for power), it being a straight multiplier doesn't make sense. Wouldn't what you need for a given multiplier be extremely different for everyone? If Goku could reach x4 kaioken when his pl was 8000, then shouldn't it take twice the "kaoiken force" to reach x4 when he got up to 1600? It doesn't make sense.

In DMB, it's much simpler. "Kaioken makes you stronger. At its base level, it doesn't strain you very much. A stronger Kaioken makes you even stronger. Maximum Kaioken is the highest you can go without causing injury to yourself, and thus the strongest kaioken it is safe for a given person to use. You can go higher than maximum (videl vs Cell Jr.) but you'll injure yourself. Trying to be more specific than that only adds confusion. (Shouldn't x3 kaioken Goku have been much, much stronger than Vegeta's pitiful 16,000 ass? Since Goku was above 8k before he even went full power, and Vegeta didn't know how to hide his power at the time, so he couldn't have been above 16k. This is why using exact numbers for stuff like this is wack.)

That's a fancy way of saying "it's all nonsense".
DB Multiverse page 1897
Ven 13 Június 2021
Couch Potato was saying:
What even is the multiplier for "Maximum Kaioken"?

Allow me to explain by emulating the writer(s): "Uuuuuuuhhhhh...." waves hand dismissively, then shrugs
DB Multiverse page 1897
Ven 12 Június 2021
vwishmwahuul was saying:
Now that’s proper tournament fighting right there. No tricks, cheats, gimmicks, or speeches between each attack. Just bom pom dom pah dam bam

Indeed. I'm sure we all know that it won't last long though.
DB Multiverse page 1896
Ven 9 Június 2021
psyxypher was saying:
Okay here's my theory.

Zen Buu out magics XXI while Gast ends Bra, and the combination of this makes Vegito go nuts.

Bra 100% won't die but let's put a more realistic spin on that scenario: Gast ends Bra, Vegitos expression slightly changes and everyone expects him to go nuts. Vegito just thinks to himself "Wow. I realize that i had totally forgotten what freedom felt like". 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1894
Ven 9 Június 2021
Füchsin was saying:
Ven was saying: Füchsin was saying: Ven was saying: Füchsin was saying: Maybe Vegeta will save his new powers for Goku and use ssj3 against Cell. He doesn't hold the form in high regard, but this way he can save his new form for Goku and show he can use ssj3. It would kinda bug me if he never achieved it at all. Even his evil counterpart did so after getting pushed around a little by Cell jr.

Yeah, and just like turning the dude into a woman, it was fan service. Let's hope for something original, eh?

Nah. Original forms and powers in DBZ fanfiction are lame more often than not. I take stale ssj3 Vegeta fanservice over stuff like Cold's monsterform or the ki constructs/clones anyday.

All Saiyan transformations have been lame after the first. Besides, you don't need new transformations every damn time someone is supposed to show their power. As i said: Original. People just want more of the same, which is the reason super has like 5 new transformations. Ugh... Of course, calling them "transformations" is pretty dishonest considering it's just yet another power boost.

All true. DBZ did fine without any transformations and post frieza with just the ssj transformation.
Iam just afraid the way DBM set up power tiers, Vegeta needs a transformation or an equivalent power boost to compete with Cell. And I would rather take the devil I know than a wildcard given the track record.

Well...Yeah, i see your point, but one can always hope for the best regardless.
DB Multiverse page 1894
Ven 8 Június 2021
Füchsin was saying:
Ven was saying: Füchsin was saying: Maybe Vegeta will save his new powers for Goku and use ssj3 against Cell. He doesn't hold the form in high regard, but this way he can save his new form for Goku and show he can use ssj3. It would kinda bug me if he never achieved it at all. Even his evil counterpart did so after getting pushed around a little by Cell jr.

Yeah, and just like turning the dude into a woman, it was fan service. Let's hope for something original, eh?

Nah. Original forms and powers in DBZ fanfiction are lame more often than not. I take stale ssj3 Vegeta fanservice over stuff like Cold's monsterform or the ki constructs/clones anyday.

All Saiyan transformations have been lame after the first. Besides, you don't need new transformations every damn time someone is supposed to show their power. As i said: Original. People just want more of the same, which is the reason super has like 5 new transformations. Ugh... Of course, calling them "transformations" is pretty dishonest considering it's just yet another power boost. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1894
Ven 8 Június 2021
Füchsin was saying:
Maybe Vegeta will save his new powers for Goku and use ssj3 against Cell. He doesn't hold the form in high regard, but this way he can save his new form for Goku and show he can use ssj3. It would kinda bug me if he never achieved it at all. Even his evil counterpart did so after getting pushed around a little by Cell jr.

Yeah, and just like turning the dude into a woman, it was fan service. Let's hope for something original, eh? 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1894
Ven 7 Június 2021
Mystifio was saying:
— Because of what happened with her and Babidi, I’d say she’s traumatized, in shock, or at the very least insanely ashamed, which might cloud her judgement.
— Because of that shame, she might forfeit, or just let Gast win.

The only reason she'd feel shame is that Buu placed a new personality in her brain. Nothing points towards her being capable of feeling empathy. In fact, the entire story around her has tried its best to tell us that she is quite clearly too self-absorbed to care about anyone other than herself. So, either she's faking it, or she's not Bra anymore. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1894
Ven 7 Június 2021
Icarus was saying:
I saw Babidi's stunt coming a mile away and was kinda surprised none of the characters did.

Well, master Roshi taught Goku that fighting is about more than just punching things. Goku tried it for some time until he realized that without enough power, any thinking is useless.

Like, if people aren't suspecting the capabilities of tubbo at this point, the supposedly oldest, gentles and wisest of the kais, their leader who just walked up to a lunatic and started sassing her and unsurprisingly got one-shotted like a chump, all of the audience and all the fighter are morons.

KidGoku was saying:
Ven was saying:

KidGoku was saying:
I hate to bring Vegeta up

If that were true, you people would stop. Lo and behold, here we are once again. Ugh...

Don't lump me in the same category as them. You know nothing about me or how I think. The fact that you attack me the way you do goes to show how insecure you are.

Yes, i'm sure i'm insecure when i DIDN'T attack you. Quite unlike what you did. Heh.

Anyway, when the "argument" is basically the same old recycled trite, why wouldn't i lump you in with them? Try to come up with something new that might actually be comparable to Bra's BS and then we'll talk. Of course you can't do that since Vegeta is the closest thing you have, so you people just have to bring it up again and again in an attempt to derail any sensible complaints about Bra into trying to tell you how it is. Since you all just ignore the obvious no matter how many times it slaps you in the face, i don't know why people keep trying. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1894
Ven 7 Június 2021
Kalenz was saying:
I cannot comprehend how people don't just want to give Bra a hug.

Generally speaking, when a person can flip out at any moment and murder you and everyone you ever cared about at the tiniest slight, you'd be wise to move to a different planet. Problem is, she'll probably go Broly and skip breathing because MY POWER IS MAXIMUM! Which means nowhere is safe and you're all screwed regardless.

KidGoku was saying:

I hate to bring Vegeta up

If that were true, you people would stop. Lo and behold, here we are once again. Ugh... 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1894
Ven 6 Június 2021
عمار was saying:
There's something wrong with this page... :/


Now it is better! :D

I have to say that this never gets old.

Lexenar was saying:

Bra vs Gast --> Bra (I'm thinking of a Piccolo-Gohan training situation, in which Gast teaches something Bra and then forfeit)

Or it's going to be the other way around. Gast turns her powers off, she breaks free with some "hidden reserves" and loses control and beats Gast up. Then she conveniently regains control, forfeits and gives a speech about learning some lesson while she quips Vegito on how he sucks and he should also learn a lesson.
DB Multiverse page 1894
Ven 4 Június 2021
عمار was saying:
I'm still surprised that the audience is still willing to stay after everything that happened...

Hey, when you realize that the person next to you was brainwashed into murdering you by a shriveled, tiny magician and that the status quo was restored by an omnipotent monster with the snap of his fingers, you'll just have to hope for the best. That cheeky rascal might snap you all into oblivion next if he felt like it.
DB Multiverse page 1893
Ven 3 Június 2021
Mystifio was saying:

Goku lost his Saiyan memories as a child (and probably left some brain damage) and was raised by Gohan, in a natural environment.

"Lost his Saiyan memories" Hah! That's putting it mildly. He didn't just lose his memories, he just straight up lost the naturally aggressive Saiyan nature all together. Which means that it was pretty extensive brain damage, indeed.


Mystifio was saying:
since he never even saw a girl he had no lust
Or it's just more brain damage. In conclusion: Goku is a pure because brain damage. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1892
Ven 3 Június 2021
Dante was saying:
Idk if this is just pure fanboy or cell was really caught off-guard or if they somehow got an off-page zenkai but after all the pages i feel like he should've noticed the other Gohan approach, and maybe notice them leave at the end. What's your opinion?

Well, when you make your characters overpowered, i guess you gotta take them down a peg now and then.

DDDDD was saying:
Hahaha, great page. Extreme sexual energy on display.

It's all in your head, sicko.
DB Multiverse page 1892
Ven 1 Június 2021
TheDog was saying:
Gohan: Don't worry Videl, I'll get Gotenks, Gast, and the others and we'll browbeat Pan into forgiving Bra for her actions, because she was under control... Until she decided she wasn't under control.

Videl:... I want a divorce. And a restraining order.

Gohan: You don't have the power to make decisions. Shoo! Back to the sidelines.
DB Multiverse page 1891
Ven 31 Május 2021
Icarus was saying:
Turbocharger was saying:
Majin Angel was saying: The disconnect about Bra seems to be about the strength of Babidi's control. In DBZ we were given limited examples. Pui pui, Yakon, and the human schmucks were mostly irrelevant. Vegeta broke the control. Dabra, the lord of the demon realm didn't. Salagir's take is Vegeta was just beyond special, and a being of Cell's intellect and similar pride could do the same. Bra wasn't able to break free. Criticizing her for that is kinda silly.

HOWEVER, everyone should be on board with criticizing Bra because she has been warned her entire life that her temper and inability to control herself will hurt everyone. [...]

I agree with this take. I'm also glad that the page isn't trying to make Pan look like she's wrong to be afraid of Bra. Hell, Videl even emphasizes that it's not a quick fix.
On a side note, U16 Gohan is probably one of the most sympathetic characters in this whole entire comic with everything that he's stuck with. Somebody give this dude a medal of honor.

I am more or less on board with this. Not her fault for what she did while under control, but she would have been able to withstand this - or stop this - were it not for her faults.

And here we are at the heart of the problem. What did she do to deal with her problems? Nothing. as far as we know, she was a garbage human being from the beginning and it's too little too late to change that. So the writer avoids that with some less than smooth hand-waving and on we go. It shouldn't surprise anyone that most readers might be more than fed up of Bras BS. So, on we go already! 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1891
Ven 31 Május 2021
Stevethebarbarian was saying:
Ven was saying:

Ask yourself: Is Gast willing to risk his one and only chance to get his wish? We don't know what it is

Yes, we do. He specifically tells Raichi he's going to wish to resurrect his people.

Hey, that was a long time ago. Can't remember everything.

ShadowMokujin was saying:
I know you hate cell gohan but dont take it out on the innocent tiny cell jr

Again: they might look cute and cuddly, but are actually sadistic lunatics that laugh maniacally when they beat their helpless victims to death. You people care too much about appearances... 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1891
Ven 30 Május 2021
vwishmwahuul was saying:
Bra vs Gast, what do you think? Will Gast show compassion and understanding for Bra’s situation and let her have the win? Or will he bend her over his knee and give her the spanking she deserves?

Ask yourself: Is Gast willing to risk his one and only chance to get his wish? We don't know what it is, but it isn't hard to guess that he probably wants to be unfused from all the other namekians. Some people have said he "wants a challenge" but i doubt it's like Goku and Vegeta kind of crazy where he would be willing to sacrifice his entire race/his family/the universe he lives in just to get a good fight. Besides, can't drag the fight on too long or she'll lose her marbles again.

Of course, Bra could get the hint and just throw in the towel to avoid all that and go home. She obviously isn't equipped to deal with her own problems. Oh yeah, but then Vegito would have to go home too since going back to a universe void of life would be pretty disappointing. After all, it doesn't take much to hurt her fee fees and then it's all over. Hah! In fact, now that i think about it, it would go like this: Bra returns to her universe, goes to capsule corp. Bulma asks "Did ya win?" = Bra kills everyone. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1890
Ven 28 Május 2021
The Big Gete Star was saying:
Hey, at least Pan's holding a grudge. That's something.

It sure is more than i ever expected. We'll just have to see if the next page will change that in a hurry.
DB Multiverse page 1890
Ven 27 Május 2021
ZenBuu was saying:

U19 are soldiers and they have honor, Bra not really. Also I think that they live a completly different life than U16. Bra always acts proud and cocky, but I can imagine thats only natural, considering Vegito is her father and Bulma her mother. She is one of the strongest beings in her universe and struggles to control this huge power, while still being a child/teenager!

To be perfectly explicit, Bra is a narcissistic psychopath. How does her age or upbringing have anything to do with that, especially since (why do you people always act like no one else exists and that Vegito raised her alone?) Vegito and Bulma were not even close to the only people who she was raised by and lived with. You might feel compelled, again, to say "We don't know what happened". Yeah, so i guess the writer failed horribly in trying to tell a story. All we know from her childhood is that she tried to, and eventually did kill everyone because her fee fees were hurt. And people call Broly bad.

The writer didn't even do a proper job of doing the usual lazy writer thing which goes hand in hand with a female villain: the pathetic attempt at trying to garner sympathy with a sob story. The worst that happened to Bra was Vegito threatening to kill her if she kills everyone again. Oh, the humanity!
DB Multiverse page 1889
Ven 26 Május 2021
ZenBuu was saying:

We can agree that something is super strange about him, knowing the background of U1 and how radical they handled the threats in their universe.

Radical? Perhaps compared to the actions (or more accurately, inaction) of the kais in other universes, but there is nothing radical in preserving the status quo. Which makes this behaviour even strangers.

Hopefully at least millenias old immortal being can do some better planning than fight crazed sado/masochists. Which is to say, i hope he isn't just a puppet for some big bad and that there is some actual purpose behind all this.
DB Multiverse page 1888
Ven 25 Május 2021
Darkstar was saying:

He still has his 1st encounter victory over the idiot so called hero.

Well, "idiot" is basically synonymous with "hero" to japanese writers.
DB Multiverse page 1888
Ven 24 Május 2021
South Kaioshin should smack Great (or whatever you call it) Kaioshin upside the head and call him a dummy.
DB Multiverse page 1888
Ven 22 Május 2021
Darkstar was saying:

Also , same here, I would rather like some more pages of reactions especially of bra that how she talks with gohan and asks Big green some new training clothes for herself , considering she's in rags right now and how she literally saiyabamaned piccolo.

Also vegito lamenting his powerlessness against gast and zen buu.

And yeah few words from phipsil and co. She probably damaged bra more than anyone else by using carbonite .

For Bra, how exactly would the "i'm totally sorry i felt ABSOLUTE ELATION AND EXUBERANCE WHEN I BRUTALLY MASSACRED ALL OF YOU" go? It could be nice, but since it seems unlikely that anyone is going to have a logical reaction to any of this, why bother? It'd just be a joke and nobody would be laughing. Oh wait, they all laugh shoulder to shoulder like the best of friends after killing each other as we can see on the page here...? Oh, ok.
DB Multiverse page 1887
Ven 21 Május 2021
misi was saying:
Ok, this could only be even more cringe if the characters actually looked at US while talking about how we aaaaall need to forgive Bra- I mean all the majinised characters. Laughable.

According to some, you should be grateful that this even exists. This story is what low standards get for them. Good thing the self-proclaimed gods have the civilians best intrests at heart, right? Hah!
DB Multiverse page 1887
Ven 21 Május 2021
misi was saying:
Ven was saying: The real questions is: since it's Cold's body, what does it matter if you specify that it's actually Ginyu? We all know that already.

I was clearly not talking to people who realise that, like yourself, but that's ok. There are some people above who were wondering.

Uhh, how could anyone fail to realize that? Either they haven't read it, or...Well, i got nothing else.
DB Multiverse page 1886
Ven 21 Május 2021
misi was saying:
I don't see how any of you could think it is actually Cold. Buu restored everything, sure, but it was Ginyu who came to this tournament in Cold's body from the get-go. And think (Mark, think!) If this was the REAL Cold, wouldn't he be super confused, not knowing what's going on, where he is or who all these people are? I think it's pretty obvious.

The real questions is: since it's Cold's body, what does it matter if you specify that it's actually Ginyu? We all know that already.

Awarrior15 was saying:
imagine if goku is hiding his god ki so his power level would match the other universes, and then when broly tries to kill everyone or buu decides to absorb everyone goku and vegeta uses god ki with super saiyan god and just already becomes the strongest in the tournament

You're joking, right? 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1886
Ven 20 Május 2021
You know, Cold is the perfect example of how any of this could possibly be hand-waved away. You weren't in control? Either you were too weak to resist or you didn't even try. Either way, the wannabe "gods" shouldn't take the chance of it happening again. But i'm sure they will.

And Goku as a perfect example of how nobody cares since it dragged on too long already.
DB Multiverse page 1886
Ven 17 Május 2021
Matrixkid was saying:

Finally, Bra vs Ghast: Bra. Yeah Ghast is super strong and he has that "Shut off your powers" technique, but I believe Bra's stronger than him in SSJ2, which she can now control, and I'm guessing either Ghast won't use his "Power shut off" technique either out of respect for a clean fight, or because of some draw back. Maybe he can't do anything while using that technique. Still, it'll probably be a somewhat close fight anyway, especially since Ghast has regenerative abilities.

There is only one good way that fight can go: Gast has demonstrated a preternatural ability to know a person, so he REALLY should use that to teach Bra humility. And yes, he should win to drive the point home (and to remove Bra from the tournament). That's the most one can hope for Bra to grow as a character at this point, since the only other way is that she just gets a new personality from nowhere. Probably wins at that point to boot. Boot us all in the head out of spite. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1885
Ven 17 Május 2021
Madara was saying:
finally broly's chapters are done. Honestly they were awful. The whole strory didn't make sense. First how's that nobody have felt his energy on his way back to Earth if he's so strong?? Secondly, Buu could have defeated him easily with multiple ways: he could have changed him to a candy, absorbing him or just finish him with the 1000 diffrent attacks he knows.Also he could teleported him with just a part of his body because one of Buu's magic is dividning himself. Lastly Broly surviving black hole is foolish even by DBM standards. Honestly DBM became some foolish Sci-fi story. And worst of all the last 2 chapters were futile, they were so slow (the whole first one was just about Broly's back to Earth) and in the end, we still don't know how he ended up in the ice so probably there will be another chapter in this storyline.
It makes me suspect the authors are dragging this purposely. Why? I thought they don't make money from this.

All of these point can be answerd with "plot convenience". They lost because they were destined to lose and that's all there is to it. Foolish? Indeed, but it's a story about Broly, so it is what it is.
DB Multiverse page 1885
Ven 16 Május 2021
Tombobreaker was saying:

Then Gast vs LOL Bra wins

I'm sure what you meant to say is "Bra powers up, Gast waves his hand. Bra falls face first to the ground and stays there for 30 seconds. Gast wins."

Only reason that wouldn't happen is that the writer pulls an excuse out of their backside. Everyone except U18 is ludicrously OP. Which is to say, they don't stand a chance unless they get the same treatment, or the kais decide to conveniently change the rules to ban magic or something.
DB Multiverse page 1885
Ven 15 Május 2021
Dicax was saying:
Let me see if I have this correct- this Broly tanked a super massive black hole, lived to keep getting stronger, went on to destroy the universe, and on page 185 is getting beat up by SS1 Vegetto? How U20 Broly survived really needed a more clever, less MY POWER IS MAXIMUM, explanation.

Yeah, but "clever" is basically anathema to Dragon Ball writers.

Anyway, this special can be summed up with: Ugh...
DB Multiverse page 1884
Ven 11 Május 2021
Justanotherturtle was saying:
He can survive a black hole, but he can't survive Carbonite? How does that work?

Plot convenience.

Anyway, i'll just guess that Broly powers up and explodes the black hole (Sheesh...) and that causes the destruction of the entire universe.
DB Multiverse page 1882
Ven 9 Május 2021

Hey, if this special was filled with gratuitous violence, i could have ignored all the idiocy and focused on the good stuff. Too bad someone decided to try something different for Broly special of all specials. I mean come one.

Super Gojita 3 was saying:

in my opinion, movies are even less relevant. movie 8 brolly doesn't even have the possibility to exist for example in dbs because brolly was retconned to be completely different.

With the magic of different timelines/universes/planes of existence, anything is possible. Of course, that means that there is no consistency, but i haven't seen many writers who give a fuck about that. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1881
Ven 3 Május 2021
I'll just say one thing: If it turns out that this explosion doesn't just destroy Earth, but the entire universe, and that's why Broly is frozen because he got knocked unconscious by his own attack... Lame is all i can say.

How long is this special going to go on anyway?
DB Multiverse page 1879
Ven 29 április 2021
So Buu would have really died without help? Ugh...

Welp, it can't be that bad when all the pages are out and i can just skim past them quickly. I hope this is the last of Broly. Of course there's still Bra afterwards...
DB Multiverse page 1877
Ven 28 április 2021
Mr_Solid was saying:
I'm a little afraid it's going this way, however this Buu thing really makes the whole piece more interesting and unique.

Buu could have made it more interesting. Instead it seems that we got "Yay! Now im stronger, smarter, got a bunch of techiques and all the experience and knowledge of all these fighters! I'm sure to win! Tada!!...oh, it seems i pissed off Broly. I'm going to die!!" Boom.
DB Multiverse page 1876
Ven 26 április 2021
Serigof2 was saying:

Broly as presented in the movie and from then on is just "the Evil Saiyan", not traumatized, not hurt, not broken because of what happened to him, but because he is the Evil Saiyan.

Broly is not "the evil Saiyan", everyone else is just a humanized Saiyan. Makes you wonder why even bother with the pretence of different species. Saiyans are basically just a more fitting version of humanity who evolved to survive in a universe filled with creatures who have super powers. Why the humans are also there is a mystery. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1876
Ven 26 április 2021
Turbocharger was saying:

The art is great though. Overall I think the general tone of this special has been fantastic.

I'm wondering why this needs to be repeated on every page. I'm sure it's appreciated, but i'm also sure the message has been received.

Turbocharger was saying:

What I said in a previous comment still holds true: we NEED more of why Broli. He's out of the narrative and has been for years. This story has no new insight to his character other than "I killed them all! Muahhaha!" Which was a mini-comic made years ago.

But that's the thing. For DBM Broly, there is no motivation beyond killing and destroying eveything in sight. I'm sure we can all agree that it isn't much of a fight, so no need to drag it on any longer than necessary.

Also, what new insight would you want? I don't think any writer is going to make anything a little more complex than just your average sob story. Cue supers version of Broly with his wittle fee fees and the good ol' humanizing. Ugh... 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1876
Ven 25 április 2021
Ma Jr was saying:
Art is fantastic, but the writting...I mean...this is fanmade and all, but...come on...

One can hope Buu is faking it (for whatever reason). Still, if nobody can cause Broly any distress at all, might as well end this farce.
DB Multiverse page 1876
Ven 25 április 2021
Blaze was saying:
This special has made me think of something. Why didn't Kibitoshin consider teleporting Buu to a black hole? They would both die, sure. But as a last resort it would definitely be worth it.

The answer seems to be that compared to the other universes, the people at universe 20 were stupid and utterly incompetent. Which begs the question: how did they survive this long? 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1875
Ven 24 április 2021
MUI was saying:

Piccolo: Maybe the only one that would go for the kill. A big maybe because he let Frieza achieve his thirth form and let Cell escape.

It's sad that Imperfect Cell was the best strategist in DBZ.
DB Multiverse page 1875
Ven 24 április 2021
Remember when Vegeta commited suicide in an attempt to kill fat Buu? Yeah, if this works now, i wonder how.

thebritwriter was saying:
ptWolv022 was saying:
I actually agree with Deepfreeze (shocking, I know, what their comment being one agreeing with my own comment), because Broly is without his biggest weakness. That's not to say he's "overcome it", per say, as much as it has been... "rendered moot". Broly still delights in causing pain and misery, but he no longer seems to be finding joy in this fight...

Your perspective on it is sound, I actually don't have much to answer back on but do agree that it can be considered broly made his rage into a greater strength by channelling it into a more unforgiving manner by no longer seeing 'joy' in the fight. I do still think there need to be more pages to it though.

That might be beliveable...if not for what happened at the tournament and Broly character in general. A madman wouldn't get more focused, instead he would just lash out in rage since his opponent refuses to suffer and die. Solution? Hit really hard. Here we are, although Broly's face doesn't reflect foaming at the mouth with all consuming rage.

The only truly stupid thing (in this instance, ignoring Broly's existance for a moment and the nature of his OP power) was the good ol' "WHAT?!?" from the opponent who, for no apparent reason, is surprised that their opponent is attacking. Broly doesn't even have techniques that might elicit such a reaction, so what the hell? Dodge, dummy.
DB Multiverse page 1875
Ven 22 április 2021
Chrispower110 was saying:
Gohan genius does come in handy.

Knowing things doesn't make you a genius.

iron leaf was saying:

Looking back, magic only worked without any issues on 'weaker' characters.

Yeah, excatly like Vegito keeling over thanks to Gast. Oh wait... 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1874
Ven 19 április 2021
ptWolv022 was saying:

2) In fairness to the writing, it's not Goku, Gotenks, Gohan, Piccolo, or Vegeta in control. It's Buu. Buu mixed with all those people, yes, but still Buu. He has all the hubris of Vegeta, the playfulness of Goku, and the arrogant annoyingness of Gotenks. And while Gotenks at the moment may have been angery boi, he's still Gotenks, and the one in control is still Buu. Good Buu/Mr. Buu, at that, the dumb plaful innocent one who likes doggy, sleeping, and occasionally helping Mr. Satan rig a highly commercialized version of an ancient festival, thereby allowing Mr. Satan to continue being the world's most famous man and massively wealthy.

I missed this since i didn't read farther, but anyway, it's funny and sad yet appropriate that you don't even mention Piccolo(in any meaningful way). He was the first to get absorbed and i'm sure the reason he suggested it was to improve the intelligence of Buu. Now? Like in your post, it's like he never even existed. Namekians, only around to make the dragon appear.
DB Multiverse page 1873
Ven 19 április 2021
ptWolv022 was saying:
A lot of people are upset about this, which... fair, but also:

1) You don't have to read this, you know? I see a lot of negative comments, and I somewhat have to wonder why they have even gone to the trouble of making an account if they are going to make a one sentence comment (at least the guy who said he made an account to post a comment put effort into it. Props to him, though I disagree with their comment, personally). And, it's not even just the comic, you can always just... skip this chapter. If you don't like it, just come back and skim it when it's done or don't even look at it at all.

I made my account because Bra was getting REALLY tiresome and i wanted to let the writer know it. Why read it? Who knows, but that's up to me. Maybe i just can't get over how Bra sucked balls which makes it feel like everything took a turn for the worse?
DB Multiverse page 1873
Ven 17 április 2021
Tulot_Trouble was saying:

Honestly that's worst part about the comment section. Everyone thinks these characters have all the meta knowledge we do. These last few panels have all been in the span of a few seconds so a true plan hasn't been brewed up.

Before they were absorbed by Buu they already had a plan: send Broly into the sun. Not like there is any other option, except to use OP magic.
DB Multiverse page 1872
Ven 16 április 2021
StardustHoopa was saying:
All I'm thinking about is the Kais, what are they doing at a time like this? Genuinely. Kibito Kai could've teleported to Buu and let him absorb him, get that little extra power or even then, he could go to Namek and get the Dragon Balls to wish everyone back whenever Broly goes kamikaze. I know that it's selfish but even, Buu could teleport to Elder Kai and unlock his potential while Broly does his thing for 24 hours. :/

King Kai is connected to them telepathically and makes gasping in surprise/horror/astonisment sounds while Kibito Kai and Old Kai do their very best to ignore him.

DB Multiverse page 1872
Ven 15 április 2021
Boscha196 was saying:
Eh, I don't think it is that unreasonable for this version of Buu to be trying this in DBM.

I mean look at Vegetto. He thinks magic is stupid and just cheating. Goku and Vegeta are in this Buu too.

It's basically the mental makeup of Buu being very frustrated that even though he is way stronger he can't hurt Broly. Gotenks would contribute to this too. Gohan is also cocky when he is over powered.

Piccolo might be a voice of reason but he is being out played.

You guys don't have to like it but that is what is going down here. Buu thinks he is strong enough to over power Broly and is frustrated that he is not.

Since they all knew that Broly is invulnerable, Buu also knows that Broly is invulnerable. There wouldn't be any reason to even try punching him. You can hand-wave it all you want, it's still just plain dumb. Still, at least it simplifies thing: Universe 20 ended because the hero is a moron.

Also, if you want to go down that road, since they were ALL scared shitless of Broly, especially Goku, they'd forget fighting to end him as quickly and efficiently as possible. Unless the writer decided to make them all stupid, of course.
DB Multiverse page 1871
Ven 14 április 2021
ShadyDoorags was saying:
Why are people saying the kick is poorly drawn? Pretty sure it's drawn that way intentionally to represent Buu's limbs stretching.

Maybe people are just wondering why he didn't save the stretchy limbs as a surprise for later?
DB Multiverse page 1870
Ven 12 április 2021
cammy was saying:
Doesn't buu have virtually unlimited stamina and regeneration? We never even got a "Destroy the last cell" plot point like with Cell iirc, for all we know he can come back from complete erasure because he's magic.

I'm pretty sure when kid Buu fought fat Buu, Vegeta pointed out how fat Buu was getting tired/getting damaged or something. Considering the random gas reforming, one would think Buu is immortal, but that would be as stupid as invulnerable Broly.
DB Multiverse page 1870
Ven 12 április 2021
Turbocharger was saying:
When I say Buu is fighting more intelligently, I'm saying that he's utilizing teleportation to catch Broly off guard and aiming for weak spots. That is all.

Punching/kicking Broly is an exercise in futility regardless though.
DB Multiverse page 1870
Ven 11 április 2021
Turbocharger was saying:
Based on first impressions, Buu seems to be fighting more intelligently. Definitely got that Goku and Piccolo in him.

Heh, yeah, since hitting Broly until he dies has worked so well in the past. Goku? Obviously. Piccolo? He had a plan, they executed it and now he's gone again. Intelligence is useless in that sense too, since it can just escape them at the most inopportune moment. Unless he has a secret plan, coulda just flown to the sun if suicide was the "plan".
DB Multiverse page 1870
Ven 11 április 2021
Also, the title? I guess you could technically call this an "alliance" but you shouldn't, especially since they didn't all consented to it. Least of all Gotenks. Go back a page and look at that face twisted in horror. He knows there is no other option, but he still doesn't want to get absorbed, which i suppose is true for Goku and Vegeta as well. What a sad way for a warrior to go, trapped in the mass that is Buu.
DB Multiverse page 1869
Ven 11 április 2021
sagebluedb was saying:
MUI was saying: Now that I see this Ultra Buu... Why the heck didn't the Piccolos from U16 and U18 think about it when they were fighting Majin Bra? Buu with Cell and 2 Gohans and the armor of Heliors could give a hell of a challenge to SSJ2 Bra.

As others said. Bra would just slice n dice one easy target. And then there is the fact that particular Buu was still following Babadi so no guarantee everyone would get released.

If Piccolo and Piccolo used Namekian fusion, they would have been more useful. But of course, they're not Gast, so that's not allowed. One less target for Bra? As if that would've changed anything. Dead is dead regardless.

As we all know, if you don't have enough power, you're useless. Except when you're not, but that's all just random BS, like Cold's end at the hands of Piccolo's special beam cannon. A conclusion quite unlike all the attempts to surprise Bra. Of course, Cold didn't have his pockets full of senzu beans. In fact, he has no pockets!
DB Multiverse page 1869
Ven 10 április 2021
Rogeru was saying:
newhinhin was saying: Why would Buu still use hand-to-hand combat? He got Piccolo's intellegent right? He should just use magic or absorb

too many saiyans inside

Not to mention Piccolo's past. "Every time i try to use my head, i fail. This has alway worked before, so..." SUCKER PUNCH!
DB Multiverse page 1869
Ven 9 április 2021
Vash was saying:
Broly can't kill Buu even if he overpowers him. Buu can just regenerate forever. Only the damage from a Majin can drain the energy of another Majin. The worst-case scenario is that Buu gets beaten up badly like when Buuhan vs. Vegito. But he simply can't die unless Broly pulls a hax technique out of his own @ss.

It's not forever though. Like most things, it doesn't make sense, but eventually the blob of play-doh will get tired(somehow), "eventually" being whenever it's required for the story, and then he won't be able to regenerate anymore. I don't know where you pulled this "draining" from.

Of course, there's always the magical "you can't damage m...Oh, i guess you can with an anti-Buu techinque or whatever".
DB Multiverse page 1868
Ven 8 április 2021
Oh, yeah. That little internal dialogue forgot the most important part: "For the chance to punch Broly on the jaw"

Hmm... Although considering what Broly did, maybe a more apporpiate version would be "For the chance to sock Broly right in the eye!"
DB Multiverse page 1868
Ven 7 április 2021
Hah! If you compare that face to Zen Buu, it's like a child trapped in an adult body.
DB Multiverse page 1868
Ven 7 április 2021
Beat-kun was saying:
Ven was saying: brolyfanboyxx999 was saying: Mr Quill was saying: Did all of you forget? ABSORPTIONS DONT STACK.

yeah they do, it's just that the strongest being is represented through the physical appearance of buu

Is that so? Then explain fat Buu.
if it isnt explain why Buutenks said the strength of gotenks AND The intelligence of piccolo?

Look at the events that lead to the birth of fat Buu and you'll have all the answers you need. It doesn't make sense that it would work like that, considering what happened. I mean, it would make more sense but it is what it is.
DB Multiverse page 1867
Ven 7 április 2021
brolyfanboyxx999 was saying:
Mr Quill was saying: Did all of you forget? ABSORPTIONS DONT STACK.

yeah they do, it's just that the strongest being is represented through the physical appearance of buu

Is that so? Then explain fat Buu. 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1867
Ven 5 április 2021
ssjlucario was saying:
This should put him on a level higher than Base Vegito, it's unfathomable how Broly even beats an opponent that is not only stronger than him but has plenty of tricks and with Piccolo damn near unstoppable regeneration.

How would Piccolo's downgrade of Buu's regeneration help? Buu version is unstoppable, Namekian version is weaker and more limited, except Gast's magically enhanced version. Whether it's magic or just 'cause, who knows. I guess it must be like everything else in Dragon Ball: The stronger you are, the better it gets, where it = everything.
DB Multiverse page 1867
Ven 5 április 2021
Zen Buu was saying:
So, how exactly does my beta version lose?

Look, maybe this is a stupid question but i gotta ask: is your pfp about Buu eating popcorn or Buu eating Chiaotzu's brains? The picture is unclear.
DB Multiverse page 1867
Ven 3 április 2021
Dismaned was saying:
can't wait for vegeta to well.. pull a vegeta. or maybe even gotenks and his childish attuide


Personally, i'd settle for just Goku being brutally murdered.
DB Multiverse page 1866
Ven 3 április 2021
Shabby was saying:
vwishmwahuul was saying: Bus’s powers may be unique but Raichi couldn’t control ghost Broly. What if. Broly can’t be fully absorbed? Or we get to see a repeat of the incredible fighting candy episode? Not sure what will work outside of Buujiren

Any form of Buu achievable here, except maybe with Vegito absorbed, couldn't 'contain' Broly here. His wrath would become the dominant personality. Absorbing Broly bad. Absorbing everyone else, good.

Look at that face and tell me how it brings to your mind the word "wrath".

Anyway, like everything else, there is no consistency in how Buu's body/mind changes depending on who he absorbed. One would expect the most advanced body/mind combination would be how it works, but then we see the fat moron who isn't the pinnacle of anything except being fat and dumb. Like everything else, it just works when it works without any rhyme or reason.
DB Multiverse page 1866
Ven 2 április 2021
Turbocharger was saying:
I wonder how much longer Goku can sustain SSJ3, given the way that the form works in DBM.

It last as long as the scene requires it to last.

Kurisu was saying:
I find it kind of silly that gohan goes from completely shocked about broly to all happy that piccolo is here, like what is piccolo gonna do??

He's happy that they'll all die together?
DB Multiverse page 1866
Ven 30 Március 2021
Serigof2 was saying:
Ven was saying: Burglekutt was saying: Kinvesu was saying: I am incredibly grateful for this website and what the authors do by creating more story and stuff but, A lot of this stuff is very hard to swallow and imagine. The power scaling on some of these characters in these universes are so far fetched, you aren't able to believe it, no matter how much you try and justify it. How is broly this strong by doing nothing by flying around killing weak people in the universe? Broly has always been a cool character with a terrible power/power scaling. No amount of anger should let you bypass decades of actual training and hardship. He should never have been able to surpass SSJ much less Ultimate Gohan or SSJ3 Goku. Come on now.

It also flies in the face of the original premise of dragonball. That hard work, along with some natural talent, can supersede anything. But, to be fair, Z breaks that tradition a lot more as the saga goes on.

There isn't much consistency in Dragon Ball. Actually, i don't think there is any, except Goku saving everyone and everything. A "trope" only broken once so Gohan, his son, can have his single moment of glory. We all know what happened to him afterwards.

I can tell you've pretty much only absorbed the english dub that makes out Goku to be Superman-esque if you think that.
Goku couldn't even beat Vegeta on his own.
Goku couldn't beat Freeza even with the Spirit Bomb until Super Saiyan and got his ass whooped by Ginyu.
Everyone except Goku held off Cell until the tournament when Gohan did him in.
Goku wouldn't have beaten Buu without a Spirit Bomb, and even that wouldn't have been possible without Vegeta holding him off and Satan getting the humans to give him their energy.

It only got worse when Super started airing, and even then, Trunks was the one who offed Zamasu and Jiren needed Goku, Freeza, AND 17 to beat.

If any little thing the writer gives other characters to nudge the story to the ending to make them seem less than decorations is enough for you, that's your business. Like in super, nobody else got ultra incest to make them transcend to a new level, and Goku's inability to control it was, yes, just to give the other characters a purpose other than just being there to root for Goku. Spirit bomb is the pinnacle of others doing nothing to help Goku win.

This is pointless of course. Someone might enjoy endlessly arguing in circles, but i sure don't. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1864
Ven 30 Március 2021
Burglekutt was saying:
Kinvesu was saying: I am incredibly grateful for this website and what the authors do by creating more story and stuff but, A lot of this stuff is very hard to swallow and imagine. The power scaling on some of these characters in these universes are so far fetched, you aren't able to believe it, no matter how much you try and justify it. How is broly this strong by doing nothing by flying around killing weak people in the universe? Broly has always been a cool character with a terrible power/power scaling. No amount of anger should let you bypass decades of actual training and hardship. He should never have been able to surpass SSJ much less Ultimate Gohan or SSJ3 Goku. Come on now.

It also flies in the face of the original premise of dragonball. That hard work, along with some natural talent, can supersede anything. But, to be fair, Z breaks that tradition a lot more as the saga goes on.

There isn't much consistency in Dragon Ball. Actually, i don't think there is any, except Goku saving everyone and everything. A "trope" only broken once so Gohan, his son, can have his single moment of glory. We all know what happened to him afterwards. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1864
Ven 29 Március 2021
WizRad was saying:
"Broly loses to Goku in one punch -gasp- then reveals that he's secretly half Namekian on his mother's side (Paragus you dirty dog), so he can regenerate and zenkai indefinitely! Also Gero found his unconscious body and made him Android 1000, what a twist!" Do not, I repeat, DO NOT do that.

Remember when Broly got cloned as a goop monster? Yeah. I'm sure many didn't expected there to be anything much to this story, but come on. If the heros can't do anything, it's pretty dull. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1864
Ven 29 Március 2021
Michelrpg was saying:
Now, commence the gore. Let Broly have his fun.

I agree wholeheartedly.
DB Multiverse page 1864
Ven 28 Március 2021
bigdeano89 was saying:
RockyJoe was saying: C'mon Vegeta, you can't say fuck. This is a Shonen Jump manga. Gotta tone down the language, DBZ ain't R-Rated, despite how bad the fanbase wishes it was.

Not sure if you're trolling, but unwatered down DBZ is quite mature, both in its language and with blood etc.

Considering the past of DBM, it's probably sarcasm. Unless they think violent murder and gallons of blood is child friendly compared to Vegeta saying "fuck".
DB Multiverse page 1863
Ven 27 Március 2021
BobCros was saying:
Ven was saying: imzy was saying: I wonder what broly is doing that is making goku tremble in fear

Obviously getting a power-up. What else could it be?
1: Gotenks Unfusing
2: Broly Getting even stronger
3: Broly already being back on earth with his incredible speed
4: Vegeta kills himself (Cause why not)

Number 2 is what i meant, which you might be aware of already, but whatever. Considering he's looking up at Broly, Gotenks defusing seems unlikely. I guess we'll see.
DB Multiverse page 1863
Ven 27 Március 2021
imzy was saying:
I wonder what broly is doing that is making goku tremble in fear

Obviously getting a power-up. What else could it be? 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1863
Ven 27 Március 2021
MysticVegito was saying:
Wth is with Vegeta's dialogue? He sounds like some random dude who lost a pvp battleground in mmo or smth :D

If that's true, then it's appropriate. Ever competitive that one.
DB Multiverse page 1863
Ven 26 Március 2021

He might be an unreasonable dick, but in this case he's right. Although as the writer has made abundantly clear, they should just kneel and accept death already. I mean, look at ever reliable Goku pissing himself once again. Sheesh...
DB Multiverse page 1863
Ven 26 Március 2021
Xman321 was saying:
I AM a bit worried though. No killing's been done yet, and this chapter almost seems to be over. There's a lot left to cover.

Heh, yeah. All of humanity and every creature on planet earth are of course not worth mentioning. (I agree, i just though it was funny.)
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1862
Ven 25 Március 2021
YardratVegeta was saying:

Broly is what frieza would call “just a mindless beast” so if one day he walks through a Kamehameha and the next it pushes him into the sun wtf can you do about it!!!?? He’s an idiot just Supa strong

Like always in poor writing: Plot requires them to do the thing? They do it and survive. Plot requires them to receive brain damage at the most inopportune moment? They don't do the thing and die. Kinda like all the times they stop and look shocked instead of dodging.
DB Multiverse page 1862
Ven 25 Március 2021
psyxypher was saying:
Shabby was saying: I want full on fighting. This plan is dumb :/

It's dumb, but what works, works.

When it fails, they'll be...Well, where they were before, doomed.
DB Multiverse page 1862
Ven 24 Március 2021
YardratVegeta was saying:
Or I guess snaps back to reality and is teleported to his planet to cool off

Heh, "cool off". That's one word for turning into an ice cube in the coldness of space.
DB Multiverse page 1861
Ven 23 Március 2021
Captain Carbonite was saying:
Ven was saying: m

No, Broly had plot armor in movies until deus ex machina saved the day. Especially in the first movie. So dumb...
You’re criticising the source material when all I am doing is explaining why he is so strong in this comic? The problem people had in the comment section was not that he always had plot armour , but more why he is so strong now?( in multiverse) but I guess you’re proving my point... he has always been ridiculous , and so people complaining about his power now are dumb.

Yeah, we all know it's been dumb from the get go. It doesn't make it any better when someone decides to turn it up to eleven and it sure as hell doesn't get better over time by adding more of the same. I guess consistency could be something to be thankful for, but not in this case.
DB Multiverse page 1861
Ven 23 Március 2021
DBZFan92 was saying:
CarrotCake was saying: It's kinda sad how Vegeta got relegated to a mild annoyance/distraction, with Goku, Gohan, Gotenks and Buu, all being monumentally stronger. Pretty standard for Dragonball though, with Piccolo, the androids and all the human characters ending up quickly outclassed throughout the series to the point that they barely matter anymore.

I definitely would not say they are all "monumentally" stronger (except Gohan and Gotenks). IIRC, in the novel, U18 Vegeta trains to the point where he could defeat Kid Buu (I think while using SS2 even, and not the more powerful form it's been implied he now has). Idk how much of the novel is congruent with the main comic, or if that part specifically is.... but I'd like to think that part is at least.

If there are new transformations, all i can say is: UGH! 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1861
Ven 23 Március 2021
Captain Carbonite was saying:
Brolys power was established early on guys. It multiplies over time in the multiverse comic, and in the movie he was completely tanking every attack 4 cell saga super saiyans threw at him like they were nothing.. he was bested by plot armour every time.
He never looks phased by any attack til the movie needs to end.
Once you’ve added the multiverse multiplier then it’s not hard to believe he is keeping up.. especially as he is getting gains DURING this fight itself... he goes on to be merely pushed away by a super saiyan 3 Vegito using his finisher.. not killed.

No, Broly had plot armor in movies until deus ex machina saved the day. Especially in the first movie. So dumb...
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1861
Ven 23 Március 2021
i_slap_hoes was saying:
Lexenar was saying: i_slap_hoes was saying: Why would Broly want a downgrade from the legendary form? That's dumb.
A downgrade? I mean he can transform into LSSJ3 his regular LSSJ is only stronger than regular SSJ it is not above SSJ2 or SSJ3

Not in DBM. In DBM LSSJ is the most powerful transformation, since it grants him infinite power growth
Full on Clown Mode

Indeed, but you need to take that up with the writer.
DB Multiverse page 1861
Ven 22 Március 2021
i_slap_hoes was saying:
Alright this is where fanfiction becomes as bad as the actual dragon ball. If Broly had a new Form or at least SSJ3 i would have no problem the fact they ruined what made broly cool sucks

Why would Broly want a downgrade from the legendary form? That's dumb.
DB Multiverse page 1861
Ven 21 Március 2021
UMW was saying:
I understand Broly has to win here, but all I hope is that this doesn't turn out like the Majin Bra fight where our heroes come up with "brilliant" strategies (not really) that end up just being tanked or otherwise shrugged off. Like this, this was a good call back. This was a somewhat clever maneuver. At least let it HURT Broly some. Maintain some of the drama.

It's true that it remains to be seen if any of this amounts to anything but i'm not holding my breath. When you can't damage your opponent, there really isn't much suspense. Invincibility was a bad idea.

Rogeru was saying:
Whoever fights is not dead!!!

1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1861
Ven 21 Március 2021
Tombobreaker was saying:
Man I know that DBM kinda did their own thing with Broly and made his power unlimited like the Hulk he just needs to get angry enough to get there, but Mystic Gohan, SSJ3 Goku, SSJ3 Gotenks, and SSJ2 Vegeta should be able to stomp his ass out easily, like story made sense that it was a sneak attack on Earth and they got caught off guard but too many power houses survived unscathed to get bodied like this.

If Broly got stronger only when he's fighting, it wouldn't be so bad, but it actually works as long as he exists. So all he would need to do to win every time would be to run away, hide and wait till he gets strong enough. Of course he's too brain damaged by all the power ups to think, so hitting hard is the only thing hes got. Kinda like Goku and his gang of morons.
DB Multiverse page 1860
Ven 20 Március 2021
Rogeru was saying:
Could it be that nothing stopping Super Broly? O_O

I trust that you will make the killing spree glorious.
DB Multiverse page 1860
Ven 19 Március 2021
Boscha196 was saying:
ap2007 was saying: So does he direct the blast toward vegeta or gotenks next ????

Makes sense goku was ssj3 in this story when he helped remove broly not just ssj .... so right now it's a stronger gohan and ssj3 gokubut missing the power of ssj2 vegeta ... so even tho they are stronger its not as drastic a difference because a complete powered ssj2 isnt in the equation

Wasn't Vegeta only regular SS in that attack and it was a big controversy? Also...Goku might only be a little stronger but Gohan is so much stronger it is not even funny. Last special we saw Gohan completely tank a Big Bang Attack from a SS2 Vegeta that was stronger than SS2 Goku. That SS2 Vegeta alone would be quite a bit more powerful than the SS2 Gohan in the triple attack.

I'm surprised Broly is taking this Father Son Kamehameha so easily... I mean technically he is straining, that is why his veins are popping, but not enough to start screaming or even use two hands. So either I was wrong earlier and he was way above Gohan the whole time or enough time passed between before the Piccolo and Buu page to the Gotenks vs Broly page that Broly is way stronger than he was then. The pacing of this special makes it hard to tell.

It is hard for me to believe that Broly would be above Ultimate Gohan on appearance unless he has already been in the LSS form for quite awhile before arriving, which is possible but this special is not really giving us any indication of that.

Hey, Broly's veins are always "popping".
DB Multiverse page 1860
Ven 19 Március 2021
Darkstar was saying:

Other than that, it seems like bra's arc is almost over. Now we will probably move on to vegito villain arc.

One can hope that it's going to be anything but Bra, but i'm sure you can see why people doubt that. Vegito as villain = Only Bra can save us!
2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1859
Ven 18 Március 2021
DBZFan92 was saying:
Lol at all the people who just KNEW Vegeta was going to die this page. Honesty though, can't blame them. Cool to see him strategizing properly.

Yes, but it will be all for naught. I wonder how Piccolo's plan fails after this?

SawnMC was saying:
This special is awesome. It built the sorrow and now the hype, oh so masterfully. And yet, knowing the outcome makes you wonder... just HOW is it gonna get there?

I'm sorry, but "built the sorrow and the hype"? Broly nuked the planet instantly, almost everyone died, the good guys attacked in fury. Nothing to it.

Zefarg was saying:
DrewSaga was saying: Okay, Vegeta wasn't being as dumb as I thought he was. Also, Father-Son Kamehameha hype!

Zefarg was saying: So it really seems like the prediction/theory someone had on the previous page is coming to fruition...
They are gonna succeed in pushing Broly towards/into the Sun, but he's gonna react quickly enough and blast the shit out of it, creating a Supernova which kills everyone except for Broly, who gets frozen...
If that is really the case, nobody can be mad at the writing of this chapter/portrayal of Broly :)

Yeah, I wouldn't be too mad, besides, we get back to the main story and hopefully we will see less Bra.
I am kinda neutral about Bra and I don't think we will see less of her anytime soon, her next match should be coming up plus the further interactions of her with the Heliors, both Gohans & Piccolos and all the others have yet to happen :)

Prepare to watch as they all laught it off as yet another nice little quirk, causing them all to adore her even more after her "growth".
DB Multiverse page 1859
Ven 17 Március 2021
DrewSaga was saying:

Majin Bra is a bad metric to compare Cell and Gohan with because she easily beat up Cell and 2 Gohans regardless, even against Cell's haxed abilities.

Bra proves that being born gifted trumps an entire existence dedicated to one thing. Of course she's a bad metric.
DB Multiverse page 1858
Ven 16 Március 2021
brolyfanboyxx999 was saying:

Broly's power growing does make sense if you look back at the webcomic's pages and look at the extra info tabs, Broly is really really strong but he does have a few weaknesses that Universe 20 guys can exploit, too bad they might not get the chance.

Broly has only two glaring weaknesses: He's dumb, and he's obsessed with KAKAROT! But considering Vegeta charging at him here, i guess he isn't the only one. Which is to say, universe 20 is too dumb to survive, so Broly is right at home. He'll be where he belongs as a popsicle in space.
DB Multiverse page 1858
Ven 15 Március 2021
Shabby was saying:
Couch Potato was saying: Honestly, my only real issue with DBM is that the scaling for certain characters is wack.

Idk why everyone is bothered by Broly being this powerful. Cell might be this tier and nobody complained about that. Yeah, Broly's gimmick is lazy, but that's Dragonball for you. Strong bad guys with weak foundations, half the time.

Well, since they are all dead men walking, it's all about if they can do anything at all to give Broly a hard time. So far it seems that they are screwed from the get go.
DB Multiverse page 1858
Ven 14 Március 2021
DannyDred was saying:
Nothing here should surprise anyone.

Indeed, so hopefully the next page will be the beginning of the massacre as Vegeta bites the dust.
DB Multiverse page 1858
Ven 14 Március 2021
Turbocharger was saying:
Ven was saying: Turbocharger was saying: Ven was saying: Rogeru was saying: soon we will know what piccolo's plan is! O_O

I hope in the future intelligent, strategic thinking makes a difference. Unlikely, i know, but one can hope.

Cloot was saying: I bet Piccolo is asking Buu absorb him(Piccolo) so he gains his mind for fighting to better fight Broly.

Heh, yeah. Then Broly can prove once again that being intelligent is meaningless. As Vegito said, "pure power can defeat anything".

Vegitos already been proven wrong multiple times in that department. He lost to XXI because of teleportation, Bra beat Ginyu in her base form after she ate a senzu and stopped fooling around, Gast beat Raichi despite not being able to damage Ghost Broly, Majin Bra would have lost her fight if she hadn't eaten Senzus, Gast cucked Vegito in the previous chapter, the Z Fighters stopped King Cold in a previous special despite him being far stronger than Goku, in another special Broly was taken out by Carbonite, and in another special Frieza was taken out by a bunch of Oozaru, etc.

Heck, even in canon, Raditz gets killed by someone just over a third of his strength.

If anything, this story seems to occasionally make fun of Vegito's idealogy. It's played straight sometimes, but it's definetly not always the case.

As he also said "You just need to be a thousand times stronger". If he went full power from the beginning, that magician wouldn't have had time to part his lips before his head exploded. As we see here, Broly is so far above these guys that he'll crush their spirits as easily as their skulls.

Also, Gast pulls deus ex machina when it's required for the plot to go the way the writer wants it to go. What happened to Raichi was pretty much the perfect example: Gast has some uber regeneration where he can come back from disintegration, like Buu. Was it Gurus ass he pulled that out of or what?

And really, since the relevance of power can change randomly without any consistency, it's all pretty much crap. Intelligence however is still meaningless regardless of all that.

The thousand times stronger thing is understandable if it's taken literally. Obviously, outclassing somebody THAT much would make almost anything useless against you, but Vegito was still far stronger even without using his full power and still lost. And pure power couldn't save Broly from Carbonite even with all of the Op qualities that this version of him has at his disposal so far.

Yeah, so they just need to pull a deus ex machina out of their backside or the Z-fighters are all out of luck, and since their gravestones are already set in universe 20, they are. And as Shabby points out below in another nice example:

Shabby was saying:
Sodapopinski was saying: Shabby was saying: Good Buu+Piccolo isn't close to enough. They'll need to absorb the Saiyans as well.

Hopefully Buu will absorb Gotenks and Gogeta or Vegito, since the fusion makes him even stronger. Still, absorbing Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Gotenks (and maybe Uub as a power-unlock) would be great.

I dunno man. Magic isn't like normal power scaling. We saw that just last chapter when Vegetto got put down so easily.

Same with Vegetto's fight with Broly. He could have won at any time with energy weps but chose to go smashmouth with him. Buu should be able to haxx his way to victory.

I mean, Vegito turned into candy and he retained sentience and kicked Buu's bubblegum. I think we can expect the result to be the same. Broly will retain sentience. The alternative is boring.

Dabura was a fraction of Buu's strength and he was the strongest to be turned to candy. Goku dodged it in their final fight, but he might have been strong enough to retain sentience.

You can keep your sentience and your power as a goddamn CANDY if you're strong enough! It just changes without any rhyme or reason. No logic or sense, just random BS that only works when the story requires it, and when it requires for it to not work, well, then it doesn't.

So obviously the solution to magic is to simply get more powerful and equip yourself with some thick plot armor. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1857
Ven 13 Március 2021
Turbocharger was saying:
Ven was saying: Rogeru was saying: soon we will know what piccolo's plan is! O_O

I hope in the future intelligent, strategic thinking makes a difference. Unlikely, i know, but one can hope.

Cloot was saying: I bet Piccolo is asking Buu absorb him(Piccolo) so he gains his mind for fighting to better fight Broly.

Heh, yeah. Then Broly can prove once again that being intelligent is meaningless. As Vegito said, "pure power can defeat anything".

Vegitos already been proven wrong multiple times in that department. He lost to XXI because of teleportation, Bra beat Ginyu in her base form after she ate a senzu and stopped fooling around, Gast beat Raichi despite not being able to damage Ghost Broly, Majin Bra would have lost her fight if she hadn't eaten Senzus, Gast cucked Vegito in the previous chapter, the Z Fighters stopped King Cold in a previous special despite him being far stronger than Goku, in another special Broly was taken out by Carbonite, and in another special Frieza was taken out by a bunch of Oozaru, etc.

Heck, even in canon, Raditz gets killed by someone just over a third of his strength.

If anything, this story seems to occasionally make fun of Vegito's idealogy. It's played straight sometimes, but it's definetly not always the case.

As he also said "You just need to be a thousand times stronger". If he went full power from the beginning, that magician wouldn't have had time to part his lips before his head exploded. As we see here, Broly is so far above these guys that he'll crush their spirits as easily as their skulls.

Also, Gast pulls deus ex machina when it's required for the plot to go the way the writer wants it to go. What happened to Raichi was pretty much the perfect example: Gast has some uber regeneration where he can come back from disintegration, like Buu. Was it Gurus ass he pulled that out of or what?

And really, since the relevance of power can change randomly without any consistency, it's all pretty much crap. Intelligence however is still meaningless regardless of all that. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1857
Ven 13 Március 2021
Rogeru was saying:
soon we will know what piccolo's plan is! O_O

I hope in the future intelligent, strategic thinking makes a difference. Unlikely, i know, but one can hope.

Cloot was saying:
I bet Piccolo is asking Buu absorb him(Piccolo) so he gains his mind for fighting to better fight Broly.

Heh, yeah. Then Broly can prove once again that being intelligent is meaningless. As Vegito said, "pure power can defeat anything". 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1857
Ven 12 Március 2021
I can guess the outcome already: Piccolo tries to use his head! It's not very effective...
DB Multiverse page 1857
Ven 12 Március 2021
UMW was saying:

I extend the same to DBM. DBM hasn't made up any lame new transformations. I think it's done a pretty tasteful job using pre-existing concepts to make unique and fresh feeling new powerful characters and "power boosts. For the most part. (The Frieza turning Goku old thing was a bit lame.)

Except perhaps Frieza and his family, but at least transformations was basically the entire reason for their overwhelming strength, so it isn't too far-fetched. And besides, at least it's someone else than those damn saiyans reaching a "new level" yet again. Too bad they didn't get far regardless. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1856
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